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Phantom Smell?


Greetings from the sunny Island! Hope you all are being haunted only by friendly ghosts, not the really bad ones! ☺

Please bear with me on my English, it's not my first language. Hope I'm still be able to get my story across to you clearly.

Well... This story is not one of my personal experiences, at least part of it. And probably you might think it doesn't even qualify as being paranormal. But I thought of sharing it with you since it has refreshed my memory of some other unexplainable incidents that had happened throughout my life.

A couple of nights ago I met Ravi (not his real name) on my way home from town. He's one of the took took (a small taxi cab -looks like a hybrid of a motor bike and a tiny car with a leather top and bare sides;cheap rates) drivers I used to travel with and know for quite some time, who is stationed in the small town somewhat near where I live. It's called Pitakotte, you can hardly call it a town since it's just a few shops spread along the cross roads.

As we head towards my yard, after the small talk, he tells me something weird going on in their three wheel (took took) park; Literally it's just the side of the road not a taxi park. Which lies just outside one of the countries' political party head office. And he was waiting to tell me this thinking that I might have a say on this, since he knows that I was there and was involved in the horrible event that took place in the above mentioned spot few years back. (July 2010; had to do a research to find the exact date because I've forgotten the details of it. Purposely) He says from time to time the smell of barbecue wafts around the area when it's not windy. And I, knowing now where he's getting at, said c'mon it might indeed be coming from a barbecue in a nearby garden or a hotel. He says he wanted to think the same but the smell occurs in the oddest of times (even late at night and early mornings when it's still) And it's accompanied by the smell of burning clothes and sad, strange feeling. As morbid as this may sound, 7 odd years ago this was how it smelled when a man (we'll call him late Mr. K out of respect) set himself ablaze using petrol (gasoline) in the same spot. Burnt flesh and fabric. Ravi insists that the place is haunted by the phantom smell of this man. And he also had scanned the area to see anything out of the ordinary when the smell is there, but couldn't see anything. I'm sure he's not making this up. I think there's a possibility this type of thing could really happen. Based on some experiences I had when I stayed in places where they had a history of war, violence and tragedy. I believe that when someone sufferers a sudden or a violent death or both, their spirit tend to linger around the place they die or the places they love. Maybe be not knowing they really died because it was so sudden or not being able to make piece with the tragic death they faced. So I'm planing to go and spend some time up there, see if I can sense something when I have some time. May be help Mr. K out at least this time round. Which I don't have a clue of how to, for now. May be you guys can help me out on this please.

Here's how it came to pass: Back in 2010 it was a warm sunny afternoon. After gym (I go there during my very rare 'try to get healthy' bouts) I refilled my bottle of water from the water cooler. Stepped out, was walking towards this place to get a took took and I see a crowd, all looking at one direction with horror. They all are looking at, I thought at the time, was a pile of rubbish being burnt across the street in a lane right in front of this so called politician's office (yeah we burn stuff by the streets even in crowded areas) To my horror I see two shoes moving about in the fire. Finding it hard to believe my eyes for a second, I asked one of the guards at the gate whether there's really a person in that fire? Because I couldn't imagine suicide or not, this much of a crowd would just stand and watch a person being burned alive. Also later I've found out that these guards were ex-cops, who would have been able to react and help in a situation like this and they had known Mr. K personally since he was a hardcore (I would say quite disturbed) party supporter and frequented the place. He tells me "Oh, that man set himself on fire no" meaning that they were there long enough to have had stopped Mr. K from going through with it altogether. On my opinion, they should have slapped some good old sense into him as cops mostly do down here. Maybe they thought it was only a bluff and Maybe the man really was bluffing, hoping he'd be stopped. Maybe they were paralyzed from the shock of it.

Well... Lots of maybe's and if's here won't bring him back unfortunately, but it kind of helps to get it out my head. Please bear with me guys.

Anyways, can't blame them or anybody but this hell of a dude who decides to burn himself. Out of all the reasons to kill oneself, he picks the most bizarre one; He didn't like his party leader's cat fights and wanted to reunite the party. I don't know how he was going to achieve that by killing himself. He wasn't even on the inside of politics. Just a member of the public. So chances of him getting any benefits for his efforts, by dying or staying alive would be none. Sorry, can't help it, not a fan of politics.

So after the confirmation, I think I cursed and yelled water! And ran towards the man. Meantime a traffic cop who was directing the traffic at the nearby junction heard me and came up yelling even more, for help. (I saw this on my delay in crossing the road; traffic) Unfortunately by this time the fire had got into his body fat after going through his clothes. He was on his back and flapping his arms, legs like a upturned bug (no offence to late Mr. K). First I emptied the bottle of cold water I had onto his reproductives as it was not enough to do anything more and because somehow Mr. K had been able to put out the fire on his face using his hands. Then we ran for water, came back with buckets and a wet sackcloth and was able to put it out completely. Amazingly afterwards Mr. K was able to talk calmly, asked me (as I was talking to him to keep him from passing out;was asking him something along the lines of why he did it) to remove his shoes, they were hard leather and still smoking! I was deeply saddened while doing it because some of his flesh from his heel almost came off with the shoe. So I ripped the other one before taking it off. Finally when he was lifted to put in a took took (we didn't have ambulances; only this year it is said they started to dispatch ambulances for emergencies) He calmly answered my question (see above) and said thank you 'malli' (little brother). Which managed to bring a tear to my eye. He had ended his fight at the hospital few hours later. I was heartbroken for this man. Not just for the accident, about his whole life as man. He was sane man, had a family too.

It was amazing how quickly the crowd snapped out of their shock, stepped into action. Almost all who were there helped except one a$$#@"* who was busy taping it on his mobile; Made a healthy choice of not being there at the end. Because there were some really pi$$d off people around.

I really felt bad for days. Tried hard in order to forget thinking, as if in a loop I should have been there few minutes early/ had I been there soon enough...

He suffered a horrible enough death, to think maybe his suffering is still not over even on the other side? If that the case, is there anything I could do to help?


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, stargeezer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-09)
Hi Tweed,
Sorry 4 the late. Thanks for the info!
maybe it's not a barn owl. But it definitely hoots and is an owl of some sort. May be a escaped pet owl as you suggest. By the way, do owls make good pets? They are super cute and all but their behavior? I'm thinking to have one or two.
Well this one had mostly a white face and grey bits around its face. The size of a large pigeon with a very large head.
By the way When I did a quick research back then Google told me that owls tend to follow big animals like us for sport!
Curiouser...curiouser. Ha ha
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-04)
Hi Geezer, I'm actually just about to get offline, but I read your comment and couldn't resist. Believe it or not I'm a self taught owl 'expert', as pompous as that sounds. Make that big time enthusiast.
If it hoots it's not a barn owl, and if it's following you and getting close to you, it's likely an escaped pet or falconry bird. Check your local laws about keeping raptors in captivity. That should give you some answers as to whether it's an escaped domesticated bird.
Coming and going every few months is normal. They go where the food is. Fruit trees are one of their favourite places to hang out, because that's where all their prey come to feed. Easy pickings for mice/rats.

Ahh hang on hmmm. Is this a wind up? If there really is an owl, you'd have definitely mentioned something.
As Rook and Alice say 'curiouser and curiouser'.

Man I really need to stop coming here late at night. 😲
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-04)
Owl from the cemetery!

Hi Guys,
Thought you might find this interesting! I find it fascinating!

Normally I prefer to walk home after a stressful workday or the pub after dark. The by-road leads to my yard is quiet, peaceful and relaxing. And after around 11pm there'd be no traffic. It takes about half hour to reach home if I don't rush.
This happened to me tonight as it has had been occasionally in the past. From the main road I start my walk. After about 4minuets of waking I have to pass a small cemetery with its crematorium. And a children's play area on either side. (Sometimes I slow down here to see any ghosts etc. No such luck so far) This is from where the owl starts to follow me. (There are tall trees, less houses, ideal for birds and other critters) Well, it doesn't actually follow me, it sort of leads me to where I'm going! It flies ahead of me and waits for me perched on a wire/branch which are across the road. Sometimes very low, I can see it's eyes staring into mine as it waits for me. It's a cute white and grey owl (maybe a barn owl). As soon as I cross it, it flies to the next spot! As if it knows where I live and guides me there! It comes with me to my garden and hoots until dawn on our mango tree. Tonight it managed to scare away my neighbours African grey (parrot) which had found refuge in our mango tree ever since it escaped its cage few days ago! Even my dog hates it. And my aunt thinks it's evil! I think it's cute and they just do this when they're full.

Usually my dog Paddi gets exited and gets all ready to greet me when I get about three to four hundred metres closer to home. But on the nights when the owl is escorting me, she gets on her predatory mode hackles raised and growling. Then my aunt usually says, Oh he's bringing the owl again! And gets ready to shoo it away. (my kids enjoy seeing her worked up) I'd have to shush my dog from barking at the tree after I get in my yard.

Even though it's not scary, my Aunt thinks it brings bad luck or may be even death to the neighbourhood! This had being happening for almost an year now. Let's say once every two or three months. The later it gets at night, rarer the chances of me missing it.

Apart from the eerie feeling it brings by its hooting in the dead of the night, I think it won't bring us any bad luck! Has any of you had been followed by these night watchers? Also I would like to know about opinions of different cultures regarding owls.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-02)
Stargeezer - Thanks for your responses.

I wish you luck with your garden and the issue you have with your house 😊

Regards, Melda
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Oops! Sorry about the jumble. It's not that I've forgotten your point on submitting separate entries, I'm on my phone. So please bear with me this one time.
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Hi Melda,
Thanks for the advise. I appreciate it. I agree about the fact that we need to talk. But the boys being, exactly what they are it's not easy. But they are close to my aunt and her beliefs. Which I think Is a good thing.
About the spiritual part, as I said before, I always had some presence of something before. A guardian of some sort? But I think I left it or vice versa when I left the country. Out of curiosity; is there any way I could know about this. I Guess it's impossible given that it's no longer there anymore.
Kids don't say much about this. But my aunt is praying about what ever she think is wrong.

Melda, Tweed,
Back to agriculture. Ha ha. I still think there's something weird about the soil (I plan to get it tested for ph levels?). Because all 5 houses and lands on our cul-de-sac are identical. Apart from few renovations (a housing scheme). My neighbour is really good with trees/plants etc. She has 2 avocados' full of fruit on season (which the seed for our tree was from)
So for my tree to find a mate for pollination could've been simple. We have visiting bees too! But it's just stood there for more than a decade giving only one bulb! So we chopped it off. Also considering our fruit crazy mutt. Just in case the curse get lifted ha ha.
And for the passion fruit, they just need the occasional watering and sun, which we have all year around. And they're considered as a pesky weed in some parts. Simply gives fruits the amount of its leaves! Very good to look at. But chillies doing not so bad at all and lime!

Wow! Do you have mynahs over there too. I thought they're native to Sri Lanka only. Wonder how they'd migrated? Or the other way around may be. Guess they simply exist on warm weather. It's not considered a pest over here though. But our farmers hate the parrots. Even in Australia if I'm not wrong. Once I saw a documentary about these gorgeous, colourful parrots destroying a city in Australia. Crops and even power lines! Lol

And yeah I think I could do the cleansing ritual you have mentioned. I also have inquired some more details from Mr. Rook and waiting on it.
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Hi BeautInside,
Thank you very much for commenting! And for willing to bother your dad to help me! Really appreciate it. How lucky you are being able to eat fresh fruit from the most trusted way possible. I'm sure your little man and your little doll loves rummaging through their granddads garden with their pockets full!

I'm sorry for the late reply. I was holding it thinking maybe I can ask your dad some advice about growing grape fruit. (From the seeds-not from clippings) I know it sounds silly but I'd have to travel quite far to get grape vine clippings and I really like making it grow from the seed. I've done a bit of googling and managed to grow few plants. (I froze them in the fridge for a month and buried them) But they all withered and died after a moth or so.

No pressure, whenever you have time, Please tell him that it's a garden from the tropics. Here in Sri Lanka we don't really have a four season type climate. We have summer the whole year around and the monsoon season. Ha ha. How lucky we are! But believe me it's boring. Hope we'd have a winter like in Europe, every five years or so. Lol. So generally we have the mighty sun pretty much the whole year.
And yes I agree with you and not very pleased with myself for jumping Mack.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Hi Geezer,

When you made reference to feeding your chickens this made me laugh because it was unexpected. It was obvious Mack had the same reaction, which made it funnier to me.
'Feeding the chickens' is usually said about someone when they're being ridiculous. Or is said between mates as a friendly joke.
The thing is the joke has a 'rude' and 'adult' subtext. The comment guidelines of this forum prevent me from explaining it further. In western cultures the 'feeding the chickens' euphemism is used in a light hearted manner.

As for the age thing, I guess going through hardships so young can make you feel old. But 38 isn't old. I'll be 36 this month, so YGS will probably start listing me as middle aged lol. But a person's age shouldn't limit or define who they are. 😊
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Hi L_Melb,
Yeah it's terrible weather down here. It was much needed, months worth rain coming down hard within a day or two. Hope it'll go away soon. Luckily we are fine, thanks Mel!
I'll definitely consider the phases of the moon on my next batch. All this time I was only focusing on the sun, I think this could change things around on my garden! If the moon can lift the tide it surely can help a plant. Thank you for this info. Can't believe I missed this point all this time. Don't think I almost forgot to thank your comment, May be I was keeping the best ones for last.

Hi Myst,
Congrats on your new garden, the house too! Hope you'll have a massive harvest! And thaks for the info.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Stargeezer - I would suggest that you separate your experiences.

For what it is worth in my humble opinion, is that don't add two totally unrelated experiences in one post.

Break them up to ensure that the feedback you get is focused on one particular experience. Otherwise, it could cause a lot of confusion and could cause negative feedback 😊

By the way late 30s is pretty young. I feel for you that you lost your wife at a young age 😢

Regards, Melda
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Hi Miracles, Tweed,
About the age thing. I'm 38. I know I should have said late thirties on my profile. The thing is I kind of dread becoming 40yrs old, which I think represents middle age. But ygs thinks middle age starts at late thirties it seems. Guess I didn't grow up after late twenties/early thirties. My last 10yrs flew so very fast!

I said I'd like to know what the joke's about if it's not on me. Ha ha. Even then I'm capable of laughing at me without taking offence. Never mind that...
In general; The reason for wanting to know and learn jokes/offensives of other cultures is, as English being my second language, I could avoid a world of embarrassment and to avoid coming out offensive when I talk/write. I know you guys are understanding and patient about this, specially Melda! But pointing them out sometimes may help people like me Nah?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
The joke was nothing against you.
Could you explain the age discrepancy Miracles brought up? 😕
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Hi Macknorton,
Good that you're cool. Hope I didn't put you in a foul or fowl mood either.

Hi Tweed,
Would like to know the funny bit I wrote without knowing. (Embarrassed look, my face) if it's a at me joke, I wouldn't want to know lo.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Hi Stargeezer

All good - I figured you either misunderstood my comments, or you were in a foul (or should that be 'fowl' Tweed?) mood (or both).

I don't do sarcasm; it's the lowest form of humour and doesn't translate well in written form. I was genuinely trying to empathise with your situation via my own personal experiences, and put your mind at rest.


stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Running away with gardening! What about the poor chap needs help. Lol
Just kidding!
I love planting things too (specially seeds) and watch them grow regardless of the harvest in my case A form of Stress killer to me.
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Sorry mate! My sincere apologies. I have to admit I mistook your advice for sarcasm. Re-reading your comment and Meldas made me realise I was way out and you have actually tried to help. My bad and sorry!
As an excuse for my haste (I really shouldn't) I just had a argument with my aunt before reading your comment. (which proves your point even more. Oops!) And the reason I came here is to discus and get some support from people who have similar beliefs and experience without getting laughed at. Generally you'll get just that if you say stuff about paranormal to my mates or to my Christian relatives.
I admire your courage and being strong through hardship at a very young age. I try to make my kids the same in the future. And no I'm not going to kick them out lol.

Hope you accept my apologies.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
stargeezer - I've been trying to make sure I keep up on the comments sections and stumbled across something you have said that I am curious about. In a comment to Macknorton you said, "I'm an older man..." but your profile states "I'm a 30 something year old man." 😕
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
haha No, it was something the OP said, without knowing. Then Mack kind of ran with it. Pretty sure it's only funny to Aussies and Kiwis though.
Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
L_Melb- I was so excited to plant my first garden at our newly purchased home. My grandmother, who was from a farm family, asked what I had planted. When I told her, she said the beans would be fine but the carrots & radishes would be all tops "because you planted at the wrong phase of the moon." She was right. Apparently, you plant crops that grow upward at the waxing moon, root crops at the waning. Hope that helps.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Tweed - Thanks for your reply. This is how we learn from each other, apart from ghosties!

I went into google as well and found that avocados can be very harmful to livestock.

I wish you would tell me what you found so funny, re your previous post. I hope you weren't laughing at something I said 😕

Regards, Melda
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Melda, I did some fact checking about avocado and birds. This is what wikipedia has to say about it:

"Avocado leaves, bark, skin, or pit are documented to be harmful to animals; cats, dogs, cattle, goats, rabbits,[56] rats, guinea pigs, birds, fish, and horses[33][57] can be severely harmed or even killed when they consume them. The avocado fruit is poisonous to some birds, and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) lists it as toxic to horses.[58]

Avocado leaves contain a toxic fatty acid derivative, persin, which in sufficient quantity can cause colic in horses and, without veterinary treatment, death.[59] The symptoms include gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the tissues of the heart, and even death. Birds also seem to be particularly sensitive to this toxic compound. A line of premium dog and cat food, AvoDerm, uses oils and meal made from avocado meat as main ingredients.[60] The manufacturer says the avocado's leaves and pit are the source of toxicity, and only in the Guatemalan variety of avocados, and the fruit is often eaten by orchard dogs as well as wildlife such as bears and coyotes.[61]"

Those random numbers are from wikipedia links.
I had a giggle at your Indian Mynah grumble. They're all over Australia too, and just as bossy. I'd say the avo is no more dangerous to birds than an Oleander, or any other poisonous plant. Birds are probably wise to it. But knowing this has changed how I dispose of the pips and skins. I make sure no avo goes near any scraps we throw out for the wildlife. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Tweed - I've just learned something from you regarding a huge South African favourite, the ever dependable avo! We use this fruit in a variety of dishes. Okay, I'm sure they are probably very well known worldwide!

My favourite way of eating it is by simply cutting it in half, taking the pip out, sprinkling with salt and vinegar and digging in with a teaspoon.

They grow very easily in a large part of SA, particularly the Kwa-Zulu Natal area. Almost every garden has at least one tree and they bear fruit in abundance. My in-laws lived in Durban for years, as well as one of my sisters, and I so envied them those avo trees. That area has huge humidity and not particularly cold winters, so perhaps that's why they grow so well there.

Okay now I'm straying. I did not ever know that avo's were poisonous to birds! In that area the Indian Mynah has become an absolute pest and they eat anything and everything. Real scavengers. I love all birds but these tend to be more than a little aggressive when it comes to other birds and chase them off of the property.

What I was basically getting to (after that long ramble) is I wonder whether birds would instinctively know what is, and what is not, edible?

Sorry Stargeezer, I don't want to detract from your post but perhaps you will find that interesting as well 😊

Regards, Melda
L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Hi Starheezer,
I've seen awful things with mudslides and such over your way on the news - hope you and yours are fine!
As for your plants, I remember my dad telling me that planting with the moon is important but I can't for the life of me remember when is the right time.
He grew up working on the family farm and keeps the surbuban back yard producing all maner of goodness.
Pretty sure you can find info on web.
Let me know if any info is needed!
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Stargeezer- I don't have any experience about planting and growing fruit but my precious, precious dad does (lucky me that live right next door 😁 heeheehee). He has grown pears, cherries, apricots, plums and oranges (yeyyyy), and I just love and appreciate every bit of it!
Anyway, I know that he placed every tree strategically and at the begining of Spring he started caring for the trees, even though I don't know exactly how, I know he dedicated a lot of work and put much effort to it. Fruit trees are hard to grow, and require a lot of dedication before starting to grow the first fruits, so if you are interested I can ask him for some tips; maybe it will help.

I know this is not my business, but I need to make this approach: Mack is a helping hand, gives good advice, and can see "beyond". Maybe you misundertood his opinion/advice and everybody is allowed to disagree from others point of view, but still everybody should respect other people's opinion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
😆😆 <---Oh no, I can't say what I'm laughing but that WAS funny!

Alright Avocado (one of my all time fave fruits ever, and no not because they're 'trendy' at the moment!) Get on this, the avocado tree NEVER fruits at all ever, if yours produced ONE fruit you're super lucky! It's just as well they're hard to fruit because the avo fruit is extremely poisonous to birds, like super poisonous. It takes the average avo tree years to start fruiting, I think it's ten or twenty. Bloody long time is my point. So your avocado tree is just maturing, this is a GOOD SIGN!😲
Passion fruit I'm not sure about. I think it's one of those things that needs a male and female plant positioned at strategic places in the yard to pollinate and thus giveth fruit.
Nothing negative whatsoever about your garden, sounds all good.

Melda raises a great point about Rook's cleansing, or any cleansing. Give one a go.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Mack - Perhaps Stargeezer didn't understand what you were trying to say? He's Sri-Lankan and we all know that various beliefs across the globe vary 😊 Perhaps he thought you were being sarcastic!

Anyway I noticed that you got a down-vote on that and I have given you an "up" to correct it 😊

I am just simply horrified by the fact that he could even consider conjuring up supernatural entities to correct the situation in his home.

Please Strgeezer, don't even go there 😨

Regards, Melda
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Well put Melda. My well-intended advice seems to have struck a nerve with somebody. I wonder who...?

Stargeezer, I felt your response to my suggestions and advice (that you requested from people on the site) was bordering on hostile. I meant no disrespect and was genuinely offering help.

Not sure what you mean by "re-evaluate my psychic abilities about predicting things"? I wasn't aware I was predicting anything to do with your post, or your personal situation, for that matter.

To clear up your assumption; I left home aged 17, then supported my self and then in my later years, my own family and continue to do so. No parental help whatsoever.

I'm not here to argue either
Stargeezer - but maybe you should go and feed those chickens if you don't agree with the advice / opinions given to you that you request from strangers on a public forum.


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Stargeezer - I'm convinced that your fruit trees don't bear fruit because there is a deficiency in the soil. I'm sure you would be able to take a sample of the soil to an expert gardening service to have it tested.

Negativity in a house is often caused by the occupants. That doesn't mean that you fight all the time but perhaps there just isn't sufficient connection amongst you. For instance, if something is bothering one of you, will you all sit together and discuss the specific family member's problem, or is it each one simply goes his/her own way?

If you don't sit together and joke and laugh and discuss serious things, I think that would leave each in his/her own cocoon and very lonely. I'm not suggesting that this is the case in your home but you asked for opinions and I'm giving you mine 😊

As far as the house feeling "cursed or dead". Please don't try to conjure up spirits to improve the feeling of the place - I don't doubt that that would make it ten times worse!

This is where you could use Rookdygin's method to lighten the atmosphere within your home. You don't have to have bad entities there to do this cleansing method, in fact you don't need to have any spiritual entities at all. Please consider it.

By the way, what do your other family members say about the conditions at home?

Regards, Melda
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-31)
Hi Macknorton,
Thank you for your efforts. But with all due respect, I think you need to re-evaluate your psychic abilities about predicting things. And stick to being a logical skeptic.
I'm an older man who don't have the luxury of living under parents like you probably have. They left this place more than 10 years ago after my wife died, urging us to leave as well. But we stayed. I live with my 2 sons and one of my aunts. And we are not a bickering bunch. More on the stoic side to be honest. And definitely not on the sad side that goes on deciding things for the next man. We are a ok' family in our own way, holding it together.
I'm happy that the pastor's antics was able to make you laugh. He had said he can only see things as they are, not being able to do anything bout it was my bad luck. He was on the shift that day mind you and I'm still wondering how he managed to be accurate. Because I still haven't been able to find a useful psychic!
I'm taking your advice on not to worry and maybe go on more vacations with the boys. By the way some hands are good with plants, while some could kill them by the touch. I used to be good with the soil.
Anyways I'm not here to argue with anyone, would rather go feed my chickens, I'm here just to get some spiritual insight on things I don't really understand. Hope I am not at the wrong place.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-30)
Hi Stargeezer

Who's living in this house apart from your parents and yourself?

From personal experience, family dynamics can change for the better when on vacation and on outings, or in a different environment. Then when home again, the squabbling, intolerance and bickering starts all over again. I personally think that's more to do with the family / individual dynamics than any "spirits" creating a "vibe" or houses being "cursed etc.

I must admit I had to laugh when you described the "psychic" pastor not knowing what to do about the house and wondering why there was no fruit. Maybe it was his day off? 😆

Look, I can't for the life of me grow pumpkins and I've planted fruit trees that just don't produce. I put that down to me being a crappy gardener, or poor soil, or not correct climate, not enough sun etc more than some kind of general house / soil curse.

I personally don't think there's anything out of the ordinary in your post to worry about at all.😊



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