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Spirit Who Kept Me Holding For Some Minutes


Friends this is my second encounter with ghost. This encounter happen when I was Finishing my board exam in 1998. On last the day I finished my last paper, and came to home and was very happy. As we all know we get big relief after board exam. I was completely free and on that day only my friend ask me to come to sleep in their house at night. His house was just near my compound only not so far. I told my mother that I will be going at my friend house to sleep at night, and also my mother gave permission to go.

Whole day I spent playing only, at night time I had my dinner and went to my friend house. My friend was staying with his mother in a big house his father was past away several years ago so they 2 only staying in house. I went several days it was normal, one day I gone late in his house, we had chat late night, and round 1 AM we slept. I was in deep sleep, actually I was sleeping alone on bed and my friend was sleeping on the floor. The bed was attached to the windows, and always I was keeping window open and sleep, cause very nice breeze was coming from outside at night time there was also one canal outside the window just few feet away always water flowing from it.

When I was in my deep sleep, suddenly I open my eyes because it was feeling hard to take to breath, I saw in the watch which was on wall it was 2 o clock, and I was trying to breath very badly, but I couldn't I saw my both hand was on my chest & holded by some one, the light was dim in the room, I was trying move my hand, my body but I couldn't I look at my friend who was sleeping on the floor and try to call his name still today I remember that I was shouting but there was no voice at all again I look at my hands I saw 2 hands was holding my hands & pressing my chest very badly the press was hard that I was unable to inhale air, even not a single voice was coming out of my mouth. I turn my face towards the window I saw one shadow was standing next to me outside the window but his hand was holding my hands & pressing my chest. His face was not clear it was only the shadow I don't know who it was but the hand was dark and having long fingers. The palms & the knuckles of that hand was white the rest was totally black not visible properly. I was helpless at that moment. I was trying to shout but nothing happen. That spirit hold me until few minutes. After few minutes suddenly I got free & I started to inhale easily again. I saw outside there was nothing. I sat down I was full of sweat. I not slept until morning. In the morning when my friend woke up I told him everything what happen, but he told me that may be you was dreaming. I told him its not dream I told you what I saw which I had experienced but he not believed on me. From that day onwards I not gone to his house for sleeping.

What I had experienced on that night was terrible but it was not scary for me, cause from the 1st encounter I had learn a lot. I do believe that such kind spirit exist which we called ghost. But not all spirits are bad, some will harm you & some will not. I don't know what I have in me but until today I have seen lot of unnatural things happening around me and now I became such hard person, that I feel nothing about that its common for me now.

I never tell such thing to everyone, today I got the opportunity to share my story with you all, so I am sharing.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushant, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghostrider24 (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-04)
Hi Sushant

Hope You are doing well! The same incident what you narrated had happened with my friend who was my college mate few years back. So no need to be panic this happens for all particularly men who sleep alone in front of the home Or in upstairs (balcony Or top) whatever may be of their home. It is believed this type of attack is observed when we are becoming a hurdle to their way I mean when they feel You as a disturbance or hindrance of their way they may attack. At that time You have to scold them with bad words you know some spirits like Mohini they are attracted towards younger men same way this spirits can be got rid of uttering bad words... This attack is more common and in fact I had heard from many of experiencing the same thing...

Wishing you great day ahead...
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-01)
Dear Sushant, Nice to read another story of yours. I have head few tales related of ghostly banyan tree and also tamarind trees. In my locality, say few blocks away, there was a banyan tree inside a graveyard. In that graveyard, there are four grave of British soldiers who had laid their lives fighting for the India's independence some where around 1918. After their demise, Some British officers on few occasions had tried to damage their graves out of rage and anger. But they did not succeed in their goal. They were either transferred or killed in accident. People say that it was the act of ghosts of those four soldiers who had taken revenge from the officers who had tried to damage their graves.
Although, I have never experienced anything wired in that banyan tree, but whenever I saw those four graves, I salute those soldiers who had showed courage to stood against their owns and fight for country's independence. Two years ago that tree falls down herself.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-01)
(at) Sushant In that case I'll never go there... Yeah! I am coward 😜 because I know How much this ghost entity can harm you... Currently we are suffering from this.

sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-31)
Hi sheetal,

I have visited so many times because beyond the River is my native place. And I born in Badlapur Only. 😁 😁 😐 But I tell you don't go there specially on new moon day, you will be risking your life. But if you want you can go in day time with some one just for visit another day.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-29)
Hi, Sushant Sure I'll try to find out what is exactly there... Did you personally visit that place?
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-28)
Yes sheetal Its Quite Interesting place, But No one knows the real thing on that place. Only those person knows who have been staying in Badlapur Gaon And Badlapur stn.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-28)
Quite an interesting place... 😉 I know Ulhas river... If I stood their for while then what will happen? 🤔
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-26)
Sheetal yes you need to gather Lots of Guts, cause you will be risking your life by going at that place. Its the most Haunted place. If you know River Ulhas in badlapur. You need to go across the river when you cross the river, you should move towards Badlapur village direction after you cross the river bridge, on right hand side there is one big huge Tamarind tree. That is very very old tree, from my mother teens age. Thats the point its by road side only attached with old graveyard and the river. That's the only location. That tree is 65 years old still the tree is present there.
Today also my mom say when ever you pass the tree never ever stop there. Go as quick as you can.
So are you ready to go there.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-26)
[at] sushant- Sure why not? Please tell me but I think I need to gather guts before going there... 😜
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-26)
Sheetal do you want to have experience?
1 place I know in badlapur where still today you can experience paranormal activities. 🤔 🤔
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Hi, Sushant thanks for asking... I never had any paranormal experience personally but I do believe in it. You can read my stories where I was the witness.

Thanks and regards,
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Hi Val,

Iam glad that you gave me some detail. Yes now I got it. Thanks for the help.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
sushant, to answer you yes, I have. I think the bulk of us on this site have experienced something.
I know you are new to this site, and I know it took me awhile to get the hang of things, so permit me to share a bit with you?
When you look at a post you see something like this at the top:
Valkricry (20 stories) (1721 posts) +1
First, is the user name, but it is also a link to their profile. On their profile you can find links to the stories they have had published on this site, and I believe the last 20 comments they've made. The next bit, tells you the number of stories they have published (if any), and the last set of parenthesis contains the number of posts (comments) they have made. On a real post you'll see a green and a red arrow. Those are used for agreeing/ liking or disagreeing/ disliking something someone said. Green votes up, red down.
I hope I have given you a little help?
😊 And welcome to YGS.
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Yep that's correct Valkicry.
Did You Ever Encounter any kind of Paranormal Activities in your life.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Thanks, sushant, I think I understand now - you mean its hands from the knuckles to wrist were white, but the rest was like shadow. Hmmmm... Still scary.
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Sheetal, Did you experienced any paranormal activities.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Hi, Sushant Thanks for your reply, Yeah! I know Badlapur is still developing... About that school I've one friend living in Badlapur I'll definetely ask her...

sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Hi Sheetal,

Yes the only one part that was palms & backside of palms was white the rest was shadow.
Yes off-course I spoken this to my mom, and she know s this thing. As I told before, that in 1990 until 1998 our place badlapur was not well developed it was little bit of forest area. So this Paranormal Activites were more at that time. Dam & river is far away from my house but there was one small canal present at that time but now it has been diverted from another place. Its near AVM school If you know that school.
sushant (2 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Hello Valkricry,

No Its not Sleeping paralysis. Actually this thing happen to me twice on that same place where I was sleeping. I was sleeping normal with my both hands rested on my chest. And that spirit was holding my hand & pressing my chest from above. I cannot say holding my hand but it was hold which I saw by my naked eyes. Both Palms and back side of palm were only white the rest part was dark, that's why I could not say whether it was a woman or man.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-24)
Hi, Sushant... Terrifying experience... I am also little confused with that hand colour as Valkricry...

In my opinion it was not a sleep paralysis... It's good that you was not harmed by that spirit... Did you tell that incident to your mom? And your friends house has any bad history?

Hey you've mentioned canal nearby house Is it Badlapur dam? Just curious you know... 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
I'm sure this is just a language problem, but can you explain to me how, if the spirit was holding your hands down on your chest, you could see that its palm was white? Did you mean the back of his hand?
This is a scary experience, but I wonder if perhaps you had a bout of sleep paralysis?

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