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I wasn't going to post anything about this, but at this point I'm just curious.

Probably 5 months ago my brother continuously complained about this thing that he fondly named a "Gremlin". He said it looked like a short black creature that would mess with his things and crawl around in his bed at night. I didn't believe him at all. I just figured he was dreaming or that he was making it up to scare me.

Time passed, and my parents had gone away for a couple days, leaving it just me, him, and our dog at home. We talked a lot about the "Gremlin", and managed to kind of spook ourselves. Over the next couple days his door would open and close, his light would turn on when no one was in the room, and we'd hear noises. Once I even spotted something going around the corner near his bedroom. Needless to say we were frightened.

When our parents came home everything seemed to go back to normal, minus my brother complaining about odd nightmares he would have starring this weird creature. At least until one night anyways.

It was probably 3am, and I was the only one awake since I tend to stay up late. I had heard light, quick footsteps walking around near my father's room, and then heard a door open and close multiple times. I'd just figured it had been my dog being loud, or maybe someone had woken up.

The next day my mother went in to the garage to get her purse, before quickly coming back inside. Her purse was missing, and it looked like someone had poured its contents all over her vehicle. I didn't tell them about the noises I had heard the previous night, and was still in denial.

A couple months passed without incident, until my brother nonchalantly declared that the "Gremlin" was gone. Apparently it had migrated from his room to mine because I started having experiences. I'd see small shadows darting around my room, things would be moved from where I originally put them, and I'd see my blanket rise right next to me in bed. Once when I rolled it even felt like I rolled on something solid, but nothing was there.

My mom said it might be an animal spirit, but I don't think so. It just doesn't act like an animal. The thing honestly freaks me out, and I'd like to know what you guys think it could be. I'd like it gone, mostly because it's annoying me by moving all my things and preventing me from sleeping.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MeganSierra, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

molly116 (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-11)
it might be the spirit of a dead persn that once lived there and wants it to be like it was when they lived there, considering I have one in my home that will take, say, my makeup kit and move it out of my room, or maybe that dress I put away will be sitting out on my bed.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
Nysa - I believe that there's likely a lot of truth "hidden" in folklore, myths and legends. These truths might not all be paranormal phenomena, but truths nevertheless.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-03)
Gremlin, brownie, pooka, who knows.

If anything else, it's mischevious.

Brownies however, can be placated with a bowl of cream or a small cake smothered with honey. Apparently they've got quite the sweet tooth.

Try leaving some out over night, in a spot you won't tread upon it during any night time calls of nature.

Http:// (folklore)
MeganSierra (8 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-03)
I'm pretty convinced that this might me a creature from folklore. I'm not possitive, but I've always believed in stuff like that. But if it is then I'd feel bad driving it out of my home if it really hasn't don't anything to annoy. Perhaps I'll just live with it and see how that goes.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-03)
You don't know how weird it is to find other people thinking like me. I am the only one in my program that believes there is truth hidden in folklore.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
I like Nysa's explanation. Folklore about brownies and such has it's origins in reality, right? I like her idea about spirits manifesting themselves when they are named. Very astute.
MuFox (3 stories) (40 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
poltergeist it is.
Some say they can be drove out by having someone who has an ability to communicate with them... Like negotiating.
I hope it's not hurting you in any way.
Hades666 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
It could be a poltergeist; throwing things around, causing havoc, trouble and disbelief, that what they are for. Keep posting if you have anymore experiences.
MeganSierra (8 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
Oh, and throwing stuff. That's not really appreciated either. But again, I'll try out your suggestions. Thanks!
MeganSierra (8 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
Thank you guys for all the suggestions! I'm not entirely sure where to find an iron horseshoe, but I can always look around. I don't think this thing is trying to hurt anyone, I think it just likes to pull pranks on people. The only part about it I don't like is hearing it walking around outside my room at night and crawling in my bed. Thanks everyone!
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
I agree with Nysa and the others. It just sounds a little mischievous, wants to have fun. 😉 I wouldn't be too concerned. It could be a poltergeist too, like Nysa stated. Thanks for sharing, this was interesting! Please share if you have any more experiences.

AF1 ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
Dang! Nysa beat me to it! Foiled again... 😉 Thank you for filling in some of the blanks for me.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
It sounds a bit like some creature related to fae, like a Brownie or something similar. I have heard of and experienced too many stories about fae to not believe they are real, but I am sure others will disagree... I suppose that is just my interpretation. Did you feel threatened by this thing, like it wanted to cause you or you brother harm? It sounds like a prankster if nothing else.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-02)
You know, "gremlin" may not be that far off. It is really just a more modern (first described in the 1950s I think) take on a pestilential sprite. Similar to a brownie but mischievous. In folklore such things, known under many different names, were not thought to be malevolent but they were somewhat destructive & didn't seem to care one way or the other if anyone got hurt. If that is the kind of spirit you are dealing with folklore is full of suggestions for getting rid of them. An iron horseshoe hung on the wall is a popular one. Supposedly saying your name backwards drives such things away.

My only other thought is that it sounds a lot like a poltergeist. Perhaps poltergeist energy can be manifested into a form when someone names it like that?

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