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TerriLewis123 (1 stories) (93 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Dear TechNinja, Thank you for your post. Was there anything stressful going on in your life at that time? Was you house built on land that had a lot of history? Or perhaps did something happen in your house in the past?
TechNinja (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Wow. I had a strikingly similar experience nearly twenty years ago when I think was around six or seven.
The main differences were that my parents were home sleeping and my brother and I reluctantly went to investigate. We found nothing, I'm not quite sure when the noise stopped, but I think it was when we began to approach the source.
Still creeped out until this day. Though the room that I sometimes stay in is actually where that sound was coming from.
The main differences were that my parents were home sleeping and my brother and I reluctantly went to investigate. We found nothing, I'm not quite sure when the noise stopped, but I think it was when we began to approach the source.
Still creeped out until this day. Though the room that I sometimes stay in is actually where that sound was coming from.
TerriLewis123 (1 stories) (93 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Dear Roseinbloom, Thank you for your post. I haven't had any scary experiences since that incident. Fortunately I live in a house without an attic now. I'm so glad I've found so many believers at this site. I was afraid it would be teenagers and their pranks. There is one more incident that happened in that house that I wanted to mention to KimS but was hesitant because I was afraid people definitely wouldn't believe me now, but here goes. My younger brother (about 9 years old at the time) said that he saw an apparition of a man in uniform, he believes from the Civil War. Thanks again, & God Bless You Too!
roseinbloom (4 stories) (117 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Dear TerriL, first, I'm so sorry for you and your sisters frightening experience with the attic. I know it had to be really scary for you, being that over 30 odd years, it is still forthmost on your mind.
I am not an expert on these things, but you mentioned that, at the time your parents', were in the process of separaiting. It may have been an occurance of, Poltergist, with all the negative energy floating around and with the fact that you and your sister, were of the right age to help it manifest.
However, as KimS, asks, have there been any other events of the paranormal recently?
In any event, I hope you have your peace back and are now in a good place.
God Bless you and yours and thank you for sharing your story. ❤
I am not an expert on these things, but you mentioned that, at the time your parents', were in the process of separaiting. It may have been an occurance of, Poltergist, with all the negative energy floating around and with the fact that you and your sister, were of the right age to help it manifest.
However, as KimS, asks, have there been any other events of the paranormal recently?
In any event, I hope you have your peace back and are now in a good place.
God Bless you and yours and thank you for sharing your story. ❤
TerriLewis123 (1 stories) (93 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Dear Whitebuffalo & Ghostbeliever40, Thank you for your posts, I'm so glad you believe the story; it really was terrifying. My sister said afterward that I was pale as a ghost. And leaving a note, my God, I thought she was nuts!
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
You know what I think is GREAT about this story? The REALNESS of it. You had/have a very logical sister, and if SHE could think to leave a note, she was using her rational mind when she suggested to get the heck out.
Wado (Thank you)
Wado (Thank you)
GhostBeliever40 (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
I loved the story "We have to leave a note for our parents." Haha:) I thought your house was going to crash! I am glad nothing hurt you or your sister I have no idea what it could be sorry but I enjoyed your story thanks for sharing!
Pardon my English (:
Pardon my English (:
TerriLewis123 (1 stories) (93 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Dear Ironhide77. Thanks for your post. My mom had such a crush on Ricardo Montalban. I'm glad you liked the story & it is the honest to God's truth. I wanted to add that the reason I don't believe it was pipes as my husband said, is because even pipes have a distinctive sound when they bang. It's like you can here the metal.
TerriLewis123 (1 stories) (93 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Dear KimSouthO. Thank you for your comment. We did experience some other things in that house, such as hearing muffled voices in the same hallway where the attic door is. But that wasn't nearly as scary as the attic incident. And yes, there was some personal stress at that time. My parents were in the process of separating. God Bless you too!
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
Did you ever experience anything else in the house? Did your sister mention anything else? Was the encounter only this experience? Not saying this wasn't enough; I am sure it scared the heebie jeebies right out of you, I know it wouod have me! I am just wondering what made it come and go so quickly. Was there some family or personal stress at this time?
Thanks for sharing!
God Bless!
Thanks for sharing!
God Bless!
ironhide77 (2 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
I love it! Fantasy Island in your PJ's! Loved Ricardo Montalban. I mean it's not cool you got so scared and that your parents did not believe you.
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Well our upbringing wasn't a very good experience, and subsequently our house was typically filled with immensely negative energy. I attribute many of my odd encounters mostly to that.
I don't think our house has a history, though it is plausible since it is relatively old.
Others who've stayed over, have unknowingly shared similar experiences in regards to being randomly woken up or feelings of unexplained "pressure".
I believe I tend to be most sensitive to these things, since at times I do hear and see things floating about from time to time. MOST of which don't seem to be threatening.
Hopefully I'll be able to submit a story or two and share my experiences.