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Lost Loved 0nes Or Spirit Guides


This experience happened in 2010 when I was 25 years old. My second oldest brother passed away in 2006/02/16 - it is coming up to his anniversary. He was a very handsome, charming and well-built man who everybody took a liking to. He had that sort of personality that he could "dine with Kings or forage with slaves", but, all would love him. His passing was unexpected, to a degree because he was in such good health and it took a terrible toll on my family.

I am an open-minded person, I think it better to personally check-out a situation, objectively, before I make any decisions or offer an opinion on it. At this time, I was in a very bad space for a while. Some friends who are psychic, each, on individual occasions, had mentioned to me that I had a spiritual guide who was absolutely enormous. I remember one of my friends saying "[name], I must just tell you that you have 0NE guide which is huge! He is so so big, tall and built!" After which, she sunk back into her chair whilst biting her nails looking behind me, a few feet above my head, and said "I don't think anyone should mess with you." I believe this is because guides are supposed to help you with certain trials/missions in life and if I had this very "bulky" guide, it means he was here to do business. She then mentioned, "I am not saying you only have one guide, you have three, I think, but one of them is very big." This was not the first time this happened, and when it happened I was so startled because I didn't know anything about guides! And, I didn't expect to suddenly have this important psychic/spiritual concept brought before me. So, I decided to research more about guides! I tried many methods, but, I never got a guide name - that I could pronounce - or results that I felt answered my question/s - only, raised more question/s.

Then, I came across this "Meditation to Meet Your Spiritual Guides" on the internet. I had had-a-go at a few but I hadn't successfully met my guide/s just yet. I read through the meditation and decided to complete it. I began by counting back from ten and walking down 10 steps while doing so. I paid attention to each step to satisfactorily achieve a state of consciousness that was out-of-the norm for me. I pictured walking down a path and while I was doing this a lot of additional images came to mind - some were pleasant and some were not so pleasant. Eventually, I reached a woodland - the grass was luscious green and mixed auburn and deep red/s and orange/s, much like it would be in Autumn heading for Winter. The grass reached my waist and the plantation went for as far as the eye could see. I walked to the end of the field and reached a cliff. A gorge with a ravine situated very far below separated the cliff that I was standing on and another cliff, but there was bridge that I could use to cross over. The bridge was highly unstable and a fierce wind began to blow. The water below me crashed in waves and stormy undercurrents. As I took each step, I held firmly to the rope which held the weakened bridge together. My foot slipped a few times and the tempestuous gulf threatened to douse and engulf me, should I happen to fall, but, eventually, I made it to the other side. I was going to meet my spirit guide/s - no matter what! I saw a fence which was shrouded in thick shrubs, bristling creepers, rough verdure and flowers much like a hedge. I ran my fingers along the bright, vibrant petals as I made my way around the hedge and I came to a little gate. I stared at the gate for a moment and then opened and closed it - as I was instructed in the meditation - a must-do.

"And under a large tree, will be three chairs..." the meditation went on to describe... "your spirit guides will be waiting for you there. They should be sitting on the chairs and you can ask them any questions you may have."

I see the large tree and I'm expecting to see a spirit, angel or shimmering being of light, but instead, under the tree, sitting on the chair is my Grandfather and my Godfather! My Grandfather, I would expect to see because I remember him very well from being a young child, but, my Godfather, I don't remember well, at all. It took me a moment because I looked at him but could not entirely recognize him or remember his name, and then I felt a presence which clarified, "Uncle Frank, he's your Godfather" and I remembered! It was a huge occasion, my baptism and my family requesting my Uncle to be my Godfather. We sat and we spoke for a few minutes and then, I looked at them pleadingly, before I could speak they nodded and said, "somebody is also here to see you" and, they gestured their arms to call my brother who had passed, David. He walked up to us looking as handsome and fit was he was when he as alive, if not better and he gave me a big hug.

We sat down for a while and I asked them many questions. Eventually, my brother left and we spoke for a bit longer. I asked them, "is David in a better place?" And, they said "yes! He is in a good place and he is happy now." And then, I asked about my brother who had passed away when he was an infant. This had always worried us and I wanted to know how it worked. After answering those question/s, comforting and reassuring me, my Uncle Frank reached out and took my hands into his. Immediately, I felt a feeling of understanding, paradise, blessedness, farsightedness and fellowship and I absolutely knew that my family that had passed - my adult brother and infant brother were 0.K.

A few months later, I did a union/double-meditation travel and I took my Mother to the gate. I did not go in with her, I just said "go ahead and see what awaits you after this point". When she came back from the meditation, she took my hands in her hands and I felt the same feeling of understanding, paradise, blessedness, farsightedness and fellowship that my Godfather had given me. Immediately, I knew exactly what she had asked. She had asked the same questions about my brothers and family that were deceased and she had received the same message, as I had.

I will attach the meditation below. I had originally submitted the meditation on its own, but the Mods could not use it as it was, so, it will have to be below. Just a note that I have taken people on double meditations to this place who have N0 idea where they are going or WH0 they are going to meet or WHAT they are going to see, and they have always successfully made contact with their deceased, loved ones. I just hope that I can explain the right details in order to perform the meditation successfully, as I can no longer find it on the internet and the first time I did this was ages ago.

A Way To Meet Your People - Tool/Meditation

I have a meditation that I would like to share with YGS and I hope the people reading and participating will be able to verify how real such an endeavor is. I suggest that everybody take part, even if you are only on the site for ghost hunts, truth and other reasons. Make sure it is quiet when you do it and that you are in the right frame of mind. If you are in a negative frame of mind, it may very well not work. Also, make sure you are in a comfortable position and that you will not be disturbed.

I always start my meditation by seeing a door, opening the door and proceeding down 10 steps. I take note of every detail very carefully, each step its material and the darkness or light around me. Count back from 10 with each step -10 9 8 7 6 5 to 1.

After this, I take time walking around and perceiving my surroundings. Again, detail is critical. If there are any obstacles that unnerve me, I see them/that as a body of light and I push it out of my psychic world. This place is made up largely of you and a bit of the truth/s about life. Continue walking down a path taking note of each cobble step until you reach a environmental landscape. It may be clear, have tall grass or be a dense forest, but, set your marker to keep walking until you reach the end of the field. When you reach the end of the field you will come to a high peak or cliff, below you will be, a river or water. The water separates you from the a new hill; it runs in-between the two cliffs. You cannot climb up or down or swim across. You will see a bridge that you can cross over. As I said the scenery is made up largely of you and a bit of the truth/s about life, so if something changes in your meditation such as, the scenery, weather or other aspects (like in mine, sometimes I don't see any water, just a deep crater/river and the two cliffs separated by a wooden bridge) it's okay for it to be slightly different.

Take note of the details about the bridge, what material is it? How wide is it? How safe is it? Take note of EACH step that you take as you cross. When you get to the other side you will see a hedge of a home or a fence. Follow the hedge or fence until you reach a gate. 0pen the gate and MAKE SURE to close the gate. Walk around studying the house or garden, until, you see a large tree. Under the tree there may be 1 to 5 chairs.

Ideally you should ind someone under the trees. If nobody has come to greet you yet ask out loud or in your mind; for a specific person you would like to see - who has passed or family member.

Note: Remember throughout the meditation - from the start to the end, that you are there to meet a guide. You have a destination!

Just a last note, when you are coming back or finished your experience - Be sure to do everything the same way that you did when you came to the place! If you do not close the gate or do something differently, it can harbor damage.

I hope you will find something in this meditation

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KikiGirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-15)
Okay, first any additional comments not offering advice/help will be deleted.

Second, maggirockz - whoa, hang on there. Mods are no different than anyone else as far as knowledge of the spiritual world. No one, including us, has full knowledge of the spiritual world. We are all learning, which is part of the reason some people become members. We bounce ideas off each other, ask for advice with a situation, seek clarity when we have trouble figuring something that may or may not be paranormal and just share our experiences.

Again, any further comments not directed to the story itself will be deleted. As will those that are related to the story, but slip in a comment or two about the o/p (original poster, KikiGirl).

And please, do not take the comments to another of KikiGirl's stories. I, for one, am tired of this back and forth. It is not serving any purpose except to continue this drama.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-15)

After reading all the comments I also have something to say,
(Sorry I'm mentioning it first that this comment won't belong to your story, it belongs to your comments)
I think because of your argument with the mods you are getting a negative Karma, what I mean is that the two mods are giving you good advice for your story as well as informing you that this story is not a ghost experience.
They have become Mods of YGS because they have full knowledge of this spiritual world. (Honestly, i'm myself confused that is it related to psychic experience or it is different from spiritual world? I think I need help from someone to make me understand this)
Back to you,
Just calm down, don't be stressed that you are getting a negative karma, everyone has different point of view.
If you are getting a negative karma that doesn't mean your story is not true, its you who have experienced it and it would be only you who believe in yourself that you have said the truth.
Like Val said in my story "...At the end of the day the only one who knows for certain if things happened the way you said they happened is you. All others will either accept it or won't."
So, if anyone asks questions or gives advice, be calm and don't think of negative karma, they don't make you bad or a liar.
Take Care

(Sorry again, as this comment was not related to the story)

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-15)
Greeting, Kiki & Commenters.
(Just noticed that sounds like a "Katrina and the Waves" tribute band...)

I realize I'm arriving later than usual to this particular brouhaha, but getting bogged down in grading and a snowstorm will do that every now and then.

Kiki, your meditation led you to speak with individuals whom you had known while they were alive. Meditation is a form of conscious relaxation and contemplation. I will not discount the possibility that the deceased may use this altered state to initiate a conversation; however, there is an equal possibility that the conscious relaxation and contemplation is a form of self-hypnosis. You told Miracles, "I think meeting a deceased love one counts as a record of a ghostly, if not, paranormal account." If you've had a meeting with a deceased loved one which took place in the physical world in which you live on a daily basis, YES, you're right. If the meeting takes place inside your head, it's much harder for anyone to discern if the interaction is either a legitimate supernatural event (yes, I've had those happen in my dreams too) or a wish-fulfillment fantasy conjured up by your subconscious to resolve a psychological issue (such as guilt, pain, etc.) which has been problematic for your wellbeing.

Using the content of the altered psychological state experience to defend the assertion that the psychological state is supernatural communication is a tenuous proposition. If the altered state provides heretofore unknown facts which can be substantiated after the meditation is completed, then you've got a much stronger case supporting the assertion of a paranormal interaction; without some corroborating event, skepticism is going to be the standard reaction of anyone who has not got a vested interest in supporting your experience or of those who have discovered that prior discussions with you about the supernatural have not been entirely honest.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Sorry to interrupt, here.
Tweed, I laughed my a$$ off at your description of our comments!
It is so very, very true.
Still laughing so hard I've started coughing...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
By the way your union/double meditation method is very suggestive. Having told your mother of your experience before (I know you did) then telling her to go through the door and she should meet someone on the other side is suggestive in of itself.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)

Why are you arguing with the mods? I'm an Aries which means my emotions can get the best of me and my temper turns red hot especially when I am in pain. I had an argument that I should NOT have had with one of the mods and she rightly got mad at me. I apologized to her privately because I realized I had been an a$$ and promised I would behave myself from now on. I have kept that promise.

BUT right now that temper is rearing it's ugly head. On my story you said I am one of your favorite commentators/readers and you are very fond of me. Well I have to tell you right now you are provoking people which I believe is against the rules. The fact that you are questioning everything the mods are telling you is quite frankly pi$$ing me off.

You can learn something by really reading what you call criticism. Re-read it and think on it before coming back with some snarky remarks.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)

Ok ok after reading all the comments, I see your side of this and everyone elses.

I get you feel bombarded with what could be seen as negative comments, but in all honesty, they are only trying to better understand you.

Take a breather everyone, and a few more minutes to take in all of this.

Kiki,I read this and all I remember was the Meditation you put in here. Now I am an avid meditator if that's the proper name for it, somehow I sense that's wrong but honestly that's all I remember. I actually liked it and am probably going to try it soon.

You may be being honest, with all that your saying. So when one of your submissions is not submitted, ask the mods why. Then when you resubmit said experience, write in there why you have resubmitted.

Just a few pointers that would help with the credibility of your submission.

Thank you for sharing
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
KikiGirl: just some words of wisdom and common sense:

" Learn to give your absence to those who do not know how to appreciate your presence."

Your latest comments have turn YGS into a circus, and by this I do not mean the amazing performance of a magician but more like a poor and humorless presentation by the clowns.

I'm sorry but I had to say it...
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Breathe, Tweed - we all know how it ends for attention seekers around here. Besides, I don't think anyone would believe the two of you would suddenly become besties.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
KikiGirl - I have already explained the negative feedback. And if you think there has been nasty criticism in any of these comments, you really don't know how nasty and mean some of our members, former and current, can be.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
WHAT are you trying to make out that we're in psychic or email contact? Because I can assure the YGS community I did not and am not joking around or making bets ahgahgghagh hang on you are so using this community for attention.

I did not and am not interested in contacting Kikigirl in any way outside of this site. Though I do have a vested interest in keeping this forum honest, my communication with forum trouble makers ends there. It seems the mask is well and truly sipping with this particular member.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Miracles51031 I didn't not follow guidelines I asked why I was receiving so much negative feedback. I also said that the criticism is quite nasty so...
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Tweed people reading this are probably going to get confused so I would like to explain the below: Tweed kept joking around with me and he/she was being very light-hearted. I believed that Tweed wanted to make a bet with me so I asked him/her to provide more details. That's all it was.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Tweed - I wondered if I was the only one who noticed that, about the 0 and O as well as the unbelievable swiftness of the lengthy response.

I type fast but when my keyboard is being uncooperative it has a terrible impact on my typing. Like now, a few paragraph has taken over 10 minutes to type instead of 1 or 2.

KikiGirl - we have had at least one other member that I can recall who asked for help and/or advice, yet completely rejected any given much like you are doing.

There are options regarding interaction when submitting your story. If you don't want to listen to advice given by the members you have said are knowledgeable, then choose the option not to participate in the discussion.

And I am going to second what Val said. Do you honestly think we have not read the guidelines? We read them often just to make sure something hasn't changed. We also read them more than once to make sure we are being responsible in doing our job as a mod.

The next time you copy/paste the rules, I am going to delete your comment.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Tweed! You really know how this is all done? I know now that I will never beat you.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Yes this just took a turn for the dark side didn't it. It seems I hit a nerve. I'm rather good at it. 😉
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Tweed I will come back to you on that one. Do you have a particular wish in mind?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Whoah, hold the phones.

Kiki, you are the fastest responder on this forum. I've been a member for 2 years and my posts get a little long sometimes. So do Biblio's. But yours are both long AND quickly posted. So don't give me this time consuming nonsense, I don't buy it. I do believe there's a reason for the zeros and o's, however.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Ask yourself, why on earth are you arguing (unsuccessfully, I might add) with two very established mods (even attempting to lecture them) about this site? Do you really believe you know more than they about established guidelines, or do you not realize how you are coming off? Do I need to tell you EXACTLY how you sound? I promise you will not like it.
I just came back from reading every single comment on ALL of your stories, only to find most of what you complained about you've taken out of context or perhaps, just taken the wrong way. That happens on forums. We can't see faces, or hear inflections in the voice, and sometimes we misread, leading to hurt feelings.
I suggest you take a deep breath, try to learn from this, and behave yourself, or go play else where. Your choice.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Tweed, my keyboard sometimes acts up! Tonight, I could not use the following keys which I will copy and paste to demonstrate: o; f and coma
Such is it, that each time I make use of one of the above keys, I am forced to find the key in a paragraph somewhere and then, copy and paste it. Incredibly time consuming which is why I do not take it lightly to spend hours typing and replying to people who are just not interested.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-14)
Kiki, this cannot be ignored any longer.
Why do you use zeros: 0 and caps O's interchangeably?

In response to what you said we've been over this and over this, like Miracles, I find your comments hard to follow and I seldom agree with them.

This comment from KikiGirl is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
KikiGirl: This, from the Submissions Guidelines:

"We reserve the right to refuse stories that are too short, juvenile, vulgar, off-topic, very poorly written, stories in all UPPERCASE, stories with no punctuation, ***stories that do not meet our criteria for defining a ghost experience*** and anything that looks like spam or promotional material."

Your personal method for meditation, no matter the reason for doing it, is not a ***ghost experience***. THAT is what your first submission encompassed and it did not belong here, it belongs on the Psychic Site. That you resubmitted it prefaced by your experience is what makes us doubt the validity. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I wasn't there. But surely you understand our suspicions.

Since you're a member of the Psychic Site already, you've probably noticed a definite dissimilarity in the membership, meaning that our members are more, well, mature. They're not easily duped and they hate being railroaded.

In the future if you submit a story and it gets rejected, if the reason for rejection isn't clear enough for you, by all means ask for clarification before attempting to slide one by the Mods.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
Kikigirl - I know you addressed this to zzsgranny, but I'll go ahead and give you an answer to part of your comment.

You said, and I'll quote, "But, I do not understand or accept why I am consistently receiving negative feedback..." Karma points are given, and taken away, for many reasons. Some people give them because they like the comment, while others take one away because they don't like the comment. Another reason they are given is because a member likes the person who made the comment, and a karma point can be taken away because someone doesn't like the person. There are also times when someone hits the wrong arrow button and it reflects opposite what was intended. And contrary to what some members believe, there is no way to know who has given a positive or a negative karma point. Even if someone comes right behind a negative point and comments, this does not mean that person gave the negative point. Karma points are anonymous.

And frankly, it doesn't matter whether or not you accept why you are receiving negative feedback the fact remains you are receiving it. It's how you handle the negative feedback that will determine whether or not people continue giving it. Act immature about it and you'll probably continue to receive negative karma points. Be an adult, don't mention it and people might warm up to you. Then again, it's up to the individual member to decide whether or not they like another member.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
Kikigirl - I have a hard time figuring out what you are trying to say when you copy/paste so many things, especially when you throw your comments in the midst of the copy/paste 😕

And I stand by my comment that meeting your loved ones during meditation is not a ghost experience. You did not see or hear them without meditating. By the way, I'm not knocking meditation at all. I enjoy it and have had many amazing experiences while meditating, but I don't consider these events to be interaction with ghosts. Those are two completely different forms of communication.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
Kiki, when I read this it sounded like someone wishing to sell a spiritual self help book, or something like that, and wanted a test audience. Generally when something gets rejected and resubmitted with added paranormal details it never goes down well with the mods. (I'm sure there are exceptions to this, but the instances I know have not ended well)

A word of advice, stop rejecting with every criticism and start using YGS as it's intended. Or don't use YGS at all.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
zzsgranny mod, I would just like to post this in response to your comment; "Your first submission had no mention of spirits or ghosts or experiences with anything paranormal in the least. It was, in fact, rejected due to the lack of a ghost experience. By resubmitting it and including the first eight paragraphs (which could have very well stood on their own) we feel the need to question whether the entire account is true or completely bogus."

I would like to quote the following paragraph from my first submission, "Ideally you should find someone under the trees. If nobody has come to greet you yet ask out loud or in your mind; for a specific person you would like to see - who has passed or family member."
My experience was with my Grandfather, Godfather and Brother - All of which have passed.

Miracles51031 mod, furthermore, as this encounter / experience was more of a ghostly nature, and the spirit/s behaved more consciously and solely out of their personal choice, I decided to bring it to YGS because YGS is looking for ways in which to make contact and communicate with, as well as, deeper studies and information into life after death and the ability to communicate, thereafter.

And just a note, I do have an account on the psychic website - you are welcome to go and read two stories of mine:
1. Rorschachs Gift
2. Win The Lotto Story
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
zzsgranny mod, I do not understand why I am getting so many negative remarks and comments on my articles lately. I note and understand that this has been frequently happening after I used different name/s and dates on "The Architect Who Haunts His Buildings Until Today" because of privacy and legal reasons. We had a lengthly dispute which consisted of myself the O/P, Readers and Mods/Moderators which addressed the "issue" regards story-telling or fiction-based stories versus true accounts or fact-based articles, and then we discussed the points within/included in an article; the substantiation thereof, genuity, sincerity, understanding, verification and authenticity. As this had been a point of conflict, we further went on to address; the way in which everyone on site comments and communicates / site rapport, and why, we make use of Mods/Moderators or control/s and Karma points. The discussion was concluded on;
* Site Users, O/P, Authors can, sometimes, change details, or exclude the details entirely, if the O/P cannot divulge the specific/s or information.
* Mods/Moderators will read, review and investigate the details within an article to conclude its truthfulness and authenticity.
* Mods/Moderators will offer suggestions, in terms of, the above and the matters that arise thereof.
* Readers will read and assess the details within an article to A. Comment on and then B. Conclude its truthfulness and authenticity.
* Should the Site Users, O/P, Authors submit an article which includes details which have been changed, altered, misguised or fictionalized for any reason or in any way, the O/P should note it within the body of their article upon submission.

What would make me submit and publish an article with details which are changed or altered within any article/s further? As you can see, I clearly understand that the article and details will be read, reviewed, investigated, assessed and discussed by Users/Readers and Mods/Moderators and Control/lers in order to substantiate its truthfulness and authenticity. I understand this very well.
Note: After reconsideration and the betterment of retrospection, we also all agreed that an O/P can expect some negative and scrutinis feedback, with reason. But, I do not understand or accept why I am consistently receiving negative feedback and accusation about lying on articles - perhaps it has something to do with the following Readers Comment on the article mentioned: "And move on now. Those who believe you will do so and those who don't aren't going to be swayed."

I would like to further quote, "Take what you have learned and apply it to next time".
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-12)
Kikigirl - I met my Spirit Guides, through meditation, and none of them were relatives. At least not in this century.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-12)
Kikigirl - you met them as spirit guides, during meditation. That is a Spiritual and/or Psychic experience, as you stated.

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