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Can I Use Your Computer?


Years ago I rented a small studio apartment in Crawfordsville, Indiana. The building went back to 1900 and had served a number of purposes before being made into apartments. In the laundry room in the basement you could still see where an indoor pool had been filled in with concrete.

Essentially, my apartment was three rooms: the main room, a small kitchenette, and a small bathroom. The bathroom and kitchenette were back to back. The bathroom window looked out over the street and the kitchenette faced the hallway. There was another apartment on the corner, but it was empty.

I put in an over-the-toilet shelf and right away I noticed that things fell off of that shelf a lot. At first I just assumed the shelf was settling or simply not even. It was only that shelf that stuff fell off of. What was odd was the timing. I never came home to find stuff on the floor. Usually when stuff fell off, it was late at night when there was next to no traffic on the street. Next door was a church with a bell tower. Sunday mornings I was woken by the bells and vibration, but never lost any shampoo bottles then.

I would also come home to find the messenger program started on my computer. The desktop was set up to bring up messenger when the computer came out of sleep mode. I thought maybe heavy trucks were coming through during the day, but the computer was very difficult to wake up. It usually took me banging the mouse on the desk and hitting the space bar multiple times. The church bells didn't wake it up.

I mentioned where I lived to a coworker and she stated firmly that the building was 'so haunted!' According to her, the son of the original owner was a shiftless failure that ended up living in his mother's apartment building because he couldn't hold down a job to pay rent. When his parents died, he blew his brains out in a first floor apartment. I never saw them, but my friend claimed there were some bloodstains on the ceiling of that apartment that refused to be painted over.

On New Year's Eve I gave myself a Tarot reading to see what the new year would bring. Then I placed the cards back in their box and put them into a shelf in the closet. The shelves in the closet came right up to the door, so there was no way for something on a top shelf to fall to a lower shelf. A few days later I opened up the closet to see the Tarot cards on the bottom shelf. Instead of neatly folded like I had left them, they were fanned open in a 'pick a card, any card' formation next to the open box. They appeared to be in the same order as when I last used them. I put them back in their box and put them back on the proper shelf.

A few weeks later I stayed up late watching a movie. After it was done I tried to go to bed but a fire alarm on the first floor went off (common occurrence). I put on a bathrobe and schlepped outside to wait for the fire department. They came and cleared the building and I went back inside. At this point I was *very* tired so I flopped into bed. No sooner had my head hit the pillow then I hear a bottle fall off of the bathroom shelf, bounce off of the sink and clatter to the floor.

I yell, "I know you're here and that's fine! But I really want to sleep!" I don't hear anything, so I go to sleep. In the morning there was no bottle on the bathroom floor. Nothing ever fell off of that shelf for the rest of the time I lived there.

I continued to find my messenger window open when I came home. When friends questioned how I was checking in when I was supposed to be at work, I said, "Oh, it's just the ghost. Don't mind him!" One friend asked if I wasn't freaked out that a ghost was in my apartment. I said, "I gotta pay for 24/7 internet anyway; he might as well use it when I'm not here." After that, I came home to find the messenger window open nearly every day. My friends have cottoned on and actually teased the ghost in the messenger window even though they never got an answer. One day I got off of work early. When I opened my door I felt someone rush past me out into the hall. My computer was awake and the messenger window up.

Occasionally I would feel the ghost pass me in the hallway, but my main interaction was seeing my computer in use when no one was home. I really wish I had thought to check my internet history.

I wonder what I would have found...

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TessaTeddyBear1998 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
Ha! I wonder what the ghosts in my house do... But the ghosts in my house are dead minks. (where my house is there used to be a mink farm) But I have had at least one creepy story: Okay so I was 6 and I was swinging on our swingset listening to music on my new dora cd player. When out of the corner of my eye I see something. (note my sisters were inside as were my parents) what I saw was a figure. A black and white figure. It looked like my sister, exactly like her, what she was wearing that day what her hair looked like everything. Except it was black and white and this figure it looked like it was on our trampoline. And it looked as it was falling and it had it's hands held up like what you do when the police say put your hands where I can see them. And it was just falling forward and then it disappeared. Mind that this happened withen aprox. 15 seconds. And when I ran inside to tell my sisters the just told me that ghosts don't exist and I was seeing things. Now that I think of it I was seeing things. Yeah I saw a figure that looked like my oldest sister. 😨
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Haha What a relief! Thank you so much heathonacliff! Thought I was going cuckoo! ❤
SparklinBurgndy (6 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
[at] m15sterp1nk: LOL! That's one of those things you're afraid to google in case you find it!

[at] Casper: Yeah, I was reminded of it by another story, said it in the comments, then thought: Hey, I should submit that story...
Sherlogic (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
Speaking of ghosts messing with computers, I have had my laptop computer sitting on my bed, I'll walk away for food or a drink, come back and it'll be unplugged. No way it would do it on it's own. No pets around. There's been days I'll sit watching tv with it and I'll be sitting still, and it randomly come unplugged like someone's saying, "Get off the computer" This sort of thing generally happens at night after like 9pm. Although it has gone with my work schedule a couple of times. Like if I have to go to work at 3 am, it's being turned off at 6pm. If I restart it, it'll take 15 to 30 minutes before it's off again. And it can be a new, snug cord.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
heathonacliff - thank you for helping Casper out. Little things like that can definitely make a person think they're reading things that aren't there LOL.
heathonacliff (9 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
Casper, I think it has smth to do with this story+comments:

Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
Hey this is going to sound weird but I feel I have read this before even though I couldn't have as the story, 'Water Droplets' was the latest story to be added! Been getting a strong case of deja vu recently maybe that's it. But reading it last night on my phone, these are the parts I definately have read before:
I noticed that things fell off of that shelf a lot. At first I just assumed the shelf was settling or simply not even. It was only that shelf that stuff fell off of. What was odd was the timing. I never came home to find stuff on the floor. Usually when stuff fell off, it was late at night

I would also come home to find the messenger program started on my computer. The desktop was set up to bring up messenger when the computer came out of sleep mode. I thought maybe heavy trucks were coming through during the day, but the computer was very difficult to wake up. It usually took me banging the mouse on the desk and hitting the space bar multiple times. The church bells didn't wake it up.

One day I got off of work early. When I opened my door I felt someone rush past me out into the hall. My computer was awake and the messenger window up.

Now when I read a story, I read the title and the author (have never seen either before). Sorry for hijacking your story OP, I just felt really weird realising I had read parts of it before. And I always read a story fully so I'm really confused right now. 😕.

I will comment on your actual submission in a while. Sorry again for the intrusion.
MsWrestlersGhost (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)

Another awesome story... A ghost using you MSN... That just cracks me up... Mind you with some of the MSN conversations I have had a long time ago when I used to do that... Often were weird and made me wonder about the people I was talking too... There really were a few nuts out there... I wonder and wondered then if one or two were of the ghostly kind.

Maybe they were! 😲 It sure would explain alot. Lol.

Kind Regards,
m15terp1nk (2 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
Ghost p0rn. You would have found ghost p0rn. Lol. Good story. And interesting point from Leslie. I'm a skeptic, but assuming ghosts can in fact affect electronics then entire websites could be created by them. Information could be added and removed at will... And that is a creepy thought considering one of my experiences in this house... I'm going to go not sleep for a couple days now.
Leslie81 (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
Interesting. I've heard of people getting phone calls from ghosts and ghosts being heard on Skype. I would think the internet would be a relatively easy way for them to communicate. Words all typed out, not said aloud, so no ghostly voice to frighten people. A ghost could potentially have an entire conversation with someone and they'd never know. I'm from Indiana too, btw.:)

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