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My Dog: My Best Friend


So my brother, bestest friend and bestest dog in the whole wide world sadly passed away last December 21-12-12 (the day the world was predicted to end and did, for me). I guess he was old at 15 and had a bad cough but he was very playful and fit; he'd be taken for long mountain walks nearly every day, so I was stunned it happened. He slept in my room and my mother found him that morning unmoving under my bed. When she woke to tell me something was wrong, I didn't think much of it as he was often in a deep sleep so I thought he would snap out of it. I crawled under my bed to him and felt his paw which was limp. My parents shouted at him to wake, but nothing.

Christmas wasn't the same without him, was moping around and crying a lot. I dream about him every night since and think about him every waking moment constantly throughout the day. Nothing happened for a few weeks (except for frequent creaks in the floorboards) but fortunately, lately it has. I often see black and white (his fur colour) flashes around the room I'm in. I was in the kitchen making tea a few days ago, and I turned toward the fridge to collect the milk and I swore I saw my Ricky lying down in his bed as always! I blinked and nothing there. I really hope it was him. A few nights ago, I was in bed reading when all of a sudden, I heard a great crash right beside me! I looked over and down to see my bottle of orange which had been there on the floor quite a while, had somehow toppled onto the heater. In my mind, it was Ricky making his way under the bed (he often knocked things over being partially blind).

According to my parents, the other dog, Brownie senses his friend is still around as he looks back at nothing and waits on their walks. He wasn't eating within the first few weeks but has now gotten his appetite back immensely, would like to think its because his friend has found his way back home.

Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Casper_the_ghost, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-18)
I'm SOOOO sorry for your loss Casper. When I read through the comments of your account of "My Dog the Illusionist" and got to the one about your dog passing my heart went out to you. I thought I had lost my Rosie but to make a long story short I found her locked in a closet 3 days later. (for a little dachshund she's amazingly quiet and wouldn't squeak if you stepped on her) I can empathize with the pain you felt after your loss and do sincerely hope you are beginning to feel better. Just know he is with you always wherever you are.
hunting_for_answers_ (2 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
He is definitely still with you, and I am so jealous. I have a dog--her name is Ko Ko Puff--and I have such a strong bond with her. Your bond with your dog reminds me very much of our bond. She's been with me since the start of middle school and I have now graduated high school. Some dogs and other pets are just so special that they don't leave us, even in death. What you are experiencing is wonderful, enjoy it, and be thankful. I am sure that he is with you! It's bitter sweet, but it's wonderful and shows how much you loved each other and how much your souls connected. (sorry for being mushy!) 😭 😆 ❤
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-16)
Thank you Zeta, you have made me realise he is always with me even now. He is in the garden and I have roses, daffodills and a mixture of wild flowers on his resting place. I go down there to talk to him often.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-20)

One more comment. I can sincerely empathize with you about your beloved dog. Ricky was more than a dog, he was a friend and part of the family. Please believe me when I say that my beloved dog did come back to visit me. It made me realize that "dogs do go to heaven" or wherever the next world is. I know how sad you feel but remember, you have plenty more to do in this world. I think you must realize after reading over the comments, majority of posters believe you because they have experienced similar happenings.

Do you have a place of memorial for Ricky? Either a burial spot, a place in your house with his picture, a favorite spot of his outside? Go there when you can and talk to Ricky. You will feel much better. Once again, very sorry for your loss. I lost my dog a long time ago and still think about her and even dream about her. I know she's around just like I know Ricky is around you.

Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-17)
NeckHudson, I understand and this is a great place to seek the truth on paranormal events. I just thought and hoped I'd get the comments I'd like to hear on account of being outwardly suicidal about my dog's passing.

Thanks to everyones comments, I haven't been myself or on a lot recently. I do appreciate everyones thoughts. Thanks again. 😊
babyjayden7 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
OMGOSH I cried when I read your story: (Im so sorry for your loss and understand your pain when it comes to losing a dearly beloved animal (family member). I lost my Chihuahua a few years ago through a tragic situation and I have not felt his presence but dreamed about him once when I asked God to show me a sign that he was ok, that's when I had my dream. I haven't dreamt of him since though it hurts my heart I know he is in a better place. It such a blessing that you can be comforted by your best friends presence:) Thank you for sharing your story.
Gargoyle (51 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
Sorry to hear about Ricky. I usually think twice about reading the animal stories as I have lost 2 great dogs myself.
I trained with my first Guide Dog in 1988 called Max. When he retired, he went to live with my parents and I am sure that he is still there on occasion going by the way my current dog, Nessie behaves. I lost my 2nd dog, Brett a couple of years ago and although I am not sensitive I think that my wife is and she had a number of dreams where I am sure that Brett was letting us know that he was happy.
As for dogs coming back... Why not? They are intelligent beings and are no more or less important than we are. In fact, this is something I don't often admit but one of the reasons I decided to train with a dog was that I was really sick of people banging me off of lamp posts etc!
You can trust dogs not to do that... Well not unless they mean it!
Anyway, I still miss Max after all these years and Brett too.
I think that Ricky has been letting you know that he can still be around and that he is OK.

beer_DC_NugZ (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
Sorry for your loss... The presence of my parents Yorkshire terrier that I grew up with can still be felt when I go over... Its a good feeling to know tippy is still there to protect my mom an dad 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)

I'm not sure where you've been searching but I've studied these spirits/souls a bit... They are from Jewish folklore... Here is a definition from an on-line source as well as some other links...

Dybbuk: A wandering soul believed in Jewish folklore to enter and control a living body until exorcised by a religious rite.


Here is another link:


And just because so many people look to it for 'first references'...


Of course, to civer all bases here is one more...


There are many, many more... Just gotta type the word in the search box... 😉


flyclarinet (1 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
It's so sad what happened to your puppy. (I know he isn't really a puppy that much, but I call even large dogs puppies sometimes. Haha) I'm glad that you may be in contact with him still, and Brownie is too.:D
NeckHudson (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
Oh and have you heard of a dybbuk? Can't find any info on the subject.
NeckHudson (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
Thanx I'll check it out. This subject is starting to intrigue me. Ill get back to you after I read it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)

I've had an experience or two with animal spirits and it seems to me that its not unfinished business that brings them back for any length of time but the unconditional love that can be shared between them and their owners.

Its this love that has either created an environment in which a 'residual impression' has been left OR that brings them back as they try to comfort or protect/warn us as they did in life. I include a link to my 'experiences' with two of our cats... And issue a tissue warning, just in case...



NeckHudson (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
No not insensitive, just not just the opinion you wanted to hear. I just think a different way. This is supposed to be a melting pot of information from all ends of the spectrum... I just think that animals do grow attached to people in life but lack some of the qualities that make a human mind and spirit unique from other forms of life. Again just my two cents. Take it or leave it. Happy trails.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
Hi Casper the ghost, I'm so sorry for your lost. I believe that a bond between mankind and his best friend can never be broken-not even in the afterlife. Your best friend is still around. My deceased 'Seuntjie' is also still around and I don't think me or my husband will ever completely get over his death. We learned to live with it but still having a hard time to get over it. Take care my friend. It's never easy to lose a beloved pet that is so dear to us. Trix. ❤
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Hi Casper the ghost.
I can understand your greivence. I have a dog who is old and going to go at anytime. I do think dogs can come back in spirit form. If humans can, why not animals. I belief animals have spirits too. I have another dog who was inseperable from our cat. When our cat disappeared she was depressed and constantly looking for her best friend, so I think animals have feelings for each other too. And I also can attest that dogs are like our kids, after all, they depend on us for love, food, and everything else, just like our kids.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Thanks again for all your nice, uplifting messages. Except you NeckHudson of course. I know it is Ricky. Unfinished business? He wants to be with his owner, and I firmly believe if anyone in the afterlife needs to be with someone so badly in this world, they can be. Also, I find your comment insensitive when I have admitted being extremely low over this. 😠
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
That's awsom. Yup, it sounds like your best friend won't leave his buddies high and dry, but he has to make sure you guys are OK.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
I have no doubt in my mind that your beloved best friend, Ricky, came back to let you know he was okay and to check on you. I differ from some of the other posters about dogs coming back. I actually lost my dog after having her for seventeen years... On Christmas morning in my arms no less. She made a couple of stops back into this world to let me know she was okay and to check on me.

Sorry for your loss. He was a good friend for a long time and I am sure you will never forget him. ❤

JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
Im soo sorry for your loss... I know how hard it is, I just lost my dog a couple months ago and she was like my daughter! I think this is your Ricky doing things so you know he's there...
NeckHudson (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
I tend to believe animals do not become ghosts. What unfinished buisness could an animal have? But I digress just my 2 cents.
zombie_killer_of_india (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-10)
very heart touching story but good to fell he loves you how much you love to him.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-10)
Thank you so much for the comments especially Sabastian and lady-glow (thank you too boni, but would like to think he is still here). It feels so good to hear another person confirm what I want to hear. I shouldn't say it on here, but thought I could get through it, finding the will to live extremely hard. Sorry.
SebastianRaynes73 (2 stories) (31 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-10)
Capser The Ghost, a bond formed between human a mans best friend is a bond that even death can't break. I think Ricky was lucky to have such a good long life with you and your parents. So much so that not long after he had to pass over he came back in spirit so that you knew he was still there for you all. And his friend Brownie, your other dog can see and sence him and that's why Brownie still waits for Ricky on those walks. Your so lucky to still have him around you. Ricky will be around for you as long as you still need him there.

Im starting to worry about my dog Louie, he is getting very old. I'm wondering if he will show up after he's gone. Like your Ricky was he can't see so well anymore and sometimes knocks things over too. I did grow up with a cat called "Minx" who was often seen after she passed away by myself and my brother Charlie. I wonder if the owners that have lived and ones that now do see Minx since my family sold the house.

I hope you get to enjoy Ricky and that he stays around for a little while for you to still be able to love and enjoy for a little while longer.

boni (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-10)
I'm sorry for your loss, pets always have a special place. I however don't think it's so much a ghost as it's your brain depicting images and would be images of him so that you can work through your loss since you obviously miss him very much. 😁
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-09)
I'm sorry for your loss. 😢
I think Ricky is still around taking care of you and, at the same time, letting you know that he is fine.
Thank you for sharing.

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