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Real Ghost Stories

Ghost by the Highway


I was once driving back home from a long trip. I was driving from Texas going back to Georgia. It was about 2:30 AM EST and I finally made it back to the state of Georgia. As I first entered Highway 96 in Georgia doing about 55 miles per hour I noticed a glare on the left side of the road about half a mile up. As I got closer to the glare it appeared more misty then finally clear. The object was in the form of a woman mid-aged but it had no legs. It appeared to have full body but stopped at the legs. The object did not appear to notice me pass by. Again, I was doing about 55 miles per hour so it was a quick glipse but I know I saw it. I even looked in my rear view mirror to confirm the object, and yes, it was the real deal. No I was not sleepy at the time. No I do not do drugs and No I do not drink and drive. This experience was 100% real. If you ever get the chance drive on Highway 96 EAST in GA and see what you find.

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luisma (4 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-17)
I lived in FT Stewart, GA and I can tell you that the road there is dangerous and many people have died there...
spencer9997 (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-15)
Seems to me that that woman could have simply been the victim of an accident. Seems possible, but it makes me wonder about the no legs part. Maybe she had gotten paralyzed and then died?
galuv_lilloka (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-14)
i live in georgia now and have heard a lot of things about hwy 96 since I've been here. Where in georgia was this?
southernbell (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-12)
I was raised around the cochran area and I was told lots of old wise tells about hwy 96. Different parts of the rd are said to be haunted... What town were you in when you noticed this woman figure?
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-04)
Sorry, my computer is wigging out on me this morning, it has double posted a couple of times and I can not figure out what the hey is going on. My apologies for the double posting there.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-04)
Roads are famous for ghostly sightings. There have been numerous accounts of police, "ghost hunters", and/or psychics finding secretly buried people, or even just accident victims on the sides of roads or in ravines that they would not have found if they were not accompanied by the ghost. Thank you for this story.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-04)
Roads are famous for ghostly sightings. There have been numerous accounts of police, "ghost hunters", and/or psychics finding secretly buried people, or even just accident victims on the sides of roads or in ravines that they would not have found if they were not accompanied by the ghost. Thank you for this story.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I beleieve you. There are many similar stories and similar occurances through out anywhere that has roads. I believe them to be residual hauntings. There may be a traumatic accident somewhere along the road and the individals keep repeating the scenario over and over.

How frighteneing!

God Bless!
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-29)
I have seen a video about this actually about that description. Yeah There usually white and they glow. They are not so clear but they are shaped there one in this video I have seen have a look and see it for your self. They couldn't believe it because it was after a car crash they seen this thing. I hope it OK to post this here it goes. Its shows loads of them just like you have said. It sounds like a ghost you saw. It was on the car accident taken by the police.
afzal (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-13)
hey dude you real scared the !*%$# out of goin to georgia next week.thanks for informing well in advance.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2006-12-31)
Hey John how are you? Well, I believe you, because(this wasn't in Georgia, in South Texas actually, San Antonio)I was in the passenger's seat with my mom going to the store,(it was late night)just looking out when the transparent figure of a young girl appeared out of nowwhere on my side of the road. I stared at the girl, she looked back at me and then dissapeared like that. I believe you, about the legless part to. I remember reading about some lady dieing in a car crash in Goergia some time earlier. It seems that the woman was sent to the hospital, having a very bad leg injury, they had to amputate her legs but the poor woman died before she could recover from the surgery. I read this in a ghost stories book, I can't recall if it was on that exact street but I remember reading it happened in Georgia. Well, moving on, don't take this comment to seriously because it probably couldn't have had anything to do with yours but still, to find out.....
Mike (guest)
18 years ago (2006-12-09)
Actually, some provinces in the Phillipines are famouse for legless ghost. There is a certain name for them. But over there, they try to fly by flapping their arms.
Corryna (guest)
18 years ago (2006-11-29)
I live in GA. In fort Stewart. I live not to long from highway 96
Ritesh (guest)
18 years ago (2006-10-30)
Could be true or cud not be

depends upon your belief
either u do or u dont!!
Siddhesh (guest)
18 years ago (2006-10-30)
I'm not saying I don't believe you but ghost have reflections? think of it John.
Lisa (guest)
18 years ago (2006-10-28)
Sweet...Kinda creeeeeeeeepy but sweet o_0
mary (guest)
18 years ago (2006-10-21)
interesting, maybe i go drive to georgia and see if i can find one.

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