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What Is That Smell?


As a lot of the "older" members of YGS will know, I seem to have a perchance for smelling odours at sometimes the oddest of moments. My following account is no exception to the rule.

It is now towards the end of July (or it was, when I wrote this) - our coldest time of the year - no ants, flies or mosquitoes to be found, thank heavens. With that thought in mind, I will relate my experiences of the last week.

On consulting my journal, I discovered that my first whiff of a strangely familiar smell was on Friday 19th July. I was snuggling down in bed, next to my snoring husband, Ray, when I caught a sniff of...? What is that scent? I couldn't put my finger on what scent that was! It was pleasant smelling, but seemed totally out of place. The smell seemed to drift away, and then come back again.

I sniffed at my pillow, then at my comforter and other bedclothes. I sniffed at Ray, (thank goodness he didn't wake up - he would have thought I was a total nut job) then at myself; none of my sniffs unlocked any mysteries. I eventually gave up, and went to sleep.

Saturday night passed uneventfully.

Sunday night, as I snuggled down once more, preparing to sleep, there was that perplexing odour again. Again I went through the sniffing routine, coming up empty handed. It was driving me Crazy!

Monday night came, and as expected, I smelled that tantalising scent. A light bulb suddenly went on in my head! I had it! I knew what that smell was..."mozzie mats"! For those of you who don't know what a "mozzie mat" is, I will explain. During summer, to ward off mosquitoes, we have a small heating apparatus which is plugged into a power point. A small rectangular "mat" which is infused with mosquito repellent is inserted into the slot provided, and the heat releases a pleasant odour along with the toxins (?) which chase away the mosquitoes.

I almost knocked myself out in my effort to sit upright in surprise. "Mozzie mats"? In the middle of winter? No wonder the smell was incongruous! Well, at least I was satisfied that I had identified the smell.

Tuesday came - Angel's birthday! For those of you who don't know, Angel is our youngest daughter, who passed away at the beginning of June 2012. Ray and I lit a red candle for her; her favourite colour, and to signify our love for her. I shed a few tears, and then settled down to answer letters that I had received.

That evening, after supper, I was once more seated at my PC in our computer room, Ray beside me. Suddenly I started to smell the "mozzie mats" again! By this time, I really thought I was going off my rocker. I turned to Ray, asking if he smelled it too. Of course the answer was negative. I continued what I was doing, but the smell grew stronger; so strong that I began to cough and gag. I fled to the bathroom - eyes and nose streaming!

The smell followed me. Between gasps for air, I murmured words in the following vein: "Angel, if that is you, please my darling, not so strong! I love you, and I acknowledge your presence, but have mercy, please!" As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the cloying odour was gone. I stopped coughing, and all went back to normal. I have not smelled "mozzie mats" again!

What do my esteemed readers make of that? Your thoughts and comments will be greatly appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fergie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-11)
Krys, Angel had a wicked sense of humour at times - and an extremely sharp wit. I could just picture her doubling over with mirth, at my expense. Not that she would purposely have harmed me.

I am so glad that you got a laugh out of this narration. I am sure that is what Angel would have wanted.

Thank you for reading, and your comment.
KRYSTALLIA (64 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-11)
Fergie I too believe that Angel found a most unusual way to get your attention! You couldn't quite put your finger on it for two whole days eventhough it was a scent completely "out of season" and come her birthday, she probably thought she had to make it extremely apparent to you that it was her! She must have had a great sense of humour! Your experiences usually bring tears to my eyes or knots in my throat, but this time I giggled! Still can't stop smiling eventhough I'm sorry you lost your breath.
❤ Krys
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Ah now I said nothing about getting along! And yea I do have a good sense of humour, but that's not that unusual in 25 year olds! The fact that you admire it though means my life is now complete! So thank you so much for making not just my day but my whole life! Yay for you.
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Hahaha I got my wish 😆 that's me all set for the day now! Hopefully he doesn't upset anyone on here and instead makes them laugh at him instead like he did me 😊 Spreading the joy lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
By the time your story is up, he'll be gone. Admin has already been contacted about his abusive behavior, and there really is no other way to describe it. Some of the comments that have been deleted were very offensive. Unfortunately we weren't able to get to them before they'd been on here for hours and I'm sure many of our members had to be subjected to them 😢

And you're right. There is something not quite right with a person who does this. It's not done out of humor. I knew a person who was like this. 😐 There are other things that bring it out in them.
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
I've noticed his comments there now yea. Half of me laughs at the patheticness of it and half of me feels bad for someone who just has nothing better to do than that. Must have a really empty boring life and can't imagine he's any friends 😢. Hopefully people like that sort out what ever issues they have that makes them want to hurt people for fun. Cause there are obviously issues there! I'm going to start writing mine now 😁 maybe he'll comment on mine when it's published and give me a laugh too 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Aishling - exactly! That's what they want...attention. He's at it again, trying to get my attention now. Boy did he pick the wrong me on the wrong day LOL. He's on my stories, so I don't give a flip 😆

I'll delete comments on other members stories, and as long as nothing too icky is said on my stories, I'll leave them alone. There are lines, however, that won't be crossed even on my stories.

Seriously, we'll be looking forward to your story (s).
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Hi Miracles,
Awh yea just butt your way in there why don't you 😜 Ok I'll definitely write it all up then! Not that there's a lot to write but I tend to ramble on a lot about nothing that's related to what I'm talking about so prepare yourself!
I don't mind if people troll me... Troll at me... Are trolls to me... Whatever you want to call it! I generally find it funny when people go out of their way to try to make me mad. It's entertaining that they have so much time on their hands that they spend that much energy on doing something so sad. I'm just sitting there like heeheehee keep it coming! The best is when you completely ignore them and they just get madder and madder and madder! Hilarious 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Aishling - not to intrude on your and Fergie's conversation (even though I already did 😆), but that's kind of what we're here for. Sometimes what we think might not be a "paranormal" event in our own eyes, might be in someone else's. And then you've surely read some of the stories where someone swears up and down they have had THE ghost story of the lifetime, but no one else thinks so 😊

So, if you have a strong backbone, and I think you do 😉, submit your story. The worst that can happen is one of us mods will send it back telling you we don't think it's a ghost story. Wait, no that's not the worst that can happen. The crap that recently happened with the troll comments is the worst that can happen LOL.
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Awh thank you! My name is common as muck over here in Ireland. I know like 10 other girls with the same name. Its the Irish word for "dream". No one outside of Ireland has heard of it. In America I just get called Ashley!

I'm so happy you liked my theory! If your daughter was anything like me then that's the kind of weird random logic that would make perfect sense in my head! Mosquito mats = protection. Obviously! I would also absolutely try to make someone feel better about going to the dentist as I'm terrified of them and pretty much have a panic attack when ever I need to go. It would definitely make me feel better if my Aunt or Granny visited me the night before so I bet that was her:)

I do have a couple of stories, I'm not entirely sure if they are actually anything or not just like that one they could maybe be explained I just haven't figured out how. I'm a science girl so I do like to explain stuff with logic. But I know that's not always possible! I think I will write them down though and see what people think. Thank you for the encouragement:)
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Aishling, what an unusual and beautiful name!

You have come up with a different, and most plausible theory! Thank you! 😊 Sometimes the random thoughts are educated guesses, and that does sound very logical to me!

My husband has been quite ill for the past week; he has had a bad abscess in his mouth. Evening before last, I woke him up to take his antibiotics - He had just been dreaming of Angel, and how she was with him in the dentists waiting room. So yes, it is very likely that she is watching over us, protecting us.

I had a peek at your profile. If you have two or three short 'stories' like you have just told me, lump them together and submit them - I am sure they will be willingly accepted by YGS. Don't think that your experiences are insignificant! Your experience sounded interesting, and not in the least impossible!

Thank you so much for your intelligent input Aishling, and good luck.
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Hi Fergie,

I had a thought when I read this, it might sound really dumb and kind of thin but its a theory to think about... If mozzie mats "protect" you from mosquitos do you think she might of been trying to convey that she is still around to protect you? Just cause its such a random smell I was trying to think of why that one! And that's the first thing that popped into my head! Kind of stupid I know but you never know!

I think I had an experience like this, well I hope I did anyway. My aunt passed away, she was my favourite person and like literally the nicest person in the world. I was sitting on my bed (this was a good while after her death maybe a few months) and I think I was thinking about her from what I can remember. Then I just suddenly got a really strong smell of her perfume for like 2 seconds then it was gone. I immediately started bawling my eyes out and frantically grabbing everything in sight smelling it to see if it was something in the room but I couldn't find anything. It was definitely her perfume cause its very distinctive. It was the only one she ever wore for as long as I could remember. She always smelled of it, her clothes smelled of it, her house smelled of it, and even presents that she'd post over from England would smell of it! So I'm 100% sure I wasn't confusing it with anything else. I'm not sure if my memory someone made me think I could smell it because I was thinking of her. I don't know if it can do that or not. And the house I was living in at the time was a house that she had never been too so I don't know how she could of known where it was... But I really hope it was Marie come back to visit.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Fergie - LMAO! I'm in stitches over here 😆

And yes, when someone else has been subjected to that crudeness and deliberate cruelty, and in my opinion that's exactly what it was...cruel...kid gloves are off. That's when even my form of "computer meditation" doesn't work, no matter how many times I get up and walk away.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
LOL Miracles, he made some 'accusations' that I could have confirmed too... LMAO!

Well, I can always try to keep my promise, but not if I think someone is being hurt. 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Fergie - yeah, might have been that LOL but seriously? 😆 And you know not to make promises you might not be able to keep, so I won't hold you to this one 😆 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Miracles I am replying to you on my thread.

LOL, don't worry about me, I am a 'big' girl. I understand why this happened to me. The title of my story was just begging for his brand of humor...!? Also, I must have provoked him with my comment...wouldn't do it again, promise. 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-31)
Babygoatpuller - Isn't it marvelous when we get what we asked for? The smell of jasmine, and none for miles...

A strange thought just occurred to me; as our Angel's life was fading, so did the jasmine plant that she so admired, that was situated at our front door. Both expired at round about the same time. Hmm, strange eh?

Once again, I thank you for reading and your lavish compliments. 😳 I shall do my best to get another experience posted next month. 😊
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-30)
Fergie- I've said it before and will say it again... Some of the best stories come out of S.A. And you, my friend, never disappoint!

A couple of weeks ago, I was curious about my guardian angel and in my head asked to show me a sign, like the smell of jasmine. (whole conversation in my head but the gist was just a hint and whenever he/she felt like it) A week later as I was walking through my kitchen I got about a 1/2 second whiff of jasmine and had to smile and say thank you. No jasmine anywhere on my little 15 acre farm. (my green thumb can't grow this "anybody can grow it" gem)

Looking forward to hearing more from you and thanks for sharing!

Brenda... 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-30)
Lilady4, I see you are from NZ. My brother now resides in Auckland. You have a beautiful country. 😊

Yes, I am happy that Angel stays in touch with me via my peculiar ability. Sometimes it is comforting, sometimes it just makes me miss her more.

I am glad that you enjoyed my narrative, Lilady. Thank you for your comment.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-29)
What a beautiful story. It is odd that some of us are blessed with odd gifts such as yours. But, it is a good thing. Good on Angel for letting you know that she will always be with you in Spirit.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-26)
MaryAnne, I have often associated pleasant or appetizing, incongruous smells within my home with my daughter. But this time it was so overpowering! I think she really meant to make sure that I didn't mistake the perfume/smell for anyone else - after all, it was her birthday. 😆

Thank you for reading.
MaryAnneTHEdoll (23 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-26)
Maybe your daughter wants to get your attention so she sprayed a pleasant smelling scent Maybe?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-24)
I know what you mean about men but my husband is an exception. He was very close to my grandparents and when my grandfather died he openly cried and although he does not smoke cigarettes he asked me for one.
I honestly think he cried more when my grandfather died then when his own father died.
The weird thing is my husband and his father were volunteer firefighters in his home town. My grandfather was a tile setter by trade. When I started dating my husband my grandfather asked me which fire house my husband was a member of (his town had 2). I told him which one and he told me he had tiled the truck room many years before. Skeptical that it was the right fire house I asked him what color the tile was. He replied yellow. I was floored because the tile in the truck room was indeed yellow. It remained that way for many years after my grandfather died.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-24)

I understand your emotions involved with the dream and the smell of Old Spice - isn't it fantastic how our loved ones can reach out to us from the other side? ❤No-one will convince me that love dies with physical death!

Hmm... I underplayed my emotions at the lighting of the candle bit, a Lot! I was an emotional wreck, to be perfectly honest. My hubby held me for the longest time... I guess he was fighting tears too, but you know how men are!? 😕

Thank you Redwolf for reading, your condolences and your comment.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-24)
What a wonderful story. I am sorry for your loss but believe me your Angel is never too far away from you and your husband.
I had written a similar story about having dreams of my grandfather shortly after he died. The last dream he gave me a hug and I woke up crying because it was the only dream he had hugged me I could smell his Old Spice Cologne. I told my husband about my dream and he held me as I cried. Then he went into our room to get dressed and came right back out asking me if I had sprayed cologne. I told him no but asked him if it smelled like Old Spice and he said yes. My grandfather wasn't just in my dream, he was in my room!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-23)
LOL samtillie, obsessions aren't good, or so I am told! 😉

With love from your black eyed pea (LOL). ❤
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-23)
Fergie I have been reading but not posting, only been reading back on here last couple if weeks as I was getting obsessed before haha x
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-21)
Oh Shlain. Your sense of humour slays me! 😆 Mozzies coming back to haunt me with their own repellant? Ha, ha, that is a good one!

Angel pranking me? Huh! I never thought of that! I suppose it is possible, as I know that she would never be able to take so strong a smell herself...Hmm, good thought.

Honey chile, don't feel guilty about not replying on my stories. I can't expect you to reply on all. 😉

Thanks for your comment, I really needed a smile today! ❤
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-21)

Hello my darling! Haven't posted on your stories in a while *guilty*

Mozzie mats? Seriously? Why mozzie mats of all smells? You think its Angel's way of pranking you?

On 2nd thought it could be all those mozzies you killed coming back to haunt you! Tsk tsk!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-21)
Kxiong, What a weird experience! 😕

LOL, last week I walked out the back door in the evening - the path was wet and I thought it was raining. He, he, no such luck and nothing paranormal - our hot water geyser had given in and was spraying water onto the roof! Another big job for my hubby to fix!

Thank you for your comment, and welcome to YGS.

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