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Real Ghost Stories

My Comforting Friend


It all started in a little town called Aylesford, which is situated on the outskirts of Winchester and lies roughly within central Hampshire in England.

I have a very good memory from most of my childhood days, but these memories of being 2-3 years old which is the age I was at the time of this incident are engraved deep on my mind.

My Grandfather and Grandmother Nicholls had recently sold their cafe in Middle Wallop, Hampshire and started renting a house in Jacklyns Close, Alresford. I recall the layout of the house but nothing really detailed like ornaments and wallpaper etc. On occasion I would sleep with my Nan.

On this occasion I was lying in my grans bed waiting for her to come to bed, even remember standing at the top of the stairs to this big house or so it seemed to a three year old child at the time, shouting out to my Nanny Nicholls If my Nan didn't come to bed when I wanted her to then my Aunty Gertrude (everyone called her Tanny) would come and comfort me, and tell me stories, then tuck me in with a light humming lullaby. I came to like her company and I felt safe and very calm in her presence.

Anyway one night I was lying there, half asleep and half-awake when I felt very strange, and as I turned my head towards my nan's dressing table which was opposite the doorway I saw something moving from the direction of the picture on the dresser. I didn't understand what was happening and being only three at the time had no comprehension of the situation only fear. I remember trying to scream, at first I couldn't but I do remember screaming my lungs out a little after. I have no immediate memory of what happened after that, only what I was told by my family which I had told them, I suppose I blocked it out or...

The story often came up in conversation over the years, Oh, and my Nan's Daughter Aunty Tanny well I learned she had died 5 years previous to my birth, so how is it possible a three year old child could have known his Aunty so well? Let alone some of the things she told me. Apparently, she had told me things on those cold, dark lonely nights that only she would know.

At times now I question myself of whether or not I really saw anything at all, probably because after that night 47-48 years ago I have not heard anything since! Perhaps she knew I was the only one she could get through to as apparently she was very close to my Dad, Her Brother... So probably it was a message for him! I would not be afraid if she came to me now, I'm sure!

If anybody has had a ghost protect or comfort them I should love to hear on comments.

My Comforting Friend

The picture I still have today is the picture of my Aunty Gertrude (Tanny) and it was from that picture I saw a fog, mist, I know it sounds stephen King-ish but I knew it wasn't normal so I got very freightened, perhaps the encounter would have lasted a while longer if I hadn't of wittnessed this?

Also when she came to me she sat on my bed and when she spoke, she spoke in my head not with her lips... Funny how I accepted that but not the picture?

I would love to get a clearer picture of the story myself, it is so frustrating sometimes then I tell myself I am so lucky to have had an encounter at all.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nighthawkman, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Welcome to YGS. Your story is heart warming and I truly like it. This is going into my favorites. Children's minds are corrupted by the outside world so they are more acceptable to the paranormal, so don't doubt what you saw!
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-16)
Hihow are you nighthawk I have had an experience like this when I was about three years old and I do remember some details of it aswell... I saw my mums nan in my bedroom I remember her coming out of my wardrobe and she would ask me to go downstairs and get her cups of coffee which I use to do in my teaset but it was filled with water, I remember her drinking it and saying it was realy nice... My mum asked me once why I was taking so many cups of water up to my room, I told her your nan wanted a coffee she just said ok but she drinks to much coffee.
Louise21 (3 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-16)
Aw that's such a warm hearty story. She was like your guardian angel. ❀
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-14)
Great story,nighthawkman.I can totally relate as I too had encounters at a young age. My daughter has as well, with her late grandfather. Families have stronger connection than any other and that may make it easier for ghosts to manifest. Young age has been proposed to enhance the chances of seeing and interacting with the paranormal. In your case both were factors.
Malahkai (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
In my Expierences I Read, Saw and Heard many Stories of Such "Contacts", its normal, well normal for Someone who has an eye in the Spiritual World. But in all Cases, Rather by Seyance, or Kid who Sees or has an Imaginary Friend to Grownups who Expierence "Visits" by Aliens... That if they Tried to get Rid of them that the Name Jesus Christ or Testing these Spirits with the Name of Jesus Christ always Helps. If its a Spiritual Being that you can Sense but you can't See or in a Material Manifistatoin. So yeah if you are not sure, if its your Grandmother, Father, or Friend who is Visiting you, just say "In the Name of Jesus Christ depart from me" doesn't hurt if it is not a Demon, since that only works on Unclean Demonic Spirits, nor will that Work on Angles that come From Jesus Christ, so if you believe that your in contact with an Angel... Test it.
nighthawkman (3 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
Thanks for that zzsgranny that is exactly how I felt and why I have only told close friends and family in the past but glad I did. I have another experience to tell but the site isn't taking any more stories at the mo so πŸ˜•
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
nighthawkman: I agree with the others in saying "Welcome to YGS" 😊...There are quite a few accounts on here of loved ones stopping by to comfort, and visit... One is posted now, by 510mot: "Wait, I Still Have Questions"...Also, if you click on the category of your story (it's in the heading, at the top of the page) you'll find many more...

I'm glad you feel relieved by sharing your experience...I've found over the course of the last few years that the more I discuss my belief in the paranormal, the more people I find with the same beliefs... It takes a lot to come right out and tell anybody that you believe in spooks, for fear of being considered a raging lunaticπŸ˜†...But I have, and in my experience, more agree than disagree so it's worth the gamble...

Hope to hear more from you!...
nighthawkman (3 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
Hi, Thank-you to all of you who liked my story, I feel a funny kind of relief now I have told it to so many.
I tried to compact my experience so not to appear boring but I will fill a few blank bits in:

The picture I still have today is the picture of my Aunty Gertrude (Tanny) and it was from that picture I saw a fog, mist, I know it sounds stephen King-ish but I knew it wasn't normal so I got very freightened, perhaps the encounter would have lasted a while longer if I hadn't of wittnessed this?
Also when she came to me she sat on my bed and when she spoke, she spoke in my head not with her lips... Funny how I accepted that but not the picture.
I would love to get a clearer picture of the story myself, it is so frustrating sometimes then I tell myself I am so lucky to have had an encounter at all.
I would love to add this to my story as I feel it is incomplete now, also I have the very photo of my Aunty... Does anyone know how I do this? Thanks again. ❀ ❀ ❀
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-11)
nighthawkman, I am in agreement with Javelina and aiafaith1 here-welcome to YGS!
This was a fantastic first story here. I loved it!
Anyway, Children are normally more aware of this sort of thing, but as they get older, their minds become "closed", as it were. It probably was you talking to your Aunty Tanny.
Again, brilliant story.
Love & Light, Rachel ❀
Jeanine_dv (6 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-11)
Wow what a great story! Thank's for sharing! Sounds like your Aunt Tanny just wanted to spend some time with you. Thanks for sharing!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-11)
I do believe you actually experienced this as a child, and I believe you were meant to remember it, too. I also remember some events which my family have told me happened when I was very young, between 3-5 years old, and some people can remember back even further. As a child you retain memories of certain details like colors, sounds, pictures, music, smells, etc. I can still remember the song of a stuffed bear with a wind-up music box inside which I had when I was just 3 years old.

It's amazing how observant children are, and I thik it's because they are unjaded and innocent that spirits usually visit them. I am glad that you had someone to watch over you as a child!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
wow! What a fantastic first post! Loved it!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely story and welcome.
Blowing own tumpet here but if you like read goodnight charle in my stories think you might like it
Again wow adding this to favs
Imarealghost (2 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
I liked this story too. The part about the dressing table made sense to me and didn't seem like anything was missing! You saw something... I'd imagine being 2 or 3 you probably can't even begin to explain what it was, even less so 40+ years on! 😊
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
First of all, welcome to YGS as Javelina said!
This story is lovely! It is going on my favorites! I was enjoying this story, but then it stopped in mid-sentence up above. Also, like Javelina said, could you please fill it in? 😐 Thanks for sharing!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
Welcome to YGS!
What a wonderful story this is. I was picturing you being comforted to sleep, listening to your Aunt Tanny tell you bedtime stories and it was such a sweet setting. Then you told of the "something" that moved from the dressing table and...? And what? This information is not given. So if you don't mind, could you please fill that blank in?
(It may have gotten lost in editing, it's rare, but it does happen)

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