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The Mysterious Banging, Black Shadow And Screech Of A Lady


I have changed my home for second time due to many supernatural phenomenons. It's been about three months we are in our new home, which has lots of construction pending for it.

It is believed in India that before starting your life in new home you have to perform a puja (greh pravesh), which was neglected by my father because he does not believes on ghosts and spirits.

For some weeks after entering this house, all was normal but from some weeks, approx more than a month, it is very disturbing that happens here.

When evening begins, and around about 8 pm, we hear loud banging noises coming from the roof of our home. It is really very disturbing for us, like the bombardment of a bomb, very loud and unexpected noise. On starting it was coming from the small temple of our home, which is built on the roof, and the banging was usually normal for us but loud. But nowadays it is spreading all over the roof, and last night it was just at the top my bed and was very very loud which can't be heard usually. All of us were really shocked.

When it all started happening at the beginning, the bang was not much that greater as it is now. It looks that my roof will crack one day and all of us will harm by this unusual happening. When we go to the roof, all the things are placed on their places and there is not any sign of the presence of anything and it happens daily. In fact, we have checked all the reasons behind it but it seems that it is something far behind normal.

Besides all this, I hear a loud screech of a lady by the window of my bedroom and believe me, it is really very haunting when she makes a loud noise as if she is very angry or frustrating of something. I also see a black shadow at night, floating around my bed and trying to tie me for some reason which I don't know.

Please help me because we have already left our last home just because of all these mind freaking experiences.

Thank you for reading my story as I am not a writer but have tried my best.

Please tell me something if you know what is it or what to do for this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ayushi, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-16)
This story is well over a year old, and the author has never bothered to post a single comment. I doubt she's going to start now.
In the upper left corner of each story is the author's name and date the story was posted. If you click the author's name it will take you to their profile page where you can see their most recent activity. An inactive author (like this one, and a bunch of others you've left comments for) are just not going to see or respond. It never hurts to check dates and author activity before commenting on a story. Leaving comments for inactive authors is a waste of time, since they'll never see it.
Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-16)
awaiting response... Or is it too late for miss Ayushi? (I hope not, in case her allegations are true)
Fearless (18 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-29)
Lol guyz seems to me that this guy wants attention well because he doesn't answer the comments well any way I've heard that there are more ghosts in India Than in Britain (Im not an indian or hindu) I've just heard this from Paranormal tv shows so it might be like 70 percent chance that this is true as he doesn't answer the comment question
tanscaredofghosts (3 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-29)
hi ayushi, I think the screeching of lady and the black shadows roaming around your bed, you should tell this to your mom if your dad don't believe in ghosts & spirits. Whatever happening around you is not at all normal it is serious so discuss this prob wit your mom.
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-05)
Hey there! It is strange how your father is not a believer in the paranormal but decided to shift into a new home cause the previous one was haunted? Apart from that, just to let you know that I am a Hindu too by religion, so I will suggest that you get a pandit ASAP and perform the puja, as well as get your home blessed at the same time. Keep posting if anything happens in the near future. Hope things turn out to be good soon. Be safe. Thanks.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
Dear ayushi,
Valkricry has herself asked and also provided a plausible reply to my first question as well as her own. It just remains to be cleared by you.

(Thanks Val)

My other questions still stand alongwith all the other posters' queries.

ada-iram (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
hi ayushi,
I just want to say this is all your mind stuff, as you say it happened to you before in the previous house too
Your mind is playing games with you ayushi so be calm and try to avoid such stuff
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
Please do not take offense at my question, as I understand there might be a bit of a language barrier here. I simply do not understand why you moved due to "many supernatural phenomenons", when your father does not believe in such things to the point of not having the traditional house blessing done? It seems to me, even if not a believer himself, he would have done so just out of respect for the reason of the move, and to add comfort to your mind.
prati809 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
i know how you might be feeling when you go through sych disturbing things at your place... But according to me you should immediately call a priest for purifying the house... However if that is not possible if your father is a non believer... Then you can yourself try to pray to god everyday and every one in the house must wear something like a locket of lord shiva or anyother god...
Amie_16 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
Hey ayushi!

I've got a few questions. Look you said your dad doesn't believe in ghosts and stuff but still if you people are experiencing such things then he should've said something atleast to tell you guys what he thinks about these happenings I mean he can't stay quiet after experiencing all that!

Secondly, who else hears that banging and screeching? Maybe its only you that your mind is playing tricks on 😕
Thanks and regards!
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
Hello ayushi, Griha pravesh is done to seek the blessings of the Gods primarily and to seek pardon from the Gods if the person has not conducted or prayed God before the construction has begun. It is actually seeking the blessings of all the 9 planets.

I want to ask, what was the reaction of your father regarding these noises. You said that these noises start from 8 p.m. Onwards. Then atleast he must have heard those noises at some point of time or another. Also, definitely, being a non-believer, he must have inspected the rooftop.

I also want to ask if the banging is loud enough, you said like dropping of a bomb, then the neighbours might have also heard such a loud noise.

Please also let us know what happened in your previous house and in the present house also, you said that you had done some checking about the cause of the noise, and so give us the facts so that we could help.

I am also from India and exactly which part of the country you are from and where is your present residence. I do not ask you for the address but the location and place.

Regards and respects to you.

rockangel13 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-04)
Hmm... Maybe your father should have performed a graha-pravesh before moving into the house. Try calling a priest or something the next time you experience such annoying and disturbing things. Take care.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-03)
Dear ayushi,
Welcome to YGS.
I beg your pardon, but your story is riled with contradictions!

*The most obvious;In the beginning you say,"I have changed my home for second time due to many supernatural phenomenons."Yet,in the next paragraph you say,"It is believed in India that before starting your life in new home you have to perform a puja (greh pravesh), which was neglected by my father because he does not believes on ghosts and spirits."Please let us know how did you manage to relocate due to supernatural disturbances when your father doesn't even believe any such thing exists?

*In your own words,"When evening begins, and around about 8 pm, we hear loud banging noises coming from the roof of our home. It is really very disturbing for us, like the bombardment of a bomb, very loud and unexpected noise. On starting it was coming from the small temple of our home, which is built on the roof, and the banging was usually normal for us but loud. But nowadays it is spreading all over the roof, and last night it was just at the top my bed and was very very loud which can't be heard usually. All of us were really shocked.",but you do not mention anyone else in the story, not even your father! Who all constitute this 'us'?

*According to you,"In fact, we have checked all the reasons behind it but it seems that it is something far behind normal."What researches and investigations were undertaken by you to come to this conclusion? If we do not have the details, it will not be possible for us to completely help you due to the missing pieces.

I understand that English is not your 1st language, so there might be a sense of loss in translation.
Please reply and oblige.


PS-A 'griha pravesh' ceremony, can be compared to a house blessing ceremony, and is primarily performed to seek the blessings of the Gods. The main motive is not what the story states, but that is an implied benefit.

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