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Real Ghost Stories

Harris Street Part 2


The paranormal events later escalated from footsteps and voices to seeing shadows and having objects move around.

Both my sisters would wake up in the middle of the night, hold hands, and walk around the house to make sure every door was locked so no intruders would come in. They told me sometimes they saw shadows of kids running up and down the hall and that they would giggle but since they were too scared to call out for anyone that they just pulled the covers over themselves. It eventually got to the point to where they would bunk together on the same twin bed out of fear.

My bedroom door began to turn on its own every once in a while and I would hear knocking on my bedroom window at night. Disembodied voices were heard more on an hourly basis. The creaking I mentioned in Harris Street Part 1 escalated in volume. You would hear the creaking begin really loud on one end of the house and make its way to the other side and this occurred more frequently throughout the day. It just sounded uglier than before and even more frightening, in a way, it was as if the house was alive.

Once, J was awake in the middle of the night playing Guitar Hero, and out of nowhere he said he heard a demonic laughter coming from the closet. He bolted out of his room crying and slept with my mom that night and in my room from then on.

On another occasion, we were all in my room one night watching movies and hanging out A, J, Val, V, and me. My mom was asleep and my dad was at work. My mom woke up to check on us and she headed to A's room first. She felt his head and felt his long hair and went to see the rest of us in my room. When she walked in to see A in the room with us she looked confused and went back into my brother's room and turned on the light. She came back and told us she touched something's head but it obviously wasn't my brother if he was in my room.

Anytime we told my Dad what would happen he kind of brushed it off since nothing ever happened to him. Well one day I was talking with him in the kitchen while eating my sister's cheesecake and I saw what I thought was A in the hallway, he was standing but had his head hung down. "A!" I called. "A! What are you doing!?" He didn't answer, so I tried to be annoying to get his attention by repeatedly calling out his name. "A!" "A!" "A!" "A!" Since my attempt failed my Dad turned to look at him, and as he did, this thing didn't walk, it glided into my parent's room. My dad didn't even hesitate; he jumped over the couch and chased after it. He turned on his bedroom light to find nothing, he checked his closet and bathroom as well and found nothing, and then he walked into A's room to see A playing video games with J. We gave each other the "Did you see that?!" look. It was truly horrifying.

One night as we were all getting ready to sleep we were all laying in my room, J, Val, and V were all bunking with me, we all occasionally took turns sleeping with my mom when my Dad was away and A was in his room. I heard my mom cry out "Babe, there's someone looking through the window!" My dad grabbed a bat and ran to the back door, to find the dog asleep and no one there. My mom described the man looking inside to be a hooded figure with a pale white face just staring through the window.

On another night, my mom was asleep on the couch. She said that she heard footsteps and drawers opening in the kitchen and rummaging around. She asked who was there but no one replied, but she continued to hear drawers opening and footsteps. After she heard the fridge open she looked in the reflection of the TV to see who was in the kitchen since she was tired. She saw the figure of a little girl looking inside the fridge. "V, what are you looking for?" she asked, thinking it was my sister. She said that the girl looked at her through the reflection of the TV and disappeared, and then the fridge closed.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vmolina9025, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-28)
This is a matter of concern you should get your home cleansed asap. Your family might be in danger since these things are trying to frighten you out of the house. 😐
vmolina9025 (4 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
Dear Skeptic-Ari

I went ahead and asked him why he responded the way he did. His response was "I guess it was because I was working so much" and "It's not that I didn't believe you guys, but there wasn't anything I could do." I told him that when a few minor occurrences took place years before Harris street his prayers seemed to ease the atmosphere. He didn't really say anything afterwards. To him we weren't in imminent danger just fear.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Dear demonicsheikh,

This kind of denial does not make sense when the whole family might be in imminent danger.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Dear vmolina9025,

Okay.I am ready to wait it out and see what is answer is.

vmolina9025 (4 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Dear Skeptic-Ari,

I am also confused and with the way he acted as well, but I never questioned him about it. When he comes home from work this weekend I'll be sure to ask him. I'll let you know his response. I'm sorry I really can't answer for him yet, I've just been going by what I assume.
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
[at] skeptic ari
You got points but my opinion is that parents sometime play tough because of the kids but deep inside they are as scared as the rest of the family.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
Dear vmolina9025,

Perhaps its just me, but I am still confused.
A person who believed what a 6 year old saw and the same person not listening to the same kid who is now almost an adult!
Again, according to your reply,"My father can sense when there are evil spirits and every time he prayed they would leave.", yet you say he did not 'sense' any while you all were being haunted day in and day out, that too staying in the same house!

Maybe I am just being silly,still...
Thanks for replying so soon.

vmolina9025 (4 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
Dear Skeptic-Ari,

Well what I mean to say is he believes in the existence of demonic forces and that they can interact with us, but he has never truly experienced it hands on by being personally attacked or seeing things until that gliding shadow incident. To be honest, I really don't know why he reacted so apathetic to those situations either. He believed us, but I suppose he just ignored it because those events were not as horrific as what happened to me in "Demon Took The Form Of Dad" and he was a workaholic and I suppose he really didn't have time to deal with these things. Until he actually experienced it himself and saw the extent of the paranormal activity is when he started to take our fear seriously and began to pray. My father can sense when there are evil spirits and every time he prayed they would leave. But he never saw one manifest itself until we lived on Harris street.

I hope that makes sense and answers your question. It all makes sense in my head but I have a lot of trouble getting my thoughts into words.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
Dear vmolina9025,

You have me confused here.

According to your story,"Anytime we told my Dad what would happen he kind of brushed it off since nothing ever happened to him."

Yet in your other earlier submission by the name 'Demon Took The Form Of Dad', you say,"The next day my mom went outside to investigate the garage. There on the garage window were three long claw marks. When my dad got home she showed them to him. All that came to his mind was that it was a demon."

Care to elucidate how, after such an experience where he himself inferred an occurrence to be demonic based on a six year old's experience and 3 claw marks, he becomes a complete non-believer and 'brushes' things off told to him by a much older you?

vmolina9025 (4 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
We moved out years ago, but that home was basically a hell house; but whatever was there made sure to follow us to our next couple of homes. The paranormal activity was about once a week but horrifying nonetheless. I will be sure to post those experiences as well.
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
Something bad went there in your house. Check its history. You will get the answers.
Multiple figures means multiple people with incidents.
Check history.

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