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Real Ghost Stories

Midi & Tori


I will tell you about my two friends Midi and Tori. They were the most energetic boys I had ever met. All those that knew them say they were really bad. But to me they were the most misunderstood kids. Midi and Tori were always getting into trouble in school but it was never his fault. He was bullied constantly at.

One spring day as they both played at the Chattahoochee River edge they both ended up drowning in that river and unfortunately died. Their bodies were found on the shore on the other side of the river. A week later, I went to their funeral to pay my respect to them. This was the hardest thing I ever did because it was my first time seeing them in an open coffin looking at their lifeless bodies. I wished this was all a dream but it wasn't. It was hard to accept it.

A month had passed since the death of my two friends when my sister Crystal heard from their grandma. She said that Midi and Tori's spirit has visited her. They were making her alarm clock go off as well as messing with their older cousin by breathing close to their ears.

Their presence was also felt in my home. My sister Crystal had just finished taking a shower; she went into her room to dry her hair when suddenly the alarm clock in her room went off. She tried to switch it off but it get keep going defeated she ran into my room to get me. I tried turning the clock off as well but it went on and on eventually I grabbed the alarm clock cord out of electric socket and it finally stopped.

Then next day, I went outside to go check the mail. As I made my way back inside I heard in their voice say "Hey, Sharon!" I turned around and said "Hey!" only to realise there was no one there which left me in a confused state?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kuroyuki, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Kuroyuki (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)
I'm not a lair for telling my experiances. I know I sometime suck at writing my experiances. Because I have two minds that always conflicting with eachother. And also English is so not my first language. My first language is Korean. So I have hard time seperating what I want to say? So I do what I can and try harder even though some sound to good to be true.
Sulu (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-26)
Hi, I find all the stories on this sight very interresting. I have quite a few stories of ghostly encouters of my own that I Will submit, when Iam brave enough to do so. First, foremost and not withstanding I would like to say that I am a very shy and withdraw into myself. I would also like to add that being able to see spirits (my father use to say that they are atracted to me as my mom and dad could see them as well), I will never critisize laugh or sneer at other peoles stories, I take this much too seriously.CHOW. 😐
BlueZeeh (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Well, it's nice of the boys to come to you again, but pretty mean of them to wake you up or play pranks on you. If they really are in Heaven, they might want to stop before there's a switcheroo!
Kuroyuki (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
[at] ngute80 It's real my friends did drown in the Chattahoochee River and I went to their funeral to see them once more and to it's true.

[at] ParrotPig104 I was never really that scared when that happen. The only one that was really scared was my little sis. Not only that I was also very surprised as well.
ngute80 (220 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
I could be wrong, but something doesn't feel right about this story. I apologize if its genuine.
ParrotPig104 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
This story really interests me. Do you ever feel threatened or scared by the alarm clock, whispering etc.?

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