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The Helping Ghost


This happened in June of 2016 when I was a sophomore in high school.

I met this girl, I don't want to say her full name so we'll call her T. Towards the beginning of the year me and T had began to get close, she started getting comfortable around me and we had gotten so close that we became best friends. Skipping some time...

Me and T continued to get close to each other and we began to have feelings for each other so in May we began to date. 3 weeks into the relationship she said that we were better off as friends so we had broken up and become best friends again. I saw her fall in love with another guy but I knew that guy had no interest so as a best friend I tried warning her but she didn't listen to me.

Long story short she had her heart broken and I was there for her and that made her realize she still had feelings for me. We had both talked about losing our virginity to each other. We had a date in mind and we had been planning for it. Throughout this entire time I had really began to fall for her. We had planned to do it on a Wednesday because I had no work that day, but she asked me if we can do it the day after and I agreed. So that Wednesday we were supposed to do it she had told me she didn't want to do it, she didn't want to hang out and what scared me was that she wasn't answering my text.

When she finally texted me she was mad about something but wouldn't tell me what. I left it alone for the night but as I tried to sleep I had a bad feeling about something. So now it was Thursday, the day we had agreed to lose our virginity to each other. She had seemed off and scared to talk to me. As we were walking around I asked her what was wrong and she told me "Please don't leave me. I messed up. I broke my promise to you. I lost my virginity yesterday." My heart dropped but I didn't leave because I felt strongly for her. So I forgave her.

When I went to work that day I was depressed and kept saying out loud "I love her. I forgive her. I just wish she would feel the same way I felt." I repeated that about 5 times and then I heard a voice say "I'll help you keep her". I got scared and then looked to see who said that. (I work in a building, working as an assistant to the super of the building. But he was out and I was working in the apartment alone.) I saw a man sitting in the corner with his suit torn and had dirt all over his face.

Yes I was scared but I loved this girl and didn't want to lose her and just wanted her to love me as I love her. So I went next to him and listened to him. He told me how he can make her realize that she loves me.

During the summer we got close again and she began to tell me she loved me but only through text. Long story short I don't know what this spirit did completely, I only know I gave him access to my body one day while I was with her and when I came back in control she was holding on to me crying and she said "Alan, I can never lose you, I never realized how much I love you. Please don't take Alan from me. I may have not realized it until now but he is the love of my life. I LOVE ALAN!" And when I she realized I was back in control she kept hugging me and gave me lots of kisses.

This spirit really helped me get to where I am now with T. I see him everyday and so can T. It's amazing what he did for me and glad he did.

Then one day I was in the midst of a dream about her when he had awaken me. He said "she needs to go". I didn't know what he meant so I started asking questions and he told me that she was telling people my secret and stretching it to make it seem like I was being haunted. So I got up, at 4 in the morning, text her the break up. The spirit wanted to exact revenge on her but I didn't want him to. But he insisted so she was diagnosed with depression and still is struggling with it. Right now I am single because I want to do good since its senior year. The spirit wants me to have a girl and gets mad when he sees me with a girl knowing that she isn't my girlfriend.

What do you guys think of my story? Is there something I should do?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, themanthemyththelegend, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
I think that the OP had tried to pertain like Jhon Wick (The Man the Myth the Legend) but eventually failed in every aspects and had end up pisssed off.
😜 😁
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)
Thanks, Granny!

I knew about the Amish using electricity for woodwork and cabinetry: my in-laws visited them when ordering their kitchen cabinets when they remodeled their house. My father-in-law (who also works in manufacturing) described the huge knife-blade switch (think "Frankenstein" in black-and-white) next to the entrance. Only specific community leaders had been given the authority to throw the master switch to complete the circuit for the band saws, table saws, drills, etc. When the day was done, they'd sweep up, turn the switch off, and head back home in their horse-drawn buggies.

I'd forgotten an odd -but relevant- story from when I was learning to drive on American highways. I was fine with country lanes in central Mass, but terrified of the merges into traffic from the on-ramps. My dad hd a solution.

A contextual sidebar: Dad's idea for a "confidence building" exercize the day before my Driving Test was to make me navigate through Kelley Square, Worcester, **TWICE!** in a stick-shift. (Seriously, look at Kelley Square: i39.tinypic.com/10nbzw2.jpg; it is a seven-way intersection of --officially-- only three roads, with about 2 stop signs situated on islands in the junction, 4 yield signs, no traffic lights, one gas station with multiple entrances and exits and -when not filled with bustling traffic- looks like a badly-organized Sears parking lot. Time lapse video clip here: youtube.com/watch?v=cC6PlBEepaE).

Dad's solution (why I was still listening to his advice at this point mystifies me) was to drive on the Mass Pike. I was to use one of the on-ramps that was not immediately followed by an off-ramp [anyone who has driven on the Mass Pike, feel free to back me up on that real phenomenon!]. This would prevent people in the middle lane from swerving across the slow lane and into the exit lane that -for me- would still be the end of my on-ramp. I managed to get onto The Pike in the slow lane and I was travelling at 45 mph. My confidence was building, so I sped up to 55 mph (that used to be the speed limit), but suddenly found myself approaching a late-seventies Datsun that appeared to be stuck in second gear. I panicked, signaled to switch to the middle lane, double-and-triple-checked every mirror, looked over both shoulders, swerved erratically into the middle lane, tried to shut off the signal that had already shut itself off so I was now erroneously indicating that I wanted to move back into the slow lane, and saw that the car I had nearly rear-ended while trying to change lanes had two Mennonite men in the front seats and two women in the back seat. Each of them was soberly dressed (the men still had their hats on), and the driver was giving me a look that conveyed "That young man, bound for hellfire and damnation both for his recklessness and for his wickedness, is why we don't let our youths drive modern vehicles unsupervised." My brother, who was in the back, asked "Can you slow down? I swear there were Amish people in that car..."

Odd sidebar, I know; however, Granny's point is well taken and I should know better than to presuppose how anyone follows the dictates of his or her conscience in lifestyle, religion, or morality.

-I stand corrected: deservedly so.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-10-14)
Biblio: This has nothing to do with the story but I'd just like to clear up the misconception that Amish/Mennonites don't use computers. The only place where electricity is forbidden is in the home. However, their barns have electricity, phone lines, WiFi, etc. They are, after all, running businesses and have the need to access supplies to run them. They do online shopping, etc 😆 so posting a story here wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. 😁
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)
I dug into my angsty, teenage memories had another thought about this story:
1. The girl was the one who dumped him. This is his "get-square" wishful thinking. She "wronged" him with her rejection, so she must be "punished".
2. He dumped her and did her wrong. This is his guilt talking, trying to justify his callous actions.

Ah yes, another variation on "The Devil Made Me Do It". 🤔
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
Biblio, I enjoyed your post and had to say the "mauled by merciless logic" was a particular gem. Don't ever change!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-13)
Greetings, fellow YGSers and TMTMTL.
Notes for Augusta, Val, lady-glow, Lilwolf, Rook, Jubeele & TMTMTL follow:

Augusta: beautifully phrased, logical sequential critique.

Val: June 2016 was the end of his Sophomore year, so September 2016 to June 2017 would have been Junior year. His Senior year is the 2017 - 2018 School year. I know this because it is the ONE facet of the story I believed.

Lady-glow: 😆 You're a menace! We'll all fall of the fence If you make us laugh that hard!

Lilwolf: Hear, hear!

Rook: One hat, tipped.

Jubeele: Same thought! (I enjoyed the "Dirty Harry" movies when I was a kid; *Sudden Impact* was a particular favorite).

TMTMTL: Who in the world still uses archaic diction "lose our virginity to each other," in written or spoken contemporary English? I could believe it of the Amish and Mennonites, but they wouldn't be using computers to put submissions on YGS. I suppose that other more-conservative religious groups may sill use that expression, too, but it does seem to be a stretch for the 21st century. It's the type of phrasing that I'd expect to hear in a religious instruction class (Catechism, Bible Camp, Hebrew School, Madrasa) taught by a well-intentioned, religious person who is uncomfortable giving any detailed information on the topic to teenagers. That said, I looked up some statistics: "55.15% of the people in New Jersey... Are religious... 37.93% are Catholic; 0.37% are LDS; 2.84% are another Christian faith; 2.49%...are Jewish; 0.82% are an eastern faith; 1.84% affilitates (sic., "affiliate") with Islam" (bestplaces.net/religion/state/new_jersey), but the Pew Forum (pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/state/new-jersey/) has slightly different numbers.

Why in the world would anyone have a conversation of a personal nature with an dirty-faced apparition in torn clothing? Was there any indication why the clothes were torn? Had he been dragged through brambles? Mauled by merciless logic? Mugged by very tiny grim reapers?

NightlyEclipse (8 stories) (24 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-03)
So, you gave yourself into a ghost? Dude. Not smart at all...
GenjiGod (1 stories) (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-03)
First off you didn't love this girl as much as you say you did. For this ghost man thing you don't even know tells you to brake up with her and you do it without hesitation. Second, you have no idea what he told her when he was in control over your body, and third you probably owe this spirit something now because it gave you the girl of your dreams at the time. But I would just not listen to it anymore. Infact I wouldn't of ever got my self involved with it. You should of got the heck outa there when you heard his voice at work. You basically asked for whatever comes next.
MysteryResearch (23 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-29)
Hi MML, since you asked for advice, I would recommend, in addition to Rook's advice, talking to your parents or high school guidance counselor about your situation, and reading up on the guidelines for consent/informed consent. If your high school teaches sex ed, this should be something you learn about at school. Anyone, human or spirit, who tells you it is ok to trick someone into a relationship is giving you bad advice that will ultimately be hurtful to you and those you care about, and get you into trouble. Thanks for sharing your account.

Mystery Research
Benny_Lundon (2 stories) (33 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-29)
Oh dear me, what can I say besides, make room on that fence. I sure hope it's not one of those picket ones... Again 😉
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-29)
I've been trying really hard to restrain myself. I will just say this: "A Legend in his own mind"...
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-29)
Ahh teens, you gotta love 'em
You ask what we think of you story? Well..."myth" by name... 😕
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)

That is similar to what I was thinking because no spirit ever does anything for free, if there was a plot twist I would guess three different things worthy of payment

. His soul
. Complete control of the vessel
. Maybe the spirit is looking for the perfect female to birth it's
evil spawn. 😆 Wahahaha!

Maybe that's a bit too predictable, Meh just a few possible ideas.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Hmm...interesting story!
I kind of agree with rookdygin's point.

Think more logically maybe?, I do not know what to say but really, just think from the other point of view would most of the time help a lot.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Sadly the O/P has forgotten to include their version of the Plot twist. You know that part in every script where 'payment' to the spirit comes due? So this STORY feels a bit incomplete...

So YGS just what do you think the Plot Twist may be?

For the O/P:

On a serious note. If you TRUELY believe a Spirit is 'helping you/making decisions for you its time to seek help... Start with real Doctors (Psychiatric type) and if they do not seem to help then it may be time for a Cleansing/Shielding/Exorcism...

Me thinks the 'head doc's' will be enough, but one never knows for sure


Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
🤔 So there is this wonderful thing that every person has a right to are You ready for this FREE WILL! If You have to get a spirit to convince her to like You then she wasn't meant for You to begin with.
What I'm not understanding is if You love someone enough to give Your virginity to them which if I may add is ridiculous at Your age then why the heck did You suddenly decide oh this spirit wants me to break up with her so I'm going to even though I let this same spirit take over long enough to make her want to date me... Because that makes loads of sense. 😐 You want some advice, keep it in Your pants, finish school and then think about finding a girlfriend that may actually like You. Again remember these two words FREE WILL!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
*falls over giggling at lady-glow* THAT was pretty witty. 😆
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Valkricry: I guess his user name should be themantheMATHthelegend?
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
I think, maybe I need some math help... June 2016 *I was a sophomore*, yet this year a (2017) a senior? What happen to being a Junior?
For my two cents worth, if you truly loved the girl, no spirit could convince you to break up, nor would a 'helpful' one ask that of you.
Ladies, please make room on the fence...
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
theman - I apologise for shortening your name but it's a bit long.

Firstly, I feel that agreeing on a date for the loss of virginity is a little bit weird. I know that in the "olden days" the date was the wedding night. That was a given (supposedly). With most people these things happen on the spur of the moment - think passion.

I think that your friend, or girlfriend, wasn't all that interested in losing her virginity to you. In fact you mentioned that she had already done that with somebody else. You were on the losing end before you even got started.

As for the spirit? Perhaps he exists, perhaps he doesn't.

In my very humble opinion you're better off without the spirit and the girl.

Regards, Melda
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
I couldn't agree more lady-glow and Augusta! The o/p sounds more like a manipulating stalker and my only suggestion for him would be to seek professional help. Immediately!

Most teenagers are depressed. They have no idea what is going to become of their lives, they haven't figured out how to have a relationship and they're about to embark on a journey out into the world on their own. Scary stuff indeed.

Stick to your studies manmyth&legend. And it sounds to me like you're suffering from depression also. Don't try to tackle this on your own. Get some help.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
I agree with lady-glow...I am on the fence about this one too. If taken at face value then the author still has a lot to learn about respect and relationships... If the OP really did collude with a spirit to make this girl think she loved him...that's wildly unethical and NOT a relationship. Then to just toss aside the girl he allegedly loves because a spook tells him to? No wonder the poor girl is struggling with depression - she was just dumped by her self-proclaimed best friend/boyfriend for no logical reason.

However, I do have a hard time taking this account too seriously - it sounds too much like a rip on an 80s movie where the clueless male lead makes a deal with the devil to get the girl. As fiction or 'fact' it reflects poorly on the author's views on women.

I would suggest the OP stick to his studies and learn more about the world and himself before dabbling with either the pen, paranormal or relationships again.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Huh...? To be honest and since you are asking for help I suggest that you should focus on your studies and in having healthy friendships. You are very young and still in the process of finding yourself.

As for your story... Well... Err... Funny and amusing but better fit for a site for fiction. 😆

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