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Mirror Shadow Spirit


Often, in the middle of the night, I have to get up to go to the bathroom. I am 15 weeks pregnant, and since I've been close to my 2nd trimester, I have been experiencing paranormal activity. This may due to some increase in hormones, or because being pregnant means getting up more often in the middle of the night. I've always had strong spirituality, and this wasn't my first experience with spirits, but since I've been pregnant, these experiences have been occurring more often.

It was around 2am, and I woke up with my boyfriend, Tyler, sleeping next to me. I had to go to the bathroom. The room was strangely darker then usual which was weird because my eyes should have adjusted to the light because of the hours I had been in the room. I started feeling anxiety because I knew I needed to get up and get to the toilet soon. But my strange irrational feeling wouldn't let me.

Because of my past experiences with ghosts, I knew that dealing with this alone gave a greater chance I might encounter something. I've always been able to sense the energy to a room, and this is how I knew something was coming. So, I woke Tyler up, "I'm scared, something doesn't feel right", I said. He groggily said, "Babe, it's alright. Just go back to sleep."

Knowing he wasn't going to help me, I got up and hurried to the light switch in the room. I flipped it on and got momentary relief. Then, I opened the door, and darkness surrounding me. I quickly turned on the kitchen and hallway light that leads to the bathroom. My heart was beating in my throat with the unease that I felt.

My bathroom has always been creepy and it makes me feel uneasy. This is because of the mirrors that surround it. There is a closet that takes up half a wall, that is across the toilet and sink, and it's a mirror closet. My experiences with ghosts have always made me paranoid with mirrors, and has taught me that spirits use them as a means of travel or maybe as some kind of hiding place, so I tend to avoid contact with them at night. There is a closet mirror of the same kind in our bedroom across from our bed.

Nothing happened in the bathroom, but the feelings of unease rose in my gut. When I was finished I washed my hands, and wet my face with cold water, trying to cool down the anxiety that I felt. When I returned to our room, Tyler was awake because of the lights, and causally looking at his cellphone.

I rolled my eyes, shut off the lights in the kitchen and hallway, and scrambled to our room to shut and lock the door. He laughs at me saying sarcastically, "You're not scared." I quickly shut off the bedroom light and ran to our bed, stumbling over the clothes on the ground.

"God that sucked", I said, laughing about the irrational feeling. "Something just doesn't feel right, can we sleep with the light on tonight?", I asked. "No, babe, everything is fine. Just close your eyes and go to sleep. I'll be up for a little bit so you don't have to worry."

I let out a big sigh and closed my eyes for about 5 minutes before I open them to look around the room because of a sudden feeling of panic in my chest. First, I see Tyler still on the phone. Then across from our bed I see a tall shadow standing in front of our mirror. I stare at it for a couple of minutes to try to convince myself it was just my eyes, or that it was because I was just asleep. I kept blinking, telling myself it would go away. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed to wake up fully.

The shadow figure was tall, and bulky. It held one arm up in the air and looked as though it was holding on to something, but I couldn't tell what.

I looked back up and the shadow had moved close to the bed before my very eyes. Startled, I jumped, looked away, and said, "Tyler, turn on the lights!" Still seeing it in the corner of my eye, Tyler runs to the lights and flips the switch. The shadow is gone. I said, "Did you see it?" His face was white and he told me he didn't see anything, but said we'd sleep with the lights on for the night.

I felt very uneasy for the rest of the night, feeling like something was watching me. However, in a few hours I fell back asleep.

The next morning he told me he did see it. He just wanted me to be able to get some sleep for the night. He said he saw it before I did, but didn't want to alarm me, because he knows of my past with spirits, and he's lived in a house where he experienced much himself.

This is why he kept the lights on, instead of shutting them off, and telling me to go back to sleep. Before I said the spirit was holding something, Tyler said that he thought the thing the spirit was holding was a knife. I couldn't tell what it was holding, but his intake scared me deeply.

It was a scary experience, and hopefully I don't see the spirit again.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Night_of_Nyx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

KatalinaMesaru (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-17)
I feel you on being afraid of mirrors. When I was younger my friend thought that it would be a good idea to play Bloody Mary (which is true by the way) she ended up getting scars and Mary followed her for a while. My advice, either get those mirrors off or cover them with a sheet to take your mind off them. Put juniper branches on both sides of all doorways and line your windows with salt. Most importantly GET THE HOUSE CLEANSED! Have any of your family members have ever been to Europe, if so. Did the shadow have a top hat? Put a cross by your bed and put the bible under your pillow.
Mercy13 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-14)
I don't like mirrors at all!
Especially what happened to me when I was young. 😳
MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-14)

I have the same fear of mirrors! I feel you on this one! I'm sorry that you've had such a terrible scare. I'm glad, however your boyfriend saw it, too. So you wouldn't have felt so alone, but it's nice he waited until morning so you could get some rest... Enjoy all the sleep you can now!:)

I had a feeling the thing that spirit was holding was a knife (tremble). Have you thought about perhaps cleansing the house? There are many methods. I'm sure you've seen Rook's so that's always an excellent option.

I hope that you nor your boyfriend encounter this spirit again. I've heard pregnant women are more sensitive to the paranormal. I wish you the best with your pregnancy... And many blessings for a happy healthy baby!:) 😁
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-14)
I'm going out on a limb here and just saying that I think this is an anxiety attack or something. No offense, but it just doesn't really sound right to me. But then again, I wasn't there.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
Oh Val!

You are a darling! 😳 But you overestimate me, don't you think!

Dear Miracles51031,

Thanks for coming to the rescue.❤

Dear BadJuuJuu,

Thanks for the support. 😊

Dear Bluerose19,

You okayed me! With a smile too!Grateful!

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
YOU are not stupid. Maybe your mouse was confused or the connection iffy - but you are never ever 'stupid'.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
Blue, I read that and gave it +1 just now. It's always nice to see someone explain what they believe, without putting down what someone else believes.
And just for the record, I've accidentally voted down instead of up before. Lack of hand-eye coordination. 😭
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
Ari - you beat me to it 😊 I was just getting ready to explain that sometimes people make mistakes and hit the wrong arrow. I've done it before and have apologized for my mistake. It's not always the case, as we know, but sometimes it is.

Everyone has a different reason for giving points. Some give/take points based on whether or not they agree with your advice; some take points away if they don't understand what you've said; still others give or take points away based on what you said to or about someone else, not on your advice; some use the point system to stir up trouble; and there are others who probably don't even know what it's for.

I could go on and on about the point system because it's been a basis for hard feelings around here for years, but I'd really rather not drag this on any longer.
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
Valkicry: Oh thank you so much friend, for finding that interesting 😊

Sceptic-Ari: Oh...!...hmmmm...Okay...Okay... 😊
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
Dear Bluerose19,

An honest mistake.
I Accidentally clicked there instead of someplace else. Since my network was slow, I never realised that I had made any difference.

I am stupid.
"Stupid is, as stupid does"

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
I read the comment you spoke of and have no idea why it was voted down. I thought it was interesting.
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-13)
Its both surprising and disappointing how my last comment was voted down, when all I commented was about what precautions we Hindus take during a woman's pregnancy! 😢 That definitely gives me a point to think... Nowhere I commented any negative about other's faith! 😐
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-12)
Hi night of nyx,
Nice to see you. I am indian and paganism is very congruent with hinduism.
We hang leaves of holy trees over our doors when a female is expecting. Would a talisman of cloth containing wheat grains help?
I share bluerose'S Beliefs.
Peace.Praise CERNUNNOS

Night_of_Nyx (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-11)
[at] zzsgranny Thank you so much! This helps out a lot! Warmest blessings to you! =)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-11)
N_O_N: Here's a link to smudging without smoke, just posted on facebook by a friend this morning LOL. Hope you can use it! 😊

Night_of_Nyx (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-11)
Before I was pregnant I usually blessed the house with sage. I am pagan, with traditions from my Cherokee ancestors. However I can't do this when I am pregnant because smoke is harmful to the baby. However I do wear a stone of amethyst to ward off evil. Evil can't touch me but that doesn't stop it from watching and stalking me. The curtains are a good idea since I can't remove the mirrors because I live in an apartment. Thanks for all the help everyone. Warmest blessings.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-11)
Night_of Nyx;
Here's a suggestion for those mirrors that are creeping you out. I assume you are renting, since you do not simply have them removed? Install a small curtain rod over the top of the mirror and hang a curtain over it. You can easily push the curtain aside to gain access, but the mirror will no longer be visible to creep you out.
If the shadow had been holding a knife, I think that would have been clear to you also. Because you couldn't tell what it was, the boyfriend's mind could have simply filled in that detail for him. Of course, I can't be sure - I wasn't there.
Perhaps someone else can help you with the shadow aspect as I've little to no knowledge on them.
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-11)

Just to tell you, I follow Hinduism. I don't know about others but according to our faith, during pregnancy, a woman has to be very, very careful and serious about taking care of herself not only physically, but even spiritually. During pregnancy, one has to avoid doing certain things like going out after sunset, staying alone in the dark. A very new and tiny life (baby) is growing inside your womb- it spiritually means a growth of new energies is taking place inside you/your house and any kind of negative energies (apart from evil spirits) have the inclination to use them to derive their energies/powers from. It is also said that a pregnant woman should be wearing protections like God/Goddesses Taveez (talisman),threads and must keep Holy books like Bhagwat Geeta beside them, keep reciting hymns like Hanuman Chalisa (a Holy recital) etc. They say doing these keeps the negative energies and evil spirits away. Of course as I said,that's according to our faith and I don't know about others.Personally,I feel you should definitely take care of yourself as both you and your boyfriend have seen a malicious spirit (shadow holding a knife) with the intention of harming you.

Take care. God Bless.
she_28 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-11)
We believed that a child in the womb is not considered a life until the mother gave birth. It is not unusual for a pregnant mom to experience paranormal things, like seeing shadows/ghosts or other entity. Just imagine how many spirits waiting to get in the child's body in your womb and take possession of it. Believe it or not, it does happen.
Pregnant women are highly sensitive on what's happening to her surrounding. Use your sensitivity to protect yourself and your baby. Be strong enough to face what's bothering you or what's scaring you. Never ever show them that you are scared.
Jeneva (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-11)
Hey guys I gotta say something REALLY IMPORTANT. Did you know that 3rd eyes are strong among Females than Males? I don't know why BUT did you know that this "gift" CAN PASS THROUGH GENERATIONS and can also SKIP A GENERATION? Be careful of your baby especially if it's a girl! So Men should listen and believe what Females saw or the next time your husband will be in terror if he saw another ghost that is near to him. And if you like why not get those mirrors off?
XxFrostwolfxX (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-10)
Ohh and reply back keep me/us updated please! I would surely appreciate it
XxFrostwolfxX (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-10)
I'm not a professional at giving advice but... Oh my god are you okay? I feel so bad... That's a horrible thing to experience I had something like that happen to me. I was like 8 years
of age And watching tv at 3 am so it was a new show and my mom was sleeping next to me. I. Thought I saw someone so I looked to my right an there was a black figure looking at me like leaning over the doorway... It... Was an old ranch house... Also when I saw it I awkwardly went up to the door and closed it. I don't know why it may have been a reaction: 30 minute later I opened the door and it was gone... Since I was smart I took salt and a cross which I believed to work and made like a line with the salt by my doorway... (Not a lot but sprinkles work) and put the cross by your bed and / or by the doorway and I had no problems since:... If the cross Ever goes upside down (not to scare you) get a local priest to bless the house... I'm sorry I'm not of much use but your story intrigues me... I know it scares you... Get a nightlight... Or that may be bad bad because more shadows? Or light candles? Incense? Rosemary works I heard. Also last option or I'f you want pray it helps... It's 11:21 at night and I'm going to bed... Have a blessed day and need anything else email me at Austinboyko [at] If you need more help I can do research

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