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The Silent Room


This happened to me and my brother about six years ago. My brother is one of those people who likes to go looking for paranormal activity, but he isn't a professional. One night, he asked me if I would like to join him, and I agreed. I had no idea what was in store for us...

I'm not sure anymore what the name of the town was, but it's in southern Indiana. To the best of my knowledge there have never been any news reports calling the place, 'The Silent Room', but there must have been news about the murders that took place there. It was a long time ago, probably in the 40's, but I wouldn't know... I never did any research on the place. I didn't want anything to do with it after that night.

We rode out to country road that led to the farm where the Silent Room stood. The 'room' itself was a Quonset hut converted by its original owner to be soundproof. There, he supposedly committed 26 murders; all young, beautiful women in their 20's. He silenced the room so he would be the sole witness to their suffering. When he was accused of the murders, the police searched the house and the room, but there was no evidence. He was thorough in cleaning up after himself. The bodies were never recovered. Back then, modern techniques of forensic science hadn't been used yet, so there was nothing to be done. The accused, however, must have been guilty, because within a week of the search, he was found hanging from a beam inside the hut. A stool had been kicked aside at his feet. Whether the suicide had been out of guilt or fear of greater punishment, or if it was a suicide at all, is unknown.

When my brother and I arrived at the property, he got his camera and began recording. We approached the Quonset cautiously, because it was left open and abandoned, and for all we knew, raccoons or possums might have been inside. Passing the threshold, we noticed the signs of neglect - graffiti had been sprayed all over the walls, part of the roof was missing, and there was dust everywhere. There was a back entrance missing its door that led to a dark meadow, and beyond that, just inside the woods, a small, private graveyard of about six stones. As I approached the back door, my brother gave a quiet warning to stay away from it. I didn't, of course. I'm not exactly a fearless person, but I'm not scared off easily. But when I stood in the doorway, I had a very strong feeling of being watched... Then, out toward the treeline, I noticed movement. A deer? A coyote? No.

The movement I saw was humanoid.

A dark shadow had crept out of the woods as I watched. I quickly moved back into the hut and warned my brother to get back in the truck.

When we were back behind the wheel, he decided to explore the graveyard. I told him he was insane, but he insisted. It was his truck, after all. So I begrudgingly went along. Within a few minutes, we circled the property and found a small gravel road that led to the graveyard. Driving up, I got a foreboding feeling that again, we were being observed...

We got out of the truck to look at the stones. Not two minutes later, we began to hear shuffling in the woods, and the snapping of numerous twigs. By then my brother decided we'd seen enough, and we got back into the truck. After he started the engine, but before he could shift into drive, we began to hear rocks hitting the truck from behind, as if he'd already begun to peal out on the gravel. He threw it in drive and indeed pealed out, but about a third of the way down the drive, the headlights blinked out, leaving us moving in almost total darkness until we reached the road.

We narrowly escaped whoever or whatever had been watching us since the Quonset hut.

We never went back, and to this day, it is one of the freakiest things that has ever happened to me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rajazel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

Lollipopspace (5 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)
I bet that what ever was whatching you and your brother was either, the ghost of the serial killer or the poor victims.
Mariarichards50 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)
I live in Indiana my whole life and I'm 55yrs old. Don't know this story, but two interesting tales you can Google. First where I live in Indiana just down the road a piece, like a mile. Well there is a old settlement still standing in a busy area that was once kind of courty in its day. It is called the Hannah House. It is known to be very haunted to this day. It provides a wonderful tour and story in great detail of its history. It was part of the underground railroad and many slaves died on its grounds. But I won't spoil it for you. Also here in Indiana there is a town buried under water. To this day there are a lot of things down at the bottom of this so called lake. Google and read for yourself, very interesting to learn. God bless
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)
Hi Rajazel:

Interesting story. If you could please clarify something. You stated: "To the best of my knowledge there have never been any news reports calling the place, 'The Silent Room', but there must have been news about the murders that took place there. It was a long time ago, probably in the 40's, but I wouldn't know... I never did any research on the place." How did you know about any history of murders taking place there? Local folklore? Rumours? Your brother? I've only been in 2 Quonset huts & don't recall seeing a beam. Did you see this beam he hung himself on in the Quonset hut?

Thanks again for sharing. Looking forward to reading your response.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-22)
I can pick up some coke and sprite but someone needs to bring some pledge for all this flipping dust...
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-22)
nachos, chili dip, sandwiches, well isn't this turning into a pick-a-nick! Who was in charge of the suds? 😕
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-22)
Wait fer me

You don't need a pulley just use that noose
I'm sure its dangling around somewhere
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-22)
Biblio: perhaps we should attach a pulley to the beam in the Quonset hut and use it to handle that delicious chilly dip with the proper care?

I'm bringing a few loaves of bread to prepare some sandwiches out of this huge Swiss cheese!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-22)
Greetings, Rajazel.

Perhaps I'm missing an important fact about the environment in Indiana, but I've been having trouble with the logic of your statement, "graffiti had been sprayed all over the walls, part of the roof was missing, and there was dust everywhere." What kind of dust settles in a room exposed to the elements through a hole in the roof? Is Indiana a particularly dusty state, with dust drifts piling up against walls? I had thought that the "Dust Bowl" states were farther west, almost a century ago.

On the subject of walls, Quonset huts are corrugated metal buildings with a semi-circular profile; how are you distinguishing the spray-painted "walls" from "the roof" when they are the same curved surface? Did you mean the end walls?

This brings me to my last question: You wrote that "he was found hanging from a beam inside the hut." As quonset huts were designed to maximize the available interior space, the weight of the structure is distributed evenly in much the same manner as a barrel-vaulted ceiling or a Romanesque arch. How in the world was a beam installed without compromising the structure, so he could tie a noose around it and hang himself?

Give me a moment to join you all on the fence; it's not easy to carry my stepladder and my chili dip without making a mess.

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-21)
Agree, Razor. I'm in Southern Indiana and never heard of any of this. Granted I've only been here 12 years and my husband has been here his entire life so we may have missed!

So silly - although I wouldn't doubt for a minute someone would be extremely annoyed with trespassers. Or a friend walking around? Yep. I bet they had a good laugh.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-21)
I hope I didn't "narrowly" miss the available space on the fence. 😆 I brought nachos
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-21)
Ha ha ha ha I did the exact same thing as the rest of you after I read the first paragraph of the story! And came up with the same article as ladyglow! I should've read the comments first. I tried googling every which way and couldn't come up with anything to confirm this account. Granted, not everything is on the internet so, perhaps the OP could provide a bit more information to bolster their account but... Right now, I believe I'll join folks on the fence.

As it stands, nothing that happened sounds necessarily paranormal. Could be that the brother wanted to prank the OP - set them up with a bogus creepy story and drove them out to a location where a buddy or two lay in wait to sneak about, make some noise in the woods and throw a rock or two.
razorback1984 (5 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-20)
Hello fellow memebers I don't believe the OP will be answering anything as stated. But I live in indiana as well and I never recall hearing this story in my 22 years here. Mind you I don't know everything about the state but something like this would definetly have gotten around. I have done a lot of research of my own of "haunted" places and such in my state and I never recall seeing anything about this. I'm very on the fence about this story in all respects.

Limey (3 stories) (37 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-20)
Hi Rajazel: There are a number of points in your story that are just a little too dramatic for my taste. The most curious thing though, is the fact that you are not able to recall the name of the town in which you lived during the events that you describe. Or how long you lived there. Possibly you could ask your brother to help you out with these questions. It may also help YGS readers to know when the events occurred, and your age at the time. I just need a little more info.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-19)
Ladyglow, I was about to do my own research; thanks for that link.

Rajazel, any chance you can provide more details?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-19)
Rajazel: it would be grate if you had provided a little more details about the location and name of the place where you had this experience. The information is too vague as to confirm that such crimes ever happened.

I tried googling for serial killing in Indiana and found some information that goes back as early as the 1900"s, but nothing that points to any "silent room".

It is hard to say if a squatter was living in the place and was observing you or if you had a paranormal experience.

Thanks for sharing.

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