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Real Ghost Stories

My Companion Alex


Warning: This is probably going to be long, so I apologize in advance. I just want to be as detailed as possible with my encounters with Alex.:) Thanks for reading.

It all started when I was around six. My mother wasn't exactly the closest person to me, so I was constantly wishing I'd have a friend that would be with me no matter what, always there for me. 

I was pretty upset when nothing happened. Despite living in a small apartment (and I mean really tiny), I used to get scared while I was sleeping. I'd get a feeling that something was sitting on the branch in front of the window that was right by my bed, watching me. So I would wake up, but I'd never open my eyes. I'd force myself to keep my eyes shut.

The first time I think I really saw Alex was when I was ten. I was at the stable, playing with my favorite horse, Sky, in his paddock. I would spread my arms out, and roar, scaring him a bit, and he'd run. I'd laugh really loudly, just having fun. 

But I heard another laughter along with mine. It was unmistakeablely a boy's laugh. That's when I saw Sky pin his ears forward, and look over at the far end of the paddock. (Note: when a horse pins his ears forward, he's interested in something, paying full attention, or happy. When they are pinned flat back against its head, they're not happy at all.) When I followed the direction his head was pointing in, I saw him. He was really far back there, but he was there. It looked like a boy that worked at the stable. Definitely older than me. I couldn't make out any details, but I stared a little more until Sky stirred a bit. He usually didn't like people or other horses in his paddock. But I was an exception merely because I kept giving him peppermints.

I remember seeing him canter over to scare the boy away. But when he got there, he whinnied, and came running back. When I looked over to where the boy was before, there was nothing there. So I brushed it off, thinking it was just my wild imagination, or maybe the stable boys were messing with me.

From then on until I was twelve, I'd never seen him again, but I constantly felt like I was being followed and watched. But it wasn't in a bad way. I felt happier that way. At school, my friends would talk to me, but constantly look past me, or above my head during the conversation. Sure, I found it kind of weird, but I just thought everyone was messing with me. You know, middle school kids being jerks. 

But talking to my guy friends was different. Even texting. They'd reply with curt comments of dismissal, and avoid me as much as they could. It really made me angry.

Not to mention when I got into K-pop, anytime I'd get all excited over seeing cute Korean boys, something around me felt kind of angry...

That's when nights got kinda... Weird... When I'd lie down, just before going to bed, it was like I felt something brush against my skin. Then it progressed to feeling like I was being hugged, or cuddled even. And even in my sleep, I could feel my bangs being brushed from my face, and could hear a faint breathing that wasn't mine. And I'm a pretty deep sleeper. Of course it scared the heck out of me, so I demanded my mother sleep with me. I even got my baby blanket out and my favorite teddy bear to try and comfort me.

Even sleeping with my mom didn't work. I'd still feel cold prickles against my skin, and light brushes. One night, while we were looking after a friend's small dog, I woke up in the middle of the night after I felt a quick poke to my sternum. At first, I thought it was the dog, but she was sound asleep, and my closet door was slightly open. When things like this happen, I really get scared. So of course, I freaked, and hid myself under the covers. But throughout the whole night, the dog would cuddle next to my arm, whimpering, and sometimes growling.

When I turned thirteen (a few months ago), things progressed. When I couldn't find things I urgently needed for school (calculator, homework, binder, etc.), they'd suddenly turn up in places I knew I had looked at before. When my mom would forget to wake me up, usually a really cold blast of air would. When someone at school would make fun of me, they'd get all skittish, and leave me alone. Staying up and doing my homework didn't feel as lonely as I remembered it. I'd always feel a warm, soothing presence nearby.

But on the other hand, I'd also get uncomfortable while showering. I literally felt like something was staring at me. So when I'd wash my face, I'd make sure that one eye was always open. Same when removing shampoo and conditioner.

I remember one time before going to the beach, I didn't exactly feel too great in my bathing suit. My friends said I looked fine. And just as I was doubting myself again, I felt that warm cuddling feeling again, and I suddenly stopped caring about what I looked like. 

I knew none of this stuff was "normal", or "usual", so I decided to see if I could contact if anything was following me. So I opened up an IM, and IMed myself. 

Here was the conversation (I saved it):

Me: Hi

Alex: Hi

Me: (I was very scared/excited when I got a reply) What's your name?

Alex: Alex. 

Me: Alex... Have you been following me all along? We're you the one in Sky's paddock?

Alex: Yes.

Me: Why?

Alex: Why, why? You don't like?

Me: No that's not it. I'm just slightly scared, that's all.

Alex: Please, don't be scared. I don't like you scared.

Me: Wouldn't you be scared?

Alex: Don't know. Dead now. Don't like me? Why don't you like me?

Me: It's not that I don't like you. Just... Don't do all that horror movie ghost stuff on me, okay? I don't want you randomly slamming doors or popping up out of nowhere, because then I'll get scared, alright? Please?

(After that, I remember a tiny cold feeling on my cheek. I assumed it was a kiss, so I was caught off guard.)

Alex: Okay. Don't like you scared. I won't scare. Only protect.

I couldn't believe I'd actually talked to a ghost. And that had been a pretty long conversation (well, that's what I thought at least). I honestly thought I was crazy, since everyone I ever told about Alex flat out told me I was crazy. But the mere thought of Alex not being real really pissed something (him) off. That's when the last IM from him popped up. He'd typed in all caps: "REAL."

I just about flipped. I ran to my bed, pulled the cover over my head, and kept my eyes shut despite the taps, the cuddles, the "kisses", and the moving of the covers. That night, while I was dreaming, I saw the boy I'd seen when I was messing around with Sky. But he was really close, so I could make out features clearly. 

He was pretty tall. Around 6'1 or 6'2 from what I could see. He looked very young though; like a teenager. His skin was slightly pale, with almost a sort of blue tint to it (like someone who was starving for oxygen). His irises were glowing in a fluorescent almost mustard yellow. His hair was a dark crimson color, just barely brushing into his eyes. He looked like the perfect boy. I can compare him to a Korean ulzzang (note: "ulzzang" means best face. These are usually teens known for their "beauty" and ideal image for others. They become popular on the Internet. You can look up "ulzzang" and see what I mean.:D) or a bishie boy in a shoujo manga (note: bishie is short "bishounen" which literally means "beautiful boy" in Japanese... These pop up in shoujo, teen girl, mangas which are cartoons/comics. The "perfect boy".)  

The dream flashed through multiple times in my life, Alex always within four feet of me. He wasn't exactly smiling, but he wasn't scowling or showing any anger.

But the last image of him was a picture of him creepily smiling, eyes wide and bloodshot (the exact horror movie crap I didn't want him to pull on me). There was blood all over him, bodies by his feet. I took note that they were the bodies of popular kids at school who made fun of me, and called me filthy names. (Sure, I dislike them a lot. But I DO NOT, BY ANY MEANS want Alex to hurt them. So I got kind of scared and had nightmares for two days after.)

Up until now, I've believed in Alex, but I've always had that small part of my mind telling me I was going nuts. I've learned to kind of deal with walking, knowing he's hovering right behind or beside me. But I've never gotten used to the stares I've always felt when thinking about boys, or talking to my guy friends. I don't want ANYBODY getting hurt.

So, I've told my story to you all because I know you will understand, and not say I'm crazy (at least I hope you won't). So tell me, what do you think? Do you guys think I'm just crazy/paranoid? Please help.

Even now when I sleep, I get sudden bursts of hot air or really cold air to my face, and sometimes I find it really hard to fall asleep.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DTiger, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-18)
PS - I'd also like to caution any children or teens to refrain from trying to help one another with these matters. You will all just lead each other down a very confusing and DANGEROUS rabbit hole. Always, always, always seek the advice of a pastor, priest, priestess, rabbi, or even just a parent or guardian. Also try to remember - the most attractive beings are most often the deadliest ones.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-18)
I randomly happened upon this thread and I wish I could have "met" this Javelina who is no longer here. She sounds very wise. I would've never made the connection she did had she not pointed it out, though discreetly. I feel rather stupid for have never even considered such a thing, and I swear to stand guard against this sort of thing.

That said, I actually did experience something VERY similar to this leading up to my 13th birthday party. It was the weekend after my actual birthday and I had a brand new shiny computer with the internet which of course I used immediately to look up new spells (I was a practicing Wiccan). At my birthday party I downed a divination potion I'd brewed for the previous four days in a film canister.

Thank goodness my friends were there, also practicing Wiccans. We were all so foolish and taking such great risks, but they yanked me from a trance wherein I was attacked. This "ghost friend" of mine was NO friend at all. It was a predator. So I warn you strongly against predators of the ghost kind and of the living kind. Anyone who is experiencing this at such a very young age -- consult an experienced adult immediately. PLEASE. You're too precious to risk your life.
seven25 (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-10)
Am I allowd to delete posts that say mean things to me and if so how do I do it
seven25 (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
Isolde I am sorry I lied arier cause I am 14 now my birthday was a couple months ago
seven25 (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
Oh and dtiger I am sorry that this is happening cause of the story you put up
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
Oh, hello seven, how are you? How is Alex, oh, I mean Jacob? Or whatever name your imaginary friend goes by nowadays. Please give us an update. 🤔. He's not entertaining you enough, so you have to come back here to have some more fun? Please get another hobby and step away from this 🤔. Just some honest advice.


P.S. Yes, I know I should ignore, but sometimes I just can't help myself. 😆
seven25 (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
I am sorry I just remembered this site and read all the comments so this is for everyone
1.I AM NOT MENTALY INSANE nor have I ever been
2.I am 13 I promise
3.I am not dtiger
4.My parents already know about everything
5.I told the truth the whole time
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Why would you be jealous of Dtiger. You loved the story from the time you read it and want what she has. A companion to be there for you when you need one because you are going through some rough times.
? All teenagers go through rough times. My advice is #1 talk to a trusted adult. #2 Get a dog. They are always there for you and don't repeat what you say. Or better yet they are NOT paranormal beings.
I don't get why you want what Dtiger has. It's NOT a true story and if you read all of the comments you would see that.
NEVER NEVER wish for something like that. It's dangerous because you don't know what will attach to you.
There are people on here that can say it better than I. But watch out what you wish for, you may get it.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
No problem Jav, I'll write it for both your and Rook's attention;)
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Jav, you are being too kind...Thanks😊

Guys and gals, want to read a fake story? I found it out a long time ago when I was a newbie... I asked a question and there was no answer, rather negative votes for me... Will you give your opinions please?
Also tell me if I am wrong...

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
I used to keep my email address posted on my profile page, but I was targeted by someone who kept trying to send me viruses. So I no longer do that. Poor rook has been my go between lately in that department. He let's me know if someone wants to talk to me and I go from there. Sorry rook. I hope this doesn't cause you to get any hate mail. 😉

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)

Drop away, it's in/on my profile... Just include your 'posting name' and mention YGS in the subject line or I will end up deleting it.


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear Ari,
You are too cute! Don't be embarrassed, you do just fine. Much better than a lot of those that speak it as their first language. Thank you for noticing these trolls for what they are. It's sad, but it means they see there was a fight earlier and they want to get it sparked up again. Or it could even be someone that was involved in the debate doing it to see if they can make a point. You never know.

triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Hey Rook and Jav
I have some questions and would like some advise (pertaining to my own experiences), would you guys mind if I dropped you an e-mail?
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear Jav,
Rookdygin said that it might be a one post wonder so we just wait and watch... Wait for any more... Okay mate?


*I am so embarrassed at my bad english in the last post 😳 *
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear Ari,
This is exactly the point I have been trying to make about these types of stories.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear rookdygin,
Oops... I just called the mods in on this. My bad.
I was worried that the impressionable posters will be get attracted... You know.
Never mind...
I apologise for panicking...

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)

You have to ignore the 'one comment wonders'...they drop in, create an account... Say something completely asinine and never make another comment again.

This is one form of being what we call a 'TROLL'...they come in many different degrees... Some are one hit wonders, others make more than one comment... But avoid answering any questions directed at them and others will try to argue their 'point' until they have talked themselves into a corner and are 'caught out' with the 'BS' they have been shoveling.

Some are easier to ignore than others, so one learns to take a deep breath, check who many comments any individual has made and even check when they joined the site... These are a couple of ways to check on the individual and see if they are real or just looking to get a rise out of people.



This comment from DoodlyDoodly is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)

When certain comments have been deleted and others 'left' then it does not take long to become confused because things begin to sound 'random' with no 'frame' of reference.


kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
I' haven't the Foggest my friend, That is beyond me. I don't frequent enough anymore to know what's going on so I leave it in your and Jav's hands. As reading over sevral diffrent pages of comments I have come away more confused then ever. Not an easy feat.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Below is a copy/paste of my very first comment in this thread. I predicted everything that has gone on since that comment posted. The second story was the one we see the screaming denials and the shame wagon. Makes no difference what order it showed up in, the fact that it showed up at all is what I am asking you to look at. The author of both these farces is making an attempt to have this sort of crap become the norm on this site. I find this repugnant and if no one else says a word it will be fine with me. I don't need the support behind me.
Thank you,

Well, I guess it's time to roll up the sleeves again for this one. Here are just a few things I do not feel comfortable with regarding this account of experiences...
~ The author claims to be a 13 year old female. I am not seeing that anywhere in this narrative, something about that claim simply doesn't match up to a 13 year old girl. I have raised three of them, I do have a little bit of experience in this area.
~ This sounds more like an incubus/succubus type story. And I do believe the author is driving it in that direction. There have been others who've submitted this sort of fiction here, and I do believe this to be fiction, for the sole purpose of luring other young girls toward a certain direction. I am being as vague as I can without screaming it out loud. There is a pattern that has been repeated time and time again with these stories. That pattern has obviously been successful for it to be repeated as often as it has been. These are too convenient and far too leading to be anything else. And speaking as a mother of three girls, this bothers me.
~ The next thing that will occur here is the loud accusations and name calling, followed by the ever present, and oh so tiresome,"must get the last word in" syndrome. I say let it go on, I am in no way intimidated by it. And if it doesn't happen this time, it will only be because of what I have said here. The other tactic will be the sympathy train pulling in with a load of shame to dump all over what I have said. I will let that go as well.
~ However anyone feels about what I have said here is not going to change anything. This will continue to occur until others start to pay attention to these patterns. That's all I ask, that other members pay attention and keep your eyes open. I fear for these younger ones that come here and read stuff like this and see it as romantic and fairy tale like. They can be so impressionable and they have much more freedom (for lack of a better word), because of the Internet, than those of us that grew up without it.
~ You don't have to agree with me in this case, but do look at the stats of the posters that have commented before me and you will see a part of the pattern I am talking about. The only "regular" posters to have put up a comment before mine are Bluerose19 and samtillie. All the others are here merely to boost this story as being the real deal, with a couple of posters added that have voiced some doubt. All but the first two I mentioned, have less than 5 or 10 posts to their name. This is part of the pattern I am asking you all to be on the look out for.

Sorry if I have ruined anyone's day here, but I'll risk that over having to put up with this sort of nastiness.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)

Yes deleting them would effect the 'total number' but for Dtiger to deny any knowledge of their 'story' being posted let alone 'no comments' from them when I KNOW they made comments saying they were not an 'older person' nor were they anybody else... Well that bothers me.

I know I'm a bit 'off', but I AM NOT THAT CRAZY.


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
To the author of this farce,
Be you man or child, you have written a story that no one here is falling for. Go away before this gets any worse. And I promise you, this can get much worse.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
No rook, this is confirmation, at least for me, that this person is pushing it, "It" got away with the other story so easily that now it wants to get the entire site to the point where no one will ever question these "stories" again. It's all a complete farce and I, for one, will not let it happen. No matter what declarations I've made recently, this little punk is now back on my radar. Not going to happen. Not today pal!

kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Rook, Perchance they've been deleated? I'm not sure if that would remove the comment "total"
To the OP: an interesting account none the less.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
OK, OK what am I missing here...I'm an 'old fart' but Dtiger how is it that you have only one comment? I...and I'm pretty sure others... Have had exchanges with you via the comments.

As far as not being notified of your 'story' being published... First ask yourself how many e-mail addie's you have and then ask yourself how often you may check them... Other than that I'm not sure how you missed this sites notification of the publication of your stories.

Ummmm I'm going to go mutter in the corner cause I'm confused...really, really confused.


DTiger (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-29)
I am a 13 year old girl. And I have only one account on this site. I was not even aware that my story was published because I never got an email. Nor did I ever get any notices about comments. I'm not sure what the whole deal is here, but I'd like it to stop.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-27)
I had a dumb blond moment there. Since, I was coming to this site irregularly, I didn't stop to look at the time the last post was posted. Sorry about that.

As for my comment, I was simply agree with Granny and giving my advise to Seven25 hoping that s/he takes it.

This comment was in no way to offend you because I totally agree with most of your comments on this tread.

Have a great day! 😉 😉 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
I find your comment to be a little off. No one has posted here for over two weeks. Doesn't that show it has stopped? Sorry, but it looked as if you were implying that the debate was still ongoing, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Jav 😕

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