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Ghostly Smell?


I haven't had many paranormal experiences but the few times I have had one it's left me wondering about what really happens after death. The experience I'm writing about happened to me when I was 13 years old. I was staying at my Mother's flat for the weekend, which only had one bedroom so I slept on the sofa. Me and my Mother were watching television late at night when my Father rang to tell me that my Nan was in hospital and that he was driving over to see her. I asked to come with him but he said that she was very ill and he didn't want me to see her in pain.

My Nan lives in Birkenhead, which is a two hour drive away and my father rang me at around 8 o'clock in the evening. That night I was having trouble sleeping as I was worried about my Nan, my Mother had already gone to bed. At around 2am I suddenly smelled my Nan's presence but I didn't see her or hear anything? Which I found strange she had a very distinctive smell. She used to be a nurse so when I went round her house it always smelt of dettol disinfectant and tcp (an antiseptic wash).

I never used to be open to the possibility of ghosts or the paranormal so I was looking all around for where the smell might have come from. I thought my dog may have knocked some disinfectant over but he was asleep in his basket. Feeling puzzled, I sat down again and was overcome by grief and I had no idea why. Shortly after a very warm comforting feeling came over me and the smell of my nan got stronger.

The next morning my Father rang me again and told me that my nan had passed away. She had cancer of the liver that had spread, but by the time she had gone to see a doctor it was too late she was already dying. I just felt so confused as the smell must have been her, had she come to visit me after she passed on?

I still wonder about this today and I haven't experienced anything like that since. Has anyone else heard of this happening? Also I wonder why I didn't see or hear her perhaps she didn't want to scare me.

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Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
That is an interesting thought. Like emotional bonds are literal attachments that might pull a person's soul, at least briefly, into our physical presence when it first leaves the body. It does make you wonder as much about the people you don't sense as the people you do. That is definitely a theory worth considering.
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
My grandmother always smelled like Dove soap, it was the only soap that she used. After she passed we would often smell a strong Dove soap smell when we were in her bedroom. The last time I smelled it, my sisters and me were all together in her bedroom talking. The scent was so strong I thought she was in the room with us. Maybe she was happy to see all 3 of her grand daughters at the same time. I definitely believe in spirit smells.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
I agree with minimom, that an emotional bond is really hard to break. Your grandmother really cared for you and that's way she came to comfort you before she left. It was her way of saying goodbye. Just know that she has gone to a better place and that she is no longer in pain.
minimom (50 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
[at] Nysa: I think the type of emotional bond that exists between two people has a major effect. I've had this happen twice in my life and both times it was with someone that I loved deeply and was deeply loved by. Oddly, when my mother died, I experienced nothing, nor did my sisters.

We did call her "Mommymonster", but that's another story...

I think that these intense emotional bonds act almost like a magnet, drawing them to you. When my ex died he was in Florida and I was in Colorado and I knew he wasn't well but had no idea he was terminal. Even though we had gone on to marry others we still loved and cared for each other, we also spoke on the phone when we could. That kept the bond strong. The very last thing he said to me was that he always had and always would love me. The feeling was mutual.
mb89 (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
I've had things like this happen to me.
After my grandpa died 5yrs ago, I could smell M&M's. To make a long story short: anytime I would visit him, he had out M&M's for me and my sisters. So it was a smell I associate with him.
And years before that (when I was around 9): After I found out my great-grandma died, I was laying in my bed crying, holding the teddy bear she give me when I was younger, close and I had a 'dream' about her. She told me she was fine and that she loved me, to be strong and that my grandma (who passed away when I was 3) wanted me to know she loved me and wishes I coulda had more time with her.

I think everyone has had something like this happen to them at least once (at least on this site! Lol)
minimom (50 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Wow,what a special grandchild you must have been.

I had a similar experience when my best friend/former lover died. I caught a whiff of his favorite soap and then felt the same warm safe feeling I always felt whenever we were together.

I later called his wife and she confirmed his death and that he had died less than two minutes before I smelled his soap.
maz1029 (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
It does happen, I remember when my grandmother had passed on and I was in the church during the funeral just crying my eys out. Then all of a sudden I had a warm feeling come over me that evreything was ok was what went through my head. Out of nowhere I stopped crying and was fine. Not only that but I know she is still around, my best friend described her to me when I talked about her one day and she never knew anything, my best friend said she is there when she needs to be, that probably has a lot to do with our haunted property. I think that s why she comes around to help with the bad because we invited the good ones and repelled the bad ones.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
I have heard of a lot of people that have smelt the perfume or scent of a loved one that has passed on, I myself have never experienced this, your nan must have loved you very much to say one last goodbye to you after she passed. 😊
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
There are many accounts of people being seen, heard, or smelled by loved ones around the time of their death. It makes you wonder if a soul leaving a body can be transported to the place where the people they are thinking about are before going on to whatever comes next. Or if, as their energy dissipates their loved ones might be able to sense it & that energy gets translated in our minds as a vision, voice, or scent.

Since we don't really know how a spirit is able to be seen, heard, smelled, sensed, it is difficult to guess if that person chooses how to present itself or if it is dependent on the amount of energy available to them, the living person's ability to perceive, or something else entirely.
SmithNW (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Yes...my biological mother died when I was two years old. We lived in Freeport, Bahamas then. Years later my mother's sister, who lives in Boston, told me that after my mom died, she could smell my mom's scent at random times. She took that as a sign that my mother's spirit was around her.

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