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Shadow And Mist


This strange thing happened to me just a few weeks ago. I was staying at my sisters, I had been there about three weeks because I was watching her son while she was in a summer program for college. She was in classes all day and often had to stay late to work on projects. That night she called me and said that she would be really late because she was going to have a cram session with her classmates for a big test the next day.

It was about 6:30 when I first saw something strange. I went into my nephew's room to get him a clean shirt because he had spilled juice on the one he was wearing while eating dinner. I was looking through his chest of drawers when I noticed a shadow outside the window just to my right. It looked like the shadow of a man it was still but after I looked at it for a second it walked off to the left. It scared me so I stuck my face against the window to look for someone off to the left in the yard but I did not see anybody. I decided it must have been someone walking down the street. The house was only 20 or 30 yards from the street so it was reasonable but it was weird that I had not been able to see the person out there, just his shadow.

Around 11 o'clock I had let my nephew fall asleep on the couch because I was still a little freaked out worrying that someone had been trying to look in his window. I went to close the curtains in the living room when I saw the shadow again this time standing beside a tree in the yard looking towards the house. It looked extra creepy because there was a little bit of fog in the yard and he seemed to be standing in it up to his ankles. I was really scared now so I called my sister's neighbor who she and her husband were good friends with. I told him I thought I had seen someone hanging out in the yard and asked if he would come take a look around. A few minutes later he knocked on the door and said he had looked carefully around the house and did not find anyone or any footprints or anything. We decided it had probably been someone on the street who stopped for a second and I was just letting my imagination run wild. He went home and I felt a little bit better that he had not seen anything out of place, but I kept checking out the window anyway.

I did not see anything but when I looked out around midnight the fog had gotten really thick and deep and the thing that really weirded me out about it was that it seemed contained in our yard. There wasn't a hint of fog on the street or in any of the other yards I could see. Then suddenly I heard the front door rattling like someone was trying to get in but it was locked. I hoped it was my sister but when I moved to the window beside the door I could see that nobody was there even though the door kept rattling. I just kind of yelled GO AWAY! And it got quiet.

I did not know what to do so I just went and sat on the couch by my nephew. I heard a loud bang on the window beside me. I moved the curtain a tiny bit so I could peek out the window and the shadow was right there very close to the window. I was nearly crying and I could not decide if I should try to take my nephew to another room of the house or what. Then I noticed that fog was starting to seep in under the door. I don't know why the fog scared me so much but I felt like if it got in the house the shadow would too. I grabbed a blanket off the back of a chair and smushed it against the bottom of the door. I stood back to see if that would stop it but it started to come in over the blanket and the door began to rattle again.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some sea salt and started pouring it at the doorstop all over the blanket. My nephew had woken up and was whimpering and looking at the door. I tried to sound normal and tell him it was ok. When I got a fair amount of salt down I said YOU CAN'T COME IN THIS HOUSE! The rattling stopped and the fog disappeared. I ran over to the window and saw that the fog was moving down the street. I did not see the shadow anywhere. I got my nephew back to sleep and a little while later my sister got home. I told her what had happened and asked if she had ever seen the shadow before. She said that she had never seen anything strange at her house and that there hadn't been any fog when she pulled in.

The next day we bought more sea salt and poured it all around the outside of her house and then all around the border of her yard. I did not see anything else the whole time I was there and my sister says nothing has happened since I left. I just want to know what it was if the fog was with the shadow.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Luna0794, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghostsrreal202 (6 stories) (27 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
nice thinking with the salt! I can tottaly understand how frightening that could be. I would be screaming and praying so hard if that was me. I hope that thing never comes back again! I hope this isn't late enough for you to read this 😁
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
I think people use rice is because it is one of those things we consider a grain and will take a long time to count?!?!?

It is fascinating to learn about other culture's traditions and believes and compare to what you believe. I think you learn a lot from that.

Many Hindus around the world believe that when a soul leaves that body, it will get hungry (hence the rice) and to avoid coming back for food, we leave the rice with them. My grandmother told me that souls can't fully go rest until the body that they were in is decomposed because they are afraid that another evil soul or spirit would enter it and do damage to their loved ones. That's why we do the cremation instead going the burial route. There have been cases where relatives that couldn't except the loss of their loved ones would use black magic to bring back their loved once. Many times it ends bad because you are bringing evil in and the soul of your loved one can't fully go to rest. This is the believe many Hindus follow but even within our culture there are many variations and believes... Sorry Luna for getting off your topic...
Luna0794 (3 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Nysa; just the title of that book makes me want to read it!
All; thanks for adding all that stuff about the salt. In my family we just think of it as protective which I guess is kind of like purifying. I had never heard of the counting thing I can just imagine a vampire or ghost outside a door ONE TWO THREE lol! I did not know that about rice but I do know some people who keep a jar of rice by their barn door to protect the animals. I just never wondered why rice!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Nysa, thank you! I will be adding that to my list of things to buy on Amazon. I do not particularly see why spirits would be OCD either, I guess there are just some strange things that cultures come up with. I will do some more brainstorming on this...
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
I have a book recommendation for you Devious, if you are still interested in the topic: Vampires, Burial, & Death by Paul Barber. It is excellent.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
I am not sure I see the logic in assuming that all negative spirits are OCD. And the strategy assumes that negative entities have a limited amount of time (usually until dawn) to mount their attack, but we have many accounts of daytime visits from things that seem to wish harm. I have seen that explanation for keeping away vampires though, funny how our minds work, that someone came up with the idea that that is why it worked.

I wonder if the Hindu belief is sort of like preventing the creation of a "hungry ghost" type of entity by providing a last meal for the deceased person?

I recently read that there was an old Norse belief that a spirit could stay on Earth until their body was fully decomposed. I suppose the logic is that we are tied here by our bodies for as long as they exist. You would think that cremation would release the soul immediately if that were the case. Maybe that is why there has been a belief that vampires could be stopped by burning the corpse. I am getting way off topic though...
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
geetha50: Thank you for adding that! I think that the various cultures and customs across the world are fascinating, and it amazes me how some of the traditions have survived the ages.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
I this is off topic but DeviousAngel,
Many Hindus still use that practice where they would put rice with the dead body before cremating them. I asked my parents about that practice and they told me that one part is that they could rest in peace knowing that they have eaten for the last time and the second part is to prevent them from coming back to earth. Hindus in various parts of the world have some variation of this tradition.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Luna0794: thank you for clearing that up. I am glad that you thought to use salt. I have heard of the reasoning behind using it before, and it stems from the concept that evil beings (demons, vampires, etc) are obsessive-compulsive and have to count each grain of sand/salt/etc before they can enter an area. I found that information from researching ancient burial traditions. In earlier times, supserstitious people would also bury their loved ones with a bag of rice, because they believed that it would keep them from rising up as a vampire or ghoul. Their spirit would be too occupied with counting each grain of rice.

The fog idea creeped me out too!
Messor (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-08)
Yeah I agree nice job on the sea salt.
Where did this happen exactly?

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Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Salt is also considered a purifying element. It's possible that this stems from the effect salt has on meat making it "pure" & safe to eat when it would have been unsafe if left unsalted for so long & then eaten.
ILee (1 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
I did some research on the salt, and this is what I found...

"The practice of putting down an enclosing ring of salt (or salting the doors and windows of a room) for protection lies in the lore that a vampire or demon cannot cross the line without counting each grain. The impossibility of this task thus prevents the demon from crossing the threshold/line, and thus a thicker line is used where the threat is greater."

From what I've read, any salt will work but sea salt works the best (something about the components in it 😕). I wouldn't have known to grab salt, so good thinking Luna!
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Luna0794, My goodness! The way you described the fog and how it got thicker and then started coming in from under the door gave me the chills. I would have been scared out of my mind, and wondering if I was starring in my own horror movie 😨 You did the right thing by grabbing the salt and banning it from entering the house. I can't imagine what or where that came from, but I'm glad it has not come back. Thanks for posting. 😊
Luna0794 (3 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Wow this posted so quickly! Thank you for your posts.
Geetha;It was hard to pretend everything was okay but he is only two so he fell back to sleep pretty easily.
DeviousAngel;My mother is Wiccan and most of us in the family are involved in the magical arts to some degree so I knew from that salt can be protective. We always use sea salt but I think any kind would have worked right? The neighbor did see the fog he said it made it a little harder to look for footprints or signs of a person, but there was only a little bit when he came over so we did not think it was too weird then. My sister asked him if he saw it later when it was really thick and deep but he had not been looking outside. It is funny I think that it was the fog more than anything else that scared me that night.
Moongrim; My nephew does have curtains lol! We just usually open them during the day. My sister and brother-in-law have been keeping an eye out for creepers but they have not spotted anyone trying to peek in the windows since.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
It may have been a shadow, or it may have been a pedo. It'd be rather difficult to see a footprint, any kind of footprint in the dark. I'd recommend that you get some curtains for the lad's room.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Hello and thanks for sharing your story. Firstly, I am curious as to why you decided to use sea salt. Is it a cultural thing? Have you had experience with the paranormal before? I ask, because the average person would not think to use sea salt to ward off a spirit without having prior knowledge or experience of its effectiveness. Did your neighbor see the fog?
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
I'm not sure about this one... But there are some experienced posters that will be by to comment and I hope they can help you...

But I would like to commend you for staying calm and collect (if though you were scared) so that your nephew wouldn't get scared. Also, good job on using sea salt.

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