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Strange Sensation


I finally got what I think is my second encounter of a spirit.

As in a few of my comments, I have a cat which is a mix of a Turkish Angora cat (white coated, with yellow and blue eyes) and a Bombay cat (black short fur, with yellow eyes). This little fluff is basically a black version of a Turkish Angora cat. His mother, Aurora (the Turkish Angora), used to have 3 more kittens: a white and black short hair, a black tailed white and a silky grey (or was it white, black spotted? Sorry I forgot) with blue eyes. We gave away the 3 of them but just could not take the black fluff away from Aurora since she took extra care of him somehow. We ended up keeping the little black fluff and named him Henrique.

Three months after having Henrique in our home, we found that Aurora had a tragic accident and was found a few days later by my sister, right under a dump truck. Henrique seems fine without Aurora but I personally felt very sorry for this poor little kitten.

Exactly 1 year has passed after Aurora had gone away. Henrique has grown and his beautiful eyes had become shinier just like his mother's. During these periods we found that Henrique would go to the same spot, almost every day except rainy days, to where the body of his mother was found. We sometimes will hear that his soft mew, a few times he was rubbing his body at the ground. We thought that he could still smell his mother and still missed her very much.

Last Sunday morning (around 6am), I saw Henrique going to the same spot again. I went out with him this time. He was looking back at me as if he was making sure I am following him. He sat at the spot where we found Aurora's body and looked at me. Suddenly, I felt a soft wind went passed my legs. I thought that was because I was wearing a sandal but then I felt what I think is a fury feeling swiping around my left foot then to my right foot. Henrique gave me a glance as if he was telling me to squat down to touch whatever that was rubbing against my feet.

I squatted down and the fury feeling gone away. I whispered, "Aurora," and reached out my hands. The fury feeling came back and I felt it with my hands this time. I made sure that I was not touching Henrique; of course Henrique was not touching me at that moment. I heard what I thought was Henrique's soft mew, again. I was looking at Henrique and he was making the innocent face back at me.

The fury feeling lasted quite shortly (I think it was about 2 or 3 minutes). Henrique rubbed against my right buttock (since I was still squatting) and went back in the house. My eyes started watering as if I had cut some onion. I did not feel sad, I almost had no emotions during that time but my eyes was pouring out tears. I do not know how to explain it. It was just very complicated, but I could tell that during that 2 or 3 minutes Aurora had come by. Physically, I saw nothing, really just nothing in front of me, but I am sure I did felt that strange feeling.

Sorry again since it is not scary at all. But I do hope that people who would read this story has encounter that same strange but very comforting sensation that I had.

Thank you very much for your patient to read this story.

Love from Sรฃo Paulo


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roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-11)
Redwolf, Hello! Thank and you don't have to feel sad for my lost, perhaps Aurora is now happier since she has no more pain to suffer. Blessing to your 2 dogs too.

Girl25, Interesting, what I know are kittens learn quite quickly, and they temp to know how to set up a game they learn to play themselves, like a 2 years old child. Their observation ability is surprisingly high that sometimes amazes us. I am so sorry about the lost though.

Lady-glow, I did try to find a logical explanation but at that moment I don't know how, but I just knew that it was her.
Yes, my family always says that Henrique is just like the "shadow" of Aurora he have every beautiful features of both his parents. You know what? Henrique was kissing (licking?) my fingers as I tried to write this comments to you lol, I think he wants to say thank you too. I will try not to stress myself too much; I only go to that spot when I remember these days.

OCGirl, Yes! I do agree that there is still a connection, that morning was a special morning really and something tells me that that moment my apologies was bequeathed to her.

Love from Sรฃo Paulo

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-11)

I liked your story a lot, even though it is sad that you lost your beloved cat. So sorry for your loss. Several family members are allergic to cats so we don't have any but we have dogs. Two of my dogs have died in the last year, one had to be humanely euthanized because he had liver cancer the other had to be euthanized because he was 13 1/2 and had problems getting up from a laying position and other health problems. My other dogs went into mourning both times. It's both wonderful and amazing that your loving cat came for a visit.

girl25 (5 stories) (28 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-09)
lovely story and touching
Me too, I have two cats now but I have lost my favourite cat five years ago. I was travelling and I had a panic attack -an abulance came to take me to the mental institution -late at night my mother came and the point is that I was out from there but I have lost my black cat. I don't even know what happened to her or where and how she died. I am sure she died now and maybe her spirit visited for sure my others two cats cause they play a game that my father played with the black cat. Its very simple:you throw a small object under the carpet and the cat tries to get it to find it.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-09)
roylynx: thanks for sharing such a touching and lovely story!
It's so nice that you accepted the fact that Aurora's spirit was rubbing against your legs and didn't try to find a "more logical" explanation for this strange sensation.
And you are very lucky having Henrique like a constant reminder of beautiful Aurora.

Do not stress too much wondering if your cat will come to visit again... Cats will always be cats and they do as they please in their very own unpredictable ways. โค
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Hi Roylynx;

Such a beautiful story. It doesn't have to be scary! I'm a cat lover, too (and dogs). I think there was still a connection between you and Aurora, Maybe she's touching base so to speak, with you and Henrique.

Really nice story. Thank you
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
babygoatpuller, I have heard there are many kinds of encounters with the passed away ones, fury or not as some people will consider that they just want us to know that they are always there, though they can't help us much but they are there to comfort us, that is what I think from my experience.

Spiritwaiting, I see in my community they will burn an incense stick to those whom has passed away and even to gods/goddesses, yes, they are mostly Asian. So people from my community will say if you smell the burnt smell of the incense stick there is definitely a spirit around, I was not sure at first but now a light shines there, thank you for answering!

Love from Sรฃo Paulo

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
This was so sweet roylynx and very well written. I got a touch of the onion eyes too. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I lost my barn cat Sophie last year and every once in awhile will catch a glimpse of her dashing by when I go out to the barn.

They really are family! ๐Ÿ˜Š
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)

I enjoyed your experience as well! ๐Ÿ˜Š.
I can definitely say yes to the odor or smells when spirits are around. Especially if they have a distinct smell while they were living.

When my grandfather passed away, before I got word of it, while I was at work I walked through a cloud of his cologne. In that moment I knew he had passed. My other grandfather, whom I want particularly close to, sends a smell of cigar. Which I love, because it reminds me of him. He was an avid cigar smoker his home smelled of it, and to this day is very comforting.

So if you have a particular furry family member or not so furry member ๐Ÿ˜†,send you a smell, that associates with them, I will say its very possible they are sending that to say "Hello!"

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Tweed, Olรก! Well, what I thought about warm spots was those old electricity generator's heat, not all of them is spirits since it is Brazil here, you go any where anywhere you feel some kind of heat lol
Well, thank you again! I am carrying Henrique while I am reading all these messages and I have a feeling now that Aurora is around too

Rookdygin, Olรก sir! I don't just cut them, I grow onions outside the valcony too lol
Henrique is continuing to that as his daily routine now, I think it became his favourite spot now. You know what? Before Henrique and other kitten is born Aurora used to sun bath on that spot and by coinsiden it seems that it was a sun bath spot for cats in the area before. Now, we are the only family there to have a cat so Henrique is the only cat using the spot (?). I will go to that same spot with Henrique sometime hopping to communicate with Aurora again, but the sensation never happened again. Do you think I have to let it go?

Spiritwaiting, you have mentioned an interesting sensation! Do you think there will be odors of them when the spirits are around?
Indeed, cats and dogs are not just pets, they are very special, yes, they are part of our families. Thank you for reading! I like your stories!

Love from Sรฃo Paulo

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Roylynx, up until quite recently (about a year ago) I was a firm believer that 'cold spots' were a product of Hollywood! ๐Ÿ˜† So, to experience 'warm spots' was even more of a conundrum for me lol!
I think, like with anything paranormal, the best thing you can do is try to debunk it first. Feel around for obvious mundane causes, drafts, heaters, windows open, fridge door seal needs replacing (ours does lol!) All these sorts of things have to be ruled out first. So I suggest that for anything around your office/home.

But what you have written about here in your experience was, in my opinion and it seems everyone else's, an obvious interaction between you and both cats. ๐Ÿ˜Š
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Ummm...Please warn us that you will be cutting onions (๐Ÿ˜‰) I am placing this in my Fav's.

Please keep an eye on Henrique, see if he continues to return to that spot, if not maybe he was trying to have someone follow him there so Aurora could give a final goodbye.

Thanks for sharing.


spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)

I have felt the warm sensation when my Uncle and Granpda hug me (both have passed on years ago).
The cold spots thank goodness arent the only sensations we recieve when a spirit is around.

The warm sensations are quite comforting, almost like a heater within your skin but on the outside as well.

Sorry for loss of your furry family member. I don't like calling them pets, because they are part of our families.

Such a heartwarming experience โค
Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Oh! Its up! I was very surprised at first since I had only read stories of such and never thought I will have this encounter! I really have to thank you guys for advising me when I commented on your stories. I might sound harsh sometimes but believe me I just wanted to help. Thank you all again!

Tweed, Senhora! I thought you might have the same (?) experience. About warm spots, I actually randomly feels warm spots around my house and sometime in my office, so you think something (or spirits) are there? Thank you for the blessing! Henrique will be so happy and I am sure Aurora is too.

Ashar123, Thank you for reading! No, I was not sad, I was kind of very relaxed that I am emotionless, but it was not bad at all and I liked it. Of course, any creatures have feelings and I am sure most of them bring us comfort; it's not always scary and strange.

Love from Sรฃo Paulo

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)

This is an instant fave, thank you for sharing! I know that watering eyes with no sadness feeling well! I experience it sometimes with ghost encounters, don't have an explanation for it, but I like it. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Since my cat passed I've felt a gust of air around my legs. Sometimes I bent down to 'pat' around about where he was I felt a 'warm spot', which surprised me. Only times I've ever felt a 'warm spot' was from my cat. Didn't know 'warm spots' existed otherwise. ๐Ÿ˜• So I'm not surprised to read someone else has experienced something similar from a beloved cat.

Bless you and Henrique and dear Aurora.โค Love this encounter!

Oh, and stuff scary encounters, the nice ones are always the best.:)
(Dang, ran up the smiley face quota!)
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
I don't know what to say. The watering of eyes were maybe your emotions because sometimes we find our feelings hard to explain and the tears say it all. However, that furry sensation was maybe the cat's spirit. We all know even these creatures have feelings. It was her concern for you.

Quite emotional experience. Thanks for sharing it, I loved your story. ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜

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