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Person Or People In My House


Let me start out by saying I really don't know much history about my house other than its a french style farm house built a little over a century ago.

Anyways. I have been hearing sounds in my house since I was a little girl, like the floor creaking as if some one is walking down the hall, and in my brothers room (dont ask why I slept in the sometimes) if you were really quiet you could swear you were hearing music. I don't really know how to explain the music, it sounded a little old fashioned like an orchestra or something like that. That was all that I have experienced.

I now have a 3 year old and his room is my brothers old room. He would wake up in the middle of the night crying as if something scared him terribly (mothers know that cry I'm talking about) and I would run in and try to comfort him and he would just say "scary mask scary mask". Recently he has been in his room by himself and he starts talking to himself or some one and he told my mother that he's talking to his friend "goby". I have never heard of a 3 year old having an imaginary friend.

I really haven't thought much about it until about a month ago I was talking to my brother and I brought up the creaking sounds and music and he looked at me shocked and asked "did you see her?" He told me that ever since we had moved into that house when we were little he would hear the floor creak and music in his room and then what he told me caught me off guard. He told me he has seen (and still sees) a woman in the hallways near our bedrooms. He tells me she looks Native American but that's all he has told me.

About a week ago I decided to see if I could get this supposed ghost to show me her face or make a sound or something (I'm quite skeptical) so I said things like "is there anyone there" or "who are you." But got nothing. I went downstairs after putting my son to bed and was watching tv when suddenly I heard a sound like someone was banging on the walls... It was a very even two banging sound and it did this twice.

I panicked and called the cops, had an officer search the house and look around outside. And of course there was no one. It takes a lot to scare me to the point of calling the cops. After he left I just got angry and flat out said out loud to thin air "whoever you are get out of my ****ing house!"

I don't really know what else to do. I have probably left out details and what not I just really need some advice...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lovingmama27, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
I guess you could say I have tried talking to whatever is there. I kind of just screamed at it to leave... I was angry. And recently he has been talking about having bad dreams.
zorro15 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
have you seen the movie "insidious"?that's what the mask reminds me of:o.And my little sister has had an imaginary friend "hannah" since she was three and I believe her for various reasons. One being ill walk upstairs when I'm just babysitting her when her doors shut and listen to her throughout the door and ill hear talking like one of her friends is there. And she can describe watt she looks like.
chloebug123 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
If something is scaring your kid there is most likley is something there. 😕 But you never know but I would say there is a ghost there haunting your house, if a ghost comes back it is looking for something so try talking to it and see what it wants and then it should go away.
lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-20)
ok so! I have been talking to family members and asking questions. My brother told me that he has seen a woman, but then when I brought it up again he tried to debunk it. The other night my fiance had put our son to bed while I was in the shower. While I was still in the shower he heard our sons bedroom door open and then little feet running down the hall and giggling. He shouted up the stairs "Jordan get back in bed" with no response and usually he will say I AM or OOK. So he went upstairs and checked on him and he was fast asleep. I have been trying to get in contact with an investigation group near by with no response. That's my update!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-11)

Very cool, glad that part has resolved itself. His description of the 'scary mask' may have been the best way your son could describe what he was seeing...

Are there anymore details concerning what is happening in the home... Or perhaps I should ask... Is anything still happening and if so please share the details with us. Thanks in advance.


lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-11)
GOBI MYSTERY SOLVED! Apparently there's a character named Gobi on bubble guppies! LOL! Wow! But that still doesn't explain the mask.
lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
thank you! You are so sweet! Everyone has been so helpful. As scary as some of the comments have been they do force me to think. And no I make sure I pray for my baby everynight! No ouija boards for me! No thank you!
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
I'm sorry to hear you are fearful of this entity. One part of me is saying "trust your gut instinct and keep telling it to leave your home", but another part can't help but wonder if this is a benevolent entity simply trying to communicate. I don't like that its scaring your toddler, but maybe your child is simply noticing what this spirit is doing on a daily basis. By this I mean its everyday normal routine. I believe all children have the ability to sense spirits and this is why your babe is reacting this way - reacting also to something he doesn't know.

How does your brother feel about this female entity? Is he scared? Is he not bothered by her?

The banging might have been her response to your questions. I get it a lot! I ask or make a comment NOW and then get the fright of my life, in the middle of the night, when they do respond. Time is diffirent to them.

Just NEVER dabble with a Quija board! Do not provoke it by making negative or insulting remarks. She may be friendly, but just like us, she can get angry and do negative things to show her anger. Keep trying to communicate by asking questions. Pay special attention to your "dreams". I invert dreams, because we all know that we sometimes have straight out silly dreams that just don't add up when we're awake, but sometimes we get that odd dream that makes us wonder what the point or message was.

Goodluck babe!
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
My nephew had an imaginary friend from the time he was 2. His name was Shiney. Shiney did crazy sh*t. Like opening the heavy sliding glass door at my folks house & some how placing the old t.v. On the floor screen down, from sitting atop a shelf on the entertainment center? Shiney would scream almost animalistic style & want to play "sex" with my nephew. I hated this Shiney dude. His feelings were mutual. Shiney left with his girlfriend Sparkle (who taught my nephew how to light fires. In the garage of all places) when my nephew was turning 7. I know it sounds crazy. But it's so true. I hope your little ones experience isn't as long or bad. Bless you & yours. MC ❤

lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-18)
thats a great idea ill try that! Thank you all so much! Everybody has been super helpful!
Brier (2 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-18)
Since the ghost is into knocking on walls or whatever, you could ask it yes or no questions. Tell it one knock for no and two knocks for yes. You might get some helpful info.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-17)

No that may be air in the water pipes... Sorry way to many episodes of GH (lol).

Please keep us updated.

People, please don't scare the O/P more by sharing your scary tales here...let's offer support and ways of helping her through whatever is happening in her home.


lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
o my gosh that's scary! But I don't actually have a camera yet but I am going to go get one. And I'm trying not to think of every sound as something paranormal. My dad says its from temp change but I don't think that would cause that knocking sound.
robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
An account I read a few years ago was from a mother whose baby was being attacked at night. She realized after a while that if they prayed for the baby at bed time, they were left alone. But on any night that they forgot, they might have another attack.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)

Thanks for the feedback and please keep us updated.

Now as you wait for the investigation please do not let every single sound your home makes become something 'paranormal' after all it is over 100 years old. 😲

I like the idea of a camera, is this a normal one, or does it have a night vision setting? With or without sound? I hope it can pick up sound as EVP's seem easier to capture than Pictures or Video.


lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
my son actually hasnt seen any of the harry potters yet and he mostly only watches nick jr. I have tried asking him about goby and he usually just ends up getting distracted and I have also asked him about the scary mask but he just says its a scary mask. I'm planning on calling some experts in the area to come do an investigation so I can get some answers. And of course when I start noticing things and trying to talk to them more and more things happen. Nothing huge just the knocking and the creaking is becoming more active. I still haven't seen anything like my brother has. I may try setting up a camera in the hallway outside our bedrooms to see if I pick up anything. Thank you so much for your input!
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
I haven't personally tried this but I heard many stories that used EVPs. Why don't try recording the answers to see what you get? Personally, I don't there is an age limit to a child having an imaginary friend. Have you tried getting your son to describe his imaginary friend and the scary mask thing?

I haven't heard from you in awhile. How have you been?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Sounds like part of this may be residual in nature. A resideual haunting is basically a 'recording' of a period in time, or a person in time that replays itself when there is enough energy to cause it to 'play'. It's possible that the Native American woman is a residual haunt.

However you say that there were two 'loud bangs' that may have been a response to your questions..."is there anyone there" or "who are you." This scared you so much that you actually called the police. Are there anymore details you can give about this part of your experience? These may be related to the music as you described it... "old fashioned like an orchestra or something like that." It is possible to have both kinds of 'hauntings' in the same location.

As far as your sons imaginary friend you said...

"Recently he has been in his room by himself and he starts talking to himself or some one and he told my mother that he's talking to his friend "goby". I have never heard of a 3 year old having an imaginary friend."

I have to ask... Has your son seen any of the Harry Potter movies with 'Dobby' in them or has he possibly seen the Cartoon Networks cartoon 'Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends' this has examples of imaginary friends that a child may think of in real life. The shows premise is this, A child named Mac who imagined a friend named Bloo at the age of 3...

Dr. Spock, Benjamin (Author of child behavior books) is of the opinion that imaginary friends past age four indicated that something was "lacking" in the child or his environment.

Let me say this... I am of the opinion that having an imaginary friend is not a bad thing... I remember having one myself, until I was about ten. Now some child development professionals agree with Dr. Spock and believe that the presence of imaginary friends past early childhood signals a serious psychiatric disorder. Others disagree, saying that imaginary friends are common among school-age children and are part of normal social-cognitive development.

Please research this aspect of your experience as it may just be normal behavior for your son (I have 3 children of my own) or he may be 'seeing' something from the 'spirit realm'. Children, in my opinion, are better able to see spirits because they are 'closer' to the veil that separates the physical realm from the spiritual realm. So it could be either one, either he's seeing a 'spirit' or he has an imaginary friend.

Please keep us updated and feel free to ask any questions you may have.



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