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Negative Energies In A New Home (neighbors Say It's Cursed)


I'm new here, but have been reading for a long time. A "lurker" if you will. I have had paranormal experiences for as long as I can remember! My grandmother was straight from Russia, and also had "extra senses". I do believe I inherited whatever "gifts" I have from both her and my father (her son).

It is not just limited to spirits, or other entities, but also prophetic dreams, "gut instincts" (something bad is going to happen, I need to call so-and-so to ensure that they are ok), am very empathic, etcetera.

My husband, who is my high school sweetheart, is also sensitive. I don't believe he can pick up everything that I do as far as my abilities with actual humans, but he is capable of sensing, seeing, and talking to entities. I also believe our children are also gifted (my oldest often talked to a young girl in a previous home we rented at a different base, and my toddler son has talked about "ghosts" here, even though I've never spoken about any of it to them). Anyway! On to the story.

A little over a year ago, we decided to purchase our first house. Being a military family, we got tired of the constant moves. It made us feel horrible to basically "take" our kids away from their friends. My husband also hated having to be away. It felt like we had nothing to show for nearly a decade of marriage, all our children, and felt generally unstable for them, as they don't deal well with change like that.

We are native to NE Ohio, but there wouldn't be work there for what my husband does as a career, so we decided to stay out here. We searched long and hard for homes. There was one I absolutely adored, with a greenhouse actually attached to the front of the home by glass sliding doors! The only problem was I was pregnant... And it wouldn't have enough rooms for all our children. At the last moment, my husband found a house close enough to his work. I honestly didn't really want to go see it, but he talked me into it. So he called our realtor and had him schedule a walk-through!

The day we were supposed to go see the home, the owners cancelled on us. Buying the home was actually quite difficult, and they put up a struggle. It wasn't a foreclosure and the owners willingly decided to put the home up for sale! We scheduled another walk-through later on, and off we went!

As we pulled up to the home, a young woman about my age was packing up a child into the car and pulling away. I waved and smiled, but was met with a scowl. When we walked up the driveway, and up the front stairs, right in front of the door, we found a soiled towel that smelled putrid, like vomit.

We looked around at the neighborhood from the front stairs, and it seemed pretty nice! We don't have any "close" friends out here to ask about the neighborhoods and such, so we went based off the look. It was a small community. Everyone waved as we passed if they were outside. It was like the community I grew up in Ohio. Small, clean, close-knit; everything we wanted our children to experience! The realtor opened the door, and we were met with all kinds of animal smells!

I think to myself, ok... We can fix that. Whatever. We walk around inside the home, and I'm just unimpressed. It was spacious, had a wonderful layout, enough rooms for all, was well-lit, and just a little dirty. You could tell the owner hadn't cleaned up for a walk-through, but that was ok. We went out the back door to reveal a VERY spacious yard; nearly an acre! It was perfect in my husband's eyes. Somehow I just wasn't at all impressed, even though the house perfectly suited our needs space-wise, yard-wise for my gardening, etc.

We go back to our tiny, cramped home and discuss the matter further. My husband talks me into agreeing with him on making an offer. We make an initial offer, to be shot down and countered. We accepted the counteroffer and began all the tedious paperwork along with scheduling appointments for inspections.

We hit Sunday night, and I get a call from my realtor at 7PM saying that the owners are cancelling the housing inspection. I immediately pick up the feeling that they are doing this on purpose (I was correct, but we will get to that later). I frantically call every housing inspector I can to schedule another appointment for Wednesday instead of Monday. By 10PM I had everything scheduled, and had gotten the owner's approval.

Housing inspection comes back with a few things that needed to be fixed. We have a struggle with the owners to fix the items that would make it fail and finally get them to sign off on it.

On Saturday I get a call from my realtor at noon, saying that the owners want to cancel the contract and are offering us $500 to get out of the sale. We say no. We honestly really needed the space with a 4th baby coming, we'd already signed a contract and everything! My realtor calls theirs and tells her no, and that if they break the contract, his clients (us) will take him to court!

At this point, I'm frustrated, emotional, 6 months pregnant, and egging my husband to just let it go. Telling him we'd find something better; that this is too much of a PITA. He is absolutely dead-set on *this* house! We get a call back that they offered $1,000 and our escrow payment back if we back out of the contract. My husband, again, says no.

Fast forward to the signing table. My husband is about to leave for a trip with his unit. He wants the keys before he goes. We go in, sign the paperwork, and are told they meet the owners Wednesday and should have the keys by Friday, April 7th. We get the keys late on Friday and my husband gets to see it before he leaves the next morning.

The people left it trashed. They took things they weren't supposed to take. My realtor is furious because they've slammed holes in the doors, and also because he said there was a heated argument at the signing table on their end.

My mom hires a maid to clean the home for me. We have to rip up the flooring and install new flooring and finally - FINALLY - we can move in!

At first, everything seemed ok while we were fixing it up. But after one night in the house, I feel uncomfortable. Jumpy, panicky, feel like I'm being watched... I didn't say anything to my husband, but he seems irritable and jumpy himself. I'm having issues staying asleep. I'm waking up at 3AM every morning and can't sleep after that. He works nights, and it's quiet, but I feel like I'm not alone... Something is lurking. It is not the worst encounter I've ever had, but it was gnawing at me. It especially hits hard in the basement. The basement is finished and has bedrooms where our 2 oldest sleep.

Finally my husband says something one night. He threw a load of laundry in, and I heard him come barreling up the stairs. All he said was, "There's something in this house." He described to me the same feelings I've had.

Not too long after that night, I was outside gardening in the front yard. I couldn't handle being stuck in the house anymore when it was so pretty outside! I took a much needed break from unpacking, and spent a glorious afternoon in the sun! I was approached by an older female with really long, grey hair. She was in her 50's and introduced herself as J. She told me a bit about herself and asked me about my family. She was nice!...But something was off about her (I still maintain this stance and keep my distance from her. Her husband is an absolute riot and my husband and I like him). Then she asked why in the heck we wanted the cursed house! I was in shock and asked her what she meant.

She told me she remembers when the house was built (2004). She said the first family that moved in was very happy. She said after they moved in, the kids started behaving terribly, the couple started having violent fights, and it resulted in a divorce. She said they sold the home, went their separate ways, and that was that. She mentioned that the husband was really nice and personable, but that there was something off about the wife, and left it at that. She said the family who bought the house was also fine when they moved in, only to start having problems. She would hear them fight through open windows, and she said the husband was a horrible man with a bad temper. (We figured since we noticed one of the children's rooms lock was on the OUTSIDE of the door, facing the hallway so she could be locked in.) She said there was something off about that man, but that the wife seemed nice, though she didn't talk much. This couple, apparently, had decided on a divorce as well, and then we bought the house. My neighbor told me she hoped we wouldn't follow the curse and end up divorced as well. I told her that we'd already been through our hel*s and we would absolutely survive! We parted ways and said goodnight.

My neighbor invited me to her 30 year old son's birthday party. I wanted to go and bring the kids, since last year she'd invited a lot of people and no one bothered to show up. Her son has down syndrome, and he loved talking to my kids when he'd walk the dogs past, so we went. A lot of their church members were there (they are LDS) and she introduced me to them. They all ended up saying that they hoped we knew about the curse in the home and that they'd pray that we wouldn't fall victim to it as the previous owners had. I reassured many different people that we would break that curse!

I didn't tell anyone about the feelings we got in the house. The general negative feelings we'd get. Somehow I knew my kids could feel it as well. They had (and have) issues sleeping. My toddler would insist on sleeping in our bed with us. Even when we would tuck him in his bed after he was asleep, he would wake up and come over to our bed. He still does. My oldest son reports waking up in the middle of the night, being creeped out, and unable to fall back asleep. My middle son cries and throws hissy fits to avoid going to sleep. Then, we had my daughter. Spoiled, she slept in our bed for the first 6 months, like all my babies have. We started transitioning her to her crib, only to be met by defiance. Needless to say, she's 8 months old now and it's still a work in progress.

But on top the feelings we have, there have been unexplained things. Noises, bad luck (everything is breaking. Not unexpected in a home, but it seems to happen all at one time and things we have fixed have re-broken. Cars, financial issues, etc. Everything is falling apart at the seams!). We have been arguing since we moved in this place. Some arguments have been pretty heated, where my husband has put his hands on me (and while pregnant too). He has never done that. We've been dating since I was 15 and he's never hurt me.

As of last night, I understood why my son doesn't want to sleep in his room... I knew there was a negativity in this house, and I knew they picked up on it, but the activities don't start until all my kids are asleep and I'm awake alone while my husband is at work.

My most recent activity was in my youngest son's room. I felt a strong presence, but it didn't feel horrible. Like I've mentioned, I've been around demons that would make you feel nauseous and make them feel like there was a block of ice in the pit of your stomach, as well as scratch, hit, bruise, make your hair stand on end. This wasn't *that* bad. But it wasn't good, either. It felt like there was electricity in the air; energized, staticky, and waiting. Whatever I felt was neither male nor female; genderless. I have felt this before in previous encounters.

I had my oldest kids go to bed in their rooms. They were safe. I've blessed the home myself (I have dabbled in several religions, including Wiccan. My husband has as well. I am actually very proficient at staving off even some of the most malevolent entities I've encountered. I'm frightened, but I turn the fear to anger and great strength. It's all instinctual and always has been... Even well before the Wiccan years...). Anyway, I sent my older 2 down to their rooms, and I knew they would be ok. Whatever it was, was upstairs. I kept my infant daughter and my toddler son in my room. They fell asleep peacefully in my bed, and the noises started.

My youngest son has a toy kitchen in his room. It has batteries and the burners will bubble and turn on blue for maybe 15-20 seconds when you hit the buttons. The batteries are fresh and have been replaced. They are not old. I hear the bubbler go off. I mute the TV to ensure that's what I hear, but it's stopped. I keep the TV muted while I play Tetris on my phone, and it starts again. This time it goes off and goes continuously for about 2 minutes (the cycle never ended like it does in a few seconds, it just kept going and going for 2 minutes)! I am also hearing some knocking coming from in there. I shout "Knock it off, you're going to wake up my kids!" It immediately stops. I text my husband and let him know to hurry up and get home and the why. As soon as I told him it stopped bubbling, it starts again and goes for several minutes without breaking the cycle. I shout "Would you *please* stop playing with my son's toys?!" Again, it stops the moment I finish my question.

Now... My question is, how can I stop all this from happening? I've blessed my home, and everything. I'm unsure if I'm missing something or what. Is this residual energy from the negativity of the previous owners of this home or something else? Is whatever this is a result of the negativity associated with the house? While I'm at it, I do believe that walls can soak up energy like a sponge (previous experience). I believe everything has its own vibrational pattern. This ties in with several complex theories and ideas I have (now being found true with quantum sciences).

I will say that I am not a Bible thumper (no offense). I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus (not as the Bible states or portrays based on endless amounts of research), but I have taken with me a piece of every religion I have ever studied and made my own that suites us, as a family and all. Any help would be appreciated.

I want my children to sleep in their beds safe and sound, like any mother would. I would do whatever I had to to protect them, including piss off a spirit until it leaves. While I do have fears, I turn it into vicious anger and strength. I have never been unable to get rid of anything, but I feel as though maybe my attempt at a good deep cleanse I left something amiss or maybe I didn't do it properly per the situation (I have never faced a "curse", only entities). Thank you for any help and I apologize this was so long and drawn out.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, batgrl1025, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Gigakhan (2 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-27)
You should perform a cleansing of the exterior and the interior of your property all at once. Native American shamans are good at that, your problem could be the land itself. Good luck
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-16)
Ok this thread is turning into something of a bar room brawl.
Just to throw in my quick bar stool over the head, if my recollections serve there were many in his day who believed Rasputin to be in someway connected to other worldly powers, psychic, witch, etc are various claims that have been bandied about. Whether there is any truth to any them we will never know.

What I'm really posting about is a thought. Obviously this site is about people's ghost story experiences. Comments on those stories often morph off into discussions of concepts related to those stories and sometimes into largely unrelated areas. This is entirely natural and I have certainly taken things off topic myself.
I'm wondering if it might be more practical to have a discussion forum on general ghost related matters that can take place outside of posters specific ghost stories?

The complication of course is that I'm sure the mods are busy enough as it is. Just thinking at a conceptual level that seperating over arching themes from individual stories and commentary on them might keep things on track.

On that note, I revisited this story because I have been pondering the subject of curses. What they actually are, why/if they work, how they are applied (no I am not thinking if cursing anyone), how they are identified, how they are countered etc
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-15)
I didn't say any story on here was fictional. I said if a kid needs a story they use one of ours. I was talking about Jr. High and High School students stealing a story for good grades. As for someone stealing snippets from other peoples stories I didn't mean they were exactly using the story for this site they could use it on another site.
Then I bring up getting out the blankie and sitting with my friends for Miss Demeanor to drive up Puff Byrum and I get -1 while other people dumping on the O/P and they get +1. How fair is that? I always know when I get that -1 a mod did it and which one. I just want to know what that mod has against me and wonder why I keep coming back to this site. I guess I'm a gluten for punishment. I notice once again that some of these stories are up for two weeks. But the week I had a story up I didn't even get a chance to read all of the stories before mine because the first day my story was in the left column and the next day, the very next day my story was on the bottom of the right column. How fair is THAT? I would have liked to read the stories before mine but I barely go a chance to reply to the all but 3 or 4 people who commented on my story. Maybe some people would like it if I just go away,I'm sure a certain mod would.

Youdrag (11 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-15)
Okay then I guess I was wrong. My dad has a painting of him though. 😕
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-15)
Youdrag, I do not disbelieve you when you say you are in contact with descendants of Rasputin, nor that they see ghosts. Rasputin was known to be a clairvoyant, medium and hypnotist of note. I do not dispute that your father has been to Russia numerous times. What is in dispute is, the story that you claim your father told you about Rasputin being beheaded, after which he was responsible for the death of three men.

Manafon1, my book of reference is an old historical book first published in 1936. It is Red Eagle, written by Dennis Wheatley. According to the book, Rasputin was also stabbed in the back, then bound hand and foot before being thown into a hole in the ice in the river Neva, where he was swept away under the ice and drowned. The book makes no mention of what happened to his body afterwards. It is interesting to hear that the body was disinterred and burned at a later date.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-15)
Youdrag--Rasputin was poisoned, beaten and shot before being thrown into a river where he drowned. Some time after his death his body was exhumed and his body was doused with gasoline and he was burned. A lot going on but no beheading. If your interested you can actually find photos online of his beaten, gunshot riddled and wet body after his death. In those photos his head is still firmly attached to his body. Your dad might want to check this stuff out for his continuing "research"
Youdrag (11 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-15)
I might be spreading bull dust and pretty sure the beheading is true my dad talk about it every time I ask him. He's gone to Russia three times. He got the stories. The people I was talking about are certainly direct descendant and do see plenty of ghosts everywhere.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-15)
Youdrag, Your dad may be an expert on Rasputin, but YOU my friend, certainly are not. I don't ever recall reading that Rasputin was accused of "witchcraft". He was attributed with having a magnetic, persuasive personality, thereby getting females to do his 'dirty' bidding.
Another thing, when was Rasputin beheaded? That is news to me. He certainly underwent many other attempts to kill him.

I think you are just sprouting a lot of bulldust! Nothing better to do?

Batgrl, please excuse the intrusion on your thread. I hate the idea that your husband 'laid hands on you'. I wish you and your children well.

This comment from Youdrag is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

MystieGypsy (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-12)
The most disturbing aspect of this story wasn't the negative energies, spirits, or strange neighbors tales of curses. It was the fact that your husband "put his hands on you" during and after your pregnancy "in anger". Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but please be careful.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-11)
2nd1st - you have a valid point about the length of time between a story's submission and publication. I think I can speak for granny as well when I say we didn't take offense to your comments. Our personal lives do take precedence over the site and sometimes it does take a little longer for a story to be reviewed than other times.

If this is a person's first time submitting a story, they may not be aware that it isn't a case of submitting a story and it being published the same day or even a day or two later. There was a time when we were getting to the stories within a few days of when they were submitted, but that isn't the case now.

I'm basically posting this information for the o/p of this story, as well as anyone else who may not be aware and expects to see their story the same day they submit it.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-11)
I think that the delay between submission and publication can be a factor. This is not a negative against whoever approves the stories as they have lives of their own and many stories incoming.

But I can see how if someone posts a story then hears nothing for a few weeks they may well give up on this avenue of sharing their story. Especially the case I would think if the notification is directed to a junk mail folder.

If the problem is acute rather than chronic and appears to have ceased in the meantime can also see why someone might not come back if the story isn't published for a long time.

Again this is not a negative against the approving people, just thoughts on why some don't return after submitting stories.

Having said all that, I do find it highly frustrating when someone posts a story and then does not return to discuss it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
Thanks, Granny 😊 I didn't remember receiving an email the last couple I had submitted, but you're right. I got one each time.

So, my first comment is null and void lol
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
Miracles: Sorry, but I have to correct one point you've made. There is always an e-mail sent to notify the poster their story has been published. Some may receive them in their spam inbox and not know they've received it since most people don't think to look there. At least I've always gotten one. ❤ 😆
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
My two cents... When I read a story I'm not thinking about whether it's true or not. Who am I to judge someone else's life? I know things have happened to me that are so off the wall, most people would probably question them. I'm ok with that. Some people are not. If I were the op and read some of the comments, even I might not answer. She may feel as if someone is trying to trip her up just so they can point a finger and say, "fake".

Now here's my other two cents... (ya'll are lucky I only have four) I've checked this story several times a day since it was posted. Not because I want to watch the drama unfold but because I get a bad feeling about it. I think something is terribly wrong. I realize I'm new here and I probably don't know squat but I just can't shake this feeling.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
Really should have proofed better. No excuse for the there/their mistake.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
Sometimes I understand why we have been accused of conducting witch hunts. I have no opinion either way on the validity of this story, but I do have a couple things to say.

One: when a story is published, as some of you know, you don't get anything telling you. You only get an email telling you a story has been returned and why. We have had many members apologize because they have had comments on there story and not know it has even been published.

Two: just because you (and I mean this generally) can immediately sense there is something wrong/paranormal in a home, etc doesn't mean everyone has that same level of ability. And there are also differing degrees of gifted. Some people think they are so highly gifted, yet others with the same abilities don't feel they are.

Three: I am addressing a comment from RedWolf here. You mentioned that bits and pieces of a fictional story could come from our (mods) stories and we may not realize it. That could be said of non-fictional experiences also. There are so many stories on here that I can relate to because they are very similar (if not identical) to an experience my kids and/or I have had but that doesn't mean the o/p made up the experience. I've been accused of telling tales for that same reason.

Four: there are stories on this site that probably shouldn't be on here. We've said this dozens of times before. I don't believe every story that is published, and a lot of them I've edited and published. We have members who want to believe every little experience they have is paranormal and will fluff their story with enough "could be" paranormal activity to fit our guidelines.

Five: Don't cast stones.

I'm sure I have other things I want to say, but I need to get to work.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
Hmmmmmmmmm...when I read stories like these, I like to enjoy them with a great big slice of Swiss cheese. Yum yum.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-10)
No offense intended but the only thing I can compare your inability to sense the negativity in that house, -being as 'gifted' as you claim to be- is to a cheff not being able to tell the difference between a sandwich and a taco. 😐
L_Melb (220 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
Yes, in future I should read all comments so as not to look like I don't have an opinion of my own! 😜
L_Melb (220 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
Have not read all comments yet, but I too was a touch confused and wondering if the ol' chain was being yanked (sp?) simply due to total 'radio silence' from the op - if it were my family/situation, I'd be checking for helpful input every 5 minutes and asking questions... But that's just me
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
Lol I was going to post something about no comments last night on here, but decided to stay silent. As this may be just another "someone" yanking our chains.

Frustrating to post help, and try to discuss with an absent poster.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)

You said that you need help and would participate in the discussion.
Yet you have not made one comment or asked any questions. When posters choose the option you did or when a poster says they will read comments but will not participate in the discussion really upsets me and makes me feel like you aren't taking this site seriously.

Honestly if a poster doesn't want to comment and join the discussion like they said they would I personally want get out the blankie sit with my friends and wait for Miss Demeanor to drive up in Puff Byram so we can get on and just have a nice ride and just talk about our day or whatever.

I just wanted to voice my frustration and I did so as politely and respectfully as I could. So please please please don't get mad at me.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
I often wonder the same thing. 😆 I also wonder how many kids have stolen a story because they have to write a ghost story and they pawn one of our stories as theirs. Or someone wants to write a story and they for example use part of one of your stories, part of one of mine, then the topping of the cake uses part of one of the mods stories and the story was from several years ago and the mod doesn't catch it right away and prints it because it has all been re-worded.Dang that's one long run on sentence, but you get the drift.
I'm not saying the mods don't remember their own story but if it is re-worded and they use snippets of each mods older stories, it may be hard to remember it if it is craftily worded.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
Your right about it being psychically. You pick up vibes from the house. Each house has history.
When we were looking to move out of our old neighborhood I was recovering from neck surgery. I was looking on the computer one day and called my husband into the room. When he came in I showed him a house and said THAT'S the house we are going to buy. My husband went for a walk through and loved it. The next day my husband brought me and our kids for a walk through and the house had a very good vibe so we bought the house and moved in the Saturday before Christmas!
I think I'll write a story about reading houses. I just have to make sure I'm not plagiarizing myself by repeating parts of other stories. I hope that I gave you a snippet of how you read a house.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
Damali, I often imagine how many silent readers are out there shaking their heads quietly at some of the shenanigans that go on here, it amuses me greatly! 😆
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
I guess I shod reiterate my questions on curses from my first post in this thread. But hey, they are still down there:)

Red, you mention reading a house, I guess you mean psychically. How does one do it? I'm guessing it's some sort of telepathic environmental scan?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-09)
With all the abilities you say you have why would you buy that house?
What do you mean when you say that you're husband is sensitive. But you don't think he has the abilities you have on humans, what abilities do you have on humans?

You should have read the house before buying it. You say that have never been unable to get rid of anything. But then you profess you have never came upon a curse. WOW. You don't know YOU can't break a curse? You need to find out who cast the curse, when and why it was caste and find out who can break it.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-08)
Before we paint this o/p with the same brush as a former member, let's make sure there is something to support the suspicions. I have been guilty of thinking a member is recycled just based on my gut but there has never been anything to substantiate my feelings. So I am not picking on anyone.
Damali (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-08)
I got the same feeling Tweed, almost a sense of deja vu lol.

Fyi, I am a very, very long time lurker on this site and am familiar with most of the commenters although I rarely comment myself! Just in case anyone wonders where this random Damali chick came from.

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