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Real Ghost Stories

Vatican Ghost


I had taken my first trip to Europe in the summer of 2017. It was fun but I always felt on edge. There was so much history to the places I went; I was a little dizzy with it all. The first place we went to was Rome, Italy. It's a trip that still haunts me.

We had arrived the night before and my mother and her friend wished to go see the Vatican that day. My brother and cousin were as equally as excited as our mothers but I was not. I knew there was a lot of death and violence and relics in a place like that and I didn't want something to follow me back, like they normally do.

The Vatican was grand and wonderful, I wasn't bothered too much with the ghosts and spirits walking around since it was a fairly busy day and most were distracted by the other visitors. I didn't make myself known to them and I had a rather pleasant day! It was night when we finally got back to our AirBnB, right outside the Vatican wall, and we all hit the hay early. My cousin and aunt slept in one room while my mother, little brother, and I slept in another room. Since this was a new country, my mom had closed and locked our bedroom door before we bunkered down for the night.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I had awoken in the dead of night to go use the bathroom right outside the bedroom door. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, then looked to the bedroom door. It was slightly ajar, which I found strange... Until I saw what was crawling on the wall next to it.

An oily, inky black male figure with deformed arms and legs like a spider, crawling slowly on the wall towards my mother. (I do believe it wanted my mother at first since she likes to brag about how she can see spirits and she's always opening herself to these kinds of things.) It had a another set of extra arms and its head was down, facing the wall. I knew I wasn't dreaming and it wasn't sleep paralysis, since I was sitting up anyway. It kept moving towards my mother until I let out a squeak of fear. That's when it looked at me. It had no face but it did have eyes. They still scare me to this day. I don't know how to describe the eyes, but once it looked at me, it felt like I was burning. I immediately laid back down with my blanket over my face, having a panic attack.

All was quiet in the room except for my erratic breathing. It felt like an hour went by.

But then the mattress dipped like someone was sitting at the foot of my bed. I felt the thing crawl up towards me until I could make out the black figure from beyond my blanket in the moonlight. I couldn't take it any more and let out a scream for my mother to wake up and turn on the lights while pushing myself to sit up. The lights went on and the figure was nowhere to be seen. Crying, I told my mom about it, who noticed the bedroom door was wide open this time. I stayed in my Aunt's room for the rest of the trip, sandwiched between my aunt and cousin in one bed, since I was too scared to sleep in that room again.

Sometimes, at night, I'll think about it. I didn't know what it wanted from my family, or why it was there, but I am still very sure that if I hadn't screamed out that something bad would have happened. Has anyone ever encountered an entity like this before? I tried researching it but I haven't found anything.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, milky, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

milky (4 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-15)
I don't mind at all, Lady-Glow!

My mother is a bit of a hard case. She keeps herself open most of the time but knowing my mother, she only acknowledges the spirit or ghost when she actually pays attention or tries to. Like her degree of sensitivity is always there, but her doing anything about it is another story. When she wants to look cool in front of her friends (i.e. My Aunt at the Vatican), she'll be like "oh all these spirits are bothering me", but when it comes down to it she's kind of clueless sometimes. My friend said it's comparable to a "party trick". Something you only do in front of other people to impress them but not something you do by yourself when no one else is looking.
And to the degree of Stewart the house spirit doesn't like my mother too much since she uses him as a "prop" for her "oh all these spirits love to talk to me" act. He kind of rolls his eyes but still protects her when she comes to the house none the less. My mother first sensed Stewart when we moved into the house so she's always known there was a good spirit in the house, and the house didn't give off negative vibes so she had no quarrel. And my mother doesn't like me much so I don't think she'd mind if I got dragged off to hell by some demon. Haha. If you have anymore questions, Lady-Glow, you can contact me through NAver Line with my ID: xaais
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-14)
Milky, thanks for replying... Those AirB&B's can be full of surprises! 😕
Out of curiosity - do you remember the exact date in which this experience took place?

Also, after reading both your previous stories, I'm a bit confused about your mother's degree of sensitivity. Though you say she "is still sensitive to things like this when she keeps herself open", in both instances she didn't seem to have a clue about a spirit being nearby and being the cause of your unexplained behavior.
Do you know if she ever felt curious about the 'man' you were talking to and whom she scared away after shaking you? Did she try to 'open herself' in order to ensure nothing negative was making contact with you?

I hope you don't mind my many questions.
milky (4 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-12)
Hello CuriousDee!
I've seen one other person have a similar experience but they still haven't replied to me.:D I'm hoping someone comes forward with another experience too because I'd like some closure. Thank you for your kind words!
milky (4 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-12)
Hi Lady-Glow!

It is hard but there was enough people there that they were distracted. In a crowded place like that, you're bound to get one or two like me walking around. My mother is still sensitive to things like this when she keeps herself open so she was the one getting bothered more. I've found that if you conceal your "light" well enough (light being a thing a call that attracts spirits and ghost to you) then you can go unnoticed for a good amount of time from them. But yes, my brother and mother stayed in the same room. One, because my brother doesn't believe in these things and didn't want to think about it. The other was that my mother didn't want to bother my Aunt and didn't care if the thing bothered her because of God on her side.

The blanket I was using at the AirBnB was rather thin so you can still see light through it. Think of it like a top sheet if you will. Cotton and really thin. Like if I was holding up the blanket between us, you standing right in front of it with light shining behind you, I would definitely be able to see your silhouette.
And with all the panic attacks I've had in my life, I've never experienced one so bad that I was starting to hallucinate vividly.

Thank you for your input and questions, Lady-Glow!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-11)
"...I wasn't bothered too much with the ghosts and spirits walking around since it was a fairly busy day and most were distracted by the other visitors. I didn't make myself known to them and I had a rather pleasant day!..."

This is new... From the many experiences I have read in this forum, I thought it's hard for sensitive people to go unnoticed by spirits, if anything, they attract them like magnets and it is up to the person to either ignore or make contact with the spirit/s.

Did your mother and little brother sleep in the same bedroom after you saw this monstrous apparition? Did it bother them?

"... Laid back down with my blanket over my face, having a panic attack... But then the mattress dipped like someone was sitting at the foot of my bed. I felt the thing crawl up towards me until I could make out the black figure from beyond my blanket in the moonlight..."

Have you considered the possibility of this being a consequence of your panic attack? Besides, going under the blankets when you already had difficulty breathing could't have helped your situation. And, do you mean you were able to see the black figure through the blanket, like, with X-ray vision?
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-11)
Now that's terrifying! I've never experienced anything like that. Hopefully, someone else has had something similar happen? Sorry you had such an awful encounter! Thanks for sharing though ❤

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