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My Best Friend's Ghost


This isn't one event, but a few different events all with the same (presumably) spirit/ghost/entity/whatever. This is my first story on this site, so excuse my poor writing skills. I am currently 17, living in Perth, Western Australia. The events in this post have occurred over the past few years since 2009. My close friend, K, has been "haunted" as long as she can remember. At the time in 2009, K lived the next suburb over from me, in a house with her mother, step-father and baby sister. The house was pretty old and creepy with dying grass out the front and back serving as the property's sole vegetation. At this time we went to the same high school.

She was home alone with her younger cousin (who was 13) one morning while her parents were out. Being typical young teenage girls they were dancing around the living room to Lady Gaga and taking videos and photos of themselves doing so. They used K's LG ' Web-slider' phone for the photo-taking (they were all the rage that year). That night K was looking through her phone and found that 3 of the photos had come up with a third "person" in them. The figure of a young girl, in what looks like an old styled white night gown had shown in the pictures, along with some form of "mist" in one photo. The girl was surprisingly clear, you can even make out her toes. The video of K dancing to "Poker Face" also showed up having what looked like a head sitting on a small table that had nothing on it when the film had been taken. The head was bouncing around wildly (then again, so was the camera-man - K's cousin).

K texted the photos and the video to me the next day at school and I've kept them ever since (actually the video was on my old phone, which is now my mums and I don't know if she's deleted it or not). She also told me she found a hand print on the glass door of the TV cabinet that was too big to be her baby sister's, but too small to belong to anyone else in the house. I'm going to send the photos in with this story and will block out K's face.

Now, I've shown the photos to enough skeptics in the time that I've had them to know that some of the responses I'm going to get will be "fake". I can't stop anyone from thinking they are a fake, hell, I would think they were fake if I didn't know K personally and hadn't had my own experiences with her "ghost". K didn't have a computer at the time, so she couldn't have used any Photoshop program to edit the pictures. Also the Web-slider is a pretty crappy phone and doesn't have that sort of program either. So I know that the photos are genuine and you can feel free to believe me or not, either way is OK.

I had never stayed the night at K's house before that, and didn't plan on it after, but fate had it some months later that our plans for the weekend relied on me sleeping at her place. It was CREEPY. To say the least. Floorboards creaked, doors slammed, footsteps ran up and down the hallway to K's bedroom door. I've always been one to be afraid of the dark, but K was casual as ever, telling me that it was like this every night and it didn't bother her. It was the first and last time I stayed there.

At the end of 2010 K and her mum had a fight, and K went to live with her grandparents in Dunsborough, a few hours south of Perth. I caught the bus down to visit her in mid-March 2011 for a week. Her grandparent's house has a long wooden veranda spanning the front length of the house, and K's room had a large window that faced the veranda. One night we went to an under-age disco/rave event and got home about 1am, where we put Happy Feet on the TV and K fell promptly asleep while I watched the movie. At about 2am I heard a knocking outside. I thought one of K's friends had come back from a party and was knocking on the front door, looking for her. I shook her awake to tell her but she waved me away and fell back into the pillow. The knocking continued, getting faster and faster until it sounded like a small child sprinting inhumanely fast up and down the front decking. I had sat up straight, frozen, staring at my feet, listening as the knocking started to intensify until it was coming from inside the walls, circling around the entire perimeter of the house. Then it stopped. The only sound now was the movie still playing on the telly, which I continued to watch seeing as though I wasn't getting to sleep any time soon. The entire episode had only lasted about 3 minutes. In the morning I told K about it and she told me it happened every few nights, and not to think too much about it.

The next time I caught the bus to Dunsborough to see K was September 2011, for her 16th birthday. We set up food and lights and music in the garage of her grandparent's house and all her friends from the town came around. It was about 1am when everyone left and K and I went to bed where we fell straight asleep almost instantly. A few hours later I woke up with an overwhelming sense of fear. My face was buried in the pillow and there was a voice in my head that told me DO NOT LOOK UP, WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT LOOK AROUND THE ROOM. Against the voice of better judgement, I turned my head to look to the corner of the room where I saw the figure of a girl standing with her body angled slightly away from me, facing K. The room was dark but the window allowed a streetlight to illuminate the outlines of the girls features. I didn't take much time to study her though as the feeling of sheer terror had yet to subside, and I dove back into the pillow and somehow fell back asleep.

Since then that is the last incident I had experienced, aside from one night K stayed at my house and I *thought* I saw a child run past my window, but I was lacking a lot of sleep and was probably imagining that. K has since moved back to Perth and lives with her boyfriend. I haven't asked her if she still experiences anything, though I will next time I see her.

I should also tell you K's mum told her that her family has a history of paranormal contact, and when she was a child she would often talk to someone when there was nobody in the room with her. She also once in 2009 -after taking the pictures- brought home a handmade Ouija board which her mum immediately disposed of. She never used the board.

My Best Friend's Ghost 1
My Best Friend's Ghost 2
My Best Friend's Ghost 3

Discussion is welcome, K has never inquired as to what the "girl" really is. We all think of her as a guardian, as she seems to watch over K. Any suggestions are welcome:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, tamsin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-03)
Jazzyq, I haven't heard from Rook since the last message so I'm not sure what the verdict on the photos is. Perhaps I should try to contact him, but I seem to have a case of the lazies:P
jazzyq (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
all I can say is wow very interesting indeed, is there any new information on the photos yet I can't stop looking at them they are very creepy and amazing thanks for sharing 😁 *jazzyq*
cutiepiecharlie (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-09)
this has happened to me once when I woke up I heard someone screaming I had no choice but nobody else heard it only I heard it
tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
Hi Rook,

No worries, I'm in no rush.

I saw K on Saturday and told her about what you're doing and she's really excited to hear the results.
She was hesitant at first, the pictures make her uncomfortable.
She said that things are still happening in her home (she now lives in Perth with her boyfriend). Her boyfriend has experienced strange things as well now, such as the overwhelming feeling of someone being in the room with him when he's alone. They quite often hear someone walking around the room when they are in bed or sitting on the couch.

I showed her the differences in the 'girls' dresses, and the possibility that it may be two entities. She was really surprised that she hadn't noticed it before.

Thanks for your help, hopefully your friend gets back to you soon.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Sorry its taking so long. My friend is prepping to go to 'Flip side' and has not had a chance to look at the pictures yet. I will update this as soon as I get an answer from her.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-13)

Rook is fine here, though if you prefer to be more formal you can use my first name. Or if were off on a 'lark' I'll respond to Puff Bayram as well (long story there... LoL 😉)

I will see if I can zoom in and save the pictures on both regular and inverted versions of the pictures. I will also attempt to circle the areas I am talking about.

As far as that straight line in photo 2458 goes think of it like this... You cut a picture from one photo and glued it onto another one and then colored in the edges to make it match the other pictures background, but you missed some small spots. These spots... At least with digital pictures... Are the 'white areas' along that straight line you see in the picture.

I'm at work right now so it will be tomorrow or the next night before I can post those 'zoomed in' shots. I'll let you know when they are up in Photobucket.

To be honest, I would like for these to be REAL... That would be incredible... I guess that's why I'm looking at them so hard... So that any doubts can be countered because the pictures have been analyzed completely... If I knew a Photo expert I'd ask them in a heartbeat... Alas I do not... I do know a wonderful photographer, which is who I am waiting a response from.


tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-13)
Chips, I have no idea what these "ghost apps" you speak of are, do you have a link the photo it remind you of? My curiosity is piqued now 😊

PS. [at] Rook, I forgot to mention in the previous post; so far nobody has replied to the question on Yahoo regarding the phone, which is disappointing, but there's still one day left for answers.
chips (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-13)
I may be well wrong here but the figure in the photos seem to remind me of another picture I have seen lately using one of the downloadable "Ghost apps"

These apps are the curse of anybody who study pictures looking for paranormal activity. As I said the pictures seem to remind me of one of these apps, I seriously hope I'm wrong though.
tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-13)
Hi Rook (or Garrett, which do you prefer to be called here?)

Thankyou for the link, I'm going to break down my answer to match yours to make reading easier.

Photo 2456: To be really honest I don't see the larger pixels in the inverted image, or the rectangular block that you mentioned. Of course we have to keep in mind I have *no idea* about analyzing photos, and it's very hard to be taught when communication through this sort of messaging is so limiting.

Photo 2457: Again I don't see the difference in pixels. I'm starting to think that I'm looking at this completely wrong. However I can kind of see how K looks different to the rest of the picture. I don't see the point at which the door frame is distorted, maybe blurred a bit near the top? I can see the solidity of the spirit that you spoke of, but unsure of what that means.

Photo 2458: Now this one I can see what you're talking about. That line with the breaks in it is quite clear, but again, I don't quite understand the technicalities of manipulating a photo so I'm not in 100% understanding, though I can grasp the general concept of what you're saying.

Thankyou so much for putting the time into this. I'm not sure at this point where you stand on these pictures, but these "little things" have at most confused me. I hate to seem a stubborn mule but I'm not convinced just yet that the images have been manipulated. I agree with you though that "those 'little things' that make me wonder".
I'm eagerly awaiting a deeper opinion from the friend that's yet to get back to you.

I think, just for your knowledge, that I should say that K did not actually have access to an editing program at the time, and I swear that she didn't have the knowledge to pull off manipulating a photograph. Of course I can't prove that to you or any one else, I'm really just trying to justify why it's so hard for me to disbelieve. I hope you understand.

(For the record, I promise not to beat you, lol!)

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-13)

My personal check of these photos is done... Let me break it down... I have also placed these in/on photo bucket and will provide a link to that album.

Photo 2456: There are places with-in the photo where the pixels look like they may have been manipulated. It is easier to see in the inverted image... Zoom in and look at the 'spirits' foot/feet...the pixel's do not seem to match (appear larger) than the ones that 'make up' K's body. Not only that if you look at the 'spirits' face where it appears between K's body and her elbow there is a rectangular block of pixels that appear as if they may have been 'placed' back into the picture.

2457: This one... Well this one I am still unsure about. If you download the photo... Please ask the O/P before doing so... Once downloaded zoom in real close to K...all of the pixels that comprise her 'seem' larger than those in the rest of the photo... You can not zoom in close enough in Photobucket to see this... It looks almost like K was overlaid another photo... The 'mist' over the 'spirits' head also seems to distort the door frame behind the 'spirit', not to mention the 'spirit' is not see through... I know apparitions can appear solid...I'm just not sure about this photo.

2458: The spirit in this one appears to have a straight edge down its right side (left side of the picture as we look at it). This line has 3 BREAKS in it that appear as if the color was not filled in along a 'cut and paste' line. Again in this photo there are places where the pixels appear to be of different sizes than other places in the photo... To me this gives an appearance of manipulation.

One of the individuals I asked to look at these, once he answered me, gave me a dismissive answer...'You can tell the were manipulated, just look at the 'edges' of the 'spirit' they appear air brushed... But he would not discuss it further with me. So much for a lesson on analyzing pictures from him. 😕

The other individual I have asked has yet to get back with me... I hope they give me a better answer.

Even with what I have pointed out, I am unsure about these pictures. I'd really like them to be real... But there are those 'little things' that make me wonder.

Here's the link... There is only the one album, Tamsin please do not beat me... You will see the originals and inverted versions of same.



Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-12)
Can't wait to read more comments on this story, it's a truely great read, thank you all especially Rook & Tamsin.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-10)

Thanks for that.

I am still waiting to hear back from a friend concerning the pics. It may be sometime this week-end before I get an answer. Thanks for your patience.


Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
Dear rook and tamsin,
Since no one answered rook's question, I think it would be nice what tamsin plans to do. It would reach a larger no of people.
About the phones having wrong date;tamsin is right about one thing that the phones showed wrong time when dropped or if the sim cards were taken out. But the part where rook said that they keep their time in sync with the network or through the internet, he got that correct. So whatever wrong date we feed in, a mobile phone would always correct itself. I have owned several sets myself for at least 10 years now. And every time, I have had the same experience.

tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
Hi Rook,

I think I'm going to post that question about the phone on Yahoo Answers and see what people say, because I think we'd get a much quicker answer there. I'll link you to it when people have answered.

But as far as I know, don't most phones come with the wrong time/date? I used to have to reset the date/time every time my old Nokia's and LG got dropped and they'd default to a random time that was always a few years beforehand. Perhaps the date the phone was made?:S Just as a guess...
I thought only smartphones had the time connected to the network? That's my experience anyway. I could be wrong

Tamsin 😳
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)


Any ideas as per my question below?

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-08)

Thank you...I'm not sure... Most phones get their date and time from the 'network' they are activated on... At least I have never had a cell phone that I had to set the time and date for. But... You know what I do not know that much about the phone in question... So let's ask...

Has anyone ever owned an LG 'Web-slider' phone? If so are the date and time 'programmable' for the camera function?

All I can tell you about the dates and times is that they are consistent between 3 different programs that display the 'Exif Data' that is recorded when the pictures are taken.


tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-07)
Hi Rook

Concerning the date, I may have been wrong in saying it was 2009. I know they were taken while I was at my first high school, which I stayed at for 2008-2009. I may have gotten the date wrong of when she showed them to me but if that date is saying March 2008 I don't think that could be right at all. In March 2008 K had long, straight, thick blonde hair that reached half way down her back with no layers. She had it cut to the shorter layered style in the pics late in 2008, so I don't see how those photos could have been taken in March. This doesn't make sense to me:/ Could the date of the phone have been wrong?
The 4am time I also cannot explain, from what I can remember they were taken sometime mid-morning/early afternoon.

I hope that helps at all.
Thankyou for taking the time to look at these.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-07)

Time for more questions...

How sure are you concerning the date that these pictures were taken?

You stated: "The events in this post have occurred over the past few years since 2009. My close friend, K, has been "haunted" as long as she can remember. At the time in 2009, K lived the next suburb over from me..."

Yet data from the pictures say this...

"Date/Time Original 2008:03:18 04:02:12"

'Early' in the morning (your words) is a bit of an understatement 0400 (ish) is very early...

Next you mentioned the type of 'phone/camera' used and that matches the data found...

You stated: "They used K's LG ' Web-slider' phone for the photo-taking (they were all the rage that year)."

The Web Slider phone does (did at that time) use a KS360 camera which is the type of 'camera' used according to the Exif Data.

Still reviewing other 'data' and will keep you posted.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-07)
I liked your story. The pictures are great. Did K ever find out who the spirit (s) is/are?
I bet it scared K and her cousin when they saw what they caught on the camera.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-07)
I have a few questions for you. The photos were taken with a digital camera or a cell phone camera? It was already said the camera was placed on something so I'm guessing it was a digital camera? In your story you said she took the pictures with her camera phone. I wasn't aware you could prop your phone like that but I'm behind the latest technology, so there's my confusion I guess.

And the other thing, and please don't take offense to this... But with my cell phone, I have to crop my pictures before I can send them to anyone because the size is to large to send. Could this be a possibility?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-07)

If these pictures prove to have been 'altered' that does not refute your personal experiences.

If these pictures prove to be altered it may be because 'K' was so desperate to show someone what she was experiencing was real she went 'above and beyond' just to get someone off her back.

We do not know for sure either way yet but either way, when this is done, you can go to your friend and say one of two things...

The pictures were examined and no signs of tampering were found OR The pictures were examined and they seem to have been altered, what's up with that?

I will keep you posted... I hope sooner than later... To anything I can find out. Thanks again for sharing and your patience.


tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)
Oh, Ari, I'm sorry, I think I wasn't clear enough...
Entertaining the notion that they were tampered with makes me upset, not that rook is doing his best to obtain all the answers.

I love the fact that he's going ahead with the nitty-gritty to work out these pictures. It's something I would never have had done. I'm not upset by criticism/scepticism - but the chance that there's proof it's not real, and then how do I explain everything that's happened? It just scares me to be confused like that. I've been so sure for a very long time that what I believe in is true. I have a lot of beliefs based around and these events and pictures.
I think being 'afraid' of a possible outcome is quite different to getting riled up about scepticism.

Of course I applaud you all for questioning and holding doubts. Please don't take what I said to mean I'm going to throw a temper fit if you tell me I've believed in something that's false, I won't. I can accept it if you find it to be tampered with but I will be quietly upset still.

All the best
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)
Dear tamsin,
Please do not be upset. That is my humble request.

Don't you feel it is customary to check and recheck the authenticity of anything we see/hear,esp on the net, before accommodating it into our belief, or before accepting it as a proof?
Wouldn't you do the same if you were in our position?

I am sure roodygin doesn't intend to hurt your emotions towards K,and neither do I.We are just checking.
And we might need your help.
Thanks for replying.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)

I'm still checking to see if they were actually tampered with or if it has something to do with the different phones/cameras it been sent to... The 'altered finding' may be something as simple as the 'file type' was changed and not anything in the actual pictures.

I asked if you had posted the originals, as they had been sent to you because you had 'blacked out' K's face on the pic's you submitted to YGS... And that would also register as an alteration.

I am going to check the picture 'layers' as multiple layers can also be a 'tell' if a picture as been altered using an editing program.

Thanks for your patience. This would be such a 'coup' if these are actually the real deal...


tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)
Hi Rook

Yes those files are the same one's she sent me in 2009.
She sent them originally from her Webslider to my Nokia E71, then I gave that phone to my mum and got an identical Nokia E71 for myself.
I sent the pictures from the first to the second Nokia via bluetooth.
Then last year I got an iPhone and texted the photo's from the E71 to the iPhone. I used that iPhone to upload them to photobucket.

As far as I know the files on photobucket have not been altered in any way.
I don't know much about photo analysis so I'm not sure what meta data is:/ But does this mean that they *definitely* have been altered? It doesn't make sense at all to me if they have, given what I've experienced myself and how long I've know K... I'm really quite upset/confused at the notion.

Thanks, Rook

- Tamsin
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)

Again thank you for sharing. I understand these pictures are not yours so you are passing along the experience as it was shared with you but I have to ask a question...

When the 'meta' data of the pictures is examined it shows the pictures have been altered in some way... My question is this...

The photos in photo bucket are the originals, correct? Just the way you received them, no alterations that you know of?

Thanks in advance...


ASH4321 (1 stories) (22 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-02)

The photos are pretty good (Real). If it is two spirits they could be twins hahaha

Ash 😁
bigalmkal (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-01)
good story thanks for sharing:) also photos look real to me!
tamsin (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-01)
[at] Andreaa11
No worries, it's my pleasure having them up here for everyone to see. They've been gathering dust, so to speak, in my phone memory for some time.

I don't think that they/she haunt the property, unless they/she left the property and followed K to her new town. I always thought that a spirit attached to a piece of property would always remain with that land, rather than attach to a new person and follow them.
It is my view that they are attached to K herself.
Yes I think due to their age and dress they wouldn't be lost sisters of hers, but maybe deceased ancestors? I don't know any details but apparently her family has a history of spiritual activity.
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-01)
Sorry Tamsin for misspelling your name! And yes it is a good possibility that these entities maybe sisters. This opens countless possibilities!...because they could be her spirit guides, miscarried or deceased sisters of the mother, but judging by the nightgowns maybe they haunted the grounds the house stood on? Or did they know her from a past life? So many questions that may never be answered: (Thank you so much for this great piece of evidence!

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