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Real Ghost Stories

Graduating Ghost


This story is an experience I had when I was in my 1st year of high school. The school I attended to is one of the oldest running schools in our country and is already well-known in the field of ghost haunting and the paranormal.

We were having our P.E. Exam at the school's covered court around 2:00 in the afternoon and I've just had my turn on the exam, all sweaty and out of breath. I went over to the bleachers where I left my bag to get the hand towel I brought specifically for this afternoon's activity but realized I had left it on the armchair in my classroom when changing clothes. I immediately went to my teacher and asked permission to go back and get it as I was literally soaked from the P.E. Activity - and she gave me 3 minutes to do so.

Our classroom is located at the 2nd floor of our building. I had to climb 2 sets of stairs before making a left and arriving to our classroom. Also, each stair had a saint statue since I studied at a Catholic school.

Once in there, yes! - my hand towel was where I thought it was so I just grabbed it and headed back to the door right away.

Since our building was a 3-storey building, a stairway is on my right when heading back down. As you all know, I was only given 3 minutes for my errand, so I sprinted from my room's door to the stairs going down when I noticed it like a flash.

At the top of the stairs going up to the 3rd floor, a black figure stood. It was beside the statue if St. Ezekiel. At first I thought that it was just another student since the library was located at the 3rd floor but it was wearing something long down until the ankle. Our uniforms were down until 1-inch below the knee.

My heart raced from the running I did but a part of it was what I saw which I am unsure what it was.

I just kept it to myself until 2 days later when we had our Religion subject and had to share something in class - something either inspiring or an experience (extraordinary) we had ourselves or from someone we know.

When it came to my turn, I told the room and my Religion teacher (which was a seminary graduate and was a previous seminarian in our school in his time).

After sharing, my teacher then told all of us that this story was not new.

There was a girl back in the day with very poor health. My teacher said that she was very sickly she had to take a week out of school but manages to come back when feeling okay. She kept up since 1st year until her last year. Until sadly, she passed away mid-semester on her 4th year.

I believe it was her spirit sticking around wearing a toga, longing to have graduated.

There are many more stories to tell you guys and I believe other stories like this. But this was my first experience concluding doubts I have in mind so wanted to share it first.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alitanna, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

Donald_Trumpet (18 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-08)
I'm glad the ghost girl walks the hallways of the school, it would be scary to see her attending class.
Nice read.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-01)
My first thought was: nun ghost.

But mayhap since no one else has come to that conclusion, I'm way off base. Here in the states, it is somewhat rare that you find a Catholic school that does not or has never had any nuns about but perhaps things are different elsewhere. Have there ever been any nuns associated with the school, church, campus or property at any time? If so, the apparition sure sounds like a nun to me - also supports the "she-ghost" idea.
alitanna (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Thanks so much for letting me know your opinion on my story, Tweed!
alitanna (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Hey there, lady glow. No worries at all. And thanks for being the first one to point out thing and comments on my first story.

"What else do you know about the history of the school?
Are you aware if someone died tragically there, perhaps during construction time or at some other point?"
- well, they said our school was a torture chamber during the 2nd World War (only heard it from stories). There are a lot of spirits and encounters by other people but this is the only encounter I had for our building so really unsure if it was the girl our teacher was referring to.

"Do you know if the ghost is always seen at the same spot and doing the same thing you saw, or if there are reports of it manifesting at other areas and causing any disturbances?"
- with the same thing I saw, no not exactly like that but disturbances on our library made by a "she" ghost have been going around at that time too.

I hope I can share my other experiences soon as well - if not busy! - but I have been reading stories here almost everyday.:)

Thanks so much for taking time to discuss my story!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-20)
Hi Alitanna, welcome to YGS.

Perhaps your teacher set you all the task of telling something out of the ordinary to find out if anyone had seen this spirit recently. Maybe he had an experience around that time too. That was my impression. Interesting experience, thanks for sharing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-18)
Hello alitanna and thanks for replying. Though it is up to a poster to decide if they want to take part in the discussion, it can be frustrating for a reader to know that there'll be no answer for any unclear aspects they might have about a story.

"The school I attended to is one of the oldest running schools in our country and is already well-known in the field of ghost haunting and the paranormal."

What else do you know about the history of the school?
Are you aware if someone died tragically there, perhaps during construction time or at some other point?

I imagine not all information would be accessible to just anyone asking for it even if documented but, with some luck, there'd be some registered data about the history of the building and the most important facts that have happened there.

I'm not suggesting that you should try to find if the ghost is, indeed, that of the sick student, but it would be interesting to find out if it is her or if there's more than one resident ghost at the school.

"After sharing, my teacher then told all of us that this story was not new."

Do you know if the ghost is always seen at the same spot and doing the same thing you saw, or if there are reports of it manifesting at other areas and causing any disturbances?

When I was in elementary school, there's a rumor about the gym being haunted by the spirits of the kids that the principal had killed for misbehaving. I never saw anything but, with time, I stopped believing that was true!

Anyway, since the school seem to have some religious association, I hope an effort has been done to try to help that spirit to go to where they belong.

I apologize if my first comment came like a reproach, I just felt frustrated at the thought of not having a chance to learn more about such an interesting story.

I'm looking forward to read more of your submissions.
alitanna (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-18)
hi, lady glow! So sorry about choosing to not participate in the discussion. I'm new here and didn't know I had to choose to participate.

Anyways, "Did the teacher say if the girl died before or after his time as a seminarian?"
- it was way past before my teacher's time.

"Do you know if the seminarians were required to wear cassocks? If so, would it be possible that the figure you saw was not a female spirit but a male one?"
- the seminarians in my school wear slacks and turtle neck short-sleeve polos so it shouldn't have been a seminarian.

"Are you aware if the apparition was first seen after the girl's passing?"
- I am not sure about this.

"As far as I know, spirits tend to get trapped within their last moment in life, I hope the girl died peacefully at home and not at the school."
- I hope so too because we never knew where or how she died. My teacher just heard about it from stories as well.

"Lastly, I hope you made it back within your limit of three minutes, it sounds like a lot of stairs to go up and down after a hard PE session."
- sadly, I didn't make it in 3 minutes and came back maybe 5 minutes after
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-17)
alitanna - in case you change your mind and decide to participate in the discussion, I have the following questions about your narrative:

" my Religion teacher (which was a seminary graduate and was a previous seminarian in our school in his time)."

Did the teacher say if the girl died before or after his time as a seminarian?
Do you know if the seminarians were required to wear cassocks? If so, would it be possible that the figure you saw was not a female spirit but a male one?
Are you aware if the apparition was first seen after the girl's passing?

As far as I know, spirits tend to get trapped within their last moment in life, I hope the girl died peacefully at home and not at the school.

Lastly, I hope you made it back within your limit of three minutes, it sounds like a lot of stairs to go up and down after a hard PE session.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-17)
I have some questions but, what's the point for asking when knowing that you won't answer? 😠

Disappointing... 😠 😠

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