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This story happened when I was in high school 10th grade to be sure, back in 2012.

There was this one girl who didn't like me at all. Reason for that I don't know, but I was really good friends with one of her friends. That friend and I no longer speak, her name is Veronica. Veronica and I decided to leave school early (bad kids I know)

Next to our school right across the street is a church and to the left of the school is a neighborhood and to the right of the school is the town's cemetery named Chest Nut Grove located in VA.

While walking towards the light to cross to the sidewalk of the cemetery she was telling me that her friend's mom had passed away when she was only 8 years old. This as the friend that did not like me. She also told me she was buried in Chest Nut Grove. She asked me if I wanted to go see her grave. Of course we had to kill time so I said yes. We entered at the main gate. The grave was all the way in the back to the far left side of the cemetery near a neighborhood so all you could see was the back of peoples houses. Basically the cemetery was their backyard but there was a big fence separating the cemetery and houses. We basically had to walk through the whole cemetery to get to her friend's mom's grave. You can just imagine how I felt walking through it. (A little more info about this cemetery and me, My cousin who was 33 passed away a year ago and he is also buried in this cemetery as well, towards where Veronica's friends mom is at)

When we were getting near the area where the mom was buried I stopped and froze while Veronica kept walking as she knew her way to the grave. I froze to a really weird animal type screaming noise towards where Veronica was walking to. She turned around and ask me why I had stopped. I told her I heard a weird noise and asked if she had heard it too but she didn't hear it. Which creep me out a lot. I kept up with her and we both stopped walking and looked at each other in fear. We both heard the noise and this time is was louder. We both took off running with our back hairs and skin cold in fear. We did not care where we stepped which scared me a lot because we were stepping on poor resting souls.

We finally got to the side gate to exit the cemetery and I turned around and apologized to the souls resting for stepping on their graves while we ran out scared to death. We did not get to the grave where Veronica's friends mom was buried because when we were getting close that really weird noise had us running out of there.

This is the experience that happened to me back in 2012. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sanchez_92, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
You don't have to worry. You didn't insult the souls. You have a right to visit. You showed respect by apologizing. There's a reason for everything.
Sanchez_92 (7 stories) (52 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)

It's all homes really big homes but the grave yard is an open space which you can see mostly everything. It's super clear during the day and bright by the sun. I can provide pictures as well.
mythem (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
Maybe it was just an animal. It might not have been anything paranormal. Did you see this creature? Even if it WAS just an animal, you did right running away. It could have hurt you both. Interesting story.

Best of luck,
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
Sanchez: it is hard to say the kind of animal that made that noise without being there to hear it.
There are many other non farm animals that could be in an urban area, consider raccoons, possums, birds, etc.

"...We did not care where we stepped which scared me a lot because we were stepping on poor resting souls."

O boy! I hope souls go to more exciting places than the graveyard once people is dead! 😆


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)

Many thanks. Is the surrounding neighborhood strictly homes and apartments or is there some industry/manufacturing and or auto repair shops/gas stations?


Sanchez_92 (7 stories) (52 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
hello everyone,

My apologies for the not so informative description of the noise. It sounded like a high pitch pig squeal then low and deep. The weird thing is that there are no farms around for it to be a pig or so.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
Could you describe the noise a wee bit more than this...

"I froze to a really weird animal type screaming noise towards where Veronica was walking to. She turned around and ask me why I had stopped. I told her I heard a weird noise and asked if she had heard it too but she didn't hear it. Which creep me out a lot. I kept up with her and we both stopped walking and looked at each other in fear. We both heard the noise and this time is was louder..."

Many, many things can sound like an animal type scream and not be an actual animal... Just as many animals can make some noises that do not sound animal like.

Was it a high pitched shriek? Or more like a scream? Long lasting or short bursts?

More details please.


french_fries (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
maybe it was just an animal. Or maybe you should talk to the girl who hates you for clues
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
could you describe the animal? Like features? And all of that?

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