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Real Ghost Stories

The Tote


While I was away at school (read Haunted Dorm at Eastern Michigan University), my mom took care of my little Yorkie, Lily Sue. Lily was a couple months old, weighing two pounds. When my mom left for work in the morning she made sure to place a gate at the end of the kitchen and the beginning of the hallway, where a potty pad was also in place, as well as Lily's food, water, and her favorite toys (socks, to be perfectly honest), and this worked just fine for months.

Lily's gate was also placed directly under the handle to the attic door, which basically hangs from the ceiling. My dad is the only one in the house who can reach it, but he worked an entirely different shift than my mom. One evening, maybe twenty minutes after my mom returned home from work, she scooped Lily up in her arms and took her outside with her while she smoked a cigarette. As soon as the screen door shut, she heard a loud thud. She ran into the house immediately to find that a large, heavy tote full of old family portraits had fallen onto Lily's potty pad, where both of them had been just seconds before.

Of course the tote had fallen out of the attic, but the attic also latches into the ceiling. One must grab the handle to unlatch the door, and then pull down the ladder in order to gain access into our attic. The most important detail, in my opinion, is that this tote was pushed the farthest back from the door- so far, in fact, that it was slightly hidden in the floor insulation, behind OTHER totes.

All of the glass was shattered, the frames broken, and the family portraits were strewn about the kitchen floor.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, frenchpoet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-19)
Another very interesting story! I realy liked reading it. Keep up the good wok. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Velvet (2 stories) (72 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Wow, just like "IBelieve" said, I'm glad your Dog and Mom are fine. That is pretty creepy. I also wanted to know if there was any sign in the photos?
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Thanks for another well-told story frenchpoet, I trully enjoyed reading it!

It sounds as if the previous owners just wanted their presence known and to state that your house was once theirs.

You have mentioned that your mom also believes that the attic is haunted. I wish you would write some of her experiences as well. That would be very interesting!

Thanks again.
dukemanistan (3 stories) (34 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
Were there any particular photos there? Anything that whatever pushed this may have wanted someone to see? It may not be by accident that this did not happen until after the dog was no longer there.
IBelieve (3 stories) (31 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
That is scary to think that your mom and dog were right there minutes before.
Has anything ever happened before at this house.
I'm not doubting what so ever but was the attic door checked to make sure you could rule that out. I know that wouldn't explain the tote moving but I'm just wondering.
Do you think this has anything to do with you leaving for school.
candcand (1 stories) (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
This scared me... What did you think happen, I can't figure out. Was something trying to harm Lily?

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