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Real Ghost Stories

The Cabinets


My name is Sean and this happened to me almost 2 years ago now. This took place in Bangor, Maine in my old apartment with my fiancee. The place was definitely haunted. One thing about the place was the bathroom mirror. You would get zoned out if you stared at yourself too long and eventually your face would start to distort and look odd. My fiancee lost over an hour on a few separate occasions to the mirror. It was really strange how it pulled you in and made you want to stay just to gaze into your own emotionless face.

But my story is about this one night that actual activity occurred. My fiancee and I were in the living room probably watching something on the computer. We were not on any drugs nor were we drinking, just hanging out minding our own business. All of the sudden we hear this loud BANG! Just a loud bang that came from the kitchen. We look at each other like ummm what?... And proceed to investigate. She enters first and I am quickly behind. I find she has been struck frozen in horror. I then follow her gaze to the kitchen cabinets, all of which are slightly ajar at different levels of openness. It took me a moment to realize what had happened. All of the cabinets had simultaneously slammed open with such force that it made a single very loud bang. At that point we both were just kind of in shock not sure what to do. We ended up just leaving the cabinets and the kitchen for a while. Nothing else ever happened but apparently something wanted our attention that night.

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Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-21)
The only thing strange I saw in that mirror was myself. It was just an ordinary medicine cabinet with sliding mirrors.

I'm not sure exactly what was happening when the cabinets slammed. I wish I had a more specific memory. I'll never forget the look on my fiancees face though.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
I agree with the other uses and are glad you're not there anymore!
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
Hey I read your story yesterday, it was pretty interesting, I actually live in Maine, in a town called Greenville. Your story was quite creepy. That thing about the mirror is creepy. Did you ever see any other reflections in the mirror? Is it just a regular ol' bathroom mirror or is it more distinctive? A d it's weird how ALL the kitchen cabinets opened at once.
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
Actually also the fact that my mom didn't smell it, even though I clearly could, until it was so strong it permeated the room. And even when she did smell it she couldn't place it either, and didn't offer much resolution.
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
I appreciate your explanation, Miracles. And I am sorry for my reaction...

There are several reasons I believe this to be paranormal. 10ish years of random appearances of the same smell in my room alone. I mean if it's going to permeate my room, you would think at least one time you would catch a whiff of it somewhere else in the house. If only the adjacent rooms... I did check the few times it was that strong and it stopped at my door. My room had two doors. One had a little hallway attached and the other lead directly into the adjacent room. The smell didn't extend beyond either doorway. Any time it was near the door I'd check too usually.

I remember trying to air out my room with both doors open and the smell wouldn't leak. I had to wait it out. I almost moved out of my room several times because of this thing. I'm not saying there definitely isn't a non paranormal explanation, but from the way it behaved and how I felt in that room... It was something.

I have never had that feeling of being watched sleeping anywhere else... I mean maybe that could be something emotionally wrong with me connected to the room... But I doubt that.

My mom mentioned once the previous owner of the house was an old lady that was a bit touched. My mom had to remove a bunch of crumpled up stuff in the corners of the house before she moved in.

I also have a quick story that my mom told several times. She had just gotten home from work and parked in the garage. There's a sliding door that leads to an ell that is connected to the kitchen. The sliding door was open which was strange as it usually wasn't. So my mom closed it thinking that was weird. As she was walking out of the garage to go to the back porch of the house, the sliding door flew back open. She said it was the only time she was ever afraid of the house. She had observed no person in the ell as she closed it... No one would have had the time to get there and open it. Especially not quietly. She was just like "Oooookay... Stay open then." and scooted into the house... Lol. This is a decent size wooden sliding door on old rusty parts. It takes some force to open.

Anyway I don't mind objections... And of course I can offer any details that may help provide a better explanation. There were raccoons in our third floor ceiling when my brother lived in there. You could hear them skittering around. But I never heard any movement in my room.

This one time the plaster on the ceiling directly above my head fell off the boards and smacked me in the head waking me up at like 5 in the morning lol! I was just like wtf?!?! We had to replace it all.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
vember - let's not start out on the wrong foot, okay? I was doing my job, the same as with anyone else's story. It's not personal. I'm not going to make any excuses for why I returned it. I explained to you why it was returned. I would bet 98% of our members who submitted a story that was returned believed there was something ghostly going on. Only about 15% of them, and I'm being pretty generous with the estimation, want to find out whether or not there is a normal explanation for what's going on. It's far more exciting to think/say there is something paranormal going on then to admit maybe it's not. If you want to resubmit it, with details pertinent to what you believe to be a paranormal event, that is certainly your prerogative.

As I've said before, although you may not be aware, lots of us have had stories rejected. Even me.

If you can't get over your story being returned, please feel free to contact our administrator.
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Also about the mirror... I don't think it was really the mirror so much as something occupying the bathroom. The mirror was your normal sliding medicine cabinet mirror.
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Animals were definitely not the cause. Unless it was some bug that made no noise whatsoever. I was on the second floor in a middle room. The smell would sometimes come from my bay windows where nothing could be hiding.

I'm fine with skeptics but don't just flat out discount my experience. I've since become more sensitive... But even then I could feel it... Something was watching me.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Smells can come from all sorts of things, like Miracles pointed out. Your description of the smell puts me in mind of a bedroom I once had. At the time we lived in a ranch style house. You know the type - everything on one floor, no basement but a crawl space underneath. In my room and in no other there would sometimes be the most awful...stench. Sometimes it was very light, other times like extra-strength tear gas! And at still other times nothing. It about drove me nuts. Like yours, it came and went at all hours of the day, and all year round too. Turned out, a family of skunks had made their home in the crawl space, right beneath my room. So, that's one possible explanation for your phantom odor.
The thing with your cabinets is definitely odd to say the least. Not sure what to say about the mirror thing though. Was it a really old mirror?
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
The mirror definitely had something unnatural about it... I've never been compelled like that anywhere else.

Also the smell was not one you could easily describe... Not quite as bad as say a rotting carcass... Maybe a little similar but it was also similar to feces... And just mold and rot in general...

Now this smell would magically appear in some area of my room. One day it would smell fine in there... The next day this same unidentifiable smell would appear somewhere... Anywhere it decided in my room. On a few occasions it would permeate my room fairly thoroughly. The times where it was strong were the only times my mother could smell it. When it was weaker she would tell me she couldn't smell anything peculiar. On the times it permeated my room she admitted she could smell something.

It would take place over the course of a few hours usually... Sometimes over a day it would linger in the same spot. Then it would vanish pretty much just as quickly as it came... It usually never faded in and never out... Whatever strength I first smelled was usually what it remained at until it disappeared again. Once in a while it did get stronger over the course of a few hours though. It did not show up in any other room in my mom's house during the 19 years I lived there. Only my room.

This happened with no pattern or rhyme or apparent reason. It took place all times of the year and there was nothing necessarily unique to all the occurrences taking place. It would make an appearance and hang around for a while and then disappear... Only to come back again in anywhere from a week to several months.

And I could feel myself being watched if I tried to sleep in the dark in there. I never believed in ghosts for the longest time but I could never forget the feeling I got and it always scared me.

Never got that feeling anywhere else in my mom's house either.
ms_st0308 (6 stories) (66 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
This might seem really random, but talking about odd smells, our kitchen in our apartment smells very strongly of cigarette smoke sometimes. Neither one of us are smokers and we know it's coming from under the sink, but can't figure out why or how. It only happens every once in a while, maybe 2 to 3 times a month; but when it does happen, it stinks really bad and lasts for a couple of days then suddenly goes away.

And the mirror thing is odd to me too. Just my personal experience, I have had a couple of instances where I've just sort of stopped and stared in the bathroom mirror for really no reason, probably other than just being tired or out of plain curiosity. After a while, my eyes lost focus and my face seemed to distort and look really weird. So maybe that might help explain what could have happened to you?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
vember - there are many things that can cause smells. Normal things. Phantom smells are not indicative of a ghost.

You made a very vague comment indicating you realized years afterward what it was and that made you think about everything you experienced. Maybe if you had elaborated on that, instead of leaving us hanging it would have helped.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Vember- Well let me make a suggestion, keep a journal of all the activities along with as much information, time, weather conditions, even your personal health at the time. All of this information can help eliminate "natural" causes for some incidents.

Will be waiting on your next story.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
For what it's worth, on humid days my house will smell strongly of smoke. It's nothing remotely paranormal, scents can stick around for a very long time and sometimes are very noticeable. Always look for mundane explanations, not everything is ghostly.
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Yeah I am not there anymore... But my new place isn't much better... Have had a few strange occurrences... I'll get around to writing them sometime... I actually submitted a story prior to this one but it got rejected. Apparently there was no indication it was a ghost... I'd just like to know what else caused a random unplacable smell to occur in my old bedroom off and on in various spots in my room and only my room over the course of years... Oh well... I'll just have to rewrite it and tie in some other activity that happened there...
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Vember- You started by writing "old apartment", guessing you are not there anymore. Good thing it sounds like.

I have had a similar moment with kitchen cabinets. The mirror situation was intriguing. Quite intriguing.

Thanks for sharing
Vember (2 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
I meant nothing else physical happened. The mirror phenomenon was always present... The cabinet slam was the only physical occurrence.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
OK, I'm confused.
You imply long term activity with the mirror, yet say that after the cabinets nothing else happened. Did everything unusual just stop after the cabinet event?

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