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Real Ghost Stories

The Guide


I am new to this site and I have some good accounts. Here goes the first.

Year: Winter 1981

Place: Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) Air base.

My father is a retired airman.

If you look at the map, the AF area is along the Srinagar airfield with runway aligns along a SE to NW axis. On the left of the runway is a canyon, on the right of the runway i.e. Over the barbed wire fence, are various IAF facilities and the roads are also on this side. But the area is (in 1981) mostly devoid of any settlements and the surface there is like the English moorlands.

One winter afternoon, my father and a colleague of his were to start for home. However, due to some extra work the regular transport to quarters was missed and they were on their own after couple of hours.

They started on foot for a 1.5 hour trek, but after 30 minutes due to heavy snow, they could not distinguish landmarks among white sheets around as there were gentle rises and slopes of few feet (like moors). They could see someone coming their way behind the slope. Some colleague? Regular winter issue uniform with heavy parka coat so the face was not visible.

The guy could fathom that my father and his colleague had lost their way and he asked them to follow him. The guy was too fast and and it was difficult to keep pace with him. Anyway, after a while my father could make out the first row of quarters and felt a relief. Just as he and his colleague turned to the guy to thank him, there was no one there.

We think it was the spirit of some poor airman that still guides fellow airmen around as he has been encountered by many others.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jester, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-22)
Very nice story I also think its a spirit guide or spirit of someone who died as he lost his way so he is helping out people. This account also verifies the fact that the spirit also has free will to act good by helping people around and act bad like scaring people etc I am sure this also counts as KARMA...
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-22)
A beautiful and touching story.Touching,as I imagine that it might be possible that the Spirit Guide had met his demise after losing his way in the snow, and he doesn't want the same fate to befall on others.

adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Hi Jester,
I first read your other account, then a comment from Red, and I too was a bit confused about what actually happened.

Then I came to this one, and I must say, I kind of follow both accounts now. I enjoyed reading both your accounts. Looking forward to some more.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
I enjoyed this account of yours jester, simple and effective for the reader and no doubt a life changing experience for your father. I think it is great that they still help other airmen get to where they need to go. 😊

Thanks for sharing.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
Jester, don't worry about the comment by s-n-c, one gust of wind doesn't mean a storm! There are many on here that believe you, and appreciate your account.
Your Dad must have felt very special, to have this unknown entity, help him & his friend to safety.
Thank you for sharing, I hope to hear more from you. 😊
jester (3 stories) (24 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
spooky-n-crazy [at] I'm sorry if you did not find my story exciting (it is not meant to be). I've penned down a first hand account of a source I can trust.

There are public accounts that might suite your taste.

In Indian part of Kashmir itself is a place called the Captain's Corner; in local lingo its called Khooni Nala (stream of death) where an apparition of an officer used to guide drivers down the canyons at night.

Not one truck but entire militrary convoys... Army Supply Corp companies that usually contains some 70 to 100 7 tonners. A shrine has been built there now.

As a kid when crossing that point I remember seeing even the most skepticals folks bowing before the shrine before moving further.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
This happens often I think.I've heard lots of stories where people are in trouble, lost or something, and they find someone to help them. Then they turn around and the person is just gone! Like they vanished before they even would have had time, in the normal way, to run away! I don't get it but I think there are spirits who come back to look out for us. Good to know!
joshuakeys (7 stories) (45 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Good account, waiting for more as you said, you have some good accounts/experiences.

Thanks for sharing.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Jester, nice account there! Its really nice even after the death they guide people, good deeds!❤Thank you for sharing.

SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
spooky-n-crazy: This isn't a fictional site where you can match your taste here, people doesn't post according to the readers taste. They just share or either need help and if you aren't interested just move on and stop getting into nerves.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
spooky-n-crazy: I've seen your coments, and I'd like to point out to you that our members don't post their stories here to be critiqued... If you enjoy a story, by all means, let that poster know...Otherwise, if the story doesn't measure up to your obviously high standards, then simply move on... I highly suggest you read and follow the "Comments Guidelines" at the bottom of the page... Thank you

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