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Always At Bedtime


As most of you know by now, my apartment overlooks a lovely little park that serves not only as a refreshing green space in the city but also a buffer from the busy street. It's real raison d'etre, however, is for what is to be found beneath the ground. It is a mass grave.

In 1855, the steam ship Benjamin Franklin came up from St. Thomas Island unwittingly bearing yellow fever. It made port in Portsmouth, across the river where the plague first made landfall in the tenement housings there. Attempts were made at the time to quarantine but lacking a developed understanding of germ theory, all attempts quickly proved futile and the deadly disease soon spread to the larger city of Norfolk to wreak havoc.

Those stricken were dying faster than graves could be dug no more or less proper funerals conducted. The desperate city resorted to mass burials in lesser inhabited areas. One such area at the time was Lambert's Point. A pit was dug there and approximately 500 late citizens of the city of Norfolk there laid to rest. Seventy years later, the apartment building where later I would live was constructed right next door.

As one might imagine, given our rather darkly picturesque location, residents here do have their share of paranormal activity - my husband and I being no exception. I feel that much of the activity potential to our apartment is mitigated by the constant watching presence of my maternal grandparents' spirits (those discussed in 'Coming to Say Goodbye') - but as I have come to discover over the six years we have lived here, some entities still find a way through. Strangely, most of the activity is centered in the bedroom - specifically in bed (believe me - hah! I *know* how that sounds and, trust me, I don't mean 'hanky panky' nor are our spirits that way inclined!)

I have not as yet begun to keep a diary of my experiences here (shame on me, I know) but every time something happens, it always seems so small and insignificant that I shrug it off after calming down and it isn't until days later, after ruminating on it, that I see how it fits into the greater context of other events and see its significance. Thus with my promise that I will in future mend my feckless ways and start my journal and the hope that for now you will bear with me, on to my best possible reconstruction of events. I have put the events in the order that they have occurred - the first beginning, I believe in 2014, roughly 2 years after we moved in.

The first thing I remember is very simple. I was laying in bed in the dark with my sleeping mask on as there was still light flooding in from the bedroom door from the living room etc since my husband (Andy) was still up doing dishes. It typically takes me quite a long time to fall asleep and I am a light sleeper with very clear lines between sleeping and awake (I don't wake up groggy or hazy - I go straight from dead sleep to fully alert on waking no matter how sudden). Thus I laid there waiting for sleep trying to clear my head of the day's concerns. It was then I heard the footsteps creaking over the aging hardwood of the hall down to the bedroom, across the threshold, around the bed and over to my husband's side. A few moments passed as I lay there with my mask still on wondering why he was just standing there beside the bed... And it distinctly felt as though he was staring at me.

As the moments ticked by I couldn't fathom what he was doing just standing and staring and why he had come to bed without turning out the living room lights (the elastic on my sleep mask is basically shot so a bit of light still creeps in around the edges). Finally, and a bit irritated, I pulled up my mask and looked over at...nothing. He wasn't there. Then I heard the sink turn on in the kitchen meaning the real Andy was still in there washing dishes.

I know I was blindfolded so could not have seen anyone (or thing) passing out of the room but I have freakishly good hearing (one more reason why I sleep so lightly) and the building's sagging foundation conspires with its aging wood floors to create an unmistakable and very distinctive sound when feet bearing human-type weight pass over them - you can't miss it and it does not happen on its own. This sort of thing has happened several times - always at night when I've just gone to bed.

The next incident, I was again in bed (lights out, mask on) and Andy either taking a shower or doing the dishes. Again, I was waiting for sleep, knowing it probably wouldn't come until all activities (human ones at least) had ceased. I began to sense the presence of someone else in the room. I flipped up my mask and had a look about but saw nothing. The AC and fan were on so if the room had suddenly gotten cold, I likely wouldn't have noticed. So I replaced my mask and decided to ignore it. That's when I felt something grab the toes of my right foot through the covers! I shot up tearing off my mask and switching on the light in one lightening fast motion to find myself starring yet again at nothing in my empty room.

Sometime between these events - my chronology is good if my precise dates are not. My husband had an experience, which he related to me. We were both in bed, I was asleep and he was awoken by the feeling of a cold hand traveling slowly up his arm, over his shoulder and coming to rest at his throat. It went away when he sat up in alarm. I experienced nothing that night.

Next incident - once again I'm in bed, lights out, mask on, Andy elsewhere in the apartment- noticing a trend here? Again I hear the footsteps coming down the hall, into the room and around the bed. This never frightens me because I always assume its Andy. I feel him get into bed and after a moment, he rolls over towards me and gently says "Hey, sweetheart" as though to wake me up without startling me. I roll over to find out what's going on to once again find myself alone. Then I noticed the sound of dishes clinking about in the kitchen and realize, once again, Andy is still in the kitchen and I, in fact, am "alone" in our room.

The next incident - same set up: me, bed, lights out, mask on. Same footsteps, down the hall, into the room, around the bed. Once again, I feel it get into bed - this time, I somehow know it isn't Andy (for those of you thinking 'Well, about time, lady!' lol I hear the same thing every night when it actually IS Andy. Given how normal these sounds are, it is very difficult to discern between the usual and the not so usual until I get tipped off in the end). It rolls over and I can feel a warm body against my back and breath in my ear. Let me stress here that I distinctly sensed absolutely NOTHING sexual about this encounter. All the while, I can hear Andy mucking about in the kitchen. The entity wrapped an arm around me so we were spooning. My mind was reeling - torn between instinctual terror of the unknown and what seemed to be an insistence coming from the entity NOT to be afraid. It seemed desperate that I not feel any fear as though it just wanted to be near a warm living human being just for a few moments but meant no harm. So I willed myself to relax and just laid there with it until I fell asleep.

I got the distinct impression it was a middle aged man and could 'see' him laying there behind me in my mind's eye. I can't recall his face but I do recall he was wearing a button down shirt, belt and pants. I awoke that morning unable to recall my dreams but knowing they had been pleasant and feeling unaccountably peaceful and happy.

I have since heard whispering in that room sounding like a conversation between a middle aged man (possibly the same one) and a young girl - I could not make out the words and this has only happened once.

The last event of note that I will mention here happened just the other night (wee hours of the morning May 9, 2018) and it is what prompted me to write down all of this. Bear in mind that for the last week, one of my cats (Vera - a very intelligent 18 month old female) has been behaving a bit unusually in that room at night - when she hops up on the bed, instead of pestering me or cuddling, she stands rather tensely at the edge on my side and stares fixedly up into the corner above my side of the bed.

So back to May 9th, I had awoken sometime around 4:45AM (I looked at my phone at what I took to be the conclusion of the event). I don't know what precisely woke me but it is not uncommon for me to wake up at various points during the night - generally between one and five in the morning for no reason really so I ascribe no particular significance to this. After laying there for a few minutes debating whether I was going to be able to fall back asleep, whether it was worth it to get up and go to the bathroom or get a glass of water, or if I should try reading something boring on my phone until I grew drowsy once more, suddenly I felt something jump up on the bed. I lifted my head expecting to see one of my two cats at the foot but saw nothing. Assuming I was imagining things, I plopped my head back down and continued my fruitless debate until a few moments later, I felt it again. Once more, I checked the foot of the bed and saw nothing.

While actively trying to quash the growing sense of unease, I slowly probed a foot back and forth across the area to see if I would find a warm wee cat body there hidden amongst the bed clothes to explain the thumps and allay my fears. Nothing. I took a deep breath, let it out and decided that I should ignore it - rolled over, turning my back and attempted once more to review my 'to sleep' options without much success.

After a moment, it started to move again, now it's coming up the bed. It got to my knee and I rolled over to look again only to once more find stillness and nothing. Laid back down and rolled back over - by this point unable to force myself to think about much else but hoping this is all just my imagination and it'll stop. Another few moments go by and it started to move again - this time up to my hip. I peeked again. Nothing. By this point, I couldn't help it, I was scared. Wrapping myself tighter in my sheet, I tried as hard as I could to think of happy things and white light. This time the movement continued on up and paused at my shoulder. Just as I was about ready to jump out of my skin, I felt a firm nudge on my shoulder. In a flash I sat up throwing off the covers and turned on the light... Only to find a freshly awoken and quite dumbfounded husband blinking into the glare.

So there you have it, the greatest part of the activity in my home. I have hunch that I have a father and daughter though that doesn't quite explain that last encounter as it seemed too small to be human. I am a rational person with a good education grounded in science and I have gone over and over each experience in my head to try to rule out logical explanations (EMFs, structural settling, thermodynamics, jolts from heavy trucks, sounds from neighboring units, cats, fan, AC... Just plain crazy lol) but nothing can account for what I have experienced. All but Andy's experience and the most recent have occurred between ten PM and midnight during various seasons of the year.

Please, I am not Christian and have had several negative experiences with various denominations of said faith in my life- I would appreciate it if that stance would respected. I tend towards spiritualism and paganism.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AugustaM, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-07)
Augusta - Gran was going to get that message through loud and clear, by hook or by crook!

I know that you must be going through a terrible time because of your mother's condition. I understand it only too well.

Bear in mind that the sooner any sort of problem is discovered, the easier it is to fix. This is true in many aspects of our lives.

I am sending good vibes and thoughts your way for your mother and for you.

Regards, Melda
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

That's incredible! Please take care of yourself. I am praying for you and your mother.

- Maria
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Ok this is odd... As of this past summer, I have been put on a 6 month rotation for mammos and MRIs as I am a very high risk case for potentially developing breast cancer - it's not something I talk about much and haven't talked about it at ALL in the last month or so because I haven't wanted to think about it in the midst of everything else going on (my mother is in stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and it is breaking me) but it has been heavily on my mind for the last week as I need to schedule an MRI for this month and have been dragging my heels about it BIG TIME. So this morning I have been catching up on stories here and thinking all the while how quiet things have been around my apartment on the paranormal front when I would have expected all the emotions generated from the situation with my mom to have caused an uptick in activity- maybe they're leaving me alone for this... Though I might have invited the distraction. Also as I have been reading, the fact that the same rather politically charged ad has popped up on every page has been causing minor annoyance. Then just after I had paused to think on how quiet things have been - not even a word from my late grandparents who typically start sending signs at times like these - I clicked to the next page and an all new banner ad, which I have never seen before pops up that says "DON'T PUT OFF YOUR MRI!" I know phones listen but I haven't spoken about it or typed about it or done any googling about it. And targeted advertising usually shows you ads for things in your market - an MRI clinic on the other side of the country (the phone number on the ad is a California area code, I am in VA) certainly doesn't qualify. The moment I saw the ad, my grandmother's name and face popped strongly into my mind. Message received, Jane!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
Oh she still sees the man - now he seems to freak her out a little though... Perhaps she has reached the age where she is old enough to start seeing the unknown as frightening not just curious.
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
Hi, and what an interesting, ongoing thread! Just wanted to add my two cents about ceiling fans. When I first moved into my current and much loved home (where the older couple had both passed away in the months before, though at the hospital) I had a strange incident with my bedroom fan... I could not get it to turn off one day. I chalked it up at the time to my inexperience with the nuances of the house, no big deal. But a couple years later, sitting where I am now at the kitchen table with the nearby living room fan on... The fan seemed to slow down and surge forward again in a strange manner that fully got my attention and we've never had ANY electrical surges or weird things happen in our seven years here. Perhaps the energy from the fans makes them a good focal point for "visitors?" PS Did anything ever happen with the little girl who was so generous with her cookies? Did she grow out of seeing her friend?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
Ok, here's a bit of odd synchronicity for you - in nearly any other home, I might shrug it off but here I have reason to take pause and consider. As I have mentioned before, our nearly 100 year old building has no central air - as a result, we have ceiling fans in nearly every room. (This incident focuses on the one in the living room and the one in the dining room.) The one in the living room was installed incorrectly leading to damage to its motor - so for the last five years, even though it should be able to run at slow, medium or fast, it has had only one speed: slow. Yesterday evening, the radiators were rather outdoing themselves so we switched on the fans. As we were sitting on the couch, my husband looks up and points out that the living room fan is on high... As in it is spinning much much faster than it has in years... Motors don't just "get better." Anyway, we shrugged it off thankful for the cool breeze, finished our evening and went to bed. So last night at 2:25 AM, I woke up. As I lay there, I couldn't discern anything in particular that may have woken me but these things happen so I laid there waiting to fall back to sleep again - when, out of the clear blue was a godawful bang followed by crashing, breaking and one penultimate boom. I was instantly up and terrified - had the Christmas tree fallen? Seemed far too loud for that. Were the cats ok? As we emerged from the hall, we could instantly see what had happened - the dining room was a disaster. From the looks of the wreckage, one blade from the dining room ceiling fan flew off first and crashed into an antique shadow box on the wall ultimately landing on the buffet below then the rest grew so unstable that it almost instantly shook itself free from the ceiling. It managed to take out 6 antiques, severely damage the shadow box, and put a few nasty scratches on the buffet... Give me a panic attack and leave one of our cats, Vera, in staring shock. As I crouched on the floor trying to get my breathing and blood pressure back under control, I looked up - the living room fan was back to its sluggish self again.

Sure, could be some weird mechanical fluke that lead to one heck of a coincidence. But given our location, the activity here and that we have had entities play with our ceiling fans before... I tend to lean towards "not a coincidence."
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
Laying in bed last night, the male voice popped in again and said "Imperfect" - and that was all.

There had been a fairly serious accident in the intersection out front earlier that evening. But, whereas we have seen several fatal accidents there (most involving a vehicle making bitter contact with one of the old unyielding trees across the street) this incident, though likely terminal to both vehicles, left both drivers and all passengers with mere bruises (good thing too as the police took a shameful 40 minute to arrive during which time several additional accidents nearly occurred due to the ensuing confusion).

Other than that, nothing dramatic has occurred over the week. I got a bit frustrated with my husband earlier that morning but nothing big and no arguments. We had our nieces Friday through Sunday and all went well with them (though a perfectly healthy looking pumpkin did quite literally EXPLODE in the middle of our living room - I am willing to chalk that up to nature and science in spite of its HIGHLY unusual nature lol).

I suppose he could have been speaking in reference to the "character of man" in regard to my frustration. Or the human capability for operating a motor vehicle. Or the situation surrounding my nieces. Or even commenting on me. I can't know for sure.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
As I fall asleep, I think of all sorts of things - a habit, which often keeps me awake - but I do make a deliberate effort not to think of anything distressing... Like bills... Or ghosts (cuddly or otherwise). Perhaps, my subconscious is thinking about the paranormal but it tends to do its own thing no matter what! But I absolutely agree that our hallway walker/cuddler doesn't seem sinister.

And in keeping with my habit of using this as a form of diary - we had activity again last night. We had our nieces from Friday at 4 until Sunday at 6 and both of us were utterly exhausted (the cats too). I had gone to bed early, my husband was in the shower. As I lay there trying to quiet my mind into sleep, I first heard a young man's voice say "Hello" in my head with perfect clarity. That popped my eyes open! First I tried to analyze if the voice could have come from absolutely anywhere logical but the windows were closed (window unit and fan on), the TV (which is in the living room anyway) and sound bar were off, my phone and iPad were dead and my husband's phone was in the closed bathroom with him - the voice was far too clear to have come from the next room let alone another apartment.

So, lacking any comforting explanation, I laid there trying very hard NOT to think of it. Just the same, I could hear a conversation of muffled male voices - though I was completely unable to make out what they were saying. I whispered my usual "House Rules for Ghosties" and it seemed to quiet a little.

It felt like at least ten minutes had passed when I heard another voice - this was a young woman. She said "take your husband" not in a sinister way but more as some one would say "take this guy, for example" as a way to explain a point. To be fair, I had been thinking of a rather "memorable", shall we say, scene from a romance novel at the time 😅 So perhaps, she disapproved of my impure thoughts! 😳
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)

I enjoy your writing style. When I got to the paragraph "The next incident - same set up: me, bed, lights out, mask on. Same footsteps," I could see the images in a flash-cut montage like a Darren Aronofsky film ("Requiem for a Dream" or "Pi").

I, too, liked Tweed's suggestion of a protective awareness, as you had believed that the original manifestation had moved on. However, if it is not Andy inadvertently projecting himself, perhaps the original entity has returned because you have been concentrating/expecting him? You've got yourself ready to sleep, your defenses are lowered, and you start to wonder if you-know-who will show up: so he does. Perhaps thinking about something else before you sleep would be more conducive to being left alone?

In my teenage years, I had occasion to be the moral support and clear-headed advisor to some of my female friends. I remained completely dressed and had them just snuggle up with me as a concerned, supportive friend. (In one case, we'd been chatting over coffee in my car, so I had my winter jacket on, too!) These friends would then relax and -usually- sleep. I know when a teen states "but we didn't do anything" almost no-one believes that they are capable of a modicum of self-control; these friends knew they were safe with me because I have rules, one of which is "I don't exploit my friends." If the nocturnal visitor is entirely non-threatening, he may believe he is serving some similar, reassuring purpose, but accomplishing the opposite.

Just a few follow-up ideas to the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
Augusta and Twilight I've just read your messages and fear not there's no misunderstandings here. 😊

Just so you know 'someone' has been trolling my comments lately downvoting things I say. 'Someone' has also been downvoting things people say to me. Mmmm slimy. Sorry if this has happened while I've been awol. I ain't got no control over it. Just laugh at it, I do.

Oh and it's nice to know someone thinks I'm cool LOL!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)

We share the same sleeping patterns. 😜 I've always been jealous of my other half who says "I'm going to bed", gets into bed and actually falls asleep right away. Must be nice! I also dread waking up in the night because there's a good chance I won't be going back to sleep.

I was thinking your nocturnal visitor might be sensed (and seen a bit) if you are in that half awake/half asleep state because we are naturally relaxed and 'open' or receptive. If you are the type that already sees or communicates with spirit, it makes sense that you pick up on your 'bed buddy' (Ha! Couldn't help it!) in that relaxed/meditative state. I know I've experienced some 'what the heck was that moments?' just prior to nodding off... And I'm no psychic. 😉

Just a thought anyway. Hope it makes sense ❤

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
I get what you meant now Tweed, on your theory 😁 and I'm glad no offense was taken by my confusion. I've been on this site for over a year now, but I haven't really made a lot of comments in fear of being misunderstood with what I say, since I apparently have the problem of saying things that come out worse than what I meant for it to. Not on here yet luckily lol but I try my best to be more supportive on this site, and helpful, as well as trying to learn new things I didn't know before, and to keep any negative thoughts to myself. I really enjoy reading all the stories people all over the world has to tell, and I try to keep things more positive on here, since this is where I like to go to relax in my everyday crazy life. To AugustaM, I find it amazing that you're able to wake up without having to go through that groggy, I don't want to get up faze lol I wish I was able to be like that, especially when it comes to having to get kids up early in the morning, to get ready for school. But I know how you feel when it comes to trying to get back to sleep, and it being a battle at times. That's how its for me, if I try to get more sleep after getting the kid's off to school.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Dee!

I am fairly sure I was awake. I have always been the type that takes forever to fall asleep and no time at all to wake up. For better or for worse, I am either wide awake or sound asleep - my in between state lasts for half a second - its why I dread waking in the night because I either take forever to fall back asleep or can't manage it at all... But it happens frequently just the same lol 😲 😆
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Augusta,

I like Tweed's theory of Andy's energy joining you before the 'physical' Andy does. Maybe he does it without realizing it or just acknowledging you going off to bed would be enough to cause it to happen?

Also, I was wondering how sleepy you were when it occurred? Were you in that half asleep - half awake state (I know you mentioned nodding off) or had you fallen sleep? I have a thought but wanted to ask about that first.

❤ Dee
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Jeez and now that sounds sarcastic and it wasn't meant to be! 😢 Honest, I really didn't mean to speak for you and I swear I am not the social anxiety ridden dish rag I seem to be at the moment! 😲
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Sorry, Tweed, I didn't mean to speak for you if that's the way it sounded 😳 I meant that you are cool as in understanding and level headed. ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Augusta, no worries, good to know he's not that bothered by it all lol.

Twilight, also no worries lol, questions are good things! My theory was dependent on multiple entities over crowding their living space and Andy's concern manifesting in the spirit world. But now it seems that's not going on. 😊
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hey Twilight 😊

Don't worry, I don't think your comment came off as offensive and Tweed is cool 😎

My personal theory is that we are dealing with multiple entities. I rather think they spend their hours roaming the whole building. Maybe a few spend more time in certain units than others. I don't get the feeling that any of them are evil though the wee scoundrel sneaking up the bed was behaving rather badly.

Tweed's theory does have me thinking, however. Often areas that are paranormally active in their own right can attract other entities sometimes even serve as portals or beacons. Given that and Tweed's input, what if my nighttime guest is a some one known to me looking to protect or calm - maybe my grandfather (the one whom I have always felt looks out for me) or my great grandfather (the one a medium said follows me around) - especially since there wasn't anything at all sexual about the presence?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Don't worry, Tweed, this is YGS - that wasn't confusing 😁 I get what you mean and its a compelling theory! I'm not sure that our paranormal visitors worry Andy enough to evoke emotions strong enough to achieve something like that. Granted, living with ghosties is new for him and I don't think he's quite sure on *how* he feels about it but I don't think he is over worried for my safety... I don't think 🤔 But I really like your way of thinking out of the box!
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
To Tweed, I mean no disrespect by asking you this, but wanted to ask this... With the OP saying how her husband had an experience with what felt like someone touching him, to the point that it felt like there was hands being put around his neck, would what you said you think could be happening, go as far as interacting with her husband, in what may seem a little threatening? I've had my fare share of ghostly things happening, but I would not call my self experienced by all means, so I ask you out of curiosity, and not offensively. From what I gather from reading this account, and reading the history that was given, I would assume that with hearing whispering conversations, and a presence that's giving off the feeling of trying to not be feared (the part where she knew it wasn't her husband in bed with her, as it cuddled up to her), as well as having something that seems to be like a cat jumping on her bed, walking around, that it may be something else? But reading what you suggested, aside freaking me out, thinking how that would scare me, and blow my mind to have happen to me lol really makes me curious over the possibility of that actually happening. I hope I don't offend you by asking you about your thoughts on this, because I really mean no disrespect, I'm always interested in learning about all the different possibilities, no matter how far stretched some may seem, because it's those that are hard to grasp, that makes you more curious to know the possibilities to. Thank you to the OP for sharing this experience, and adding in the history around there. Now to look up on some of our history, since you've made me curious to how my area may have been affected by the plague.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi Augusta,

Do you think it's possible this presence that gets into bed before Andy actually IS Andy? That is, a living residual of Andy, from a previous day or year. I realise this is kind of out there, but hey, it's YGS!
Perhaps this is happening because of Andy's awareness of your odd bedtime activity. Man, that sounded inappropriate, well you know what I mean! It must be in the back of Andy's mind what happens sometimes at bedtime. With this perhaps an overall awareness strengthens something in the atmosphere and creates this experience on your end, in the bedroom. Andy is literally putting himself in there, or a previous 'looped' version, for the purpose of keeping anything untoward out. Or he has unwittingly created a thought form of himself, through sheer awareness of the situation, to sort of act like a temple dog before he gets there.

Wacky and weird, but if it feels just like Andy to you, and happens with enough frequency, then maybe it is indeed Andy. Either living residual or thought form. My two confusing cents worth!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Well, it happened again - night before last (Monday 8/6/18) at bedtime around 10-ish as usual... I was in bed with my mask on (the bottom of one side flipped up so I can peak out until the real Andy comes to bed as I have lately been wOnt to do for obvious reasons). I wanted to get up a bit early the next day so I had my eyes closed and only barely opened them when I heard Andy walk into the room, go round to his side of the bed and both heard and felt him get into bed. I felt the bed sink down and felt him scoot around a bit to get comfortable then heard him sigh rather loudly. I just laid there waiting for sleep and had just about nodded off when... Andy -the very obviously real Andy- came in the room to go to bed!

I asked him if he had come to bed (or at least into the room) a few minutes before and he swore he hadn't - and I know he wasn't lying (he doesn't joke around about things like this).

Thing is, I was fairly confident that the ghostie was Andy at the time both because I have not experienced a visit from our nocturnal bedmate in months AND I could swear... I thought I saw what I took to be Andy coming into the room. I can't be sure because it was dark and I was tired but it never gets that dark in our apt because we live in the city - I can always see no matter what - and I was quite certainly awake. But I had my glasses off as well so I certainly saw no details if there were any - just a human shaped darkish shadow that I took to be Andy walk across my limited range of vision provided by my peaking spot.

So, here we go again...
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-08)
The neighbor in question doesn't pop out to hang out with the group quite as often as the others so I don't get quite as much opportunity to talk with her. From what I gathered from her I didn't get that her daughter was afraid of the man because he behaved in any particularly menacing way only that a strange presence in the cheery light of day with mommy right there is totally ok but the same presence in the dark when she's alone spooks her.

I was sitting outside - so at the edge of the grave when I read your comment about the wandering man, Rex-T, and a profoundly empty feeling washed over me when I did. Perhaps that means you are right. I just can't help but hope not though because the very notion is just so very sad.

I feel very protective of our silent neighbors, I guess and I so badly want peace for all of them.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-07)

Thanks for the update.

The footsteps down the hallway to the bedroom sound very similar to your experience. Wondering if it is the same spirit and possibly he wanders around the whole building looking for warmth or comfort.

The incident with the girl is very interesting. This spirit seems different in that it is more localized. Also, I wonder (again) if initially, the spirit meant well but may have shown his 'unhappy face' when he could not grasp the cookie, which scared the girl.

I know I'd be annoyed - missing out on a cookie!

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-06)

Oh no! That poor little girl 😢 It worries me that the 'man' is scaring her. Has she verbalized what the man does that frightens her? I'm not surprised your neighbors experience activity, given the history. Do you know any more details regarding the man? Have you talked to other neighbors? It's strange that the man appears to be somewhat kind to the little girl, yet frightening too.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-05)
Ok so we have a new development - the downstairs neighbors have a toddler (2-3years) who has started talking to a "man" no one else can see. Her mother assumed it was nothing until her little girl began getting more demonstrative as in reaching up with her cookie to offer "him" a bite and talking about where he hangs out in her room. Sometimes, he frightens her.

This same neighbor has also heard footsteps coming down the hallway to her bedroom while she was in bed that she assumed were her husband until opening her eyes to find herself alone.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-25)
Wow thank you all for such wonderful and thoughtful comments - I can't tell you how much I value this community - y'all are pretty great!

I have always been a history nerd 😊 I just find it so fascinating! And once I dip my toe into a bit of research, I'm like a dog with a bone and, before I know it, hours have gone by! I likely get it from my maternal grandmother (the one I reference so often here) - she had a prolific interest in genealogy and I think its where my fascination with the past began.

You put the 3AM theory into words far better than I managed to! And its so true. I used to get up around that time when I was in college to study since there were no distractions and pervasive peace helped my (highly easily distracted) mind to focus.

There is, in fact, a marker for the park and with a few googles you can find images online and its text. Spooky high school kids sometimes gather there on Halloween to try seances etc and I am absolutely not above scaring them off! The last thing I need is some kid rustling up a poltergeist situation in my back yard then scampering off home! I also find it a bit disrespectful to those below - this is their home (and mine) and they shouldn't be used for sophomoric entertainment.

Glad I didn't disappoint:-) I have always enjoyed your accounts as well! I like your 3AM theory as well - it seems more stayed and thoughtful than the typical alarmist "hour of the devil ooooh".

History nerd I may be but this wrinkle in history managed to slip by me (likely because it was so relatively recent and my local focus has always been primarily on the Jamestown and Williamsburg areas during the 17th and 18th centuries). So I moved in just as blithely as a daisy 100% ignorant of the scores of 'silent neighbors' residing in the lovely little park next door! What I first became aware of was what I can best describe as a feeling of contrast - I felt both as though this was the place I was supposed to be but also eerie and a bit uneasy. That feeling adjusted itself a bit towards the positive side of the scale after I hung the photographs of my maternal grandparents - they have always had that effect. But still the slight though nagging sense of discomfort lingered - I couldn't figure it out! It wasn't until my in-laws came to visit and my father-in-law went poking about in the flower beds that the stone was spotted revealing the "park" for what it truly was. After that, I was off down the research rabbit hole! Interestingly, after the park was correctly identified, the eerie sensation seemed to settle - I can't say it entirely went away but having learned its root, it morphed... Now its a rather odd sense of weird homie-ness (if that at all makes sense).

I also discovered a couple of odd coincidences in my researches. During the month before moving in, I went about frantically gathering furniture and housewares as I was moving from my mother's house and my then fiancee was moving from a dreadfully typical bachelor pad (everything HAD to go lol). Thus I scurried from thrift shop to yard sale to eBay to Craigslist and back again! Fortunately, mid-century vintage is our style and I have an eye for it and the determination to repair damaged bargains. In my quest, I located six souvenir satin pillow cases from the 1930s-1950s - as a collectible, they aren't terribly rare though specific versions from certain places can be harder to find. They were all shipped from various second hand sellers from around the US. I selected them solely based on color and price with no preference as to the location depicted. One of them was likely from the 50s and featured St. Thomas island (a place I have never been) - depicting sandy beaches, palm trees and a steam ship! Mind you, I had NO IDEA of what the park next to my prospective home actually was at that time. Months later, I was sitting at my computer researching the park when I learned that the plague came up from St Thomas Island on a steam ship - I remember staring across the room at that pillow simply slack-jawed!

The other coincidence was the discovery that, during WWII, my maternal grandmother had lived in the building in a unit, which shares a common wall with my bedroom!

Taken all together, the feeling of "contrast" rather makes sense.

Andy definitely had a somewhat sinister feel from the hand at his throat just like I had with the critter. I feel like making a big deal of it or staying frightened after the fact creates negative energy that could make a wee pest into a big bad. So I try keep myself as casual about these things as possible while repeating my "paranormal house guest rules" (No scaring people. No harassing the cats. No breaking or taking things. No visuals. Rule breakers have to go. If you want to talk, I'll listen.) with as much firm confidence as I can manage. When things get out of hand, I go through with a cleansing.

The chakra idea is very interesting and certainly a cozier option. Its just the cold and the feeling they evoked that keeps my mind leaning towards the negative with them. But I like to think they were simply passing through.

I have considered that the mask creates an opportunity. Historically, masks, absolute darkness and blindness have featured largely in many rituals and traditions for contact with the other side so its not all that far fetched or uncommon - you may be onto something. Unfortunately, there is a streetlight outside the window, which shines directly into my eyes and as I have always disliked covering windows...I'll have to put up with the occasional visitor and keep reminding them of the rules.

I have enjoyed the "Ghost Sleeps..." account and discussions. I have not commented much (or at all - I can't recall just now) because I didn't think there was too much I could add but the situation is fascinating and rather sweet.

And thank you for the compliments ❤ An impatience with faulty grammar has always been one of my more irritating qualities but it has at least made me quite mindful of my own. I am horribly guilty of many grammatical faux pas (run on sentences and ghastly spelling are great examples) but I do try to at least make sure things "sound" good. 😆

Ok, I think I have gone on quite enough now! Sorry to have carried on so!

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
Hi Augusta,

These events have a real 'history of the area' vibe about them, that's the impression I have. Found it difficult to digest the cold hand resting on Andy's throat, rather shocking and cause for concern I should think. But neither of you seemed fazed by anything, at least not in a lasting sense. In the spirit of keeping an open mind perhaps there's a chakra point connection here. A ghostly being reading or cleansing various energy points could explain contact with the throat. This could also be true for your scary encounter, the way it stopped here and there, then continued.
Practically speaking I would file Andy's encounter under 'possibly not friendly', at least. Don't wish to stir undue concern but I'd be remiss to suggest complete trust.

Usually my thinking goes first to present tense influences when jostling for rhyme or reason, then work backwards to historical influences. But this felt rooted in the past from the get go, former occupiers of the area sort of deal.

Are you aware of the YGS long running soap opera 'A Ghost Sleeps Inside Me'? I joke, but it's actually a serious ongoing post between two members. I'm not suggesting you have ghosts who want to sleep inside either of you. But theirs begs questions concerning energy transference, whatever that may mean to ghosts.
Also Manafon had a ghost 'spoon' him, nothing menacing, nor sexual, and an overall sense that the entity was peaceful. Pretty similar stuff.

I really enjoyed reading these unusual happenings around your place. I wonder if you'd have so many if you didn't have your sleeping mask on, fuel for thought! Maybe the mask gives them confidence lol.
Your prose is grounded in the past, that's meant as a complement. It's obvious language flows from you effortlessly. By the way you write you feel like an analytical thinker, that's also a complement! 😊
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)

In November last year, I made a promise to keep an eye out for your next posting.

It was definitely worth the wait. Did you know about the area's history before moving in or was your interest sparked from your initial encounters?

I wonder (being such a spiritually crowded place) whether you would help one poor soul to rest in peace; only to have another take its place. Almost like the word circulates to go to Augusta's place - she knows what to do.

As for not immediately starting up a journal, that has not detracted in your account of what has happened. I remember discussing writing 'from the heart' and resultant authenticity and it's easy to see in your writing.

There are certainly different views on the 3am experience. For me, the first thought I had was 'The hour of the Wolf' - an old observation/legend. The hour when nightmares are most real and when ghosts and demons are most powerful. Sounds like a line from an old horror movie, which it is.


Like yourself, Val and Jubeele (of course), my experiences of 3am to sunrise have always been tranquillity and a certain type of awe with the full colour palate of sunrise.

Anyway, get that journal going - you may have a best seller on your hands with all that's happening in your apartment block! 😁

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-22)
Augusta, the 3 AM being sinister thing cracks me up as I'm usually up at that hour, which I term the grey time. Night is just beginning its transition to day, going backwards from black through an array of greys, before being painted various hues by the rising sun cresting the horizon. I tend to agree, this hour is much more peaceful as the nocturnals are just settling down and the day dwellers are just waking. Add to that most of mankind is still sleeping and isn't polluting the air with industrial or living noise.
We notice so much more when things are more tranquil.
I found the mass grave very interesting. I wonder if there is some sort of marker to establish it as their final resting place?

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