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Moving To Georgia


The first start of my life in the USA was living in Michigan at my grandparent's house. While my dad was station in Ft.Benning, Georgia in the Army. My dad made my grandpa promise not to spend the money he send to him because it was for a house. But in the end when my dad came back to Michigan from the Army. My grandpa ended up spending all the money that my dad gave him to save. And it made my dad really angry because that was the money for a house in Georgia.

My dad decided to move to Georgia anyways. We all ended up living in a trailer park for 2 in a half years. Until my dad save enough money to finally buy a house in Columbus, Georgia. The house is in the neighborhood of Oakland Park.

My mom had a bad dream every night since coming to the USA from South Korea, about a Skeletal Monster at our new house. When my mom finally saw the new house herself, it was the house where the Skeletal Monster has stayed at in her dream. We still moved into the new house. My mom was still having same nightmare of the Skeletal Monster. To the point she woke up went out her bed room and out the living room and open the front door to go outside. That is when she saw the Skeletal Monster on the roof of the house just looking at her.

By morning time, my mom finally told my dad what was bothering her, and about Skeletal Monster that keep appearing in her dreams and finally made it's appearance on the roof outside. My dad just told her to pray to God to get rid of the Skeletal Monster.

After my mom did what my dad told her to do. The Skeletal Monster went away never to be see again.

And for house, we still live in it to this day.

P.S. My mom does not speak English too well. She only speak in her native language and that language is Korean.

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Dreyk (9 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-10)
Very interesting story. I lived only a few kilometers from the North Korean border while living in Russia. We actually took the ferry to South Korea several times. It was an amazing place. I remember there were several "skeleton spirits" in the Korean and Japanese cultures that had specific meanings themselves... The Gashadokuro for example was a starving skeleton creature the Japanese believed came from unclaimed remains left on a battlefield. The skeleton figure its self might be significant maybe to something your mother heard as a child. A folktale or legend...

I completely understand having two minds with two languages. I grew up speaking Russian at home, but when I moved to Vladivostok no one could understand me. I ended up trying to speak with a "Russian" accent but everyone thought I was from Serbia or Romania... Guess i'd seen too many Dracula movies. It did come over time though, and after a couple years things were pretty much effortless. Then of course I moved back to the US and confused the hell out of a McDonalds clerk when I ordered entirely in Russian... She just looked at me puzzled and confused, smiled and said "sorry I don't speak German..."
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
JellyBean, Jubeele, & lady-glow,

It's not just English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) immigrants to the US who have trouble adjusting. Most of the time I'm fine, but in the early morning I have to point at objects and ask my wife, "What do Americans call this?" or I'll just use the British English term and hope she decodes it accurately.

As for the peculiar skeletal figure, I'm inclined to agree with Jubeele. Even though your mother saw the house (or a very similar one) in her dream, it doesn't necessarily mean that the 'haunting' was a an entity. I saw my house in a dream when I was about 14 years old. When my wife and I were looking at listings on the internet, was spoke with a realtor who got the keys to similar-sized houses in our budget with roughly the same sort of location; I did not see the house until we turned onto the driveway and there it was: home. Your mother had every reason to be anxious about the logistics of moving, re-settling in a new state, etc.; she may have had a precognitive image of the location, but she associated it with her own fears, hence the terrifying skeletal figure's persistence in her dreams.

If it had been a spirit or entity, it is highly unlikely that it would have behaved in a restrained manner; it could create more terror and confusion by manipulating the fears of the whole family, not just your mother's fears.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Hi JellyBean12,
Thanks for the titles of dramas. They are quite 'addictive'. I like the period dramas and those with a supernatural theme. My husband (3rd-generation Scottish-Irish-English descent dinky-di Aussie) watches them with me too.

Lady-glow - thanks for your recommendations. I must confess that when I was in my teens, my Chinese was a lot more fluent. I can still speak and write in Chinese, but have forgotten much of vocabulary as I don't get much opportunity to practice my native tongue. I get chided by my folks whenever I return to Singapore. Dad's dialect was Hokkien, Mum's Cantonese and Mandarin was spoken in school. I know a few words in Malay and even fewer in Thai. But now, my English is better than my Chinese <embarrassed blush>.

JellyBean12, please don't get the impression that anyone on this website intended to hurt you. Part of the fun here is an open, lively discussion to "test the spirits" and keep our vision clear and unclouded by misconceptions. The questions are because we are interested and want to know more about you. Our background and life's experiences all have a part in shaping how we see the world (and otherworld) around us.

I shall stop now before I turn into my mother (she was a teacher for over 30 years)... 😊
JellyBean12 (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Lady-glow, my mom speak in broken English. That is about it. Even if she spoke in English. She does not understand. And if you spoke in English to her. She would not understand you either. You have to baby your words for her to understand it and also you have to explain it slowly too. Or else she will come to me or my other family member to talk to you.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Aigoo!...there's no need to get upset though, from the moment I asked, I knew my questions would make you ruffle your feathers. I'm just trying to understand better the history of the person behind your stories... I'm just trying to understand you.

I have been a member of this forum long enough as to know that people not always are who they claim to be and, since "he who is afraid to ask is afraid of learning", I wanted to know the reason/s for what I perceived like a contradiction (Korean with an American last name whom isn't fluent in English).

"Rook, your are correct. My first language is not English. It's Korean.

I have hard time wiriting things in English due to I have two different minds. One is Korean and the other is English. Both of those mind coming together at the same time can cause me to be really confused and sometime can cause me to have a headache..."

And, from the current story:

"4. Yes, I was raised in America and went to school in America."

Being myself an immigrant, I know how difficult it is to learn to speak and think in a new language, specially for older people, kids adapt really well and become bilingual in no time even forgetting their maternal tongue if not spoken at home... It's surprising that you have forgotten Korean if your mother hasn't learn to speak English. How does she communicate with the rest of the family?

Anyway, I guess the process of assimilation is easier for some people than it is for others.

And, so far, my favorite K-dramas are "The moon embracing the sun", followed by "Scarlet Heart" and "The princess's man".
JellyBean12 (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Jubeele, All the Skeletal Monster did was scare my mom. It's not easy for my mom to tell me in description in English. So she could not tell me more and plus I do not know a lot of Korean.

The latest Korean drama I've seen are:

1.King's Face
2. Hwarang
3. Flower in Prison
4. The King's Love
5. Scarlet Heart: Reyeo (Moon Lover)
6. My Sassy Girl
JellyBean12 (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)

1. My last name is my dad's last name. My mom married an American.

2.How would I even know long I moved to the USA? I was still a little baby when I moved here. When I came to Georgia I was 4 years old with a broken right leg.

3. Yes, I'm biracial. I'm Korean and White. Duh...

4. Yes, I was raised in America and went to school in America.

5. My mom speaks in Korean all the time. So normally in my early year of my life I would speak in Korean like my mom.

Are you happy now? Now that you know I have have an English last name and where I got it from.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
If you're a Korean, how come your last name is so Anglo? 😕 Shouldn't it be Kim, Park, Lee, or Young or something else?

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Or is your family biracial? If so, how long ago did you move to the US? Did you do your schooling completely in the US or did you do part of it in South Korea?
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Hi Jellybean12,

Did the Skeletal Monster make any threatening moves towards your mother in her dream? Dreams can be the bridge to our subconscious and can tell us many things about ourselves. If the creature was simply sitting there, it may be a message or symbol. Maybe it embodied for her the fear of change, the unknown. Or it could stand for fear of being diminished, going without if things didn't work out?

Emigrating to a new country when English isn't your first language is quite a challenge. When I left Singapore as a new bride, English wasn't the language I spoke at home. I was full of trepidation as I had to think in English as well as speak it.

I had recurring nightmares too of being chased by something nameless and faceless. It stopped when I faced up to my fear in my dreams. So when your mother prayed to God, it could be that as she was putting her trust in God to take care of her, that is why the Skeletal Monster (her fears) went away.

Okay, enough psych-babble. More importantly, I hope your mother feels better about living in Georgia.

By the way, this is totally off-topic: can you recommend any latest Korean soap operas? Mum and many of my aunties are avid followers on cable TV back in Singapore!

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