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Anomaly Moving Through Our Conversation


Late September 2021

Outside in my front yard this afternoon, sun is out I notice neighbor is out across the street and his garage door is open. My neighbor is retired, younger than I and I rarely see him. He is yelling from his driveway to me saying he likes the look of my yard.

I took up all the grass in my yard 4 different colored rocks now and more flowers, no more mowing the front yard and have got a lot of comments. Instead of yelling I walk across the street towards his driveway. I am about 7 ft away from him (COVID) and he is in front of me and to my left. He says with all the Industrial building going on near our neighborhood he has noticed mice moving around in his home. I told him I have trapped a couple and have some roaming in my back yard. Did not mention Black V. He is telling me that he seen a mouse running in his hallway and it ran into a room with some clutter. Mice could really have fun in there so he found some sticky traps and set them all across the opening of that room and got a mouse. His garbage cans are next to him, to his right and he is very happy getting that mouse and kicks the garbage can and said he's in there.

We kind of move to my right, he is on the sidewalk now, still to my left and we are looking at his dead grass. Due to his surgeries and broken sprinkler system, his yard was not watered all summer. I am still 7 ft away standing in the street looking at his front door, straight ahead of me.

We were talking, and as I look towards him, I notice the air between us is distorted with an odd cloud-like energy moving between us, it's moving slow like walking speed. It is distorting all the colors in the yard and the red and white bricks on the the front of his house, but it seems to have small square grids to it? Very trippy looking, not a heat wave but controlled, like it was pixelated. It's about 3 ft wide and a little taller than me, and in front of me radiating? Like firing off different squares and now I am looking at its head area, and I know I smiled at it and it flowed past me slowly. I wanted to say DID YOU SEE THAT, but I held it in and he said nothing.

He tells me that the maple tree I planted is going to get as big as his and could crack your foundation, and while he's talking, this energy seems to have returned and leaned in from my right side (with a head shape/space bigger than mine) and is now right in front of my face not 2 feet away suspended there for about 4 seconds, distorting, firing off little spots. I felt it was like HEY YOU SEE ME DON'T YOU? And it slowly went right and disappeared. That kind of blew the heat coming off asphalt debunking theory when it leaned back in.

I was really struggling with this encounter. I told the wife I had to ask him if he also watched this move through us but also did not want to say anything.

It's Halloween at 4:20 pm and I finally get up the nerve and go and knock on his door. I knock many times, finally door opens and he said he was napping, WHOOPS! He is a little irritated and I ask him if he also noticed anomaly moving between us last time we talked and this sounds a little crazy. He said no, didn't notice anything and you do sound a little crazy, and YOU DO KNOW IT'S HALLOWEEN raising his voice (I forgot it was Halloween). Anyway I told him I even wrote it on my calendar and said, take care, see ya, bye bye now. Boy I feel like a real BONEHEAD right now for bothering him, but I'm glad I asked and cleared that in my own mind. Thanks for reading and Good luck out there. Typed by me not her.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CantunSEEit74, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Cantunseeit, this is EXACTLY why I tell people to cleanse and shield their home LOL! I rarely say it to people to ward off demons etc, it's the pervert ghosts who may or may not be around a home who need to get on their bike and leave. Most people don't think about this kind of thing but err yeah, think it's worth a thought or two lol.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Tweed Before we get intimate, I always try and remember to clear the room and say out loud all spirits must leave now this is our time together you shouldn't be watching us. Almost 2 months ago we were naked and about to lock horns and her foot is half off the bed and she says did you just throw something at me and my right hand is busy at this time and I can't throw with my left and I said no, and she said something just like flicked the end of my toe like a finger flick. I didn't clear the room on this morning, Your never alone.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Oh yes I remember that! How very weird I've been thinking about that experience lately. Because I do that, think of experiences I read on here. 🙄
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Tweed Yes and you commented on this curly haired hippy as a possible biker spirit. HE CAME OUT OF THE MIRROR. And I will never have a mirror in my bedroom ever again.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
lol Cantunseeit, I have been known to scan a room for a few days after seeing an apparition, it's true.
Is your full body apparition on the site?
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-08)
Tweed After that encounter I always look to his sidewalk hoping to see that cloud again. I had no other visitations at the cabin, just that brain numbing one timer. It would be over 13 years later until remodeling my home back in the city and adding double door closet mirrors across from each other to see my first full body apparition.
Tweed with all your visitations do you quickly study a room before you walk through it. I do
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-07)
Hi Cantunseeit,

You're not a bonehead for trying to confirm, you're brave, most people would't dare bring up the subject!
During this encounter you were aware of keeping a safe distance due to covid. Perhaps this entity was also invested in keeping a safe barrier between you and your neighbour. Like "Hi, you see me right? Yep, okay, cool, my job is done, bye now!"

Your neighbour sounds like the real bonehead in this. Being irritated for waking him up from a nap at 4pm, poor diddums. Everyone gets woken up from a nap, it's no big deal. I had no idea sticky mouse traps existed, blerugh what a jerk, that's nightmare fuel.

I just read your experience 'Stick Indians' but couldn't think of anything to add and was curious about anything else you'd experienced, so here I am.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-08)
MrsRamsay We seem to have similar sightings. I would like to ask you a few questions off site. E mail me if interested. No worries if you don't.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-06)
Hi cantunSEEit74

Very interesting incident you experienced, I wonder what it could have been 🤔
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-06)
RCRuskin I found hole outside behind siding and filled with foam. Nothing in live trap yet. PIXIE I do feel what ever it was has something to do with my neighbor. Spirit showing off? Family ashes on the mantel? He is X MICRON.

MrsRamsey I lived in a mouse infested single wide mobil 1986 woods and water in Olympia. Mice would come from behind wall heater almost in the middle of my living room and run over to dog food bowl and grab a big piece of dog food and try to run back but it can't see where its going. It would have to set it down look around and try again going in circles and I would laugh my azz off drinking beer and enjoying the show. Sometimes they would just drop it and give up and run back to the heater, I never bothered the mice. I have lots of funny mice stories. There was no wind this day no background noise to speak of. Looking over there all the time now.
MrsRamsay (guest)
3 years ago (2021-11-05)
Isn't it interesting that you happened to be talking about MICE when you see the anomaly? Wonder what that means in light of your mouse with the shield thing? Is there anything else about mice that sticks in your memory? Going way back?

The shimmery thing... I think only you see it. When you started describing it, I was relating because that's what I saw at my daughter's wedding just before her veil was blown up and removed in front of 200 people... Did the air get real quiet or did you notice? The fact that it actually moved in between the two of you WHILE in conversation is wild. I don't think you could make that up if you tried (not that I think you've made up ANY of your stories).

You have a gift. And I think the more you see weird things, the more you recognize them. That's been happening to me as I get older also. I'm now 60. Don't want to think what I'll be seeing when I'm 80!
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-05)
As regards mice: I definitely concur that we need a more humane way to trap and release. Far away from my home... The mice I had to deal with the last few years seemed to know that sticky thing that the apartment manager put down was Bad. Likewise the snap trap which also caught nothing though it was put in the spot the mouse went most often. Nimble little thing.

Now as far as that weird pixelated shimmery thing. Sounds to me like it was some kind of "alien" tech, in the sense that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I wonder if any of your neighbors work for some R&D think tank type place?
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-04)
Yes, as annoying as mice can be, there are much more humane ways of trapping them without pain or injury, and then relocating them to a better/more natural environment. They don't deserve this kind of lazy, inhumane treatment...
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-04)
Softie - I feel ya. Not a good way to expire. To be thrown away still alive stuck to that trap is kind of cruel.
Softie_thunder_thighs (14 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-04)
Poor little mouse... I hate those sticky traps that kill animals slowly!😠 😭

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