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I decided to create this account to share the little events that me and my mum experience in the house we live in. We moved here when I was 3 months, I'm now 18. However, I have just experienced the most annoying and frustrating thing.

I suffer with insomnia and so it's not unusual for me to be tossing and turning at 4 in the morning (it's now 05:02am). So I got up and went to get a glass of water from the bathroom, come back into my bedroom and, as it gets quiet, I realise I've left the tap on, so as any normal person would I got up to go turn it off.

When I get into the bathroom the hot water tap is running, which is weird as I didn't turn that tap on as I was getting a drink (who drinks from the hot tap?). Anyway, I brushed it off and turned it off. As I left the bathroom, I heard the tap running again. This time the cold was running. So I turn it off and go back to bed. I'm used to unusual things happening in my house now.

I then hear the tap running again for the third time, this time I leave it thinking it's just my imagination. After about 5 minutes I decide to get back out of bed and go turn it off. This time I stand in the bathroom for a while to make sure they don't come back on. My taps are the kind you have to twist for them to work so it's not pressure or anything lifting them up to make them turn on.

I get back into bed and I hear the taps again. By this time I'm starting to get really pee'd off and it's almost like I can feel whoever/whatever it is laughing at me. So I turn the taps off and tighten them as much as I can and get back into bed.

This time I hear both taps turn on but when I go into the bathroom it's the bath taps. Now, at this point I really cannot be bothered with playing games so I just burst out with, "Can you stop it now, I'm tired!" I've stormed back to bed and the taps haven't come back on again.

Sometimes I swear they do it for their own amusement, even if it is just purely frustrating to us.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Notsosweetheart96, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DUDEIMTHEKINGS (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-27)
I agree with mrmonty, it's probably a spirit of a child messing with you. I wouldn't get a priest or anything serious like that, I think she'll do you no harm. Good luck on this, I hope your water bill doesn't get too high.
cruzie (1 stories) (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-27)
I've had similar things happen in my house. Repeated tapping on the walls or door, and when I ask them to stop, it does. Sometimes I feel like it's a family member that's passed away with a sense of humor;)
Notsosweetheart96 (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
Valkricry- I'm going to upload some more stories once the site is allowing more submissions, some are long and others are short so I will put a few short stories into one so that I am not bombarding the site with lots of short stories.
I have only ever been harmed once but my mum has a few times and also my friend who didn't believe be when I told her about one of my experiences!
I will post them all when I get the chance too 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
If it weren't for the fact it was so annoying, the running taps would have been funny. You mention strange things have happen to your Mom too, may I ask for a few examples?
Because of your dog's reaction, it's a tough call to make on this entity's intentions without further information.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
[at] DUDEIMTHEKINGS, up near the top of the page you'll see 'submit your story!' click that, and it will take you to the submission's page. It generally opens on Monday. You'll get an email that tells you it was received (be sure to check your junk folder!). When making your submission include as much pertinent detail as possible.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
Submissions should be up in the morning. Follow the guidelines and your story will most likely be published. In the meantime, let's not drift any further away from the topic at hand, which is notsosweetheart's experience.
DUDEIMTHEKINGS (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
😨 Yes, I read through the guidelines, and my house is freaking possessed and I'm tired of keeping it to myself. I just want to know where to submit my terrifying stories that still take over me today, and I need awnsers. 😭
Dacom (3 stories) (28 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
That is annoying.
I can't put on as the server is full so I am very sorry to yous your story to say what I need to But I am in trouble I have been hearing three knocks daily I have been hearing my name whispered in my ere right next to me and having nightmares of my family dyeing nightly I have been seeing the shadows that haunt me more each day and night my local Priest thinks I'm nuts, I'M NOT.
My EMail is on site can someone get back to me please: (
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
Shew - first of all, DUDEIMTHEKINGS. If you want to submit a true, personal, paranormal experience you can find the rules under Submission Guidelines, which can be found at the bottom of this page. Please, if you have an experience you wish to share, follow these guidelines. Stories can, and do, get rejected because people don't follow the guidelines.

And Katy4, although I'm sure your advice was appreciated, it's not exactly true. Being creative actually tends to make us mods question whether or not the story is true. And good in language is very helpful; however, there are many different languages represented on this site and not everyone is good in the same language.

Notsosweetheart96, sorry for interrupting the comments section of your story 😊
katy4 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
My advice to you about writing a story is, you just got to be creative and good in language...
DUDEIMTHEKINGS (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-26)
Uhm, This story is really scary:c I'd like to know how to write a story... Help anyone? I'm new to this website

This comment from MsColeman is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
It seems like it is playing with you.

I am happy you are getting help with your insomnia and are not on side-effect riddled medications (I was actually going to warn against taken Ambien. That really does cause hallucinations. Not a fun time).
Notsosweetheart96 (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Also I am getting help with my insomnia and it has gotten loads better over the past months I have been working with my doctor with different techniques as medication has bad side affects with me, it's getting better:)
Notsosweetheart96 (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Strange things have happened to my mum too and it happens during the day also not just night. Plus my dog acts very strangely sometimes, growling and crying at nothing and during the night he won't let me or my mum go downstairs without him being by our side the entire time it's very unusual. I thought it was my insomnia to begin with until my mum told me things like this have been going on ever since we moved in!
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Hi Notsosweetheart96, is does sound like you might have the spirit of a child there, especially since it reacted to you voice. I would also be worried about your insomnia lie a lot of people here are, lack of sleep can do all sorts of bad things to you both mentally and physically, I do you are getting help with it.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Hmm, I wonder if you have a little child spirit there. At least they stopped when you told them to. I would be very annoyed and scared at the same time.

Elnoraemily has a good point about seeing a doctor about your condition. Whether the incident was hallucinations or the paranormal, I hope you are still getting help with the insomnia.

Besides you, has anyone else in the family experienced this?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Have you gone to see a doctor for your insomnia?

I am a bit worried that you could have been experiencing hallucinations from a lack of sleep, especially if it's chronic insomnia. Sleep deprivation has serious side effects, even if you manage to get 2-3 hours a sleep a night.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Notsosweetheart96- LOL that's funny stuff AND yes, they will do it just for their amusement. We have them doing that kind of things all the time. I know that it can be irritating but some of the things can be kind of cool. But you have to put your foot down at some point and let them know.
Great share.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I am sorry but LOL! That was super funny! But I agree that would be rally irritating and at least they stopped after you asked/yelled at them too! Looking forward to reading more of your stories.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Hi Notsosweetheart96! Must be a very weird experience. Good to see that he heard you and didn't disturb you after your reaction.
You have mentioned that you are used to the unusual things, let me ask you that are you experiencing such thing before insomnia or after it.
Thanks for sharing your experience and I also welcome you in YGS.

With best regards
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Damn, that's freaky! I'd be pretty annoyed too if I were you. I probably would have let the taps run, haha! There goes the water bill!

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