Today I am sharing what has recently happened to me.
Last year I would always wonder why I was always sick and we were having constant financial issues to the point that we won't have food to eat. I became so fed up that I had given up hope, I just stopped praying. This was until I came upon a video on Tik Tok where the person was almost narrating my life back to me. That night I decide to ask God for forgiveness, and I prayed for all to be revealed to me. That night I cried myself to sleep. It was around 3 am or so that morning when I had such a terrible nightmare, I would call it. I know the time frame as I get up at 3.30 each morning for work.
I dreamt that I was in our house and I could see my late parents around me. They were there and my mum although her lips were not moving, I could hear her speak and she was pointing at me. There was a little girl with shabby hair, skinny hands and body with an eerie laugh that was attached to my back. Her hands were around my waist and her legs as well were around my thighs. She was stuck to me and I remember feeling it so difficult to walk with her on my back. She began to dig her nails into my side and her body was digging into my back like thorns. As my parents stood there, I heard my mum say that the little girl is evil, and she need to go back home as she belonged to the person that despises me. And then my mum pointed and showed me where to break her hand. I did that and somehow managed to pull her off me. There was also another lady present, and she grabbed this child, and she killed her.
When I got up my body was so sore as though I had been physically beaten. My back burned whilst I had a shower. When I got back to my room, I had my husband have a look at my back and he made a joke and asked me who had been scratching me and digging their nails into me?
There are many experiences which I have had over the years which I will share as I have the time. There are some other beautiful experiences as well.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment if you can provide more clarity.
Love & Light
Sash B