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Something Upstairs


One year ago, I had a truly strange experience. I was 16 years old at the time and it was a nice, spring day. At about 4:00 PM I got home from school and went into my basement to relax. The entrance to the basement consists of a door on the main floor with a stair case leading to the basement directly on the other side of it. The basement has a tv, couch and carpeting so pretty much acts as a living room for the family. I was down there just hanging out with my dog.

My mom had gone out for a while and no one else was in the house. I was sitting on the couch watching some tv, when all of a sudden I heard what at the time I assumed to be my Mom walking around up stairs. I thought this strange, as I hadn't heard anyone enter the house but I could hear the unmistakable sound of someone walking around. The basement door at the top of the stairs was wide open, so the sound was extremely clear and loud. I could hear the distinct sound of someone walking across the floor. My dog immediately reacted to the sound and perked his ears up curiously. I casually shouted "hey mom". No reply. Whoever was walking around up there continued to do so. At this point, my dog became agitated and ran upstairs. I followed him upstairs and the sound persisted as I walked up. Freakishly, all noise stopped the moment I got to the top of the stairs.

Now that it was absolutely clear my Mom wasn't the one walking around, I became paranoid. My first thought was that someone had broken in and was now hiding. I checked every corner of the house but found nothing. Satisfied but shaken, I went back downstairs with the dog and left the basement door open again. 20 or so minutes passed and boom, the sound of footsteps returned. This time around, my dog began periodically barking in the direction of the stairwell and was clearly afraid and defensive. I have a skeptical nature so I was desperately trying to think of something "natural" that could be causing this disturbing sound. However, the sound was so clearly produced by someone walking around, the only other explanation to its source was that I was having an auditory hallucination. However, the dog clearly heard all of this as well!

I tried to ignore the sound and it mysteriously went on and off with varying intensity over the next hour. At times, it was concentrated in one space like someone was stamping on the ground. I can't stress enough how convinced I am that the sound was produced by footsteps, it was simply so clear and distinct. I didn't go upstairs again as I was admittedly quite shaken but more than anything, annoyed at the almost constant movement upstairs.

Eventually, my mom returned during a quiet interval. I ran upstairs and she immediately said to me, "why have you been spraying cologne all over the place"? I couldn't smell a thing yet she insisted that the house reeked of cologne! I told her the whole story about someone walking around and she brushed it off as me, "just hearing things". It was such a weird experience from start to finish and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I just don't know what to make of it. Definitely not the scariest of experiences, but it was strange. After the conversation with my mom, she had to leave the house again. Not really wanting to go through the whole ordeal again, I took the dog out for a long, long walk and when I returned a few hours later, the sounds did not return.

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rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
I have no idea what you folks are taling about... I have a friend and he loaned me this big blue box...LoL. 😉

While an OBE and Astral Traval are both 'out of body' experiences I have come to believe that an OBE is limited to our existing 'time frame' ie: the present (as we observe it) while Astral Projection 'can' (may) allow an individual to 'time travel'. I base this on the concept that an OBE is a projection of our 'spirit' into the 'physical world'...While during Astral Projection our 'spirit' exits the body but enters the 'spirit realm'.

As far a Lucid Dreaming goes... Well its YOUR DREAM so its all in your HEAD no outside stimulis needed.

I hope that makes some sort of sense... Without the need of Newton or Einstein... 😉


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
Think of all the time jokes we can make here... 😆 You are ahead of your time! You are way ahead of us - lol how many time zones...

And I got the edge part about your comment. I didn't really mean a melt down, just clear boundary setting with a touch of the usual Tweed humor.

Maglow, I hope our musings add to your experience. 😊

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
Omg, Hecate hahaha glad it was useful!
I've only walked around, different rooms, go out side. That sort of thing. But never actually physically interacted with objects or anything. I've never tried to.

Email away, that's fine. I hardly check my emails unless it's A) been a few days or B) It's been a few more days. I didn't see one from you the other day... And I just checked my spam folder and there you are! Your emails will now go straight to my inbox where they belong and no longer to 'spam'. Haha Thanks for that by the way! Regarding your email, no personal melt downs, just thought *that* topic could do with a bit of an edge.

Ergh blergh. Why do all the cool people come online when I'm signing off? No fair.
Anyway I'll check my email a bit more frequently from now on. Take care. 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
OMG Tweed! That is SOOOO cool. I only hypothesize that this can happen after my healing experiences (more on those later). But this is VERY relevant. I like it that you have lengthened your stay. Can you interact there? I have two novels started, both include time travel, but my interests began more than 30 years ago. You may have to do it on the other Psychic site, but a story on this from you would be great. Is you e-mail right on your profile? I would chat about this? I sent you one recently, after a certain frustrated post... 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
You two are fascinating!

I've dabbled in this a bit. Been able to project myself back a few times. It happened by accident the first time. I was attempting to hypnotist myself to 'smell' a lounge room of an old house I grew up in. Then 'whooooahhhh here we go' (which is my technical term for astral projection) happened and I was in that lounge room briefly. That happened a year ago. I've since been doing it rather infrequently. But my self hypnosis trick thus far has become a valuable 'in' to this experience.

Shock horror! While typing that last sentence I just made the connection between my (rather unhealthy and chronic obsession for smell) and the smell of cologne in this story.

To clarify, I was watching myself/the room autonomously on a day in 1990. Like me today standing beside/watching me in 1990. That was the first time. That's how it's been happening for all other times I've had successful attempts at visiting other times in my life. Freaky. Oh and it is very fleeting. The longest I've been able to 'hold it' is a couple minutes (that's after a year of working at it, before then it was only 3 seconds max).

Where's the loony bin? 😉

Anyway I *think* that's round about what you both (Biblio and Hecate) are discussing, if so hope this was relevant.

Take care.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
Thanks Biblio. Nice summary of some of the seeming inconsistencies between the quantum and Newtonian worlds. And Einstein's relativity theory addresses how time speeds up if you get close to the speed of light, meaning it is not a constant. I think we are going to learn about this "speed limit", so to speak, as I think it is a "speed transition" rather than limit. The argument is that nothing can go faster than the speed of light. OBE people (like you Biblio, I have only had a tiny experience with this) and healers (me) know that time gets weird when we are reaching across the particle/wave 'stuff'. I casually say "slippage" because I think there are different ways we can interact with time, too.

Phew... Lots to think about...

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
Greetings, Maglor.

(Rook, Tweed, & Hecate may find this idea useful, too.)

I realize that I'm jumping in a bit late on this one, but I've been busy getting ready for a conference & am playing catch-up on YGS.

Time isn't "real." Please let me clarify! Time is a measurement of events based upon our perception of them, similar to light's being a particle and a wave, depending upon what you're testing for, and gravity is the weakest of the natural physical forces (which is why you can raise your arms), but it is the only force which can bend light, matter, space, and time. At the Quantum level, for example, effect can precede cause, as there is no inconsistency in the relevant particle interaction provided that the cause and the effect are linked. We perceive time as a sequence (A then B then C) and we agree that it occurs in this manner because everyone else perceives it the same way; it is, in effect, a sensible working hypothesis on the Newtonian level, but it falls apart on the Einsteinian, Quantum, level.

That said, astral projection, OBEs, psychic manifestations, residual hauntings, intelligent hauntings, ESP, precognition, poltergeists, elementals, curses, angels, demons, gods, devils, spirits, souls, and a variety of other topics covered in YGS discussions, are not accounted for by Newtonian Physics, either. Why should a supernatural experience occur within the temporal sequence of the "normal" world when it is, by definition, a "paranormal" event?

No, I am not suggesting that quantum physics is responsible for hauntings, nor am I advocating any such connection; I'm pointing out that scientists have demonstrated & documented natural phenomena which run counter to our expectations of time. Perhaps a member of YGS who is experienced in astral projection, psychic travel, etc, could attempt to visit his/her own childhood as an experiment to help clarify/validate Maglor's account? I've only had one OBE (technically, 1/2 an OBE, as I sat up but my body didn't), so I am in no way qualified to undertake the experiment myself. This, if it is a valid working hypothesis, may contribute to our understanding of residual haunting behaviors, also.

Just a few thoughts that ran through my head...

Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Hey Tweed! 😊 That is a good point. Maybe Rook picked up the time slippage thing. I have read quite a bit on the possibility of time travel, both science's view (physics, string theory, worm holes etc), and then more psychic with astral projection, connection to Akashic records... Oh my. Sometimes is pays to be old. Anyway, I really do like Rook's initial take on this, and my time slip stuff (I had to order a rare book from UK on this 😊) making this a very intriguing story, indeed.

Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Maglor, the thing is, he may not have done it on purpose. When learning these things, we can spontaneously project during sleep and meditation. I would love to hear more about his memories, if he remembers a dream where he night have come to your house. And the timing still does not bother me. I don't know why. It is very interesting that the cologne is something you laugh about, and that your mother detected it even before your friend wore it. I think this is an experience in process. I hope to hear more from your friend...

Hecate 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Wow, that's really intriguing about the cologne timeline. I wonder if there's some bizarre time shifting weirdness going on here. I am officially out of my depth on that.

Errm Rook, maybe you had that time past/present tense mistake for a reason.

I'm probably letting my imagination run away but thought I'd throw it out there just in case.
Maglor (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
I never managed to pick up on the smell of the cologne, even when I came back from my walk. My mum insisted that the house reeked of cologne the rest of the day but I never picked up on it. Anyways, the friend I have who mentioned lucid dreaming is the only friend of mine who wears this powerful cologne. It's something we both laugh about often because of how strong the stuff is. But one thing I'm sure about is this, my friend started wearing that cologne long after this experience happened.

Also, he has only mentioned a fleeting interest in lucid dreaming once or twice and has never claimed proficiency in it.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Rook and Maglor, If the cologne is consistent with that friend, I am not as concerned about the 'time' factor. I find time boundaries can be fuzzy sometimes. I know I am out on a limb here. But in my healing work, I can send energy in a way that does not limit to a specific time frame. I can explain more if anyone wants more on this. I just think this is fascinating that it might have been your friend, Maglor. That means your friend has some skill and you are quite sensitive. 😊 Very fun.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)

Not so sure on this one... Even the O/P is not so sure about the timing of his friends comment. I 'saw' what I saw, I stand by what I wrote, however I am not so sure this can be counted as a 'hit'.

GREAT question concerning the smell of cologne and whom it may belong to.


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
So, Maglor, does your friend who does the lucid dreaming wear that cologne? Is it distinctive to that person? If so, that would be another reason your friend would fill your house with it. But you are so used to it that it took your mother to detect it.

Tweed and Rook Rock! 😊 Your gut was really in tune with this one, Rook, as usual.

Hope you can talk to your friend about it, Maglor. Thanks for sharing.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)

Thanks for the reply, sorry for the confusion caused by my first comment.

Humm...So it seems I just have a vivid imagination... LoL 😉.


Maglor (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Alright rook I totally understand now. My good friend has expressed interest in lucid dreaming in the past (not sure if he first mentioned it before my experience). However, he has never mentioned astral projection nor a 'gift' of any kind.

Tweed, I agree with your explanation of why I couldn't smell the cologne. The only thing that puzzles me is how the entire house (according to mum) ended up smelling like powerful cologne. Just another weird part of an interesting day
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
hahaha! It'd be sooo cool if this were the case, please let it be so!

Yeah, it took me a second read to get what you meant and yeup it makes sense how/why you got the past/present tense jumbled. Nicely done. 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Tweed, 'gut' was telling me that the O/P (Maglor) had this experience becasue of a conversation between 'freinds'. I 'saw' a group of people talking about the paranormal and someone 'fessed up' to either Astral Traval OR Lucid Dreaming (more than likely Astral Travel) but the group as a whole 'biffed' this person off so they 'projected' themself to prove thier point.

I may be WAY off... But its what I 'saw' as I read this experience. My first comment came out in the 'present tense' and should have been 'past tense'...hope that makes sense.


Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Sorry that should have said:
'Don't ever let it *stop* you from checking for an intruder'
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
Hi Maglor,

The smell of cologne not being detected by you was probably due to you having been accustomed to the smell. Perhaps at some stage during this afternoon, while you were freaking out (understandably so!), the smell of cologne entered the home but you couldn't recognise it because you were already used to it. Bit like walking into someones home when they're cooking, you smell the food straight away, but if you cook it yourself you're pretty used to it and it doesn't impact you quite the same.

The fact the footsteps and stomping nonsense stopped when you approached to investigate suggests the presence was aware of what you were doing. Then, when it started up again, and this time stomped, erugh that sounds like a game of cat and mouse to me.

Whoever they were it sounds like they were trying to get a reaction out of you and your dog. As it hasn't happened since that's good news. Also I know what you mean about distinctive footsteps vs animal noises etc. Sometimes you just know it's footsteps. I'm glad it hasn't happened since. Also just because this happened DON'T ever let it from checking for a possible intruder. You can never be too careful. I always check even if I think something's paranormal. 😉

Side note: Rook, I have no idea what you're getting at with this, honestly I'm totally confused! Do you mean some form of astral... Ohh wait, now I get what you were talking about. Ha! That would explain why it hasn't happened since. 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Whoops got my time frames all 'crossed'...let me word it this way...

7- 10 days BEFORE this experience did you and your friends talk about the paranormal... Ghosts and such and someone present said that they could astral travel or lucid dream... But they were 'blown off', dismissed as being silly? At the most this 'situation' may have happened 3 weeks before you heard the footsteps.

Does that make more sense?


Maglor (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Sorry rook I don't follow at all. I haven't talked to anyone about ghosts but I have been reading about them. This is just a weird memory of mine that I felt like sharing for whatever reason.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)

I am going out on a limb with this one... Who have you been talking to about 'ghosts and the Paranormal? This would have been in the past 7-10 days... And someone in the discussion claimed to have a 'gift'?

Guess what... They reached out and said 'Hello'...

This is just the impression I got when I read your experience... This may have happened a wee bit further back but not more than 3 weeks ago.

Of course I may be way off... But I go with my gut...



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