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Real Ghost Stories

Furry Face


We have one cat, no children. Two stark details I managed to neglect whilst typing this up. Two details that could save a lot of time.

Was just after New Years, perhaps the 2nd of Jan. Late at night, say midnight, I was getting ready to turn in. As per the usual I was straightening the rugs out because the cat, Leo, beats them up and leaves them in a shambles. Which is really quite hazardous.

I'd just straightened the rug at the front door, which is in a hallway entrance. As I walked back and past the lounge door I saw what I thought was Leo running behind the coffee table, and knocking things over as he did. This is standard Leo at this time of night. But what I thought I saw looked very unusual. However, I took it for granted it was him. Within the next second I saw Leo laying behind me right where I was about to walk, with his head up looking toward the coffee table.

The TV was on, beyond the coffee table, and backlit whatever it was. But otherwise that room was dark, except for some hallway light and a bit from the kitchen. So within, say, four seconds I saw something, thought it was the cat, realised puss was chilling out on the floor, made a snap decision it was an illusion. Like the TV light making weird shadows or something.

I always feed the cat directly before bed and that's what I did next in the kitchen. The nightly routine is he runs around the house for roughly twenty minutes, we throw/kick some toys, and rugs, around. Then he eats, curls up in his favoured spot on the couch and is out for the count until morning.

Left him eating in the kitchen and went to turn the TV off. When I got to the coffee table I saw that things on this table had been knocked on the floor. It's a long coffee table, things had been disturbed on the same side I'd seen whatever it was.

Onto the floor it had scattered a remote, a tissue box, and a coaster. Definitely no breezes to speak of, no super strong heaters, nothing to account for it, other than Leo himself. Who I would have assumed to make such a mess had I not seen it done by another agent.

My first assumption was 'paranormal', but I was more afraid of having a king rat in the house. So I searched behind and under everything a big lug like that could fit. Came up with naught. Super scared of all the damage something like that could do. I calmed down when I realised if it were a rat the cat would've been all over it.

Here's what happened while adjusting the hallway rug. I kind of kick and slide the rugs back into place with my feet, I'm stood while doing so. Kind of crab walking backwards and sideways along the hall runner. Not making much noise, or any at all. I think I may have startled this thing when I appeared at the lounge doorway. Something got my attention, don't know what, but I looked to find an animalistic face, furry, pale, similar to Leo. But it looked different, it was pulling a face for one, like a hissing face. It was like when cats open their mouth while playing with ribbons. Sort of like that, only not in a happy way.

The next detail sounds bizarre but this is what seemed to happen, it was like the immediate objects around the furry thing lifted about five inches and fell again. Then it scarpered across the table, or maybe part way across the table. Next I saw Leo stretched out behind me, watching the same thing. He wasn't scared, he was relaxed, like it were normal to him. Indeed perhaps it is.

Only when I got to the table to turn off the tele did I find the mess and question what happened. Up until then I was content to dismiss it as an illusion from shadows cast by the TV, after finding Leo stretched out behind me waiting on his supper. I don't think I looked back after finding him behind me. We're talking a few seconds here, but I think I kept on to the kitchen.

In the seconds I thought it was Leo, I thought he was sitting on the floor between the tele and the table looking at me over the tabletop. The face confused me, however it was the same height as his when he sits in that spot. His head above the tabletop. We don't have doll furniture, he's a big breed. Then things seemed to briefly lift and what I thought to be his tail whisked across the length of the table, like he'd ran. Indicating nocturnal silly buggers was in full swing.

When I mentally replayed it over I think it, whatever it is, must've been on the table, not sat on the floor. Then it must've dashed across the table. Because I saw something moving across, like his tail does when he runs alongside that tablet. Except, in this instant at least, I thought his tail was dragging something big along the table, like the tissue box. But the tissue box, when I found it on the floor, had dropped roughly aligned to its original table position. Not on the other end, where I thought it was dragged. What I thought to be the tissues was probably the entity itself, in motion.

Following that logic it was probably the size of a rabbit or regular cat. It was pale, I assumed the same colour as Leo, beige sort of light orange. But it happened so fast and the lighting wasn't conducive for colour. But whatever it's colour was or wasn't, I'm certain it was pale.

The face was like a tribal mask when I think about it. Or some kind of gargoyle or temple dog look. It was baring teeth with its fur on end. It looked like an oversized powderpuff.

Buildup wise, can't say we've noticed much. Except that Leo looks at something invisible here and there. He follows something along the floor with his eyes sometimes. Whatever that may be seems to be his eye level. Other than that it's possible he plays with something we're unaware of.

Leo is aloof and a bully boy. The idea of him making friends with anything, other than us, is quite impressive. So if he's fraternising with an ethereal spook of some kind, that's pretty funny.

On a more formal note are there any animalistic entities out there which fit the description?

Or, and I've always been a bit sceptical about the concept of shape shifters, but maybe something like that was/is going on. Something attempting to look like Leo.

Or Leo has produced a thoughtform. Wow.

Hope this was easy to follow. It's weird recalling and describing something you instantly dismissed. But yeah, an oversized powderpuff in a threat display sums it up.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-17)
Thanks Manafon, I've just read that article a couple of times in a row. It's cool to put a name to it. The idea of being able to spell in other languages, and to speak them, is a bit hard to believe/relate to. But it really seems like this omnilingualism is the identity of what I'm dealing with. This sentence in particular rings true;
"With practice users will often subconsciously translate foreign languages to their native tongue."
However, I've never practiced anything, least not consciously.

Congratulations, it seems you've unearthed the only serious omnilingualism article on the web. It's all Marvel comic crap otherwise, isn't it always the way.
As a point of interest I failed to mention last night that during that film the English dialogue I heard was in French accents by the French actors whereas Rampling sounded like her English self.

Thanks again, having a name to this will make further research infinitely easier!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-16)
Hi Tweed--Here's an article that might explain your unique ability to instantly translate languages (according to this article is can extend to things like sign language too.) It's called "omnilingualism." Not sure of the source or reliability of this article but thought it might be of interest. Leaving links isn't my forte so if it doesn't work just type in onmilingualism and see what pops up. There is a sci-fi short story that has the title as well but the below article comes from a site dealing with psychic abilities.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-16)
I have an update to this whole hearing animals in English embarrassment.

The other night hubby and I were watching a French movie, (oh la la), it was in French, no English. I can understand broken French but I'm not exactly fluent. You can guess where this is going, right. Well, apparently it's not just flipping animal calls, I started hearing the film dialogue in English. It sounded like the actors were switching to English sporadically. It switched from French to English for about ten seconds every five minutes or so, trippy. But here's the kicker, I could actually feel it happening. It felt directly connected to my limited understanding of French, combined with glancing down at the subtitles, this definitely kicked it into action.

I'd not seen the film before so the dialogue was fresh to me. Also if I saw the actors mouths move synced to their dialogue while I was hearing English, it seemed to break the spell. Charlotte Rampling was in this film, I'm used to hearing her in English, she sounded the same speaking English, but she was speaking French in the film. Hope that made sense. Anyhoo that suggests to me when this happens I'm hearing how a person/animal feels in them self. Hope that also makes sense.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-10)
I just creeped myself out, sorry people.

Been at home too long.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-10)
Mike Strong you are so amazing if I weren't married, I totally would. Please regale me with more random links from other sites. 😜 ❤ 😘
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-13)

I find it interesting your mother has a natural affection for injured animals to a point she would even risk her own child's safety to help a possum back to full health.

I'm sticking with Michael Newton's work and going with what I have suggested before, I don't know for sure how accurate his work is, so take it with a grain of salt... Lol

Apparently from the spiritual realm, we do have the means to pick our own parents for various reasons and if that be the case, here you are picking a hippy dippy mother who has an unusual amount of extra compassion for animal life?

The Swan, the budgie?, your own ability to tune into animal frequencies?hmmm, the spiritual realm would be very boring place if we sat around for eternity doing nothing but talk about the old days in the earth matrix... Although I suppose haunting those still living my be seen as fun if you have that type of humour... Anyway, I can't help sense there's a relationship of some sort going on between you and the animal life to a level it may continue on elsewhere when the curtain falls on your own journey Tweed and may that be many years away.

Regards Daz
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-13)

Your mother sounds like a friend that I have. She is always finding an injured or abandoned baby wild animal to nurse back to health. Usually they are just squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits. She bottle feeds them and makes elaborate bedding and heat lamp arrangements. She does this while she let's her kids run wild all over the neighborhood.

The worst time was when she found five baby possums. She wanted me to help nurse these possums while she went to the store but I just couldn't do it. I'm enough of a nut without that memory to hold onto.

I went to the store for her. People usually view possums as dangerous carriers of disease and I told her to bring them to a wildlife authority if she must do something.

I would have been furious if I were you too.

- Maria
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-12)
Hi Ladyglow,

I know a guy who worked at an abattoir for a while during the 80s. He's been a vegetarian ever since, and to this day has nightmares about it.

Animals like me, but not any more than any other animal friendly person I think. I've had what might be considered extraordinary animal experiences when I was younger. The first was a swan, which I wrote about on here because I saw an apparition while panicking lol. But the swan side of it, I felt like I could 'tame' this bird and for a brief moment I did. (After patiently willing it)

The next was a few years after. A timid budgie we had escaped and flew into a tree in our yard. Same kind of thing as with the swan, I stood under the tree, concentrating on this bird for goodness knows how long. It didn't fly away. When it was nearly dark the budgie flew onto my arm and I grabbed it. It protested of course but I don't think it bit me. Anyway, budgie was safe and sound.

A few years after that, one of the most ridiculous and dangerous things from my childhood happened, when my mother found a possum stunned under a tree. We were driving to the video store. My hippy dippy mother picked the (large and very dangerous) possum up and gave it to me to hold. Car radio blaring, speed humps, car doors banging. When we got to the video store I was stuck in the car with this animal coiling itself ever tighter around my waist and I was afraid to speak. It had hold of my finger, in it's claws, and was gripping so tight I feared for my finger as much as for my vital organs. (Australian brush tail possums have like bear claws) This lasted forty minutes. When in the video store car park I tried to signal to some people to open the car door so hopefully the possum would make a dash for it. But they didn't see me.
Miraculously I came out completely unscathed. I have very little recollection of how my mother prized the possum off me when we got home, because I was that terrified. I do remember storming into my room however. I didn't speak to my mother for a few days after that. She did see the error of her ways, not because of the silent treatment, just because she's a think later type of person who loves animals a heck of a lot more than I do.
The possum was probably in shock after falling from a tree fighting, as they do sometimes in Australia. The shock probably helped it not attack me for that long. I was twisted in my seat with an arched back to limit any jerky movements on the animal during that time, which probably helped too. But I was in survival mode, I really didn't care for the well-being of the potential death merchant squeezing the bejesus out of me. Harsh but true.
The possum stayed the night in a cat carrier and was released the next night.
I guess animals do like me but maybe it's more a matter of trust at play here. The swan and budgie incidents indicate my patience paid off, and I may have a knack for knowing what animals need or something.

Haha I used to howl at our dogs when I was a kid, always got them going. So I can imagine the mixed reactions you get with your whimpering call. It's always the cutest thing when a dog tilts it's head at you!

As for that ghost palming off more animals onto us, say it ain't so lol. I sort of wondered that too. I mean Leo obviously digs his new friend, so maybe that ghost had a hand in it.
I agree there's something very endearing about cats playing!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-12)
Hello Tweed.

I have been following both of your stories with great interest, the comments are very engaging and informative.

At first I thought that it must be cool to hear what animals have to say, but then I imagine how terrible it could be to know what they have to say when, as an example, a group of pigs is transported all crowded on a truck on the way to the slaughter house.

It is fascinating the way you can understand animals than are not your pets. Do animals are friendly toward you?

I have master this whimpering sound that never fails to get a dog's attention, they always tilt their head to one side and then to the other with a very curious expression on their face. Though adult dogs show a lot of interest on my whimpering, puppies always get excited and jump to me to their masters' puzzlement.

I don't think I can communicate with them, but it's evident that, at least, I must sound to them like a real dog.

Leo came to you through some paranormal help, perhaps the same person told to Furry Face something on the line of "That nice lady is going to treat you well" and send it your way?

Cats playing are adorable!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-11)
Update: This morning Leo was definitely playing with something we couldn't see. He was springing around, looking toward something. Also it looked like he was being chased as well as chasing something. He was having a dandy old time. For a while we've suspected something like this happens when we're not around, so it was a treat to have it confirmed, and all in full swing. It was pretty funny.

Lealeigh, I'll be looking out for other lefty musicians now. One friend, another pianist, he's a lefty, and my cousin, yet another pianist and lefty. A cellists I know is a lefty, but plays right handed cello. There's probably something in that, because I and my lefty pianist friend both play right handed guitar. Huh, odd. It makes total sense to handle the strings on the fretboard with the left hand. Years ago I noticed David Bowie was the same, left handed, played right handed guitar. Someone ought to do a survey or something on that. Whoa, sidetracked.

Not sure if I'd consider myself good at maths, but I've always been good with a budget, so maybe. Huh, what'd ya know I'll have to think about that!

Daz, you've probably already heard of this before, but if not I reckon it's up your street. Fractal Geometry, and a dude named Benoit Mandelbrot. He was hired by the IBM computing company as a bit of a problem solver back in the day. He noticed patterns in just about everything and his theories revolutionised how we view the world on a microscopic level. IBM have an article on him, his findings and theories:
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-10)

I'm left handed too, hmmm it makes you wonder about the lefties.

Lealeigh I dropped out of school at a fairly young age with that whole rebel without a cause mentality however strangely enough I was always good at basic math,

According to Bruce Lipton our brains are just receivers of information and then we perceive that information into our reality. I have heard some mathematicians/ physicist claim pixels are at the base of our universe, interestingly enough Tweed, this brain scientist who had a stroke stated, when I looked at my phone all I could see were pixels?...It makes one think long and hard about our reality being very similar to a computer simulation as quite a number of scientific academics have hypothesised.

I keep stating over and over the truth may be stranger than a science fiction movie, your account Tweed may have a very simple explanation once we can unlock the mystery of consciousness and how we evolved the way we have.

Regards Daz.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-10)

Every left handed person I know is a musician. Even if they're not "out there" in the public eye they are creative in this way.

I have not researched this in any way. I have noticed it in my own small world. I have also noticed that all of the left handed people I know are good at math.

My dad is left handed and he is the master of practical jokes. Elaborate pranks that I could never imagine by myself; not even if I lived forever. I wrote a short story about one of my dad's pranks and I called it "Capricorn".

Kind of off the point but I was just trying to say that I believe that whatever it is that makes a person left handed is also what makes them see things differently.

- Maria
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-10)
Daz, the implications of the Broca's area is mind bending stuff. I've been reading about it. Thanks for that info. It's fascinating that it's found on the left side of most people. Granted, I'm far from well versed on the topic of neuroscience, but that's amazed me that an area can occur on either side from person to person.
So it's possible mine resides on the right side. I'm left handed, don't know if that's an indicator. But I now wonder if the reason most broca's areas are on the left side is linked to the majority population being right handed. The dominant hand's written language. Definitely something to mull over.

The TED woman's account is frightening. Sounds like while some section of her mind was incapacitated, some other parts filled in as best they could, but weren't qualified, so she heard a golden retriever instead. Must've been like functioning in a whacked out dream/nightmare zone. Poor woman.

I'm not surprised to hear you're a musician, always had you picked as one. Don't know why, just seemed to make sense.

Cheers again for that info!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-10)

Your ability to write music comes from the right hemisphere of your brain I'm not surprised to hear you're a creative soul Tweed. In most people the broca's function area is located in the left hemisphere as it homologue's language to it's right hemisphere region... FYI...Women's broca area function is usually 20 percent greater than males...I'm wondering if the broca area function of your brain lays more in your right hemisphere?... Of which enables you to pick up on these animal frequencies of which you can decode into human language?

I went back and watched a link of this brain surgeon who lectured on Ted...interestingly,this blood clot she had was resting on her language centre as she explained her weird account... She heard this person on the phone make a noise that sounded like a golden retriever as she was sounding like one herself (along with a few other weird experiences). She eluded to the spiritual aspect of the right hemisphere side of the brain and how it expanded out into the field of consciousness. (my take on her account)

Anyway, you're account is an interesting one, I should also modestly add, back yonder I spent 10 years in a club cover's band, I wrote two song's one of which a radio station wanted to play the other had some serious interest from a publishing company neither of them ended up cutting it in the end, I also performed on the flute, Guitar, Chinese basoon, a few tunes on the piano, I know,brag,brag... Welcome to the right hemisphere club tweed,... They call me zoolander back in the spiritual realm...lmao

Anyway mate, thank you for sharing account you have given me much to think about if I wasn't already on TMI overload.

Regards Daz
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-09)
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Val, it does feel like an auto translation. Oddly the part of this which has concerned me is that it sounds so normal and that I know they aren't really speaking English. I never feel afraid when it happens except for once. I heard a group of weirdos directly at the window saying stuff like "get under there, that bush, behind it". It sounded like they were talking in whispers, trying to be quiet. I freaked out but there was nothing there. Husband said he couldn't hear any talking, only sparrows. Frigging sparrows!

I completely agree animals talk to us and each other. There's been many studies into domesticated animal sounds and the results shock exactly no pet owners lol. Except for this fascinating finding, animals have accents. Studies on cattle, dogs and cats revealed vocal distinctions over differing locations. That was from a documentary about ten years ago, so goodness knows what other studies have uncovered since.

As for weird powderpuff cat I thought the other day it's quick turn around from grimace to chilling out might be linked to all this. He/she knows it's understood on some level.

I hope you're feeling better soon. No one is ever truly alone in their darkness.

Daz, interpreting animal frequencies into human language strikes a massive chord. I think you've nailed it. I was thinking along these lines last night. I write music. When working on lyrics I'm driven by the sound of words and how each syllable or vowel relates to a given melody. Likewise for instrumental arrangements. I think of it as converting emotion into audio. I think my sonic process is at play when I hear animals in English. To master an instrument you must learn the rudiments of music, only to unlearn them later, so it becomes instinctive. I think somehow I've applied that logic, albeit subconsciously, to frequencies outside music.

# [at] £&%! I just realised the first song I ever wrote was when I was eight, it was directly inspired by a currowong call, (bird). The song was a piece of crap, but that's beside the point, that was the day I knew I could write music. I haven't written from a bird call since, but it feels like there's a connection, in the process alone.

I've always enjoyed observing animals but, despite my recent contributions to this site being cat related, I've not sought out the companionship of pets. The two cats I've had as an adult have been strays. Rook has a theory that some people are destined to have a certain number of cats in their home, I fear there's truth to that lol. I'm content being a lone wolf, I don't want to be responsible for another's wellbeing and I loath distractions. It's why I'm not a parent. I feel like I grew up in a zoo, but as a kid I closed myself off from that chaos and focussed on piano.

Biblio, I dared type Dr. Doolittle Syndrome into the oracle and wow. Yeah, that's why I'm skeptical of so many TV psychics.

There's some cat call sounds and their meanings on YouTube. I started watching this when Leo made friends with us. But I never watched the whole thing cause he went crazy, hearing cat calls coming from nowhere. I remember it said a meow mixed with a purr means 'I'm hungry', I think that's true for any cat I've known. Supposedly cats adapted much of their meowing from being around humans talking. They don't meow much to each other, aside from mating and fighting. But they have a unique range they use on humans.

I won't be mentioning this to a doctor any time soon, or ever. Lucia summed it up.

Lealeigh, Mow Wow, Yep know it well. Universal proof all male cats are the biggest sooks.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
Cats do have plenty of words. I'd like to add another "cat phrase" to this discussion:

My cat says something like "Mow Wow" really loud when he wants to know if anyone is awake in the house; early in the morning, in the living room where the higher ceiling amplifies the sound.

If you pick him up, he frantically says every variety of "meow" that he knows until you put him down.

He definitely has language skills.

My cat is doing fine. He's almost back to business as usual - except that he is angry about his new food. He doesn't have to wear a cone anymore. The Victorian Collar gave him an air of indignity.

- Maria
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
Tweed, that's a really odd ability you've developed there!

I can't even find a word to describe it. I was going to suggest "zooglossia," but that's a descriptive list of the sounds people think animals make, not comprehensible sentences. "Zoologia" is the name of a Brazillian journal on zoological research. Hell, even trying "Dr. Dolittle Syndrome," after Hugh Lofting's fictional polyglottal explorer, came up with an appalling behavior caused by antisocial conditioning. Yikes!

Like Val, each of my cats "has 4 or 5 different 'meows' each with their own meaning - I understand those." For example, "Myeh' ah" and "Myah" mean "pay attention to me" and "I'm feeling restless" respectively, but I think that's just our being good pet parents. You state that the knowledge of the animals' conversations or observations *sounds* like English to you, which is what is throwing me off. I'd have suspected hearing the sounds but knowing the meaning, as if with telepathy, would have been the more straightforward explanation, but that is most assuredly *not* what you describe.

I agree with LuciaJacinta: "I wouldn't mention it to any doctor. They might lock you up on that one."

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-08)

I find it interesting you can sometimes hear animal noises that translate into English.

I do remember a few years back, listening to this account on line of an neurologist who knew she was suffering from a stroke. She dialled 911 and when she went to ask for help she heard herself barking like a dog when trying to relay her situation to the operator.

To make it even more interesting, the operator was barking like a dog back at her.

So let's go down the Rabbit hole and see if we can theories an answer?

If Consciousness is fundamental to all that exist and at the base of the universe on the plank sales lays information then language is just a tool we use for the illusion of separation and identity?...Our brains receive waves of vibrations for interpretation, you have a gift that enables you to pick up on animal frequencies you can hear in human language... This may suggest you are as what Michael Newton refers to in his book... '' a spiritual zoo keeper?''

This is a soul who spends most of their time caring for animals in the after life, usually when these souls venture into the Earth Matrix, they feel out of place, usually they feel very different and have a sense of not wanting to be among groups of humans, basically they would rather hang out with their pets.

Regards Daz
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
No need to worry, Tweed, as far as I know, the site is very healthy.
Let's just say, I fell into a rabbit hole, and it's taking time to climb back out, but I'll get there.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
Tweed, I don't think you're off your trolley. Granted, not everyone hears a translation of animal speak into human speech - but so what?
There are different degrees of 'translating' if you will. Back up in the hills, there are many many stories of folks who communicate with critters of all kinds, some just through body language of the animal, others through their calls. Animals can speak, most just don't listen I think.
While I can't say I've heard distinct sentences, I can testify that animal's do 'talk' all the time, and those with 'humans' do learn what certain phrases or words mean. Why would it not be possible, especially in someone with a close relationship with nature, not to have it reversed? Maybe it's a bit like being truly bilingual. You don't need to 'think'about what is said, but it just auto-translates in your mind. My cat has 4 or 5 different 'meows' each with their own meaning - I understand those. He's smarter than me and gets what I'm saying 99% of the time, but chooses to do his own thing - maybe listen, maybe not. Lol
Every now and then he does use 'words',at least they sound like words, but a bit warped. Like he'll call for me "Ma", but if he was looking for flatmate it is definitely, "Rome". And once I swear I heard him cuss at me.
But here you have something a bit different, seems you have a furry entity making itself known. Perhaps attracted by your faes, or it senses you are the 'right one'.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
Val, are you okay? Do you mean down as in not well?

Actually I thought the site was going to be shut down, hence no mod action, I started to panic, cause I wanted feedback on that topic.

Anyway, I'll submit it to the psychic site.

Lealeigh, I forgot to mention that I do talk out loud to animals, mine and other peoples. No doubt a contributing factor.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
Sorry, Tweed, been down for awhile... To the best of my knowledge you can use the same details. By the way, four days IS a bloody long time to wait for an answer! My apologies, and putting it on your profile was not being rogue - I think it was brilliant of you.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-08)
LOL! I didn't know what you were on about until I read your second comment!

It is a cool ability and I shan't begrudge it. But I've spent a good many years debating supernatural awareness with a grain of fear for my sanity. It's dredged up a lot of old inner conflict.

I hope your boy's feeling like himself again. Sometimes I think they're just embarrassed to wear the cone of shame.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-07)

I read the account on your profile page and it sure puts my second comment on this thread in a new light.

Seriously, I wish that I could tell my cat that he can't go outside because there are a hundred feral cats in this neighborhood.

I think that you are right; this ability to hear these things probably developed because you are very mindful towards living creatures. I imagine that you're the sort of person who is very perceptive to the feelings of animals anyway. You probably would never need to hear their words. Maybe your years of trying to understand the actions of animals has sharpened an ability.

If you're like me, you do a fair amount of talking to your pets and that might be one of the ingredients.

- Maria
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-07)
About my hearing animals in English experience. I asked about registering on the psychic site with the same details. No response after four days.

So I've gone rogue.

If you wish to read this experience I've pasted it into the about section on my profile. If you have any comments/questions post them here, or email me.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-04)
Love it Tweed! I think in my daughter's mind she just connected the dots. She thought ohh I can hear them talking then looked for a reason as to why logically.

Ahh yeah, I wouldn't mention it to any doctor. They might lock you up on that one. Haha.

Well keep us updated on your furry face. Enjoy your day 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-04)
Silverthane, I've always been into fairy kinds of beings. I'm passionate about preserving nature and historical architecture. Nothing makes me madder than senseless destruction. I feel this is linked to fairy related stuff, but I don't rightly know why. If the animal calls into English thing has been bestowed upon me from the fairy world, I'd imagine that's why. But I believe abilities are accessible to everyone, why and how I unlocked this ability is a mystery I hope to solve.

Lucia, if that experience gets posted on the psychic site I'll link it here.
A raccoon attack leading to animal telepathy sounds like a comic book plot. If your daughter can sense things I'd lean toward it happening regardless of the raccoon. She's just naturally able, and would have been anyway. But in my opinion that goes for generally anything. I grew up around a lot of animals but so do a lot of people. So yeah, I'm pretty clueless lol.

Melda, animal whisperers, yeah I've always thought they were con artists, airheads or both lol. Actually I still do. But I've always been open to the odd occurrence of people who genuinely hear or understand animals. I just don't believe much on the tele. I'm not hearing thoughts, it's the call of the animal twisted into English. It sounds like that dog or bird, but it's in English for a sentence or two.

I've heard Leo twice. Once was directly before bringing up a fur ball. He jumped off the chair suddenly and said "Oh no", then ralphed, I did laugh.
The other day I was rinsing this large jug thing at the sink. Leo was watching me, he meowed twice and on the second meow it came out "What is that?" So I showed him the jug/pot thing and he rolled on his back exposing his belly which he does when he's happy/satisfied. I guess that meant thanks.

Gotta say I feel like the most crazy weirdo saying all this. I've looked into schizophrenia and anything else that hears voices. I haven't found this specific symptom. I've not gone to a doctor about it. Instinct tells me that would do more harm than good but then logic says that's naive. Argh. I found myself wondering what weird cat entity would sound like last night lol.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-04)
Tweed - Animal whisperer comes to mind. I have always been under the impression that animals communicate telepathically with these highly gifted people. I know you said "call, bark or tweet".

Perhaps if you tried to take it a step further and try to communicate with Leo by whispering to him and ask him about his day, for example, you might just be surprised by his response.

If others have that gift, it's not impossible that you have it to a certain degree.

Regards, Melda
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-03)
Far out! I really want to read that story Tweed.

True story: my daughter was attacked by a wild raccoon when she was a baby... Long story. She's ok, was ok. Just precautionary rabies shots. But since that day she always says she has animal powers and can hear animals thinking and's funny, but I believe her... Or maybe just want to believe her...she's still a young child. School aged. So, my question is did you ever have any unusual animal experience or were bitten by anything?
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-03)
Fascinating! Are you in league with elementals or the League of Fairy? I do not joke, but it does seem that you have accessed some link to their world. I would normally not like hearing ANY type of disembodied animal sounds, but in your case it does seem interesting - especially since it has been occurring over time.

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