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Meeting Ghost Of Live Person


I am a new member, but not new to ghost experiences. I need some feed back about my recent experiences.

A little about myself. I have always had experiences with spirits, ghosts and nightmares and I can still remember each one since I was a little girl. More about that later.

I am 53 now and live in California. I have had a new kind of experience and would like some insights and thoughts about it please. It's not scary, just interesting. It happened like this.

I was in my bedroom which has a window that looks to the front of the property. I could hear voices, but couldn't see anyone. I thought try the binoculars, why not. Well, that's when I saw a fairly tall dark skinned man from the, I'd say, old west days. He was looking straight at me. He was wearing a long black leather trench coat and leather hat, the kind Clint Eastwood would wear in his movies as a cowboy. I put down the binoculars to look again but couldn't see him. With the binoculars there he was again.

There were other figures that came up to him and would leave, but he never moved his body but would move his head from looking at me to looking at the other persons. Okay, well I put this off as I am imaging things and let it go. Besides what was I do anyways?

I moved from there to another location and town but not far away. I say it had been about 4 months since the sighting, I was asked to a birthday party. I went to this party and all of a sudden another invited guest comes in and I about fell over. This man was identical, including the hat and coat, to who I had seen. Wow, all I could think of was I've met you before.

Why would this happen? Anyone with any thoughts on this?

Thanks for reading.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nightrider66, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

nightrider66 (1 stories) (2 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-04)
Everyone, sorry its taken me so long to get back to this.
To answer a few of your questions:
The man at the party was the only one dressed in that fashion.
Yes I did talk to him, I said hey I've seen you before and he really didn't give a response. I am not the only one to see him at the party.
When I saw him through the binoculars (yes binoculars) and the woman walked up to him they were dressed in the old western style dresses and tie bonnets.
The other thing is I'm kind of leaning into the voodoo warlock thing.
Thank for your responses and oh yes he is exactly the same person I had seen.
RoLeLu (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-02)

Lol, no offence taken, it's just hard sometimes to tell what a person really means when corresponding over text, since there are no queues (other than text) you can pick up on to let you know what someone really means.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-02)
I was being honest when I said that I found your comment interesting, RoLeLu. I am one of the people who up voted your comment.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-02)

I'm very sorry if you took me for being sarcastic. It was not my intention. When I read this story the first time, the binoculars did not even stand out in the story for some reason.

If I have offended you, then I apologize.

- Maria
RoLeLu (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-02)

I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic with regards to your comment.

I will say this, practitioners of "Magick" are recommended to use a wand when casting spells. The idea is that the wand allows them to direct and focus their attention and intent on whatever they wish to be made maniifest.

I agree that the "wand" is a prop as you say, but it's purpose is to act as a catalyst you could say, hypothetically speaking.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-01)

Question, did you engage him for conversation at the party and ask him if he was in the vicinity of where you saw him on the day your account?

You stated: There were other figures that came up to him and would leave)

Can you describe who or what those figures looked like?

It's not unusual to read or hear about mechanical items enhancing the ability to communicate and capture those on the other side albeit it's the first time I've heard of relating to a magnifying device.

The most famous one relates to an elderly Italian man who has been communicating to those on the other side through an old transistor's an unbelievable experience to witness him and a group of usually grieving mothers talking to their departed loved ones with actual personal apports falling into the room as the exercise takes place.

Your account is a little different due to seeing this man later at a party and the nature of what you'd witnessed,btw, I wouldn't have been able to help myself in knowing who he was.

If he was focused on looking in your direction interacting with these figures? There may be some connection between you and these figures of which perhaps you weren't meant to see... Seeing him at the party may have been no coincidence. We are living in a science fiction movie, there may be a truth behind your account that would not surprise me at all.

Nightrider66 that's an interesting account name (with respect)

Regards Daz
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-01)

Your comment is very interesting to me:

"maybe the binoculars somehow allowed you to focus these supposed psychic powers of yours"

I like the idea that the binoculars were, in a sense, a "prop". Like in the way that a student in "Hogwart's School of Wizardry" has their own power but their wand helps them to focus it. It is a tool that aids their ability.

Forgive me for the Harry Potter reference.

- Maria
RoLeLu (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-01)
Hello, nightrider66

It seems to me that pretty much all possible explanations for what you've experienced have already been mentioned, well except for two that I can think of. Judging by the fact that you've mentioned having other experiences with seeing ghosts/apparitions, it could be quite possible that you are psychic, possibly precognitive.

This may sound ridiculous, but maybe the binoculars somehow allowed you to focus these supposed psychic powers of yours, thus allowing you to see into the probable future. Or even more ridiculous, these binoculars grant the user an ability to see into the future.

To those suggesting the OP may have confused the apparition she saw for the person at the party, I would ask the OP if at this party there were any other people wearing cowboy attire (or whatever it's callled). If the answer is no, then it's more likely that the apparition she saw was in fact that of the aforementioned guest at the party.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-12)
WOW, that is strange! 😳 Maybe it's a kind of premonition. Or maybe it's a real man, did you try to talk to him? I would have ran up and told him all you've said here to see what he thought. Thank you for sharing this interesting story.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-10)
Hi nightrider66--Quite often when a person believes they're seeing an apparition of a living person it's a case of mistaken identity. From a distance, even with binoculars, it's easy to think someone resembles someone familiar to them, or as in your case, will soon meet.

That said, in psychical literature there are hundreds of well documented cases of "apparitions of the living." Often these are what are referred to as "crises apparitions", or apparitions that appear soon before the person witnessed dies. There are also seemingly otherwise random cases, much like your own, where a living person is seen going about otherwise mundane activities when it's known they can't be where they are seen or aren't noticed by others nearby. This seems to often be, as are apparitions of the dead, a telepathic communication between the two parties.

There are many case studies of apparitions of the living that have been compiled by the Society of Psychical Research. One of the most comprehensive, and groundbreaking works, was a book titled Phantasms of the Living, that was written by early S.P.R. Researchers Frederick Myers, Edmund Gurney and Frank Podmore and which was published back in 1886. Although mostly centered on "crisis" cases, it does include examples of people witnessing apparitions of living family members and friends going about otherwise mundane activities. These cases appear with regularity in S.P.R. Literature.

Thanks for sharing your interesting account, it's clear it has left a lasting impression on you.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-10)
I wonder if the man you saw at the party was a ghost. If not, then he was certainly wearing what I would consider as strange clothes to a birthday party. Did he exhibit any strange behavior at the party? Otherwise, I also tend to succumb to the time slip/dimensional viewing hypothesis already mentioned previously.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)
Really weird!

Possibility 1: You imagined they were the same person? Similar but not the same.

Possibility 2: You were dreaming the man and your dream came true.

Possibility 3: The man is some sort of warlock and did some sort of black magic voodoo on you

Possibility 4: Really freaky paranormal experience!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Greetings, nightrider66, and welcome to YGS.

I've read of several cases in which a living person has experienced a great tragedy and has unintentionally left a psychic imprint on the environment where he or she attempted to come to terms with his or her loss. These "imprint" events are very similar to residual hauntings, though, in that they do not interact with others; their concern is their own deep emotional upheaval. Using these data as a starting point, it would not make sense for the individual you saw to be spectral in nature, unless he'd been through some trauma in the vicinity of your old home. It seems to run counter to the apparition's interactions with other spirits.

My more positive thought is that you may have had a "time slip" or "dimensional" experience, in which you saw the living man interacting with others in an ordinary manner, despite whatever distance may have been between you at that time.

If there are valid reasons for rejecting my suggestions, please let us know. I'm curious about this event.

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Hi, nightrider66.

Is it possible that who you saw outside your window was actually the same person that was at the party? What made you think you were seeing a ghost? Is it because the only way you could see him was through the binoculars?

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