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Sacred Ground Corrupted


A short history of my current home.

The house itself, I know very little about it's history. My parents purchased this house in the late 70s. I was raised here, and my parents gave Brad and myself the house as a wedding gift as they were moving. Free house, even a haunted one, is not something to turn down.

The previous owner was an elderly man who died in one of the bedrooms. Mom and Dad bought this house from his children, and moved it to it's current location in a tiny community outside Kilgore. One of the hauntings in this house is a residual. A man in gray walk out of the back hallway, into the front hallway. He then goes to the living room, paces the room, and kneels in the corner as if praying. His routine never varies, and it occurs at random times.

As to the history of the land, I have a little more. In the 1850s our little corner of nowhere, Leverett's Chapel, was settled by the Leverett family who traveled here from Savannah, Georgia. They built a cabin and started a plantation growing cotton and sugar cane. Eventually a Colonial mansion was built around that cabin. It's a beautiful old house, which has finally been getting the renovation it deserves. Anyway, the land our house is on was once part of the Leverett plantation.

Adjacent to the plantations (there were a few) was a Native American settlement called Mt. Tabor. This settlement was founded by the Thompson family. Benjamin Franklin Thompson, his wife Annie Martin (daughter of Judge John Martin, the first Chief Justice of the Cherokee Nation) and their son John Martin Thompson. The Thompson family had ties to the Cherokee Ridge Party. In 1844, the Thompsons and other Ridge Party supporters left the Cherokee Nation and settled in Rusk County. B.F. Thompson purchased 10, 000 acres near what is now Laird Hill. The community later became known as Mt. Tabor. Sometime after the Civil War, the community moved away.

The community had a small cemetery, and during the East Texas oil boom, that cemetery was desecrated. Tombstones pulled down and thrown away. One tombstone was found in an oil drum in 1969. The level of disrespect shown to this final resting place is truly disheartening. These are people left to rest by their loved ones, in faith that they would not be disturbed. It makes me sad to know that these graves were not left in peace.

Many of us here have the opinion that cemeteries have guardians, a watcher spiritual who protects the resting place of the departed. I've begun to wonder, what happens when a cemetery is so thoroughly disrespected? What effect does that have on the guardian? Does that formerly protective spirit become angry? Does it seek justice for the disrespect? And does that corruption attract even more corruption?

The cemetery, as best I can figure from looking at maps, is near the border of the Native settlement and the plantation which was here before our house. It's close to where we currently live. I can't help but think the defiling of that sacred place has caused the negative energy and feelings of evil and fear these woods give off.

Although this wasn't a ghost story exactly, I hope to get some opinions from you all on the effects of disrespecting a final resting place.

Mostly, I just want others to know about the forgotten graves, and that maybe, just for a moment, the departed could be once again remembered with respect.

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BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Happy Samhain to yall as well, hoping the new year is filled with love and joy for everyone.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
granny - I'm jumping on here to add: "And much deserved peace." I miss you, but understand 100%.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
BJJ: Blessed Samhain to you!...Hope the turning of the year brings you happiness ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
I have yet to try all that stuff... It is pretty cool, even has an illustration... Gives a list of the "do's" and "don't's"...I don't know, I think we all have enough experiences without invoking anything, but it's nice to have a reference in case you need it LOL 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
LOL - an invocation from The Spirit Speaks Weekly Newspaper, 1901 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
1901? Ooooo you have my attention lol, what was it?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
BJJ - not sure if, or when, you'll see this but I was given something the other day and thought of you. Dates back to 1901 😆 I thought it was pretty cool.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
LMAO! Now that's funny. One of these cases where I shouldn't be reading at work 😆.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
Um, I think I get it lol. And even if I don't I'm going to pretend like I do until I actually do. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
BJJ - I wasn't sure what to do, whether to acknowledge credit where it was due or just do what I did. Sometimes this is hard 😢 Anyway, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, but not say 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-26)
BJJ: Thanks for posting this up its very interesting, the disrespecting of gravesites, I just can't fathom how people can do this don't they have a consience? Geez that s**ts me. As soon as you mentioned a watcher or guardian, I immediately thought of Granny I think it was from her where I first heard about this concept, what would have been it actions whilst this was happening, do you think it may have attched itself or something to the people who were doing this? Hmmm! I find your residual haunt quite interesting have you thought of why it is that exact routine that is shown to you? Praying in the corner, that sure is weird but very interesting.

I wish you and Brad all the best for the future and your move. You were also very lucky to receive the home as a wedding gift, that is truly awesome. 😁 Thanks BJJ!

Dan 😁
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Hi BadJuuJuu, I liked reading your story. It reminded me about a house we stayed in that was haunted by Chinese ghosts. They found Chinese remains while digging foundations in an area just next to where the suburb was where we lived. I totally agree with the fact that the dead must not be forgotten and through away in such a disrespectful way.
I agree with everybody on the thought that you and your husband will be able to deal with this helping them. The ghosts visiting you know that. It seems like they try to get your attention for some reason. I'm sure with your wisdom and experience with the paranormal you will be able to solve this mystery. I would love you to keep us updated about what's happening further with this mission.
Thanks for sharing. Take care. Trix.
NS>>For those who want to play ghost- take two brooms and use them as two legs by putting trousers on with shoes on each end of each stick. Pick up your two broom legs and hold them straight up horizontal in front of you. Ask a friend to through a sheet over your body to cover your own legs you are standing on so that the attention is drawn to your upper body and the two 'broom legs'. Now you've created an image of you floating in the air-just move your body slowly up and down. We had lots of fun with this trick. Just be careful, make sure there is nobody that might lose control and shoot you, because these days people acts so strange sometimes. ❤
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Devious, don't go holding assemblies in my bedroom dang it! I have enough trouble sleeping as is lol.
Ah well, since I won't be asleep anyway go for it. Maybe it will keep me entertained during my insomnia. 😊
Jav, the cemetery is on private property now. I think they are trying to put a Historical Marker up.
Taz, I'm sure there would be something a Native could do, but I don't know any. Hopefully a goofball Wiccan can be of some help though.
Oh yeah, before I forget. They took the name Mt. Tabor from the Bible. A passage in the Old Testament. God told someone (Samuel maybe?) To go to Mt. Tabor.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Granny, I don't think I'm related to any previous residents of the land. I've tried asking my mother about my great grandparents, but she's...less than informative.
I don't think the watcher would cause the fear, but that the anger the watcher may feel has brought other things into the area. I'm going to see what I can do to offer closure for the souls stuck here.
Miracles, you've given me another facepalm moment. It only makes sense that any intelligent haunting in the house might not have like being moved. The reason the guys in the kitchen are always cussing maybe? I'm not positive of the actual proximity of the house to the Mt. Tabor cemetery, but I'm pretty sure it's far enough from the house that by living logic we aren't encroaching on anyone's territory. I think anyway. It's more than possible it's not just a ticked off guardian, and anything drawn in by anger, but also some pretty cheesed off human ghosts. That makes sense now that you mention it.
Spockie, it makes me so furious to here about graves being disrespected. Some things just should not be toyed with, and graves are high on the list.
Dragonwalker, you've given me something to think about. I don't think I'm anything close to guardian material, but maybe by showing some respect I could help the souls get a little peace.
I do think that intent matters when it comes to stuff like this. I'm going to try to clear my intent of any "fine now can I move?!?" Before trying anything.
Cosmo, when I got to trying to find the history of the area, it was like a light bulb went off above my head. Some things started making more sense. Other things are still confusing, but overall it became easier to comprehend.
Baccha, the little details of history so easily get lost over the years. And it's usually the little, lost details that are the most interesting.
Lou, once I feel my intent is clear, and I think of an acceptable way to show respect to so many, I'm going to give it a try. Funny how we both have a similar situation huh?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
Devious - this is for you! 😆 Sorry y'all but this is part of my Bucket List, although there really needs to be a better name for it.

When I'm on the "other side of living" I'm going to unlock the doors every time my boss locks them cause he has told me ghosts don't exist and people are going to think I'm crazier than I already am. Yeah, not only that, I'm going to sit at his desk and put his laptop on facebook, on MY page, because you know it's still going to be there 😆 (thanks, granny!)

K - sorry, BJJ but had to get that out of my system. I've got 2 more to go though. My mom and my sister. 😆
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
Again thanks granny ❤ putting me on right path why did I think of dancing queen when I know I read killer queen? I'm loosing it! Lol

Queen are fantastic blast it out myself plenty of times.
You know she has said in the past we like a lot of the same stuff so who knows? I could have american blood flowing through these veins! (watered down a fair bit now though)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
You silly Taz, "killer Queen" is by the great QUEEN...

And there are no coincidents... I noticed the name thing and was wondering the same thing... It would be cool huh?...Hey, maybe you and BJJ are kissin' cousins! 😆 ❤
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
bad juujuu interesting! Wonder if there is anything a native indian could do to "bless" the site make sure the spirits are at rest.

It is sickening to think graves can be just left and forgotten like that. So sad.

And thanks a bunch devious, killer queen indeed 😆 I can't stand abba! (know all the songs though the other half loves them)

Going to start doing family history now got me interested, I was told family could have connection with america and now this pops up hmmmmm

All the best
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
redphx - that is like, THE best song EVER. I can't help but sing along every time I hear it. Sorry for hijacking your story BJJ:) I hope you will forgive me...
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
LOL. Killer Queen is my ringtone and ringback. LOL. How funny you should mention that!
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
I'd be a ghost who would make out with hot guys. AWWWW YEAH! I'd also be a bit vengeful. There are some people I want to scare and scar for life. Now I want to be a ghost!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
[ ] Making "Killer Queen" play on the radio/TV everywhere taz goes
[ ] Throwing glowy or shiny objects across bacchaegirl's windows to make her think she's seeing UFOs
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
OMG girl, don't mess with my showerrrrr! [cry] It's hard enough to brave the heebiejeebies as it is!

We better start making our lists and checking them twice now...😉 Ohhh the possibilities...

[ ] Bathing teddy bear in Lou's sink
[ ] Painting Javelina's hooves neon pink in her sleep
[ ] Forming the First Critter's Assembly in the middle of BJJ's bedroom

Now I have something to look forward to!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
OMG Devious - just think of the shower scenes LMAO! I've got a bucket list of people 😆 and things to do when I'm no longer on this side of the living 😉. Especially those who tell me "ghosts aren't real." Oh hell yeah!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
bacchaegirl, I can DEFINITELY think of a few people whom I would enjoy haunting very much... Some of which would be members of this site, SPECIFICALLY just to say "HEY! Guess what guys? This whole haunting thing is the real deal!" 😆 I wouldn't just knock on walls and walk up and down hallways though. I'd do something awesome, like appear as the chupacabra and tap-dance on the kitchen table or possess a stuffed animal. Lou would find a random teddy bear taking a bath in his sink!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
I agree with every single comment on this thread! Talk about putting energy into a project, I only wish I could help restore what's left of the cemetery. After the shameful and disrespectful manner these poor souls were mistreated, it is only right that they receive a decent restoration of their final resting place.
I've volunteered with the Viet Nam Veterans of America, on several projects. And one thing I've learned is that if the project is worth while, people will want to donate what is needed to accomplish it. Paint, lumber, landscaping supplies, things to help you get the job done right. They will send guys up from their nearby work sites to help with heavy equipment. They are normally more than happy to help. It doesn't take much to get what is needed and people like to feel that they contributed to a worthy endeavor for their community.
It does sound like something that is long overdue. And you are the perfect person for it.
Thanks for bringing this here BJJ, I love reading the history of small towns.
I'm happy for you and Brad. I hope your new digs aren't TOO quiet for you.😉


PS~~ Do you think the animals will miss your household spirits? I always wonder about those things. 😊
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
DA, I want to be cremated as well! I want my ashes spread around my college theatre so it will creep out all the new theatre kids. I would hate to become a zombie. That would be awful. I agree, no body, no zombie. However, there are some people I would love to haunt. But I guess it's better to move on.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
Thank you for sharing your story. I think it is really sad that those graves were desecrated so...personally, I want to be cremated so that there's no chance of me coming back in the event of the zombie apocalypse. 😆 Also because once I am gone, I do not want to come back because someone disturbs my grave. I think when we go, it is important that we leave our material and physical desires behind so that our spirits do not become corrupt by our fixation on them.
dragonwalker (5 stories) (77 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
[at] Lou - I totally had the same thought... "Boy howdy, this sounds like Lou's goings-on!" Anyone else on the same wave length here? LOL.
dragonwalker (5 stories) (77 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
Here's a question I have (please forgive me, BJJ).
Would intent have anything to do with the results? For instance, people may try to honor the dead, or lay spirits to rest, with the intent to make themselves feel more comfortable than to actually care about and honor or respect the dead (the latter striking me as the kind of person BJJ IS!). Would that affect the result in any way?

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