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Impossible Reincarnation


Everyone on my father's side always said I reminded them - in every way - of their mother, (My Nanna Shirley Broughton).

We were living in Hawera, a small town in South Taranaki, New Zealand. I was 7 and in a week I would have been turning 8. I was so excited, but couldn't see any presents around yet. I remember asking mum and she said that they were at our new house.

9 years after we have moved into our gorgeous and enormous house - the oldest and largest in our small town of Kaponga - I was fifteen (and still am)! In the attic was a box of things that belonged to Nanna Shirley until she had died of cancer in October, 1995 when I was one. I don't remember her at all, though apparently I act exactly like her.

Impossible Reincarnation

Going through the box, my father pulled out a clock (shown in picture). I was automatically drawn to the clock, even though I have no religious beliefs (you'll see what I mean in the picture). I put a fresh battery in the clock and hung it on my wall.

It was October when the song "Walking Back to Happiness" by Helen Shapiro popped on the radio, and I was singing along without noticing. My dad asked how I knew the song, but I was about to ask myself the same thing. "You sing just like your Grandmother, as you do whistle out of tune!" he would say.

That night I heard singing, the same song. This time I heard what sounded like my own voice. I checked all the rooms, nobody had their stereos on. I listened to the clock ticking, faster and faster until it slowed down and quietly ticked to it's flat battery.

I woke in the morning, completely forgetting the night before. I checked the clock. It said 6 past 6. It didn't seem right but I remembered it went flat the night before. I changed the battery and continued with the rest of the day as normal. At night, the singing again, then the clock. I checked it in the morning, and it read 6 past 6. I shrugged it off and decided that it was just me forgetting to change the battery. The next night, no singing, not even a ticking clock. I could've sworn that I changed it. In the morning I checked it, it was ticking.

The next night I heard the singing and the ticking. In the morning I checked the clock... 6 past 6.

That day I heard, "14 years the other night was your Grandmother's death anniversary." I had to ask what time she died. Dad said a few minutes after 6 in the morning, which is when I realized that these experiences had something to do with my nanna. I haven't put new batteries in the clock since those nights, and I haven't heard the singing. I ask her sometimes if she would protect me from my fears of something being there that's not suppose to. Our house being so old has a lot of history and more than a fair share of people have died there, I think she answered. I think she knows I'm scared to even hear about a paranormal happening in our house. I ask her quietly in my head every night. And I tell her goodnight and how much I would love her if she were still alive.

This story may sound pathetic and not even worth the time, but it means a lot to me and if anyone of you have had experiences like these you need to share them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Scream, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

thilakking (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
this aint a pathetic story at all, its quite touching actually. Made me miss my grandma.
AshGrove (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-01)
Thats a beautiful experience. You can choose to feel love and strength from the impressions of her closeness to you in spirit. If you find it too difficult to understand or be comfortable with, focus on other aspects of life and activities and it will leave you in peace. You can sleep well.
Scream (2 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-21)
Sorry, our computer crashed so I bought one cheap and I couldn't check my email.


Thank you, it's good to know that there are unique topics here.


Thank you SO much for your comment. I feel she was very gifted aswell, from the information and the feelings I have felt.


I was born July 20, 1994. That's why I have named it "Impossible Reincarnation". That's the one thing I don't understand.


It's good to think and know thank you think that. I hope and know that she's there for me aswell.


Thanks for the comment, I don't know what to say... THANKS!

ZiShu (281 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-20)
Hmm reincarnation but at the same time her spirit is still there... Interesting, maybe this may put a big clue to reincarnation
Valeribby_0x (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-19)
Your story was great.
Im going to definately add it to my favorites.
I thought it showed a lot of love and it proves that even though a loved one passes away it doesn't mean they still arent with you, they just show it in different ways, but it all means the same. Very beautiful!
mEow_stOry (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-19)
we're the same age I think...,
I'm also born in 1995
(sorry 4 d' wrong gramar)
Such a good story..., 😳
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-01-19)
Sweetie, there is nothing pathetic about this story!...I am adding it to my favorites also... I think your nanna wants you to know that she's there for you... I think it's wonderful 😆 that you had such an experience...
dalton1976 (1 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-19)
And You when was you born in 1995? Before or after october 1995?
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-19)
I just had to add this story to my favorites. As you were telling this story, I could almost feel your nanna there watching over you, letting you know that she's there by giving you the 6:06 sign and telling your family she loves them through you. Your nanna sounds like she was a very gifted woman and she has passed that on to you now. Take care of yourself, and may good health and fortune come to you and your family!
wickedsunny2009 (4 stories) (42 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-19)
Good story,it's different from the rest I read here...

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