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Real Ghost Stories

Room 113


We were watching the news one night and they were showing the Twin Falls all lit up with changing lights in Twin Falls Idaho and we decided to go. It is almost 2 hours away, so wife books a room at a dog friendly motel and wait for our day to go.

Me, wifey and year-old pup hit the road and it is a great drive all the way there and we're jacked to be going to the falls. We roll into Twin Falls, locate our motel, get to our room and unload our stuff. This room is really nice, and all looks brand new.

We go outside walk around building. Other dogs are also going in and out and we hear yelling, and a Mexican restaurant next door is really hopping, and people are taking presents into front door area there.

Wife says she wants a margarita, and she heads to the restaurant's front door, myself and pup head to front of building to grass and main drag and traffic zipping by.

We just kill time now to almost dark and ask directions to the falls at front desk, which are nearby. We get to the falls area, and it is so busy we had to pull over and are told when we can drive down to the falls, and it is tight and winding road down to the parking area. It seems a credit union is lighting up the falls it is very cool where we are standing, we are looking at very top area of falls and water crashing way below us and well worth the drive to finally see the falls and when we feel we have wandered around enough, and we head back to our motel room.

We are laying on bed now, puppy in the middle just below pillows and we are playing with our little guy and wifey says she has to go to front desk and discuss our bill. We ordered 2 rooms somehow, anyway she leaves the room and I am on the left side of bed and really close to the edge and puppy is in middle of bed and I am messing with him giggling and just enjoying his playful grunts and bites when all of a sudden the mattress is being lifted right behind me maybe 4 times and it is like waves hitting your boat sideways and really noticeable. I am on my side with my elbow on the bed and my hand holding up my head and I quickly look behind me and nothing there. I would say it was around 10 pm and the lights are on. When my wife returns, I tell her something was rocking me and the mattress and again now I am right around 205 lbs and this mattress is a very tall one, not easily grabbed let alone lift with me right next to edge. Well, we get ready for bed thankful for a great day in this small town and we hit the hay.

Around 3.30 am wife wakes me up by moving around and says "something is moving the bed over here", and she sounds a little miffed and we just fell back asleep.

When I went for coffee in the morning, I told the front desk person what had happened last night, and he said that's never happened here as far as I know? When I go for breakfast, there is a table full of uniformed motel workers at least 6 Hispanic ladies and I ask them if they had any issues in room 113 and a couple of them shook their heads no.

I lifted mattress up and it was small spring and metal band system, and I took pictures of it, always debunking. This is a great bed system the lower sides are painted steel a very tall bed and I could see the floor past the metal webbing. It was a Sealey mattress that looked new. Before writing this yesterday I called the motel with the wife's help and ask the lady that answered if the mattress shaker had bothered anyone else and she said I have worked here quite a while and never heard of this happening before. I hung up and thought well I told your front desk and a table full of workers, so somebody has heard of this before.

Well, I have wondered if the bed spring system had something to do with it but being a metal fabricator most of my life, I really doubt it just from our weights. This was March 2022. Good luck out there.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CantunSEEit74, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CantunSEEit74 (4 stories) (63 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-24)
Ragine Will never really know, but what a great place to be a wandering spirit always somebody new renting a room. Most people are not into ghosts, or the likes and the staff probably keep spirit stuff quite. It is too far a drive to take my equipment and try to communicate with it and it may not show at that room. Tomorrow is Christmas and I will be using my rem-pod and SBox and see if my Mom stops by. Her b day was oct 3 and myself and wife got great and quick and crackling responses on rem-pod asking her questions and wishing her a happy b day. And I will ask if any other friends are visiting. She passed in 1999. Happy holidays to all.
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-23)
Perhaps it must have been a passing spirit, since you mention that the bed is very secure and various people never heard of or experienced anything out of the ordinary in that room (they could be lying, I'm assuming but if not then, oh well...🤔) or what if it was something that followed your'll and spent the night...😳
CantunSEEit74 (4 stories) (63 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-23)
RC Thats what I mean NO box spring only big mattress and springs 4 inches long holding 1/2 inch metal bands corner to corner and length wise like the old-style hospital frames you see laying around on ghost hunting shows. A very smart idea for hotels one less thing to break and replace and it was a firm mattress, and I woke feeling great. A physic told me always go with your gut instinct. I say it was a spirit visitation. Could you imagine a 200 room motel all with this bed system and 200 people mulling around check-out counter every morning complaining their mattress is ALIVE.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-23)
Being you are a metal fabricator, you do know more about this stuff than I do. I only took a course back in middle school, sometime in the last millennium. Just want to ask if you checked under the box spring?
CantunSEEit74 (4 stories) (63 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-21)
Yes it is kind of a head scratcher. And I must apologize it was May not March and puppy was 8 months old. I should pay better attention to my wife on times and dates.
Linjahaha (24 stories) (154 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-21)
Cantuseeit, I have never 'heard' of such a thing. Except, of course, in a haunted room.
Did you ever 'hear' anything about it's past. Like something terrible happening there, etc.?
If you're a metal fabricator you should 'know' what can, & cannot happen with something like that.
I wish I had an answer for you, but this has me scratching my head!

Take Care! 😲 😲

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