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Our Negative And Positive Spirits 2


Here are some more experiences for you, and a photo we had taken which I promised people I would upload.

First I'd like to mention one thing... You will probably fume at me and my family for this but yes, we did Ouija boards... All. The. Time. They weren't the proper ones though, we'd make them by using paper and a needle on a thread as the pointer thingy. Anyway, we'd use them to ask spirits to find stuff for us... It always worked.

I believe the reasons as to why we did not attract any negative entities in to our homes was because we actually didn't know that they would be able to come through the board, none of us did, so we always felt love and peace whilst doing them. We did eventually stop doing them though, because my cousin told me about the negative entity thing so we didn't want to risk it for a long long time.

Anyway, this one time my family and I decided we would do one in the kitchen. I don't remember why, I'm sure there was a good reason. So, we drew the alphabet, yes no and goodbye on a piece of paper, got a needle on a thread and let the good old times roll. My mother decided she would take the needle, as she felt she could ward bad stuff off if they came. So we're there, doin' our thing. In silence. All concentrated. It was just my sister, me and my mother as the boys decided they would go outside for a smoke. (Out the backdoor to the garden, which you can see all of through the kitchen window.)

So once my mother was done asking for protection, she asked the oh-almighty question of "Are there any good spirits here with us right now?" RIGHT AFTER THAT we heard a knock on the front door. We all started laughing and thinking one of the men had ran to the front door and knocked on to try and scare us, and what do you know... We looked outside and they were there. Our faces were a bit lost. Anyway, we decided to continue thinking some kid was trying to prank us. (Basically shrugging the thought it was a bad spirit trying to get in) and I asked for a pure, good spirit to communicate with us. It appeared that the damn thing got angry at me for that and banged really loudly on the front door! You should have seen our faces. We asked one of the men to go and check it out but of course there was nobody in sight. So we disposed of the thing properly and left it at that.

Now that I think back to it, I assume that the reason it couldn't get in, whatever it was, was because our home was blessed as soon as we moved in to it. We also have a talisman hanging above the front door in case something tries sneaking in uninvited... I mean come on, we live right next to a graveyard so we don't want any visitors that will cause trouble.

On to another tale.

I went back to Lithuania with my family to visit my gran and cousins. We got to stay upstairs, where we lived before moving to the UK. You'd basically go up the stairs and turn right, then there was a mini corridor with 3 doors. Door on the right was the bathroom, door in the middle was the living room which had the bedrooms. Door on the left... Nobody went in there. It was so so creepy. If anyone ever got sent in there, it'd be a worse punishment than no food for a week, I'm telling you! It just had a REALLY bad vibe.

Anyway, this one night my sister decided she would sleep at a friend's home, so I thought YEY I get to sleep in a room by myself, I'm a big girl now! (as there were only two bedrooms and 5 of us in the family, my two elder sisters would get separate bedrooms whilst I slept in the living room with my parents.) (Oh and I was about 9 I think)

So I stroll in to the room, happy as ever, lay down all smug and smirking and try to go to sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, something blows in to my ear. So I sit up, look at the window, closed. Door? Closed. Ah never mind I thought, confused and scared I realized the wind couldn't be coming from anywhere. So I decide to lay back down and give it another shot. So I pulled the covers above my head, which is what I always do. Nobody can get me then, right? Protective quilt barrier all the way. NOPE. The darn thing starts pulling them down! Panicking, I run in to mama to sleep with her, but she just dismissed it and called me silly. That wasn't like her. She forced me to go back and sleep in the doom room! So I thought I'd be brave and do it. Nothing happened after that. But I'm pretty sure that whatever it was, lives in that creepy room in the corridor. Eugh. Apparently, my family members don't go in that room anymore because it feels weird.

My sisters radio would turn itself on and off all the time when she slept there. And this one time my father saw a show which showed how to detect spirits, using some sort of wires, holding them in your hands whilst making a fist and if they move one way they're positive, the other way they're negative... WAS THAT THING MOVING IN MY SISTERS ROOM LIKE CRAZY?! YES. IT. WAS. Unfortunately I don't remember which way, I think it was a mix of both. I just remember it going at it in only that room.

So, now back to the recent events. We decided we'd go to Malta to celebrate my mother's birthday, (Just my parents and I) as she'd never gone to a country for a holiday. (Upsetting, right?) Anyway, we had a good time and stuff, but the radio didn't work. We got some staff in there to try and fix it but nope, apparently it was broken and they promised they'd change it. We weren't too fussed about it since we had a TV, but it would have been nice to listen to some music whilst getting ready to go places etc. Anyway, Mama's birthday came. As soon as she got up, we gave her presents and breakfast in bed as usual. Somehow, we got on to the conversation of how nice it'd be if the rest of the family was with us, but both of my sisters had been working. Then my mother mentioned that she hoped her parents were with us, and what do you know. The radio goes on. I don't recall what song it was, but it was something about being happy and stuff. My mother's face froze, my step dad looked crazy confused. So I thanked the person who turned it on and left it at that. I actually have a photo of the room and noticed light orbs floating around. I can email it to anyone who wishes to see it.

Okay so now, this one is really kind of freaky. We decided to go on a family outing to Wales, Caernarfon Castle (Pronounced Canarven). As soon as I went in, I felt a presence. Not bad or good though, just a presence, like when someone walks in to a room. So we're walking around, exploring the castle and we get to this history bit inside of the castle. My mother decided to take photos so she didn't have to read anything but the camera just stopped working. We took the battery out and replaced it with a fully charged one and nope, still didn't work. As soon as we left the room it worked again.

Our Negative And Positive Spirits 2

We wanted to climb to the top, so we found some stairs and went ahead. We got to this level, where behind us was a really, really dark patch you had to go through to get to another spot. I instantly said there is no way I'm going in there. No windows, no lamps, no nothing. So we decided to go ahead and carry on with the trip to get to the top, but not before my mother turned around and took a snapshot of the space, with no flash.

We got home, and uploaded the photos to their laptops. I came in and asked if I could see them, they kept saying wait until you see them, we've found something.

So we hooked the laptop to the TV and oh my dear lord, was I impressed. The photo of the dark patch my mother took, with a PROFESSIONAL camera was lit up like a damn Christmas tree! If you look in to it, there are actual faces there... What looks like a woman and... I'll let you work it out for yourselves. I actually have more photos of orbs and things when we get to the top but again, I can email you these if you wish.

It's funny. Whenever we talk about ghosts our dog either stares like she's following a person with her eyes, or we heard loud knocks and bangs and stuff. Its great.

I look forward to your comments guys! Hope you've enjoyed reading through my experiences and I look forward to reading what you think. (Dont judge me for the Ouija)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aggers, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Martin (602 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published.
Shadow_moon1 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-17)
Another interesting story. Thank you for sharing. I did look at the picture but I can't tell if it's a face or just the wall.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
at first I thought you meant the emoticons until I realized you were talking about the picture haha! I thought I saw them at first but now I am not seeing them... Granted it's been a while since I have initially seen this post and picture but I really can't see them now.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
This is true. Good point.

I still cannot see any faces, though, like other posters said.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
eh not always. It's weird what cameras can pick up and what the human eye cannot see... Or what the human ear cannot hear but yet evps can be recorded...
😭 😲 😜
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
It would have to be creating its own light, enough that it's shining onto the walls- and through the viewfinder of the camera, right? Someone should have seen some sort of light.

We make a good team:P
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
hey yeah, why did she take it in darkness if there is no light whatsoever. The camera would not have been able to make out an orb because in absolute darkness, there is no light. Darkness is the absence of light...

😕 😕 😕

I also like how we took over the investigation here elnora.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
Even a flashlight hitting a hair would make sense, but no lamps/nothing seems to indicate that is not a plausible explanation.

I am also wondering why she took the picture in the darkness. Curiosities sake, maybe?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
"No windows, no lamps, no nothing. So we decided to go ahead and carry on with the trip to get to the top, but not before my mother turned around and took a snapshot of the space, with no flash."

They say their mom took the photo without flash though, which unless the author is making up a tail, wouldn't be able to explain the random yellow light in the picture.
I mean I really am stumped here elnora. 😐 😕 😢
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
The light is what has me baffled, currently. It has to be a flash. Lol.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the author say that they were moving when they took the picture? I don't know but that to me explains the shakiness of the picture. The light itself though is quite odd.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
I've still got nothing. If the flash was not on, no camera should be able to get that much light out of darkness.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
That is odd, if that flash was not on. It looked like it's reflected from the flash instead of the objects in the frame.

Very strange, indeed.

It's nearly impossible to set a camera to take a shot like that in the dark without a light source, which makes this a very strange shot.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
Haha we were a counting on you Elnora, fashionably late to the party. Well that's what we thought. My mum has long black hair, but she always wears it up... How could a hair reflect in the camera like that and glow when the photo wasn't taken with a flash... That's when we just sort of went ALRIGHT THATS IT. I just get a headache looking at it.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Apparently, I missed my summons!

I'm here.


My theory would be that it could be a hair. Does the person who took it have long hair?

What is odd though is how it appears to be in movement. Most people stand still while taking a picture. The texture around the strand is also strange. It looks like clouds. There should not be clouds in a tunnel. I do sort of see a face, but I cannot tell if that is pareidolia kicking in or an actual shape.

That does not explain the reflection in the right hand corner, though. That is a weird one.

I'll be over here staring at this for a while.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-17)

Yeah we do try to do that but the bright ones are ridiculous!

Well that's just great haha.

Like I said my parents are really in to photography. My step dad more so than my mother, and they couldn't explain it. As far as I recall there wasn't anyone else in that spot at that time. And no, no flash which is why I'm still confused to this day. I recently read that the castle is supposedly haunted, adds to that!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-17)
It is possible something knocked on your door. Had the same type of experience at my Aunt's house and they lived in a very rural area. So, that's a possibility.
That photo is really, really bright! And you say no flash was involved? No one nearby taking pictures with one either? The one face I see (left side almost at mid-way point) reminds me of a Punch and Judy doll. Guess the hooked nose does that.
Interesting to say the least. Can't wait for elnora to weigh in on it.
DOA-Spirit (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-16)
"Protective quilt barrier" lol, so true.

That picture is interesting, I can see like a face smiling immediate left. Then like almost 2 smaller faces to the left further and lower down. Problem is there isn't a lot of detail, and from a psychological point, the mind does try to make sense of things it sees.

For example, shapes in clouds or how knots in wood can seem to resemble a face etc... Still it's a really good catch IMO.

Interested to read Elenora's opinion being a photographer.
hazeleyes (1 stories) (34 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-16)
Can you email the photos to me? Girlymadness (at)
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-16)
Oh that is an interesting picture! It sure is bright; I do believe you caught something there!
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-16)
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-16)
Please email me them! I'd love to take a look:) (rachael.cork [at]
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-15)
I would like to see the photos you're talking about xD I am a very curious one.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-15)
Badjuju - We did it at a very late time during the night. That was why we were afraid, because there was nobody there. Our house looks over the street and you'd basically be able to see anyone after even 3 minutes of knocking on the door. It didn't even take 20 seconds for the guys to check it out.

Also I don't know what the wire thing is called.

And I emailed the photo in the castle to the editor people but it appears they haven't put it up yet.

Also, the reason I'd rather email people photos is because I'm quite private and would rather email people photos than let every tom dick and Harry who aren't even registered on the site view them.

Elnora- trust me we've tried explanations for the radio, but the plug socket was fine. We'd use the radio in other rooms and it would work fine. (talking about the one in Lithuania.) I don't know about the one in Malta. Maybe it was bad wiring but it was an amazing coinsidence.

Both my parents are involved in photography, hence why they have professional cameras. That's why we were so shocked to see the photo which we took in the castle, and moisture and dust on the lense my stepfather can easily identify.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-15)
I agree with BJJ that it seems someone actually knocked on the door, was ignored, knocked again and then gave up. It was the timing of the incident that gave it that paranormal feeling, but maybe not the actual incident.

The problem with dowsing rods is that they have never been proven. They are also attracted to numerous organic substances such as water, oil and gemstones. However, there is no proof that they work to find anything at all. You also have to stand 100% still while holding them and refrain from even twitching a muscle in your hand.

I am wondering if the bad feelings and electrical disruptions (radio turning on) could be a result of bad wiring in the house. Bad wiring let's of high electric fields, which can result in paranoia, depression, vivid hallucinations and a plethora of other things.

I don't suppose you know what was wrong with the radio? I had an old TV that would do that. I had to leave it unplugged. It never worked picture wise, it would just click itself on. Something, something wiring.

I have a problem with orb pictures because I am a photography and co-own a studio. I would love to see them, but I am a bit skeptical, because many times it can be something as simple as dust on the viewfinder catching light.

I would love to see the picture of the orbs with faces. I have a friend that has a few like that- they are disturbing, but quite interesting!

Anyway, those are just some of my theories on why this all may have happened.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-15)
I have no opinion on your Ouija use, other than wondering if a living person was at your door and simply got frustrated and left.
The wires you mention sound like dowsing rods, but I've never tried using them, so won't offer an opinion on that either.
The photos, a couple of things. Orbs very rarely turn out to be anything more than dust, insects, etc.
Also, if you want to share your photos, you can upload them to a photo sharing site, such as photobucket, and put the link to your pictures in the comments section. It might be easier for you than emailing them out to everyone who asks.

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