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This Story Is Currently Happening Right Now: Shadow Person?


I moved into this house about a year ago. Two weeks after moving in I was in the basement doing laundry when I saw something in the corner on the other side of the room it kind of look like a face. I freaked out and called my boyfriend he told me it was all in my head.

After about a week I started wondering if maybe I was crazy and I mistook what I saw. To this day I keep a light on in the basement at all times because I'm scared to go down there in the dark.

Fast forward to about the beginning of the summer. I was up really late like 1 or 2 am. I was upstairs sitting on my bed trying to go to sleep when there is this super loud caboom. The bed vibrated and everything. The sound came from living room, it sounded like someone kicked in my door. I was freaking so bad I called the cops. They came and looked around and nothing was out of place.

Ok I really must be going crazy now. No one is believing me. My boyfriend wasn't home because he works nights. He kept telling me I was crazy so I just left well enough alone and didn't speak about it again.

About a month later my 8 year old daughter is freaking one morning something about seeing some kind of shadow person when she woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I didn't think anything about it. I told her it must have been her imagination and that was the last thing that what said about it.

Until 2 nights ago. I decided to google it and read all about it. That night all was quiet in the house the kids were sleeping and I'm laying in bed when I start to hear noises from downstairs. It sounded like someone was like I don't know, scuffing their feet real hard on the carpet while walking around. I went down and investigated thinking one of the kids were up but everyone was sleeping so I went to bed.

The next morning before school I got my 8 year old up a little early and asked her some questions about the shadow person. I had her explain to me what she saw. She said it had no face, and it was black, looked like a person, and was really super tall. She said it was just standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at her.

She goes and gets ready for school. I wake up her 9 year old sister and the first words out of her mouth are "why were you standing in my door in the dark just watching me sleep?" I'm like I wasn't. I had no part in that. Does anyone know how to get rid of this thing? My kids are scared and I don't have the funds to move right now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Bathrick86, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
I believe you and your daughters. I have had experiences, and each although not in then norm, were so different. I know there are things that leak into our reality that we will never have even a small inkling as to the truth of their existence since they don't live here in our reality. I believe this temporary reality is very limited and we will know the future when we move on, so I don't try and guess at that stuff too much. I have a friend who saw shadow people in her house when she was growing up. She is spiritual (native american) and also a christian now. She felt that they were evil. Any one I've met who have dealt with them felt the same way. I have felt since a child when coming from sleep or going into it, the certainty that there are other realities. I don't dwell on this since I feel it would be fruitless and a waste of my time, but I do believe in demonic entities, fallen angels, who have been around us our whole lives and can answer any question given to them, and can imitate any thing or one that they wish to in order to deceive us. I doubt they will harm you but I would get as far away from them as soon as you have the ability and just try to make the atmosphere around your children as happy and safe feeling as possible. Sorry, wished I had something more to offer you. Good luck.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-10-08)
Thank you for keeping your comments civil as religion, like politics, tends to get people's tempers up. But please, from this point forward direct your comments to the story. If y'all want to continue your discussions about believing or not believing in smudging or unicorns, please move the conversation to one of your stories.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-07)
Hi AugustaM, I appreciate you making such an effort to describe your belief and experiences. It's just not possible to change me or the way my brain works. Sorry! I have my opinion, and I'm not shoving it on anyone - just stating my facts. Lots of folks have tried to force me to change how my brain works, but it's just not happening.

I don't see it as being something I believe in. I have a lot of beliefs that other people don't share (or to be clear, that millions of people don't share). I don't believe in cleansing. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, including me.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-07)
Ok I know my response is wildly late -caught up for a week or so in a huge project- but I just wanted to respond to DandK and others regarding the efficacy and process by which a cleansing effects change. There actually is some science behind it- here are links to a few articles:





Many hold that the sage smoke alters the ionic composition of the air. If that is so, then we may be onto something here since it is also widely held that paranormal activity creates shifts in electro magnetic fields. So if both sage smoke and paranormal activity effect ionic changes in the air, perhaps that is where a scientific connection could be made.


Granted, that is simply the best reasoning my fundamentally unscientific mind can compose. I read an article years ago from a fairly decent source, which explained things far better but I can't for the life of me seem to find it! 🙄

Otherwise, even as an agnostic, I am willing to accept the efficacy of faith based solutions in paranormal situations as I feel they both are involved in the same category and neither has been (or perhaps even can be) properly researched by scientific means. Many traditions posit that the smoke acts as a conduit carrying our prayers and intent into the ether where they might have direct effect on entity residing therein.

Fact is, I don't truly know how cleansing work but I have seen enough instances where they have to believe that they do. By the same token, I don't know how my smart phone works but that doesn't stop it from working.

P.S. I am not sure how my tone will be interpreted here but let me say that I do not mean to be belligerent or argumentative or judgemental - honest! ❤ Just talking out my way of thinking, that's all:-)
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Welcome Bathrick86,

As usual, the members here have given you great advice. Like so many others, I too am baffled by shadow figures. There are so many theories... Spirits not able to fully manifest, accumulation of energy, etc. I do know they can cause uneasiness at best and terror at worst.

I'm sorry to hear your kids are being effected by this and frightened. Time to bring out 'Mama Bear'. I agree with the suggestions of standing your ground and speaking your expectations aloud. Also, performing a cleansing or at least using sage couldn't hurt. At the very least, you're doing something and being proactive. Remember, you are stronger than this grumpy shadow. 😉

Please keep us updated, all the best to you.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
To person who's been downvote drunk, the next time you dole out an unwarranted negative you are hereby instantly crowned "KING PUD".
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
I fixed up as many down votes as I could.

I'm down voted and that has just happened in the last few hours.
😢 😳 😢
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Manafon - It seems that all of us have been down-voted and it really is a little pathetic. It would be rather boring if we all constantly agreed with each other. After all, we're talking opinions here.

So it seems to be "damned if you do and damned if you don't" 😕

Regards, Melda
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Noticed that the negative karma dweeb is at it again. Dirt Creature, DandK and I have all received downvotes on this account. I wanted to make it clear that an opinion that differs from going the cleansing/blessing route is merely a point of view. You can take advice or leave it. For the record, although I have never engaged in blessings, cleansings or shielding, I see absolutely nothing wrong with doing them. Positivity breeds positivity and if a blessing or cleansing promotes a positive attitude then that can only be a good thing.

As I initially wrote, I have had a lifetime of paranormal experiences that have been at times frequent and at others infrequent. I have never done any kind of shielding, blessing or spiritual cleansing and I am alive and well. If doing any of the above helps you then that's great. As for me, I'm doing fine just rolling with the paranormal punches. So, to the pud who's doling out the negatives, take a deep breath and try try to culture some self control and an understanding that other opinions exist and are valid.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Well said Dirt Creature,

I completely agree. Even if you don't believe in cleansing, its worth giving it a go.


I agree about keeping lights on for the kids.

😘 ❤ 😘
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
I agree with Dandk. I personally do not believe in cleansings and have tried them. I personally believe that if a person does a cleansing after seeing a shadow person it could be a mere coincidence that they do not see it again. Perhaps it was passing through. After all, we do not know the nature of shadow people and what they entail. I have seen them throughout my life too.

I think if a person wants to do a cleansing, go for it. If it does not work, at the very least, it would serve as a mental agent for those looking to calm their minds like exercise, journals, restful sleep, and meditation. These are all tools that can serve to recalibrate a person's mental state and lower stress and to let the possible entity (ies) know "hey, bugger off. I need some me time okay?".

Even though I do not personally believe in them, I still recommend them the same way I recommend a person visiting a religious leader or doing anything else according to their beliefs.

Hi there! Welcome to YGS. You are not crazy. Hallucinations are very common. If you are having hallucinations, it is possible your eyes are playing tricks on you. Even if we start with the premise that the paranormal is real, a person can still mistake something they hear, feel, or see. Our senses are trying to provide us with feedback and have to interpret the environment around us so sometimes our senses can make mistakes. This does not mean that you suffer from any mental illness.

It seems you and your daughters are the only ones who are being greeted by shadow people. I understand that can be a terrifying experience. Everyone has their own opinions on shadow people. Some think they are evil, others think they are just regular spirits who cannot fully manifest.

Personally, I would stand in my home when it is empty and say out loud "Whoever you are please stop following my children. You are scaring them and I want you to stop. We can coexist but you need to leave my family alone." It sounds crazy and maybe it is but it seems worth it to stand your ground and make it known that is your territory and your house. Can't hurt, right?

I second, DandK, nightlights could help put your children at ease. Maybe reading them happy bedtime stories (lol I don't have kids so I don't know what the cut off age is for bedtime stories) or watching a comedy with them? Putting yourself in good spirits is never a bad thing. Thank you for sharing. Keep us updated.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Hello RSAchick,

Well said with your message to DandK. 😘

Nice to meet you.

😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Hello again DandK,

I understand you don't believe in cleansing and simply used the unicorn analogy as a way of expressing your disbeliefs. The cleansing suggestion that Melda and I suggested was for the OP, Bathrick86, not you.

The cleansing ritual that has been suggested is one that many members on YGS have used and had successful results.

Rookdygin has been a member on YGS for a long time and is well respected as is Melda.

The way your comment came across was negative and now that you have said it wasn't meant that way, it was simply your opinion, fair enough.

Regardless the cleansing ritual was direct at Bathrick86 not you.

If you see shadow people, maybe you should give it go and then you'll be in a position to comment.

Have a nice day. 😘 ❤ 😘
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-28)
Hi RSAChick, I was sincere about the comment I made on the other post about the JW (I forgot that was who they were, but you've reminded me). There is a church here in the city I live in now that I've driven by and happens to be the one I thought about going to, but have felt too intimidated. In any case, totally legit - not knocking anyone's beliefs.

Also, I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs about cleanses. I honestly don't believe in them. I also totally don't understand the concept of faith. The unicorn analogy is me giving insight into how my mind works. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong. I'm sharing what's in my head. I see faith like the unicorn analogy. If I have to believe something with faith, it's not going to happen for me because my mind can't comprehend it outside of fantasy.

As far as understanding shadow people... I never said I did. I did say I don't like them. I have seen them, so I'm not taking their existence on faith. In my opinion, a random cleanse is like sprinkling fairy dust. My opinion. Your mileage may vary, and that's fine.

However, I'll continue to state my opinion despite unpopularity, because that's what we do here. And if you read my actual written words and take them at face value, like they're intended, you will see that I'm never telling anyone their opinion is wrong. To state a different opinion is not belittling someone else's.
RSAChick (115 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
DandK, on another recent story, A Few Weird Happenings, my mind went to Jehovah's Witnesses, and when I read your comment there, relating to JW, I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic/condescending or sincere.

Anyway, that's another discussion. On this story your comments seem contradicting. You don't believe in cleansings, or unicorns for that matter. But shadow people are real, because you are "attuned to looking for them". I guess then you are well versed in the habitat of shadow people...

Surely you cannot just disregard or mock something that is not in your realm of experience and, therefore, beliefs.

Respect others' beliefs and experiences and we can have a civil discussion about these things.

Bathrick, try the cleansing as others have suggested. If anything, it shows them that you are doing something to help and not disregarding their fears. A visit by a priest or whoever you feel comfortable with sounds good too. As well as a cheerful bedtime routine.

Like others have commented, it is concerning that the kids are frightened by this. I hope you can all feel safe at home again, soon!
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Hello Bathrick86,

There are some crystals that are known for helping keep evil away.

Black Tourmaline.

This stone is known for its ability to positively transform and "cleanse" negative energy.

Black Onyx.

This smooth, dark crystal is known to protect its owner from harmful spirits, psychic attacks, and black magic.


I understand how you feel about cleansing rituals. Everyone is different. We all have different belief's. A lot of people have done Rookdygins cleansing ritual and have had success.

Until you try it and know from experience, please don't knock it. I don't mean any disrespect.

Have a nice day.
😘 ❤ 😘
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Hi Bathrick - Sorry to hear that your kids are being freaked out by shadow figures. I've seen a shadow figure myself twice, most recently about a year ago and will admit that it is startling and I'm a middle aged dude. In both instances I thought a person was in my room. The first time I saw one I was around five. It was a perfectly pitch black shape of a woman who shut out a lamp on my dresser. The most recent encounter, which happened a year or so ago, had me believe a person had broken into my house. A quick search proved otherwise.

I have had numerous paranormal encounters stretching back to when I was around four. I never told my parents about my experiences when I was a kid because I just thought what I was experiencing would make sense as I grew older.

Like DandK I don't know about cleansings or blessings to get rid of paranormal activity. I've never done anything like that and in my experience activity is simply unpredictable. There can multiple occurrences for a period and then months can pass with no activity. Of course if you want to feel proactive and want to try a cleansing or blessing it couldn't do any harm. I would suggest that your present activity will settle down and possibly "spike" every now and then. That's been my lifelong experience. Since these figures don't seem threatening, just freaky, I don't think you or your kids are in danger but do what you feel is helpful. Good luck to you.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Hi SWS, it's that statement you made: 'You have to truly believe for it to work' that gets me every time.

To me, convincing myself that something like that would work is like believing in unicorns... If I just believe hard enough, unicorns do exist, we just haven't found their habitat yet in the middle of the rainforest.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Hi Melda,

Lol, We did comment simultaneously. 😊

I hope the OP gets rid of the negativity for the kids sake.

😘 ❤ 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
SWS - It seems that we commented simultaneously and gave similar advice. Hopefully Bathrick will consider a blessing or a cleansing, or both.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Bathrick86 - Although I have never had any experiences with shadow people, I know that many people have. My experiences have been with different entities.

I don't know what your religious beliefs are, or if you even have any. I once had a bothersome spirit removed by a Catholic priest. I would seriously suggest that a blessing and/or a cleansing would be advisable in your situation. If you do not have any specific belief, I agree with MK1 that you could try Rookdygin's cleansing method. His link is:


I have used a cleansing method, based on Rook's, in my sister's and my daughter's homes and they claim that it worked for them.

It always worries me when children, especially, are frightened by paranormal entities. It can be very traumatic for them.

Regards, Melda
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Hello Bathrick86 & DandK,

I have done Rookdygins cleansing/ shielding ritual. Trust me, it really does work.

Admittedly, the spirit of my brother and father visited me shortly after my brothers funeral. They are good and definitely welcomed spirits. The scary hag and a spirit called Steven hasn't been back since I've been doing Rookdygins ritual.

You have to truly believe the ritual will work and follow the steps thoroughly.

Here's Rookdygins profile page:


Scroll half way down his introduction and you'll find his cleansing shielding ritual.

You'll get some amazing advice from members here on YGS. They have helped me heaps. This community is all about support. Follow their advice and before long you will be free of the spirit.

Please keep us posted.
😘 ❤ 😘
MK1 (2 stories) (28 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-27)
Hi, [at] Bathrick86, welcome to the forum, and thank you for sharing your story.

There is a member here on the site named Rook, and he has a cleansing method for your house that everyone seems to swear by. I would try that, and see if the procedure gets the spirit to move along.

Best of luck to you. Stay safe and be careful.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-26)
Hi Bathrick86,

I don't know how to get rid of them. I'm looking forward to suggestions from others on this site.

I don't like these things. I think they get more active as time goes on. I don't know, but maybe also as they begin to get noticed? Maybe not - could be I'm just more attuned to looking for them.

As a stopgap measure, can you keep lights on in the hallway (night lights) or other areas so that they won't seem as frightening as they do in the dark?

Also, maybe keep the mood lighter and more playful? Keep things happy at bedtime?

I personally don't believe in the concept of a cleansing. I just don't see any logic behind it other than a human mind salve, but I'm also not a believer in just accepting something based on faith. So maybe if you understand faith, the cleansing might help.

Looking forward to suggestions for you from other members.

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