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Real Ghost Stories

Peanut And Pa


Animals have always been a big deal to my family - we grow up with them as brothers and sisters, when we are grown they are our kids, they are family. I grew up with Annie, a nine pound white pound rescue miniature poodle that my mother and grandmother brought home when I was eighteen months old to replace my grandfather's gorgeous black pedigreed toy poodle Nikkie who had just passed away. Losing Nikkie had reduced my grandfather, a typically strong stoic type (though plenty warm and loving) and veteran of two awful wars, to pieces - he loved that dog. When my mom and grandmother brought Annie home, she was malnourished, terrified, unwell, horribly dirty and matted up and looked more like an overgrown spider than a dog. He didn't want her because there was no way that frightened raggedy little thing could ever replace his beautiful Nikkie but he knew that if he sent her back to the SPCA, she would be immediately destroyed as she had been deemed 'unadoptable'. So they took her up stairs, gave her a bath and cut her hair - in the process they discovered she was not, in fact, black but snow white. She spent the next week hiding under the kitchen table too frightened to come out. Then, one morning, as my grandmother was coming downstairs, she heard my grandfather burst out laughing from the kitchen where he always had his coffee and read the paper at the kitchen table each morning. She went rushing in not knowing what to expect only to find that Annie, tired of being scared and ignored, had screwed up her courage and lept clear through his newspaper into his lap and Pa just couldn't stop laughing he was so pleased! She barely left his arms from that day until the day he passed away four years later - then she came to live with us and we adored her just as much until she passed many years later at the age of eighteen.

Since then, my mother and I have taken in three feral cats, which I helped raise for seven years - then when I got married and my husband and I let a flat of our own, we adopted an eight year old female tuxedo cat named Peanut. She came from the retirement home where my mother worked - her 'dad' had passed away and the family wanted to have her destroyed... So we snuck in one evening and smuggled her out in my coat. I know I am biased -I love animals and I simply adored this cat- but she was a truly wonderful little creature - so full of love, so beautiful and very smart. Her health was never strong but we were fortunate enough to have almost five wonderful years with her. Three weeks ago, the downward spiral began - not even the vet realized it at the time (because there were so many other issues he was monitoring and trying to fix) but her heart had started to give out. I realize now that, at the same time, I started to exhibit the same symptoms - most noticeably, I usually run five miles every day with weights on... That week I could barely go two before growing dizzy, desperately short of breath and almost too exhausted to get home. Then, one night, I was hit with the worst migraine of my life - the pain was astronomical, I could barely speak and I could not walk or stand... It almost felt more like a stroke than a migraine. I had just laid my head on the pillow when I heard my husband calling me frantically from the kitchen - the fear in his voice instantly had alarms going off. I half stumbled half crawled with all the adrenaline fueled desperate strength I could muster and found him knelt over Peanut as she convulsed wildly. My hands were shaking so badly that it took me three attempts to dial the emergency vet and when they answered, I couldn't get words out well enough to be understood, my husband had to speak to them and take her in while I stayed home waiting in agonies of worry. He brought her home in the wee hours of the morning, the prognosis was grim... Fluid in her lungs, congestive heart failure and likely brain cancer on top of her pre-existing conditions. The next day we took her in to her vet... He told us to keep her alive would be unfair and miserable. That was exactly what I had been fearing I would hear. She trusted me so implicitly and I would have to hold her while the vet slid the needle into her vein to end her life. It broke my heart. I held her on my shoulder, her body draped across my chest - just where she always felt safe and the happiest- and he did what needed to be done. In a few minutes, he came to check her heart... I could see his eyes widen a bit... What he heard was my heart through her body - racing as though it was trying to keep both of us alive... He had never heard that before. We had been so connected... But she was gone. Leaving without her was the worst feeling of my life.

All that night, I wept and prayed that if there is a heaven, my grandparents, Jane and Pa, would find her there and take care of her. The nightmares were terrible but every time I shook awake, I would return to that same prayer. The next night, I took a sleeping pill in hopes of keeping the nightmares away. Late in the night, I woke up because I felt Peanut jump up on the bed as usual and could feel her little feet walking up the bed. At first it seemed so normal... Then the last few days came back to me... I kept my eyes closed. And I felt her come up and curl into my chest just like she always did. I felt her sigh and settle in to sleep. I was so afraid that if I opened my eyes she'd be gone so I just laid there for what felt like an hour or more until I fell asleep again just feeling her there with me.

The next day, my mother called, she doesn't believe in the paranormal in spite of various overwhelming personal experiences, but she told me that, the night before she had awoken from a dead sleep to the sound of her father's laughter... Just like on that morning when Annie jumped through his newspaper. I'm fairly sure that's his way of letting us know that he found Peanut.

That day, we decided it was time to bring home another 'baby'...maybe two... We went from shelter to shelter - four in all - and called a half dozen more looking for kittens. Wouldn't you know it, during 'kitten season' in all of Hampton Roads, the ONLY kitten we could find just happened to be a little female tuxedo...

Sorry if that was a lot of wind up for a very small and all together minor experience but, I put it out there in hopes that other readers who have lost their pets may find comfort in it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AugustaM, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
On my good gracious! AugustaM, you are a stronger and better person than I was. I could not hold onto my Yoda, I was shaking so badly.

It took me a while to read your story as I'm bawling my eyes out. Thank you for sharing your encounter and the heads up on how to possibly deal with the "There's a bogeyman under my bed" type of situations.
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-02)
I never thought a site dedicated to paranormal experiences would reduce me to tears so often.

I'm a huge cat lover - and that's an understatement. I remember the first time I had to put my very first cat down. It was a good ten years ago yet I still cry when I think about him or that dreadful day. Even the members of my tenpin bowling league could see something had happened.

I'm happy for you that you had your experience - and jealous ^.^ My cats, of which I now have four, have always been my children. Despite naming them, when I'm looking for them I'd call out 'Where's the babies... Where's Maxies babies' and they'd come running.

I draw so much comfort from their presence, especially when they're snuggled up against me.

Thank you for sharing!
mayukiasano (2 stories) (17 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-24)
This almost made me cry at work. 😭 tried my hardest to stop the tears from flowing. I know how it feels to lose a dearly beloved pet. It's really heart breaking and it feels like you cannot almost breathe. I'm glad that Peanut made you feel comfy even for just a few days.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-23)
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! I hope you all have full tummies, and a few smiles.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-23)
Happy Thanksgiving, Augusta ❤
I hope that you've had a wonderful day filled with love, good food and laughter.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-23)
It is Thanksgiving and I just wanted to make a quick post to say how thankful. I am for this site, the wonderful mods who maintain it and the awesome people who make it a community. With so much negativity floating around in the world today and overflowing social media sites it is so wonderful to have someplace to retreat from all of that and have such amazing discussions. Thank you, all of you, for being who you are for doing what you do and for being here! ❤

Happy Thanksgiving!
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
AugustaM - how simply brilliant! This is 'magic' at its most basic level.

You can also arm them with a toothbrush. Melda just shared with me a "Bloody Mary" story with the most hilarious comments. She's saved it among her favourites under her profile. I laughed until my sides ached. I now use my trusty toothbrush against the forces of darkness as well as the evil Dr DK! 😆
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
AugustaM - Anyone who rescues animals surely has a place in heaven. Thank you for such a wonderful story. Annie reminded me of a little Bichon Frise we found wandering, matted in traffic and who when we cleaned him up was a pure snow white. One of the best dogs ever (excuse me, I think I have something in my eye here) We only kept him originally because everyone had the flu for a week and he followed us around, hopeful. I'm so sorry about Peanut. You have a guardian angel.

I love the lesson that you taught your nieces. It's pretty creative and they know they can take control of the situation. What a smart cookie you are!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
Bloody Mary and Five Year Olds

I am writing this here as a comment since its more of a funny anecdote than a strictly paranormal experience but I thought you all would enjoy it.

Last weekend I had my 5 year old twin nieces to stay with me. I noticed as it approached dark Sat evening, they kept asking me to go with them every time they went to the bathroom. Finally I asked them what was up and they told me that a one of the older kids in school had told them something that had made them afraid to go alone. Quickly I got it out of them that it was the Bloody Mary story. So I told then that I had been told the same story when I was their age and that it had frightened me too so I had tried it - went into the bathroom, turned out the lights and repeated the name three times... That I tried over and over again but nothing happened so I wasn't afraid anymore. That didn't help.

So I sat back, sighed heavily, gave their uncle a grave look and said, "Well, I guess its time they learn their first spell." Mind you, they only just saw 'Hocus Pocus' this year and adored it so anything to do with witches and spells carries a lot of weight to them right now. Their uncle played along and nodded back solemnly. We took them out to the garden and gathered protective herbs- sage, bay, and rosemary- made a bundle, lit it and had them blow the smoke over every mirror in the apartment while reciting their 'spell' telling any bad spirits that they couldn't stay here. Then they blew the ashes out the back door.
"Feel better now?"
Vigorous nods.

Thus they had their first lesson in cleansing.

Sometimes all it takes is a little practical 'magic' to make the fear go away ❤
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
AugustaM, my eyes were tearing up when I read about Peanut. I had the same thought as Melda, that you were so close to Peanut that you shared an emphatic bond and felt the same pain. Losing any furkid is sooo gut-wrenching. But oh how they enrich our lives in the short time we have them with us.

I've had a few occasions when I thought I glimpsed my cat, Fruitcake peering around the corner and heard her particular "meow'. My husband has experienced waking up a few times thinking his old cat, Whiskey was purring in his ear. It might be fanciful of me, but I believe that animals who are particularly loved and closely bonded with us do come back from time to time...

Thanks for sharing your story.
Ceci (1 stories) (5 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-14)
Im Sorry for your beloved Peanut, I know what you felt, I'm now in the same situation, mi beloved dog Snuky was a big suport for almost all my life, but she passed away yesterday and I was very sad and crying, she was so sweet and tender, when I remember her I start to cry again. I felt better wen I relized that she was around me, I feel her like she was before her illness and age, she seems very happy and virorous, and some times this day I saw her walking in the kitchen, in a blurry shape with her fur color...

About cats, is very interesting some myths that hey have in some places in the world, myths that explain they they have a very particular heaven very clouse to the faeries, some cultures like the celtic, thinks that cats are half faerie indeed, and they beleave that when them dies, they are only returning to they beautifull and magic place with their beautifull magic shapes and powers.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-22)

I'm a bit confused that I somehow missed your beautiful encounter with Peanut! 😕 I'm doing YGS catch up (I'm waay behind lol) and just now found this in the list.
Thank you for sharing, I always tear up with the pet related submissions. I love how you pieced everything together with Peanut and Pa. Pets are great at letting us know they're still checking in from time to time. I just love these kinds of encounters. ❤ As a side note it's amazing how animals seem to know what's what on the other side! I've always asked for some of my ghosties to take care of pets on the other side too. I don't know if the pets really need it, or if it just makes me feel better, either way it feels like the right thing to do. 😊

Bless you, your Pa and Peanut!
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-22)
Hi Augusta,
So sorry to hear about your loss! I know I'm a bit late on this and hope I'm not bringing back sad memories of grief, just when you're getting over your loss. Being a dog lover myself, I know how hard it is to lose a loved one and hardest it is to be there when they pass over.
If it's any consolation, think about the happy memories you and Peanut had all those years! I'm sure you definitely would have taken excellent care of her during her stay in your home. I admired the fact that you snuck her out from her eventual death and gave her a happy home for her for 5 years. Even though I'm a dog person, I do like cats and had adopted a few throughout my life. I find their mysterious character interesting. And they do have that cute arrogant way about them!
I'm sure Peanut is in a good place. I believe all animals do because they are so pure and innocent.
They are fine tuned with nature. So they accept life to the fullest and death too. No pretence or ignorance bull sh... In between, like us human lot most often do!
Hope this'll cheer you up. (a quote from the web) If you put your dog and your significant other in your car boot for some time, when you open it up you'll find who loves you the most! Lol
Hope you're back on the five miles a day routine! Keep it up!
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-15)
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I too have loved animals like my own children, it is horrible when one passes on. It is a comfort to me to know that someone else is as close to their animals as I am. I keep saying I am not psychic, that my hubby is. I never have had the pleasure of a visit from a dog or cat who has passed through the veil. I do know that one of my Beagles has amazing gifts of discernment and is quite psychic in her own way! That dog has even taken "Gifts" to the grave of one of her "brothers" (in the guise of a dead critter). A tribute? Who knows how the minds of Beagles work? Other than, they always want to play and have unlimited treats!
Thank you again for your story. It warms my heart to know about your love for your"Babies"!

Mother of Beagles
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-14)

Losing a furry family member, for me and I'm positive its the same for you, its just as bad as losing a non furry lol.

When my pup got sick, it had me in tears. I slept downstairs with him, even while he was vomiting and defacated all over himself. I couldn't bare to leave him alone while he was scared and feeling horrible. My husband though is quite the opposite, he doesn't care much for animals, but with all of my pictures and videos, and showing him "New tricks" my pup has learned, he told me hes started to become attached. And he has never said anything like that in all the years I've been married to him.

I find it amazing you were able to get those precious moments again even if it were a few times, with your Tuxedo cat. Theres nothing like the time you come home from a long day and theyre waiting on you with the biggest amount of love they could possibly give.

My pup is only 4 months will be 5 on the 16th of this month, and he is already over 75lbs. When he gets excited you know it lol.

Anyhow...This really warmed my heart, and I briefly remembered another experience I had with another dog I had, years ago. He was my best friend.

This will go into my favs, for a great reminder, of laughter, and love.

Thanks for writing this
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-14)
Martin- That's awesome, thank you! It will be good to know the stories missed will just be one click away! 😁
Thank you -trentinray
Martin (602 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-13)
trentinray, for the "more" link I'm going to try for a while to list the stories coming after the ones in the right column of the sites.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-13)
AugustaM - I have just read your story again and suddenly something struck me, after reading your "symptoms" about Peanut's illness and death.

If people who are very close in life, such as twins, siblings and so on, can manifest pain or emotions experienced by the other, why not the same between a beloved pet and human?!

This is something which I haven't thought about in years and didn't even mention to anyone. In fact this is the very first time I am mentioning it publicly although it did strike me as very coincidental at the time! (I am more than sceptical regarding "coincidence" by the way.)

My mother-in-law passed away in the early hours of the morning in October 2004. She had had a breast removed due to cancer but unfortunately the cancer had spread to her right lung and she went down-hill at a rapid rate.

On the particular morning when she passed, at round about the same time, I was experiencing a huge amount of pain in my upper back, around the right lung area. It was so bad that my husband rushed me to the emergency care unit at a nearby hospital. (I've had collapsed lungs before, after surgery, so he was hugely stressed.) I was sent for X-rays, etc. There was absolutely nothing wrong with me.

At about 06. 30 in the morning, a short while after we arrived home, we received the news that my mother-in-law had passed away. She lived over a thousand kilometres from us, in a different province. We were expecting this news as she was in pretty bad shape at that stage, although even when you are expecting it, it remains a shock and a huge loss.

Just thought I'd share that with you because your account is the first I have heard about this sort of event happening between pet and owner. But then again my pets have been like children in my home, which obviously Peanut was in yours ❤

Regards, Melda
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-13)
Hi Trentinray - I was a bit puzzled myself as to why my story was posted so far down in the list but the more I look at things, I think the stories are filed not according to their publication date but their submission date and since there are multiple moderators, stories aren't always ready in a strictly first-come-first viewed order since the work of editing is likely shared. Just my (very wordy) guess:) but I am very happy that it was posted:) - among other things, I think it provides a nice followup since the grandparents referenced here are the same from my previous story. And no worries about going off topic on my story:)

BeautInside, it is so wonderful to hear that your search has begun! I wish you the very best of luck in finding your new family member:)
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-13)
Hi AugustaM,

Yes, you are right!

I come from Portugal and we also have something similar, I found 2 websites on my research thanks to you! 😊
It never occurred to me that there could be some websites on this, and this is so obvious! This is so me lolol

They don't have any hypoallergenic breed for adoption right now but sometimes they do, and I will be updated 😁

Thank you for the tip!

Blessings. ❤
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-13)
I think everyone missed this story because of the way the site is set up. I think around the time this story was posted there was a large amount of stories posted at once, I remember I was trying to read as much as I could but as soon as a story reaches the bottom of the list on the side "latest hauntings" it's gone to us.
I've tried clicking on "more true stories" but it just lists the same ones under Latest hauntings. So if you miss one you missed it.
I think it would be better if the more true stories link led you to the previous stories after the ones under Latest hauntings.

Sorry for the off topic comment, by the way I completely agree about the stronger psychic bond then we realize. People who experience NDEs often talk about feeling connected to everyone and everything.
Take Care -trentinray
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
I agree with you 100%, BeautInside - rescues are the BEST! You may want to keep your eye on online features that a lot of shelters are using (findapet, adoptapet) - they are websites that help you look through all the animals in you area shelters - most will even send you notifications when a baby that meets your specifications pops up. And, I am not sure what country you are in -I am in the states but other countries may well have similar organizations- but there are breed specific rescues and I know for sure there is one for poodles, I have donated to them before:) Not trying to push an adoption on you:) just relating what I know just in case it is useful:)
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
Hi AugustaM,

I don't know why you experienced the same symptoms of Peanut's, but you sure did have a very special and beautiful connection... 😊

I am an anti-breeder too! Every animal has the right to have a home, and I can understand that some people are passionate by a breed but if we all were what would happen to the mixed breeds? They have the same right! They have cuteness too... And are loyal, and gentle, and funny, etc, etc 😁

I know there some hypoallergenic breeds like poodles are pinchers, and we've tried to find them in some shelters around our area but couldn't find any... Hypoallergenic breeds are very expensive here and I can't afford buying one.
From time to time I grab the phone and call to the animal shelters nearby, but didn't have any luck so far. Hopefully one day that will change. 😊

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
Thank you for your kind words, Melda, Tentinray and BeautInside ❤ Pets are one of the best things that can come into your lives... Even though it hurts like mad when they go. I am just so very glad that my grandparents are up there to look after her. Interestingly, the whole experience seems to have given my mother a more hopeful view on heaven where before her thoughts ran more towards the atheistic.

I'll never understand the nature of the connection between Peanut and me that caused me to experience the same symptoms she was suffering even when I didn't entirely know she had them - from the heart failure to the trauma of her last night. But I will always believe that living things have a closer psychic bond to each other than most ever realize.

Melda, I wish I had a picture of when they first brought little Annie home... I think my mother has one somewhere but I couldn't begin to find it. But she certainly was a raggedy little mess! My mom says it was her big sad brown eyes -the only thing about her at the time that could have been considered in any way beautiful- that arrested her. She sure did clean up well, though - after we had her for a year and got her healthy and happy, the richest man in town offered $1000 for her... My grandfather was proud as buttons (and could have used the money) but he wasn't about to part with her:)

BeautInside - have you tried your kids around poodles? They are hypoallergenic and -contrary to popular misconception- very very smart (no more yappy than their owners raise them to be... Annie only ever barked at the door bell and was very good about stopping when you asked her to). I am usually anti-breeder, but since allergies are involved, this seems like a case where knowing the family tree of your dog is necessary - just make sure you find a reputable one and take your kids to visit... See how they do:)
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
Hi AugustaM,

How could I possibly have missed your account?! Just like trentinray your comment called my attention, and I'm so glad it did!

My eyes are still wet from reading your experience, just hope nobody comes in to my office in the next few minutes...
I know how that feels, I've been there and it's heart breaking. Actually watching some of my 4 pawed friends leaving was no easier than seeing someone else leaving. Don't get me wrong but we grow so attached to them that they become family, and they know when they should comfort us without us having to say a word.

Even though I can't have pets in the next few years (my children suffer from allergies) I am looking forward to the day they grow up a little bit and build defenses to support the fur around them. 😊 They love animals and I know they'll be as thrilled as I was when I was kid growing up with my parents' pets around me 😁

Lovely true story, thank you for sharing it! ❤

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
AugustaM - Wow, do I ever understand the heartache you went through ❤

Your description of Annie really made me smile. Black and, after a bath, suddenly white?! She must certainly have been a scraggly little creature when your mom and gran brought her home 😆

I don't doubt that Peanut drops in to say hi. My deceased animals, dogs and cats, have done the same thing. I am a firm believer that If we love them enough during their lives, they will visit after they have left this earth.

Heartwarming account!

Regards, Melda
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
Somehow I missed this story, I only saw it because of your comment. Thank you for sharing, although you had me crying pretty good. 😢
I am so sorry for your loss and your pain. I'm sending my love and a hug your way. ❤
I know Peanut just wanted to comfort you and let you know she is okay and always with you.
Best wishes for you -Trentinray
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
I just wanted to add this quick addendum. Five days after Peanut passed (I still start tearing up just typing her name) - we had dinner with our neighbors. Mind you, we live in a fairly small nearly 100 year old apartment building - 3 floors, two apartments on each landing. So these neighbors essentially share the top floor with us. Over dinner, Peanut, of course, came up in conversation and my neighbor got a queer look on her face. She said she didn't want to be morbid or to spook me but that for a week before Peanut's passing, she had been seeing phantom black cats wandering around her apartment. That's when my husband piped up and said he had been seeing them too. Neither had seen them since Peanut passed away. We think they may have been harbingers or guides of some sort. I never saw them.

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