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Shadow People And The Witches


My story is neither long or frightening or terribly exciting; it's more the type of story that gives you a few goosebumps and makes you wonder if you really saw what you thought.

Only once in my life have I seen what I believe to be a shadow person, however it's not a typical shadow person based upon some of the research I've done. I felt no extreme unease or malicious intent. Being that I simply felt calm, confused, and yes a little nervous undoubtedly from having been young and experiencing the unknown makes me think it was perhaps one of the elderly people who used to live in my house before my parents bought it. Violet and Francis were taken care of by my grandmother and I believe both of them died in the house.

I was in my mid-teens in my room just sitting on my bed with my right side facing the door. I must have been doing my homework or reading as I remember it being completely silent in my room. If I hadn't I probably wouldn't have even noticed anything. Anyway, at some point I felt...something...and turned my head in time to see my door knob turn in extreme slow motion (leaving me to think it was my mom or brother since my dad always knocked first) and I waited to see what they wanted. To my surprise when the door did open it was only about an inch or two and then in a flash shut again. Since I was already watching the door I was able to see that what had opened my door was completely solid, darker than black black, right up against the door opening and no details/features. It wasn't the height or my mother, father, or brother. I immediately got up, opened the door and no one was there. I hadn't heard any footsteps either. Through a bit of quick investigating I discovered that all of the family members were preoccupied with one thing or another at the time so there was no way for any of them to have opened the door.

Aside from that, when my brother was a very young child he once told me that he saw shadowy figures dart about his room, mostly around the floor or no higher than a couple feet tall. He called them The Witches. I have no idea what they were or what they were doing and I never saw them, but I don't recall him ever showing fear.

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abanob (1 stories) (31 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-25)
I believe that ghost show them self very black form becuase they are not able to show us their true form or face and maybe someone won't let them do that
danigrl8484 (3 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Oh my gosh, you all are making me laugh so hard, I love your scaredy cat ghost theory! I think it's def possible. I never saw it again.

As for my brother's "witches", I asked him about it the other day and he remembered it perfectly. He said he wasn't sure why he called them The Witches, that he stopped seeing them when he was about 12, and that other than seeing them he had no other interactions with them. He did say that he feels like something is staring at him in one room of my grandparents' house (which is literally right across the street from my parents' house) but I get the same thing in that room. And our grandparents are the first people to live in that home (housing built in the 70s).
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
danigrl8484: I honestly think that what you did see was a shadow person and as Devious mentioned it was caught in the act trying to be sneaky lol.😁

Guys and gals it quite funny there is a fair few stories on this site where people have explained that they have actually scared the ghost and the ghost makes a scared shi**ess face and then dissapears, have to laugh every time.😆

Beetlejuice what an absolute pearler of a film, was there a part where there was a person who was completely flat from being ran over and tied up to something? Hmmm lol😆

Thanks for sharing.

lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
You might be interested in my story, Three Strange Silhouettes Or Shadow People. Kids have their own way of looking at the world, and a more limited set of experiences within which to interpret what they see. Your brother's impression of witches sounds perfectly reasonable for a very young child.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
That is what I was watching reruns of as a kid. I don't remember it as cheesy but I was 11 or so, I would be afraid to see now how it really is. So I am glad we are going to get it in movie form. One difference though, the setting is being moved up a few decades, but not to "now," I think they said it will be set in the 70s.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Nysa: Maybe showing my age now, but I watched Dark Shadows when it was a soap opera!...We'd run to the neighbor's every day after school to watch it... It was sooo corny and hokey, but at the time we thought it was awesome... 😆 😆
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Beetlejuice is still one of my fav movies. I loooove Tim Burton. Did you see he is making a movie of Dark Shadows? I was obsessed with that show as a kid, watched it every Friday night at midnight. But I digress.

It is interesting to consider whether manifestation & physical manipulation is a learned ability for ghosts. Maybe "it" was trying so hard to turn the doorknob it did not notice she was in the room.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Granny, that was one of my favorite movies growing up, from a very young and impressionable age, lol... And no worries Beaut, we are both in the same boat. 😉
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Thank you granny 😁 Gotta give me a credit, I live in a very distaaaaaaaaaaaant country 😆
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
DeviousAngel, makes all sense! The lack of experience could bring it to be so "clumsy". Just like a first day on a new job, you "trip over" almost everything that comes in your way. Please don't tell me it was just me 😳
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
BeautInside: Beetlejuice 😆 was a self-proclaimed "bio-exorcist"...I remember the trouble the ghostie couple had trying to scare the lttle goth/emo girl LOL 😆
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
What's that movie granny? I want to watch it too 😭
(and now I had to add another sentence to make the 50 characters lol)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
LOL BeautInside - I like your theory. Maybe he was thinking he would be sneaky and creep into the room unnoticed to make a noise in her ear or brush her arm or give her a shove. Imagine its surprise when she looks up at it coming into the room like "um...excuse me, but what the heck do you think you are doing?" Maybe he did not think to use the whole moving through the walls trick... Which tells me that this shadow entity might be someone RECENTLY deceased, who does not yet have a grip on the spectrum of spiritual abilities at its disposal.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
You are so right DeviousAngel lololol

Maybe it was actually trying to scare danigrl8484 but only then realised that she could actually SEE it! And no surprise at all!
Perhaps those sort of entities do not hold completely control of their abilities and that's why they have such "failed acts". It could very well be the case...

God bless ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
D/A: OMG! 😆...You have me thinking about the "bio-exorcist" again 😆...I have to watch that movie now...

Danigrl: I agree with D/A, they were just peeking in, and didn't know they'd be seen... 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Hahaha, just a theory, maybe this particular entity was not quite yet in control of its ability to be invisible/visible? I wonder if it is something that can actually be controlled. Because there would be immeasurable hilarity in being incapable of controlling your visibility to the living.

*goes to make an angry horrifying face, and instead simply vanishes* Wait... Why isn't she scared? What the heck? *walks by the mirror* Dang it!

I really do not know, but I think the 'peek-a-boo' ghosts are a little funny at times. They do not just jump right out in your face and scare you, but they are not exactly the masters of subtlety either.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Pretty much it has all been said. And just like Nysa said, your brother could have named the shadows "witches" because they were all black and they would appear just as easily as they disappear.

DeviousAngel, you cracked me up lol, just imagining a shadow person being caught in the "act" and get somehow embarassed makes my tummy ache with laugh. Just like, "sorry, I got the wrong room" 😆
But it's still a good theory.

God bless ❤
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
That is a funny thought DA. I can imagine an entity standing in the hallway saying "crap I think she saw me! My bad, pretend you did not see that!"

Seriously though, these kinds of "things" don't seem to need doors, so except in residual hauntings I tend to think of door openings & closings as attention-grabbers. But that does not jive with "it's" low profile the rest of the time.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
I agree with Nysa's comment, though from your account I do not get the feeling that the door opening was an attempt to get your attention. I think it realized it had been spotted and was like "Oh! Crap!" and shut the door again real quick.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-17)
I wonder why he called them witches. Maybe because it seemed like they appeared & disappeared like magic, or maybe just because we always see witches portrayed all in black. If the late residents hung around after their death I am surprised nothing else happened, but maybe they tried not to be intrusive. I don't see why it would open your door if it didn't want your attention. I suppose the motives of the otherworld are a bit hard to guess.

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