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Real Ghost Stories

Shadows In My Room


I moved to Louisville, Ky when I was 9. I was so excited about the new house since it was the first time I had my own room. But it was something about the attic door connected to my room... I played in my room during the day, but sleep in it? Forget about it. Until my brother got tired of me sleeping in!

I would always feel like something was there. But I learned that running interference would keep it away. So a nightlight or the radio playing helped a lot. This particular night I awoke to a line of shadows going from the attic door in a diagonal motion to the window just past the foot of my bed... Where they disappeared one by one, in a single file line. All shadows. But distinctive. Tall, short, fat, skinny. Even a midget (no disrespect intended). I pulled the covers over my head and didn't move. I guess I eventually fell asleep and I awoke to the sun shinning.

This experience didn't scare me... It was the first of many, some not at all pleasant. I started sleeping downstairs in the family room because that room use to scare me to death. But downstairs is where I would sometimes fall into this frozen state... Couldn't move or talk, I could only move my eyes. I tried to scream but I didn't have a voice. I would pray in my mind and ask the lord to save me and slowly the spell would break. And sometimes that spell would come with a extremely deep voice, speaking a language I didn't understand. Sometimes my leg would get jerked and it would wake me up out of my sleep. I even remember getting slapped awake!

As far as I know I was the only one in the house to experience these things. And things still happen, current day. I'm 38 now. Do you think I am haunted? Or maybe some kind of psychic?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, carment, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Shrush (3 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
Be careful about misspells. Even a slightest mistake can sometimes lead to disaster 😉

Anyway nice story 😁
carment (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
Goggzy, sorry for mis spelling your name... Johnny Blart thanks for believing
carment (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
Gozzy... Can you explain this skeep paralysis thing to me?
carment (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
I will update my age though I thought I was careful to pick the correct age group... The incident with the shadiws happened when I was 10... And it was the only time it took place though I had many other experiances... I moved from that house when I was 17. I often wonder if current tennants experiance things
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-17)
The frozen state could be sleep paralysis. It hits me as a intelligent haunting what you should do is try and record what happens and see if any of it happens at the same time, day as that would lead to more of residual haunting
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-15)
Sensitive is a word that MAY describe you. Do you have more details concerning any of your experiences? The more details there are the better able to determine what is happening around or to you there is.

You mention one night where you saw the 'parade of shadows' old were you? Do you knoe the history of the house? Do you remmeber what time it was? What the weather was like?

For the other experiences you describe, more information is needed... There are simply not enough details so a 'guess' could be made as to what caused them.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-15)
Mediums NOT psychics see or sense ghosts. It's possible that someone/thing has attached to you for all these years so it's a possibility that even when you moved it followed you. OR the spirit was attached to something that you brought from one place to another. BTW you don't have to be haunted or a haunted item. Many people on this site have had experiences happen for many years
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-13)
Carment: at the moment of opening an account it is required to enter the year of birth, this gets registered and will be used to place a person into an age group: "teenager", "young adult", "middle age adult" or "senior".
When a person submits a story their group age appears under his/hers user name. Just look at the top of the page and you'll see what I'm trying to explain.

Unfortunately many teenagers use -and abuse- the site like an opportunity to publish their failed English assignments and their fantasies, that's the reason why many of the members (including myself) are wary of anything published by a teenager.

I appreciate the fact that you are here and would suggest for you to check the info provided in your profile so your age doesn't contradict the age group you are placed in.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-13)

I DID...

If you look up at the TOP of your experience, there near your user name there is a place that states what AGE the author is... In the case of yours it says TEENAGER.

I will re-read your submission and offer an opinion.


carment (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-13)
Ooh, and for the rexord. I don't watch walt disney... I'm not big on make believe
carment (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-13)
I am not a teenager... I am 38 now. These experiances started when I moved into a new house when I was 9... I don't believe I ever said anything about being a teenager... Take time to read instead of rushing threw and trying to discredit and things will make sense... I gave my current age because things happen current day. Just to show how long I have been experiancing things...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-12)
No, rook, you're not crazy. My thought was if this was the only story the o/p intended to submit then my half-baked thought could work.
Johnny_Blart (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-12)
Never noticed that 38 year thing. He might have entered a wrong birth year by mistake. Lets hope he will be back with good explanation
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-12)
I always thoguht that the username and age were set when we built our profile. The State is a blank to fill in when we post an experience...

Or am I crazy?


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-12)
The only thing I could think of regarding the age difference is that this may have happened when the o/p was a teen. I know when I would fill out the state option, I was always concerned because I didn't know if it meant state I live in now or where the experience happened.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-12)
Maybe, like a lot of us, the O/P started counting their years backward at a certain birthday? 😆
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-11)
I'll seat on the fence until the O/P explains the 38 year old-teenager thing.

The only thing I have to say right now is that while reading the part of the parade of shadows I was thinking of the scene in a Walt Disney movie where Mickey Mouse is a sorcerer's apprentice and messed up a spell resulting in thousands of brooms carrying buckets of water.
...guess I need to take a break! 😐
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-11)
Ummm...before going ANY Further I have a BIG QUESTION...

Are you a teenager? As posted at the top of this experience along with your screen name and location...

OR are you, as you put it,

"I'm 38 now..."?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Johnny_Blart (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-11)
Wow! You have quite creepy experiences. Have you tried to investigate the house? Do you know the history of house? Has your family ever seen or felt a presence?

I would suggest you to cleanse your house and if you don't know any method, one of our respected member 'Rookdygin or Rook' has a cleansing method on his profile and you may use it.

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