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The Dancer


When I was 10 my family moved to a house where we lived for 15 years. It was an old house, probably built in the 40's. I don't think the house history is very relevant to this story. However this 'dancing girl' seemed come with the house so to speak.

I have always been obsessed with music and was one of those kids who constantly sings and dances around the house. When we moved to this house I immediately got the feeling I wasn't alone while I was rocking out. You know that 'feeling' someone's watching? I'd felt that before when I was much younger, but I'd never felt it while dancing.

As time went on I started to feel a presence close by in the living room where I was dancing and then I started to notice vibrations in the floor, felt as if someone was dancing along side me. (No sub woofer shaking the floor.) The vibrations intrigued me and scared me in equal parts. I told mum, who's open minded to these things. Mum said "Sounds like you've got a little spirit friend." I agreed and sort of got used to it.

At the same time this was going on, almost every night we'd hear things go 'bump' in the night. Particularly things in the kitchen being moved about, trinkets on window sills especially. One ornament was constantly being 'played' with. This one was a wicker rabbit basket with a little toy baby inside. The lid of the rabbit was always found open in the morning. My bedroom was close to the kitchen and I could hear things being moved about after everyone had gone to bed. Mum and I also heard the occasional voice of a female. It never said anything, it was more like a sigh or a slight laugh. The sort of noise you make when you're trying to be quiet. We put it down to the mystery dancer, mum called her the 'little girl'.

The 'little girl' really started to make herself known when I got my first cd player and cd's. This was the 90's, before mp3's.

The cd player display would show a track number for a second or so, either while a song was playing or while stopped. But this was not a function on the machine, the track number didn't correspond to a track that was playing, or programmed to play next. This could have been a malfunction in the unit. But it then started to happen to the other cd players in the house (all different makes and models). All would do the same thing.

I'll try to demonstrate what happened... Say track 4 was playing and it was business as usual on the display. Then let's say track 9 displayed for a couple of seconds. Then back to displaying the correct track that was playing, in this example track 4. The sound from the track playing wasn't disrupted, only the display on the machine. You had to be physically looking at the display to know if/when it was happening. It was different tracks all the time and we felt as though the little girl was trying to tell us she wanted to hear which ever track number would randomly appear on the display.

I was a massive Madonna fan when I was a kid and it only ever happened with Madonna cd's, never with anything else. You'd be right to wonder what condition my Madonna cd's were in, as young kids don't go hand in hand with caution and care. But I was, still am, very careful with my stuff. Still got all my childhood cd's and none of them have scratches. (I was shocked by the pristine condition of my old cd's when ripping everything on itunes a few years ago. Pretty proud of that.) Enough trumpet blowing about that though.

I don't understand how a ghost could possibly change the display at will. But none the less it seemed very odd the same thing would happen to all 3 cd players in the house, when a Madonna cd was in the machine.

Mum noticed a hand print in the dust of one of the cd players one day. The hand print could have been made by anyone in the house. We compared everyone's hands to the print and no one's matched the size of the print. But still it could have been made by anyone who came through the house.

Probably the most amusing Madonna cd moment happened when no one was home. I got home from school one day to find one of the album booklets opened on my bed. I didn't leave it there, not on a school day and particularly NOT that album. There was one Madonna album that I always kept hidden away in case my Grandma dropped by and accidentally saw it. The album had provocative artwork in the booklet. My parents were cool with it but it wasn't the sort of thing to show Granny. We didn't have any teenage boys in the house either that could account for interest in *that* album art. The cd booklet moment remains a bit of a mystery, we always put it down to the little girl.

Fast forward to a couple of years later. I was almost thirteen and by now was discovering other music, bands like Nine Inch Nails, Pearl Jam etc. Music unlike Madonna. The cd players stopped displaying random track numbers at this time. I had stopped feeling the presence and stopped experiencing vibrations in the floor. Also the kitchen had stopped going bump in the night.

When I was about 13, well and truly into other music by this time. The 'little girl' was no longer something I thought of regularly. One night around this age I woke up in the middle of the night. Something I hardly ever do. My bedroom felt weird, not positive, not negative, but an abnormal kind of feeling. I felt compelled to get out of bed. No reason to, it was this feeling that I 'should' get out of bed. As if I was being asked to, it was strange.

I got out of bed, opened my bedroom door which opened out to the lounge room. To my right the sofa. The sofa was facing the same direction I was standing, the arm of the sofa was beside my right leg. I saw what I thought for a nano second to be my mum laying on the sofa (as she does when watching TV). But all the lights were off, so was the TV. At first I saw legs laying on the sofa, the legs were wearing bright orange lycra tights. I followed the legs up the body and to the face. It was a young woman aged 20 or so, very pretty, wearing some sort of dancing attire. She appeared to be sleeping or resting on the sofa. Her hair was bright blonde and pulled into a tight ponytail which dangled over the arm of the sofa near my right leg. (her head was right beside me, her legs on the far side of the sofa to me.) I froze and at this point I think I gasped or made some kind of noise. The woman seemed to evaporate into thin air. I was still frozen staring at the sofa. Then a cushion which her head had rested on started to shake violently. The cushion couldn't have been more than an inch from my hand. I filled with terror and ran into my mum's room.

I woke mum up blurting something like "Mum wake up, the girl, she's on the sofa, she's not a kid, she's an adult!" My mum is completely unfazed by ghosts. Mum, bless her, replies very tired and half asleep "Oh how wonderful. Don't worry she just wants to say hi." I completely disagreed with this and wanted to tell her about the cushion. But was too scared to say any more. Mum was back to sleep within seconds. (Thanks mum!) I stood in mum's bedroom for what felt like a long time but was probably about half an hour. I looked out mum's bedroom window, frightened the woman would come in the door behind me, I don't think she did. I could feel a strange feeling still coming from the lounge room. When the strange feeling had dissipated I bolted back through the lounge past that sofa to my bedroom and threw the covers over my head. Morning couldn't come quick enough!

I still get scared just thinking about it.

The sofa incident happened around '94. My impression at the time was that she had really NOT liked my change in musical taste. But I was 13 or so when I jumped to that conclusion. My impression today is that it's something I don't understand. I don't know why she did that.

As a side note I was completely shocked to see she was an adult, not a child. All that time I had assumed she was 'my age'. I don't know why this detail floored me, perhaps it was the nature of the reveal.

I didn't experience much from her for many years, apart from feeling a presence every once in a while. Not a bad presence either. Years went on and I hardly thought of her at all.

Fast forward again to 2005, I was 24 and beginning a new relationship with a man whom I was with for 3 years. I was totally in love with this guy and it felt like the most amazing romance ever.

The first time I stayed at his place I woke up in the middle of the night, again not like me. The same feeling from '94 was in his room, and this time I had the urge to stay in bed. I sat up, my boyfriend was asleep. As soon as I propped myself up I felt like something was on the bed. I saw the same cushion from all those years ago on the bed covers on my stomach, it was shaking violently as it did the first time. The leotard wearing woman was sitting on the bed, I think. She was whispering in an angry tone "Get out, get out" over and over. She started to appear at the edge of the bed beside me. At first she was faint and then she sort of faded into clarity. I hid under the covers and I assume she got clearer, I don't know. I could feel 'something' pushing me out of the bed. It wasn't a physical sensation, more like a strong will. But there was NO way I was getting out of that bed. I could hear her voice getting closer to my ear. My boyfriend, who was facing the other direction, on his side, started to stir. He said, in a tired state, "Come on, over here" He thought it was me whispering at the cat to get out of the room. Everything went quiet and still at this point and he went back to sleep, completely oblivious.

I was very scared that night but it wasn't as bad as the first time. I don't understand where the cushion came from. It was the same one from when I was a kid, it wasn't there in the physical sense this time. The first time it was an actual physical cushion we had for years. But obviously that same cushion was not physically in my boyfriend's room.

I didn't want to tell anybody what happened this time. I asked my boyfriend if he heard anything the next morning. He said he heard me telling his cat to get out. I didn't want to elaborate on that. I was too scared to.

That relationship with that man turned out to be some of the worst years of my life. It was an emotionally abusive relationship. The dancer woman, with hindsight I believe, was telling me to 'get out' of the relationship. I think deep down I somehow knew this and that's why I didn't want to tell anybody.

That was years ago and I've completely recovered from that time in my life. I guess the dancing girl is here to stay. I've felt her presence over the years since then. Still don't get why she had to scare me back when I was 13 though. Maybe she really didn't like my new love of rock music. Or maybe there was an underlying wisdom to her madness that I've yet to comprehend. When I got out of that abusive relationship I thanked her by playing some Madonna. I think she got my message.

I would love to know more about her, perhaps I'll open a dialogue with her at some point. But I don't want to invite any wrath either.

And boy can she make her temper felt!

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
4 months ago (2024-04-01)
Happy April Fools to you too, Tweed. And of course that is not enough characters...
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 months ago (2024-04-01)
I just saw a ghost do a cartwheel. πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Happy April Fools everyone.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-01)
I'm going to try some trigger words:


So far all the words I have tried have been changed to clown... No purple pants, circus or red nose.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-01)
Hi Tweed.

I agree with you... What used to be a fun day reading the comments of confused members terrified by the changes done to their words, has become a day when no one says anything.

Sometimes YGS looks like a ghost town void of spirits.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-01)
Maybe if I put big red nose
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-01)
Not so many clowns or people freaking out this year. Bah, this place is getting too sensible!
How does one make it say purple pants?
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
1 year ago (2023-03-26)
Tweed, I'm wondering the same thing. Also, what language is it? 😜
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
1 year ago (2023-03-25)

What is an 'intangible human' and a 'justice phrase'?

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
1 year ago (2023-03-14)
CrimsonTopaz, Flighty with the cushion LOL
When I was little I loved getting up at night, then I grew out of that and the cushion thing happened🀦 Lime green, brown and white, those were the colours on the cushion. To this day if I see that colour scheme I shudder. I love this ghost but she really succeeded in terrifying me.

I was thinking about this ghost recently because I saw some crap that Madonna had been posting online. Was like omg that's our girl Madonna, what the hell is she doing?!... Oh well.

Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed. I like reading peoples experiences in chronological order as well.πŸ™‚
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
1 year ago (2023-03-14)
Tweed, provocative Madona pictures in your CD booklet definitely would have shocked granny. I enjoyed reading your retelling of events. I got a bit on edge towards the end when the dancing girl spirit got a bit flighty with the cushion.
Then I read the comments and oh dear - plagiarism and all sorts from unknown visiting members.
Your mum sounds very supportive with your sightings and that's a huge help. Nothing worse than family not believing because they don't understand. I have no idea why I started reading your list of experiences from the bottom up. I'm glad I started with this one. It's well written and thorough in detail, which took me right there.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-08)
That pumpkin looks like Donald Trump. Or like if he mooned everyone, that's what it'd be like.
Roshambo face or butt, both ends spout crap.

Yeup, my wisdom runs deep today people.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-26)
Dear Everyone,

You can't reason with a child. To believe you can is, in itself, childish.

My summation for the aid of forum discord.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
N'mind, I just found what it meant. Huh, well what do you know, watches always stop on me too. But no other craziness. Far out, interesting. πŸ˜•
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Random Question: (because the internet either doesn't know or won't tell me)
What does 'slider' mean and why is it typed 'SLIDer'? Or something like that.

I read this term months ago on here but didn't have time to delve into it, now I can't find anything about it, annoying.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-11)
DandK, that sounds like something a relative might do. Do you think this might be a grandparent or someone like that?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-09)
Tweed, I can't wait to read your latest!

No new 6 am events after the comforter was lifted and moved off of my foot. I did have an interesting experience yesterday morning though during breakfast. I was sitting at the counter with a book, and had just finished eating when I felt a hand on my right shoulder, then what felt like a body lean into my left side and a cheek get placed gently against my left cheek. It was like someone beside me with their right arm around me and their cheek pressed against mine. We sat like that and read for about 10 minutes and then it was gone. It felt like a very nice friend.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-09)
DandK, that's a good point! Nope, just a daggy dressing gown, pj's and slippers. No jewelry or hard embellishments. I wondered if the kettle was maybe in just the right spot with just the right amount of water to sustain the sound somehow. That's the only explanation I could come up with.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-09)
DandK, haha I actually forgot about the cup and spoon! No it hasn't happened again.
As it happens I'm just about to submit something which happened last night, it's about my guardian you asked about ages ago. It's connected to something which happened over twenty years ago. First time I've ever written about something the day after and actually submitted it! Wow I must be becoming organsied or something. I've a bad habit of half writing something, then not submitting it or finishing it.
Actually, if I get my act together I'll be able to submit a couple more which I wrote about months ago. Jeesh, talk about breaking a trend.

How about you, any more early morning visits? Or anything going bump round your place lately?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-09)
Tweed, another possibility is: were you wearing a belt with a metallic buckle? Or a bracelet or a shirt or jacket with a long sleeve and a button on it that could have klinked on either the cup, spoon, or counter?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-09)
Tweed, interesting. Any updates on this or anything new happen?
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-07)
Something peculiar occurred yesterday morning. Not sure if it was paranormal but it was, for all intents and purposes, odd. It's not worth submitting about, so I'm'a postin' 'bout it 'ere.

I was stirring tea (how quaint) and you know that tinkedy tink tink spoons on cups make well that was happening as usual. Didn't notice anything off about it until I lifted the spoon from the cup, about to drop it on the bench. But didn't because the last 'tink' rang out like it had an enormous reverb applied to it. Which would be normal if I lived in a church, except I don't. This is a modest sized kitchen which has not the ability to achieve such impressiveness. There was me holding a spoon staring at the cup with a massive '?' thought bubble. I, being the curious person I am, tried to do it again and again..., do you think it would comply? Hell no.

From then until now I keep trying to explain it and create the sound again and it's a massive fail on all fronts. Didn't notice any cold spots, warm spots or anything. Just one abnormally long reverberated tink. πŸ˜•
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
Tweed - we can't see what stories are in queue. We don't even know what story, or who submitted it, is up next. It's always a surprise when we click on the story to edit it πŸ˜†

If you are concerned that it didn't make it, send Martin an email. I believe Administration has the ability to see stories in queue that mods don't.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
Hey Mods,

I submitted two separate experiences yesterday and I only got email confirmation that one was received.

Because I'd already typed them in word, I sent them both to YGS quite fast. The first one went through as normal, with the default email confirmation. The second submission gave me a site message that said to wait 10 minutes before submitting a second experience to prevent spam. So I waited about half an hour and then submitted the second one, all appeared to go through fine. However, I never received email confirmation that the second one was received.

Do you have any way of letting me know if you have 2 separate submissions from me pending in the list?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
2nd1st, Good luck with operation Tom and Jerry! I'm with you!
I usually have operation Charlotte going on in my house. I like to keep some spiders around (especially jumping spiders which I think are quite intelligent as well as possibly aliens 😊). But my husband disagrees with me! He's at least gotten to the point that when I'm around he'll take the spider outside. I prefer the jumpers to stay inside, but it's a compromise!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Tweed, thank you so much for your detailed posts. I've been waiting to write back to you until I had a chat with my neighbors. I'm also really happy to have all of the resource information that you sent me. I know that I will be using it.

For an update: the folks with the dogs are moving to a farm in Montana. I'm hoping this means the dogs will have a much nicer life! It means for me, no more barking from them (which when it comes down to it doesn't bother me - bark away; it's when I know they're barking because they're stuck around a tree in the sun without water and ignored that it sucks the life out of me).

It took me a large amount of courage to talk to the lady behind me. I'm about as introverted as one can get in person so I had to really get my energy stored up and get past my fear. That probably sounds really stupid to most people. Anyway, it turns out that she 'inherited' the cat and she has two dogs. The dogs seem really well behaved and I know they never make noise when they're in their yard. I told her about the cat whining all day long (she works during the day) and suggested that maybe she should consider taking him to the vet and maybe finding a new home for him. I gave her the name of my cat vet that I feel very, very lucky to have met a couple of years ago when my cat became ill. The office is wonderful and the people seem genuinely interested in the health of the pets, not in the profits. When I took my cat in, the vet ran a blood test and some other tests I don't remember and told me that she was in kidney failure and she may not live over the next week. He kindly gave me three options: they would put her to sleep, keep her in the hospital for the next couple of days with IV's to see if she improved, or I could take her home and they would show me how to do the IV's myself. I opted to take my baby home because if she had only a short time to live, I wanted her to be home. I learned how to do the IV's twice a day and how to give her some medicine for her stomache. After the first day of IV's, she was walking around again and acting alive again. By the end of 2-3 days, she was almost normal in terms of eating, sleeping, and being playful. She lived for another 8 months and seemed happy and playful until her last day. I had to give her the IV's twice a day and with that small effort on my part, she had a lot more time. Anyway, I guess I'm just trying to say that my vet was a wonderful person and I think he will help this lady out too.

Thanks again Tweed!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
2nd1st I read about operation Tom and Jerry yesterday and had a giggle! I don't know anything about safe mice deterrent unfortunately.

On the topic of ghosties who know how to manipulate electronics, I doubt they're pros in this field. Because, at the risk of sounding ageist or sexist, the ghosts who appear to be good at this don't seem the type to have inside knowledge. Redwolf has her deceased father in law, for example, who mucks around on her tablet.

I don't know how it works but I wonder if it's got something to do with our limited senses. If you consider there's only so much light spectrum visible to us, so many hz audible to us and so on, perhaps, on a finer level a mere thought becomes a tangible object and can shift physical matter by the will of the thinker (ghost) who has the unique vantage of being aware of other matter our physical senses can't detect.

And yes, getting out of that relationship was sound and wise advice she gave.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Hehe sometimes it takes some other pov's to make it click. At least it does for me sometimes! And your very welcome! This story is definity in my favs, I love going back and reading these as a reminder of good things.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Spiritwaiting, thanks for your kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it.😊

It's weird, only after I submitted this did I started making the cushion/relationship connection. Others drew the same conclusion too.

She is a wise soul and I'm lucky to have her around.

Since submitting this I realised Mum is a dancer, at least she was in the 80's. Even though it wasn't until the early 90s that I felt this woman's presence, I wondered if maybe she'd been following Mum around for years first. Maybe someone who used one of the dance halls or knew one of the choreographers. I don't know. It's bizarrely stupid of me not to have made this connection before! πŸ˜†
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Tweed and dan, ironic reading the off topic but very interesting posts - I am in the termination phase of operation tom and jerry at this very moment - essentially I'm trying to clear out some mice by capturing them and releasing them in the bush and using a series of repellents. I'm trying to do it with maximum stealth as if anyone else in the building learns about them they'll start laying poison or glue traps or some other horror. Just really glad I'm not the only pro other species person around:)

On your story tweed, that is seriously scary. Couple if thoughts

I've often read about spirit activity affecting electronic gear, things not plugged in switching on, especially radios etc. I can understand how the presence of a spirit (which I presume must have some sort if electrical presence) having general type effects on electrical gear. But I have always wondered how the far more specific effects are generated (such as the display changes on your story). I can't help but speculate that this would require the spirit to have a solid understanding of how the electronic device works. But at the same time there do seem to be a lot of anecdotes featuring such effects. Wonder how it works?

Also (and admittedly I haven't read all of the many comments) but was yah advice to "get out" of the relationship demonstrated to gave been wise advice (no requirement to answer if you don't want to)?
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
I really enjoyed reading this.
She seems to have become a protector of sorts for you.
She sounds like a wise soul.
Maybe she could be using her energy in a more gentler way by becoming younger while you were younger and growing with you.
To not scare you to pieces.

The couch and cushion incident...
I don't think she wanted to scare you, but may have been trying to warn you and by doing so the way she did, you remembered that incident. The shaking of the cushion and couch could've been a metaphor/warning. (This relationship will be a rocky one).
Then appearing to you, and telling you to "get out."

She seems to be a good soul by the way you write about her, hope to hear more from you about her. She seems interesting 😊!

Thanks for sharing

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