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Black Free Stander Shadow At Foot Of Bed


I'll provide as much detail as I can, but my girlfriend's house has been haunted for a few years. Such things have happened like a child or small person running up the stairs, doors slamming, things getting thrown about at night. The sounds of a dog walking beside the bed, as in we can hear it's claws brush the ground when it walks. Her dad, who is a taxi driver, has also said something like a shadow that had a really bad smell that would sit in the back of his taxi. And my girlfriend has even been hit once by the ghost in the back of the head.

Once she was hit by the ghost, her mum phoned a priest or someone along those lines and they came with holy water and blessed each room one by one. After each room was finished, the family said the house had a lighter presence and nothing like this happened for while. This all happened before I met her. And when she told me the stories I got creeped out a bit as I myself believe that there are some things that just can't be explained and I have had encounters myself.

But more to the point, after all this was told to me and nothing happened whist I stayed with her and her family, it drifted to the back of my mind but then one night I wasn't sleeping but I wasn't fully awake. I can't describe it properly. It was weird but I opened my eyes and I wasn't in my girlfriend's room. I was somewhere like a studio flat -- a big open space with all my family sitting about a table and a baby on a white woolly rug. No idea who the baby was but the shadow stood right next me and said, "DO AS I F***ING TELL YOU!" And it also told me that my dad's sister had died. I know from my dad she is a very, very heavy drinker and has been for years.

Once I heard it give me commands in a threatening manner, I tried to wake myself up. I knew I wasn't actually there, but I could read and talk and everything I was doing felt too real to be a dream. I can remember every detail of the place and I had never been there before. The shadow was about 6-7 feet tall and slim it was quite a bold figure and it wasn't a solid figure almost like a thicker smoke constancy.

After this the noises of a small animal came back. Me and my girlfriend's mother have heard them. And more recent was last night when we went to bed. I was lying awake but my girlfriend was dozing, nearly asleep. I must have been talking to her about 2 minutes before it happened and all I felt was two of her fingers squeezing and pinching me. After the fifth or sixth pinch, I started to shake her and she opened her eyes. I could tell by the way she looked at me something wasn't right, and what comes next is exactly as she told me. "There was a tall man standing at the foot of the bed just staring. Then after a few seconds another shadow come crouching over the bed towards me and I started screaming your name. You were lying right next me and I KNOW I was not dreaming. I could think about what was going on and take everything in and in no other dream have I done that, so it wasn't a dream."

Whether or not this is a type of rare dream or what I have no idea, but any feedback would be great on what this is.

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Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-18)
When M arrived to take me back to hers, I spent the whole journey (roughly 10 minutes or so), telling her everything that had happened the night before, including what our brother J told me about seeing the soldier.
As the car pulled into the drive, I could see my nephew at the window and he quickly came to open the door and before I'd even got inside, he was asking me if Mum had told me what happened yesterday after we'd left.
To cut a long story short, he'd seen the man standing in the small hallway, gazing out at the street, through the glass panel in the front door. I must've looked puzzled, because M then told me that both she and her son R, had seen this man on a number of occasions in various parts of the house and always doing the same thing... Gazing out of a window.
LOL...she told me he'd given her an awful fright one day when she was washing her hands in the kitchen sink and as she turned to reach for the towel, he was stood just inches away, right behind her, gazing out the window above the sink!
When I asked R was he scared and what did he do, he said yes, he was scared, but he couldn't help gazing at the crease in the man's trousers for a moment because they were so sharp, before running into his bedroom and shutting the door, putting on his earphones and playing his music as loud as he could.
Then he told me "That's what I always do!" It wasn't until later when I remembered what J had told me the previous night, that I thought to ask R if this man had been wearing a peaked cap and I wasn't all that surprised when the answer was 'Yes'!
Just a little more to come...
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-10)
The following morning, as soon as I heard J finish in the bathroom and go downstairs, I had a quick wash, got dressed, made the bed and packed my few bits in my bag, then quickly followed him down. The whole time I was in the room, I was sure the spirit was still nearby and I was afraid, so while I packed, I spoke to him. I apologised again for swearing at him, but I also reminded him that he'd scared me pretty badly by waking me up as he did and asked him to please don't scare me anymore. This was all said in my head btw, but I think he heard me and took it onboard, as he never bothered me again and it was only a matter of days until M rang me and told me 'he' was still in our mum's house. This was after she'd visited my mum, who'd just came out of hospital.
I never told J about what had happened that night until much later, as I didn't want him to be afraid in his own home. M arrived early to to pick me up when she'd said and I gave her the full story on the way home.
Still a little more to come guys, which I think you'll find interesting. No more big scares for me though thank goodness! Two big scares in such a short time is two too many for me!
I'll post the rest when I can!
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-09)
Hi guys,
Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, but I'll do my best to get this finished tomorrow... Not that there's much more to tell anyway. As I said before, this happened in 2004 when I was in my 50's, yet this was the first supernatural experience I had ever encountered, until the night I was with my brother. It did make me wonder that if once the door has opened, it stays open. That did worry me for a time and I have since had a few things happen in my own home, but more fascinating than scary. Hopefully I can finish this tomorrow, but for now, I'll wish you goodnight!
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-07)
PS...I meant to say too, that it never even crossed my mind whether that spirit followed me from Ms house or not, until much later on, but I guess we'll never know anyway!

SWS, Sorry! I meant to thank you for commenting earlier and then forgot, so I do so now. Thank You! 😊
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-07)
OK guys, as I said, I was still pretty freaked out, but it did give me some comfort to know I'd be sleeping in my mothers bed and J would be just through the wall in the room next door, so up I went. I was delighted to see a pic of Padre Pio on the wall, as I'd read a book about him and had great admiration for him. I switched on the TV with the sound turned right down and left it on all night, just for the company and I left the bedside lamp on all night too.
Even then, it still took a while before I eventually managed to sleep.
However, that was not to last! Suddenly, I realised I was hearing a 'ticking' sound and I became aware I'd been hearing it for quite some time before my sleeping brain finally picked it up!
I was confused for what must've been mere seconds before I recognized what it was. It was the sound of fingernails tapping on wood! 'TICK TICK TICK'...'TICK TICK TICK'!
My eyes flew open and at that moment I heard a voice (male) speak very close to my ear and as long as I live, I will never, ever forget those words! It said in a quiet voice, "A GREAT WAY TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS!") I'm a bit ashamed of what I did next. I shot up in the bed and shouted "F***K OFF" and then I spoiled it all by saying in a wee small voice, "I'm sorry! I'm very tired! Please let me sleep!"
And then I lay wide awake and terrified until the sun came up, but thankfully, I never heard another word!
To be cont...
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-06)
Thanks Daz, yes she was! She often 'knew' what was coming in the future and she was always spot on! She saved her husband's life one time because of that, but that's a story for another day! See you tomorrow. Good night and God Bless!
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-06)
To cut a long story short, my sister dropped me off at our mum's house, where my brother was waiting and told me she'd pick me up in the morning. She came in to say hello to our brother J, but only stayed for a few minutes. I knew why she was anxious to get back home!
J and I visited my mum in hospital in the afternoon and stayed chatting with mum for as long as we were allowed, as it would be quite a while before I would get to see her again. She was in great form and it was good to know she'd be coming home very soon!
On the way back, J asked me if I fancied a kebab, as his local shop was 'the best', so that's just what we did and it was the best kebab I'd ever tasted!
Over dinner, we talked again about what I'd told him earlier had happened that morning and I asked him if he'd ever experienced anything strange when he lived with my mum in that house and after thinking for a moment, he said yes... He did! He told me he once woke up in the middle of the night and seen a 'soldier' come through the wall into his bedroom, walk across the room without even looking at him and walk past the bottom of his bed and straight through the opposite wall! He said he thought it looked like a military man in full officer dress and when I asked him what he did, he told me "Nothing! I just went back to sleep!" LOL... I reckoned he must've had a pint or two that night! Hmmm...'
Having had only a few hours sleep over the past two nights, I was very tired but my adrenalin was still up, so we stayed up chatting until around 2am before finally going to bed. To be honest guys, I was still pretty freaked out!
To be cont...tomorrow!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-06)
your sister was one in a million Caz, those souls are few and far between, I've been reading between the lines since you started, anyway, please continue!
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-06)
So on with the story...
When the noise had stopped and all was calm, M suggested we have a look at the pics I'd taken, so we all flopped down on the setee for a few minutes, to catch our breath, but there was nothing much of interest except one which looked rather odd. This was the pic I'd taken of the linen closet from the bottom of the staircase before going up. It showed quite a strange jagged white light, in front of the closet door. However, there was a window to the left of the closet with the sunshine streaming in, so I suppose it could've been that! I still puzzle over that pic though, as I never saw that when taking the photo. Maybe it was just the flash after all!
Anyway, it was time to go, so I picked up my bag just as the phone rang. R answered it and after a minute, it was obvious he was talking to a girl, so we told him we'd wait in the car. In the car, M told me R hated being alone in the house, as he was very sensitive just like his mum and he'd had a few scary encounters, but after a few minutes, he appeared at the door and told us just to go on. I called to him that we didn't mind waiting and there was no rush, but he insisted. (Obviously still on the phone we thought)
His mum asked if he'd be ok and he assured her he'd be fine, so off we went!
To be cont...
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-06)
LOL Daz, If you'd ever met her, you'd have loved everthing about her. She was kind, funny, generous to a fault and very brave, even when she was afraid and by the way, she was extremely beautiful! She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I'm not the only one to say so.
Oh and she could swear like a navvy if she got really angry! 😆
She once told me "Caz, if anything ever scares you, (meaning spirits), just tell it 'where to go' and it will!" So when I said to her that I thought praying helped, she said yes, it does, but swearing works faster!

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-05)
Caz, I really do like your sisters humour and seeming you gave me the green light to share my own theories and belief systems here no matter how much you may or may not disagree with them and with the possibilities of coming under attack from the karma fairy's...I do having something to offer that at least makes sense to me... However, I need to wait until the end of your account of which I hope finishes before 2022 😆 I have grabbed two containers of popcorn at the intermission.

Jokes, take your time mate, your commitments are a priority.

Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-05)
Hi guys, Sorry to keep you waiting, but when I've been working all day, I'm pretty much exhausted by the end. I can't stay too long, but I'm more anxious to get this finished than anyone!

As we were running down the stairs, the noises suddenly stopped! Total silence! M was first down and she peered around the corner to see into the lounge, but there was nothing to be seen or heard, so we all very nervously went into the lounge. Everything was quiet, however, no sooner had we all got in, when an even more horrendous noise started up, but this time it was coming from upstairs, right above our heads! Someone was jumping up and down and by the sound, they must've been wearing hobnail boots! The ceiling was shaking and I could see the light fitment swinging like crazy. No surprise that the room above the lounge is the master bedroom!
Honest to God... I was so scared I almost 'had a wee accident' 🙄 and I started shouting up to the ceiling "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! Honest!"
Then, it was M who nearly had a wee accident___laughing__at me! And then the noise stopped and still laughing, M shouted up at the ceiling and what she said horrified me! She said "Caz is leaving in a minute! You can go with her if you like!"
I'm like "No no M! Don't tell it that!"
😟 So then she told me "Oh...don't worry! Nothing will follow you. It's me they like!"
But little did she know...
Too tired for any more tonight guys, but I should have more time tomorrow!

Mrs Ramsey... Thanks for posting! 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-05)
MrsRamsey, I see your point about covid and yes on a long list of reasons why it would be there, however, I've been noticing this trend for many years, half of the down votes would probably also be from children under 15.

SWS,Your father had good taste in music I often listened to all three of those Artist you'd mentioned. Actually, Blonde has a worse down vote stat than Louis Armstrong on one of her songs.
MrsRamsay (guest)
3 years ago (2021-03-05)
I'm hanging on your story too, so rooting for you to get it submitted!

On the "Wonderful World" thing, I wouldn't go immediately to "racism" but more to covid. So many people are so over the whole thing and mental health isn't in as good of shape as per normal times, so I think the downvotes are purely about... It's not a wonderful world to people who are hurting.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
3 years ago (2021-03-05)
Hello AussieDaz and MackNorton,

Sorry to intrude on your conversation, but I just clicked on your link AussieDaz to, 'what a wonderful world', and loved reminiscing to when my father was alive. He used to play Nat King Cole, Blondie, and Louis Armstrong a lot.

Hello Caz,
I haven't read all your comments so I can't get in on the conversation. (It looks interesting, and I'll try and read the comments from the start)

Once again, sorry to intrude, I just had to say thanks to AussieDaz for bringing back beautiful memories of my dad.

Hi AndyPandyTellEmGhosts,
I know this post is a few years old, but if you're still reading comments, I enjoyed your post.

Best wishes to all,
😘 ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Mack,I'd say a portion of it is racism, however it's not unusual to see many great classics and other sorts of kind enjoyable links from the most nicest peeps on the planet, be so heavily bombarded by keyboard warriors and Karma Trolls who have an issue with the content and apparently no life!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Holy Cow Daz! That's GOT to be simply racism right there...
What is wrong with people? 🤔
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Louis Armstrong received 9,800 down votes for this classic masterpiece "What a Wonderful World"... At the intermission, as Caz finds some time to pull the rest of her story together.

Sing it Louis (:
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
I'll chip in here too Caz. You've already shared so much of your experience, you have to complete it. You can't just leave everyone hanging! We want to read the whole thing. Half a story is not a story...

Come on now. 😊 Down votes; schmown moats, I say...
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Thank's Val! That's very kind of you, but don't you worry about me, because I'm not going too! 😊
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Don't worry Melda! I'm not that bothered about getting downvoted. It's their loss and I know you've been voting me up, so thanks for that and I've been voting you up too, but I know we can only vote for the same person so many times, then you have to vote for someone else! 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Caz, I'd only pay attention if you were getting a good deal of negative votes. 1 or 2 is NOTHING. Folks get bad hand eye coordination and click the wrong arrow, or any number of reasons. Or like Melda said, just being jerks. And you well know no matter how truthful we are there will ALWAYS be a doubter. So take heart and continue.
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Hi Daz, I haven't had the time to write anymore so far today, but if I can't, I'll make sure I do tomorrow! I think you've hit the nail on the head with the vortex by the way! That's where 'T' closed one in the walkin closet. In that very room!
See you soon!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Caz - Unfortunately we have one or two nasties on this site. I up-voted you every time so am now unable to vote for you again.

Please continue, I'm sure a number of us are enjoying your posts!

Regards Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-04)
Hi Caz, I'm still waiting to absorb your whole account, very interesting the part where the flash didn't work. It sound like some type of negative energy vortex? Anyway, please continue!
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-03)
Hi Val... Thank you so much for letting me continue! (HUGS) Sorry I never even thought to ask! In my own mind, I was just continuing the story of my sister's hauntings! This particular event happened around 2004 and I would've loved to submit it, but somehow I felt these stories weren't mine to submit, even though I was present on 3 occasions when things happened. Then this afternoon, I saw I'd been downvoted twice, so decided not to continue. No point in going on if people doubt what they're being told, so thank you!
The reason I'm speaking out now, is because my lovely sister M passed away with cancer, just short of two years ago and I know now she wouldn't mind!

Melda...Thank you for your comment! I'll continue as soon as I can!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-03)
Caz - I wasn't joking. I am enjoying following this thread 😊

Regards, Melda
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
3 years ago (2021-03-03)
I just want to interject here, I find it fascinating that there's actually an account that can be confirmed by a long standing member! 😊 Since it's confirmation, I'm letting it 'bend' the rules and be under this story instead of saying, 'Submit it!' VERY interesting, Caz.
Caz (342 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-03)
LOL no Melda! This is no joke! This was real and I was absolutely terrified and this entity wasn't finished with us yet! There's much more to come, but I'm pretty busy right now, so I'll post more when I can!
Thanks for commenting!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
3 years ago (2021-03-03)
Caz - I eagerly await the continuation of the serial every day. Is there a punch line?

Regards, Melda

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