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My Haunted House 2


Hi everyone. This happened to me 2 nights ago but the story goes back to 2 months. Me and my wife live in my fathers house. It is a very big house, 290 m2. We live upstairs and my dad and step mom live downstairs. Well my dad loves antiques. Sometimes we think it is some kind of addiction but he keeps saying that it is a good investment. In my other story I told you about my haunted house but everything just went quiet. I think it just woke up.

My dad bought a wardrobe from an antique store. It was pretty old. My dad says it was made in 1850s. It really looked nice and well preserved but I didn't think much about it because he buys so many things that you can really loose count. After he bought it things started to go weird again. It started when I couldn't sleep. I would wake up around 1.00am and just couldn't sleep. I went to the kitchen to have a smoke. I heard footsteps but very quiet ones. I thought it was my grandma but she broke her leg 4 months ago and the doctors said she shouldn't walk a lot because there are some complications (her bones are very weak from some kind of disease). I went to check but nothing there.

A couple days later my cousin came over and we were watching tv. For at least 2 weeks I have been seeing something from the corner of my eye but I wasn't really sure what. This only happened in my living room and in the same place. I kept looking there once every few minutes. I thought it was a mouse or something but never saw anything. I was talking with my cousin just about everything when I asked him a question. Do you see things from the corner of your eye and when you look there is nothing there? He said "Rarely. But something is by your tv. Don't know what but I just keep looking there".

Well that kind of freaked me out but at the same time that gave me some proof that there is something going on in my house. But the scariest thing happened to me 2 nights ago. I had to wake up around 12.00 to go to the train station and pick up my step father. I didn't want to go alone so my wife drove with me. We dropped him of at his house and we were driving back home. I got out of the car and went to the house. I entered the house first because my wife was busy looking for something. I took off my shoes and started to make my way through the hall when all of a sudden the wardrobe started to shake. Not long but maybe for 5 seconds. I was shocked. I thought it was me because I'm a pretty big boy and maybe I caused it to vibrate. I walked be side it with hard steps and nothing. I remember carrying that wardrobe with my dad and it ways a lot since it being oak. I didn't tell my wife about this incidence because she really doesn't like to talk about the paranormal.

I'm not sure what is going on in my house but I think that something has to do with the furniture my dad has. Let me know what you think. I hope to hear from you soon.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ChrisB, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Mickey (6 stories) (13 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-23)
That was a great sotry! I once lived in a hauntee house and I really got scared. But your story is very good. I liked it.
BlueDemon150 (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-08)
Hi Cris! seems to me that "something" might be spiritually attached to the cloak. It's been known that certain belongs that were once special to someone who's passed away... That spirit has a close attachment. Kinda like my grandma and her house.
I would bless the cloak. I know it sounds weird but hey people do it to houses they just bought. I know my parents did. You just never know. Take Care. 😁
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-21)
Thanks Tammy for your invitation 😁.I hope you and your huband come to Poland. It would be realy nice. I have 2 german sheperds but they are no champs that's for sure. One dog doesn't listen and the smarter one runs at whatever you throw but never brings it back 😁.But I still realy love them. Well my wife doesn't swear anymore. When that sstarted I imiediatley got the place blessed. Nothing odd with her has happened since. I hope you (and the dogs) have a great vacation. And try noty to worry that much! I will be waiting for your posts when you get back. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-21)
One think is for sure, if you ever come to Rhodes, you better contact me or I'll be 😠. There's also the possibility that my husband and I might come to your country depending on whether your country holds the ATIBOX (the world boxer dog championship). This year we are going to slovakia so who knows, maybe next year. I forgot to mention I am crazy about my boxers and ready to travel to the other side of the globe. They have already got their share of championships. I would have loved to meet all of your family sometime though-who knows, we might have the chance.

I'll be leaving tomorrow for our easter vacation and I'll be back in 2 weeks time so if you post your stories you'll have a delayed post from me.

I was surprised by what you said about your wife swearing especially if she doesn't normally do that. Maybe you should consider cleansing the house again and again if necessary but, if I were you, I'd try asking about the history of each antique I had in the house. Who knows what you might discover. I used to possess one, not at Anima, in one of my summer houses that was believed to be causing strange things around the house like noises as if one was dragging an iron bar onto an iron fence, you know how terribly powerful that noise is and a few other things, like anything I would put in there would be broken after a few days etc. When I learnt where it came from and I got rid of it, everything stopped.

Please, keep me posted as far as the events in your dad's house are concerned.

Take care my friend. ❤
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-21)
Dear Tammy. Thanks for checking out the stories again 😁.I thank you for your feedback on my story. I don't want my wife to be worried about it. When the wardrobe started to shake fro the next couple of days she started having bad dreams. She started dreaming of demons and things like that. What got me realy worried was when my wife started praying. Nothing unusual but when she was praying she started to swar (say bad words forgive me for my spelling). She is a christian just like me maybe even more so this was scarry. I have had one incidet not long ago. I saw a light very bright in the living room. The same place when I said I see something in the corner of my eye. I think I could explain it but I don't know... It was early like 3 or 4 am and when I saw this light I just decided to run back to our bedroom. I was scared like hell. I will write about it soon. Maybe this week. IO have one more incident I remember when I was young. I lived in a different house and I saw in the basment a shadow person run. I was so scared. I ran away. It didn't run at me but it ran to the corner and I might have seen him just for 2 seconds. I think I can explain that to, me being youg having an imagination but I don't think I would imagine something like that. As I was reading other stories with shadow people and it reminded me of what happened when I was a child. I might post this storie to. Thank you for comeing back to my stories. I realy like chatting with you. I thak you for sending your email to me. I think you will find your answers in Turkey. My Father and step Mother are going to Greece this week. To bad I can't visit your restaurant. Maybe someday I might and I drink a coffee at Animas 😉.I hope to hear from you soon my friend and I hope the kids are not bothering you to much at work 😜.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-21)
Hi again Chris 😊

I've been reading your stories, my haunted house 1&2 which were very interesting mainly because you seem to be questioning the events yourself and do not try to impose a particular idea on your readers.

First, let me say that I also believe antiques can be the main cause that a spirit's left behind, especially that of someone who's attached to them, not always, but if a previous owner feels some sort of connection with these objects, then the probability is even greater.

You also got my attention with the abrupt stop of the door just before it hit the wall. Had it opened due to natural causes, I very much doubt it would have come to a complete halt inches before smashing onto the wall behind it. Let alone the windows opening and closing all at the same time. That was a creepy one.

Not telling straight out (to your wife) that something paranormal is happening, was a very wise thing; it would have caused panic and that doesn't help in these situations, especially if whatever or whoever is there may feed off of your fear. I mean, it could have made things dramatically worse.

As for the shadow at the corner of your eyes, it was unfortunately confirmed by your cousin that day, so attributing it to fear is out of the question. Besides there were a number of events-one adding to the other that point towards "haunted" than anything else.

Finally, yes I think the wardrobe shaking is not something you can easily ignore or explain away. Quite the opposite, to me it sounds like someone wants attention now. And the worst in these cases is that you can never be sure if it's just attention or anger at the same time. Good choice to take it away.

I was wondering, was it Mustang or someone else who suggested evp? Have you tried that? Actually I don't know if I would have dared to do that myself but, you may have your answers sooner that way.

Are you still experiencing things in your house?
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-15)
Hi Kim. Things did seem to quite down right away when I got the place Blessed. But Somethings have recentley been going on. I will post one very strange thing but It might be possible to explain. Well you will decide. I will post it in a week or so. Thanks for looking back at my stories. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-11)
I was just reviewing back over some stories, and I became curious when I came to yours.

Do you continue to have activity in your home? Have there been any additional occurances?

Look forward to the up date!
God Bless!
chelleck (3 stories) (56 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
This is interesting. I would have never thought of certain items inside of a house could be haunted, I only thougt of hauntings of a building or the land on which it sits. But it makes perfect sense. Thank you for enlightening me.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-03)
Hi Flutter. Well I love reading your stories! Mine are a little less scarier then yours 😁.For me that's a good thing:) I have 2 stories I would like to write. I tried posting one story twice but I saw that Martin had to much stories to deal with. This one was scary. A bright light maybe 70 cm big. When I saw it I just ran away. I will give you full detail soon. I hope to hear from you soonand take care
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-02)
Hey Chris, been reading back stories, there are a lot on here and I really did enjoy this one. Hope you get the message. And also thanks for your comments on my stories as well. Great story, you got anymore to write about soon?
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-19)
Hey Chris, No problem, just have faith that the sacred herbs that the Great Creator has given to us will work and you will see and feel a big difference in your home in no time. I also believe in having a strong belief in what ever your faith may be, also helps to remove negative energies from your home and life. Like Kim says a cross in every room sure can't hurt. Good luck and keep us informed.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-19)
Hi Kimosouth! Thank you for your advice. It helps knowing that you and Shane being senior members are giving me the best advice. I do have crosses in my house because I'm a christian but I don't think I have one in every room. Does there have to be a cross in every room? I have aleast 6 crosses and some potraits of Mary and guardian angels. Thank again and hope to hear from you soon.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-19)
Thanks Ohiowatha. I think my English isn't as good as I would like it to be but thank you. It felt very good. Thanks again. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-19)
Thank you Shane for telling me where to find the instructions to the smudge ceremony. I think I will give it a try. Not sure if it will work but hey I will try. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-18)
I would agree with the other readers who comment. Some of the antiques your father buys and brings home obviously carry an energy with them. People can be attached not only to a place but to an item.

Please try the smudge ceremony as suggested by Shane. I would also suggest placing a cross (at least one) in each of the rooms where you have antiques and in the bed rooms.

Please keep us posted.
Remember, not all entities, spirits or whatever other word you would like to assign for the paranormal are evil or mean.

God Bless!
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-18)
Not sure what's going on here, ChrisB, but your English is excellent--much better than most Americans' writing! Thanks for sharing.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-18)
Well Chris, a cleansing or smudge ceremony is really simple. I have the directions for a complete ceremony on this site in the articles section. You can also use it to cleanse individual items, but I recommend doing the item then your home. No sense in making it (the spirit/entity) move from one place to another just to continue on living with you. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-18)
Thanks everybody for posting. Well I know this isn't dangerous but you can imagine how wierd this all felt. I agree with Whitebuffalo and Frawin that a cleaning should be done but honestly I really don't know how to do that but I will pray. Bellisma thank you for your advice and trust me I will take care of antiques. Wouldnt want a ghost being upset 😁.I hope to hear from you soon and takecare. And if anything happens in the next couiple of weeks I will let you all know.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-18)
Hi again Chris. I also think these things happening are due to the antiques of your Dad's. I think people spend a lot of time around these items and if they are well loved and enjoyed, some of their energy stays within the item. I don't think there's anything to worry about since you mention that the shadow is just in the corner and the wardrobe just shook a little bit. It doesn't seem threatening. Maybe the previous owners are just making sure their items are being cared for (?!) If you feel uncomfortable with this, having a cleansing would be a good idea. Keep us up-dated if things continue, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for sharing your story with us, very interesting.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-17)
Hi Chris. I am of like mind with FRAWIN here. It is the wardrobe, if this is when everything truly started. It is ok. A simple cleansing may be all that is needed. Thank you for your story.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-17)
Hello Chris, If this latest "haunting" started after the purchase of the wardrobe, then I would say there is an attachment to it. I wouldn`t worry too much about it, it can`t hurt you. If you feel threatened by it, have it cleansed.


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