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The Little Shadow Boy


I live in Poland and have been living here for about 2 years now. In october my best friend made a birthday party and invited me to it. I decided to ride a bus to her house. The buses here in Poland are all different and I personally like the new ones.

So I took a bus and stood in the very front where there's big windows where you can see out. I stood there as the buses stopped here and there. Then the bus stopped on one stop and in front of the bus was this side walk where there's white lines on the ground. I was bored and staring out of the windows when I saw a weird sight. I saw a small boy dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. He seemed kind of of black, a bit like a shadow. Also he was on the white lines apparently jumping on them. (Thank goodness there was no cars passing through) I was watching the boy and got interrupted when an old lady got in. Once the old lady was seated I paid attention back to where the boy was but he was gone. I still remember what a strange sight it was. Plus it was a cold day and everyone was wearing jackets you know? He still haunts my mind.

If anyone has advice on what I might've saw can they comment please? It could've been my imagination but I don't think so... It felt real but weird.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sany21, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

candycake123 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
great story. I bet the boy got ran over and now is a ghost. That or he freezed to death.
DemonSora (69 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
oh and in the summer is really I mean really hot sometimes like last year in Krakow it was around 90 degrees that I had to stay home cause it was very dangerous, and about the demon I mean like in the movie the Golden Compass except in human form
DemonSora (69 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
Ya ozanalions is right RIP Shadow Boy. By the way, I think that was a little boys demon except you saw him in a shadow! I love POLSKA! IT ROCKS! I'd rather go on one of those train thingys like in San Francisco 😁
princess123 (7 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-23)
I NO! That's what happened to me and it is the ghost of the bus stop! My mam told me it haunts there because he got ran over! By a BUS! Strange huh? 😊
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-20)
I wanted to say that in Poland it Is very cold. Lets say something like Canada. So its cold in the winter. And I think that to see a child in a t shirt and shorts is a very strange thing here. Wb said it might be a person of a different colour but at the same time there are very little people who live here coming from the afro amercian community. So the story does sound ghostly like. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
mustang: Yes, the old 'al'. Gets me every time. 😆

Havn't you ever heard stories about children playing on railway lines (with predictable results)? Sadly, there are some parents who don't supervise their children.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
Hello JPing. I believe it is VERY cold in Poland! Especially to wear shorts and a t-shirt. Incidentally! 😊 Besides, where were the parents/adults that should have been supervising this child? Maybe they have different moral values and parenting skills! Who knows?!

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
Do not think you have to defend your opinion, Shelby. My point in asking the question was that I could not get the picture of the little boy clearly. I was unclear as to the description, and that is why I said "the description is just a bit vague and hard to picture..."- FOR ME.
That is also why I went on to say it was probably residual, and gave the example of the one that had been on the news lately. And explained what a residual was.
Do not apologize, I was just trying to see if he was more shadow than person (which would mean he was not strong enough to fully manifest himself), and if the skin color was different for that location (as would indicate a wandering ghost).
I am sorry, I have a habit of posting my questions, awaiting a reply and then giving the rest of my thoughts on a story when all the facts are in. I tend to not go "off half cocked" and keep half the thoughts inside until it is more clear.
Peace, my friend.
JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
mustang, don't feel like you have to defend your opinion, it's a free world. If this site is to function properly it is essential that we, as a community, consider as many explanations as possible. Being a ghost story website, there tend to be more ghostly explanations than real world ones. So in the interests of balance, I try to be more skeptical where possible. After all, most ghost stories can be explained scientifically.

Incidently, how cold is a "cold day" in Poland? Because personally I WOULD wear a t-shirt and shorts on a cold day here in Australia.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
Well Angelina, we have it narrowed down to either a residual haunting or an unsupervised and neglected child. You told us what you saw, now tell you how you "felt". Did you feel like you experienced something paranormal? Did you have that "something ain't quite right" feeling? If the other people on the sidewalk looked normal and just the child had that "shadow" appearance, then I'll agree with Shelby-it was a residual.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-26)
I have to disagree with Jping and WB on this one. Sorry. =/ I know EXACTLY what she is speaking of. Quote, "I saw a small boy dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. He seemed kind of black, a bit like a shadow. Also he was on the white lines apparently jumping on them..." I have MUCH experience with these beings, as well as this subject at hand and I understand. Okay, from what it sounds like, you actually do not understand. It sounds to me like the both of you are trying to debunk this experience. YES, you have the right to your opinion just like I do. Anyway, that is that and this is MY personal opinion and MY opinion only.

Think on this. Why would a child be dressed like this in the cold and why would a parent let him dress like this in the cold along with playing in the street where traffic or cars are? Hmmmmm..., makes you think doesn't it? I think it was, with out a doubt a residual haunting!


❤ 😊 😐
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Hello Angelina,
ALL of the comments before ran through my mind, at some point, as I read through this account. Jpings stands out with one question that is reverberating through my mind, was he as a SHADOW or did he have dark SKIN?
In Japan there is a train sighting that has been in the news recently of a young lady standing in the middle of two sets of tracks. She just stands there as the trains go whizzing by, and she was captured amateurly by a visiting tourist. So I do not think it to be IMPOSSIBLE that you saw a ghost, the description is just a bit vague and hard to picture.
If he is a ghost, I would have to say it is residual (just a film on the atmosphere of that particular area) and from it, there is nothing to worry about.
Thank you.
ozonalions (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-23)
Hey A,

I have to go with Bellissima and mustang too
Something bad must of happened there.

RIP- Shadow Boy

Lauren ❤ ❤
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hi Angelina. If indeed this was paranormal, I would say you witnessed a residual haunting. Or it could have been like JPing posted, it was an actual kid and somebody told him to get out of the durn road. Thank you for sharing your story with us, it was simple enough to make one think-I like that. Take Care.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hi Angelina. I'm with Bellissima on this one. I was also thinking that it was a residual haunting. It could have been a boy hit by a car and killed or it could have been that he was there for a different reason. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hi Angelina. You had some strange feelings about this boy. It sounds like you may have witnessed a residual haunting, like a scene that just replays, over and over. Possibly the boy was hit by a car in the area. You could probably check into it if you're interested. Thanks for sharing your experience.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
I am not understanding, what is odd about this accept the boy apparently not being dressed for the weather? I am abit confused.

JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Could you provide a more detailed description please? I'm not quite sure what you mean by "He seemed kind of of black, a bit like a shadow...". Does that mean he was dark-skinned?

To me there doesn't seem to be anything particularly strange about your story. A boy was playing on the road and when you turned away he left, possibly because he finally noticed how damn cold it was without his jacket, or because someone told him to get the ____ off the road.
BCEagles25 (38 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
If it weren't for the shorts and t-shirt on a cold day, I might just tell you the bus's windows were problably tinted.

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