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Behind My Screen Name


This is about an entity I've come to think of as Tweed. Because the first time I saw him he was wearing a tweed jacket, and it changed something in me. Sometimes hauntings come from a location, sometimes an object or sometimes a person. I think Tweed might have come from the location.

In the mid 80's, I was around four or five, we lived in a house on Hotham Street in Box Hill. However, when I checked it out on google maps the suburb now says Mont Albert, bordering suburb. But I've based my research on Box Hill because that's what the address was back then.

Many of Melbourne's older suburbs were named after towns in England by the predominately English white settlers. The city of Melbourne is mapped out in a grid, modelled on London. Box Hill is named after a place in Surrey, England. It's just outside the main city of Melbourne, outside of the grid. It seems the white settlers were the first people on the land, which would make for a nice change. Many Australian towns have brutal histories of white settlers stealing land, and enslaving the original indigenous owners. Similar to America's history. But I'm not finding any indigenous history for Box Hill in my research.

Hotham Street in the 80's was a hodgepodge of homes from the 1920's or 30's era and some more modern 60's brick homes. We lived in one of the '30's houses. It was sandwiched between another 1930's looking home and a block of units which were orange brick, probably built in the 50's or 60's. We were right near the corner of Whitehorse Road, next to the brick units. Whitehorse Road is one of the early roads in the town, now a main road.

According to Wikipedia in the late 1800's Box Hill was favoured by artists who wanted to paint the Australian bush. It was also home to farming, orchards and vineyards. I've written about the Hotham Street house before here with Chalk Man and those weird things that sounded like reverb:




Behind our yard was a paddock with at least one horse. We used to feed the horse from our back fence. Down the road a bit was a laneway which must have been near a vineyard at some point because there were a lot of vines rambling up the trees and around the grass. The laneway was very dark, dense and lush. It lead to the horse paddock around the back. Beautiful place.

This happened around the time of Chalk Man and the other weird things I experienced at this house. I don't know which came first.

Well, my bedroom was a pretty simple affair, the bed was under a window. The window had some kind of curtains which were quite sheer. There was a street light that shone in from somewhere. It was quite light in there with the lights off. When I was in bed the window was to my left. My bedroom was down the side of the house, neither front nor back, in the middle. Outside my window was the side fence and a tree. A spindly tree/shrub thing. Tall but rambling, possibly a tea tree.

One night I woke up and saw a peculiar looking man in the tree outside my window. He was sitting back in the branches like he was quite accustomed to doing so. I wasn't afraid, but curious. I liked to climb trees, but I was sure this tree wasn't strong enough to climb. I could see him where the curtains hung out from the window. My pillow was maybe two feet from where the window started. So I was seeing him from the end of the curtain. The tree was not terribly sturdy. It didn't make a lot of sense. He sat there looking at me and I kept looking at him. His demeanour seemed relaxed.

His skin was pale and sort of reflecting the street light. But his nose had my full attention, it was so long, big and unusual, shaped like a toucan's beak. It jutted out about six inches, like a toucan. His mouth seemed wide. He wore a tweed jacket or coat. I don't recall his eyes, well I think they were large. His hair looked teased or like it had been left to it's own devices. I couldn't get over his nose though. I think he had dark pants, he seemed quite lanky.

You could say I dreamt it and I might have. But it felt so real and vivid. I was into wandering around the house at night if I woke up, little weirdo that I was. But that night I stayed in bed and just watched this nose guy in tweed. I don't know how long it lasted but I know it was peaceful. Probably drifted back to sleep. That's the end of that memory.

I think we need to talk about what a little psychopath fashionista I was as a toddler. Back then I had ugly thoughts about what people wore, constantly. We'd be anywhere and I'd be judging everyone based on their fashion choices or lack there of.

My inner dialogue ran like: 'Not with that eyeshadow, honey' and 'Why is she wearing that belt with that hairdo?' And 'As if anyone's going to take him seriously in that jumper'. I never said these things out loud, but I constantly judged fashion. If anyone wore one of those one long sleeve with one bare arm monstrosities I practically lost my s&*#. But never outwardly showed it. Okay, so to this day I still haven't forgiven the one long sleeve one bare arm crime against fashion. But the rest I grew out of.

After seeing Tweed at the window I became obsessed with anything tweed. I wanted to know if we had any more tweed in the house. Because mum had a grey tweed jacket. I can't say tweed was my favourite fashion textile at that age. I was into hot pink, lycra and sequins. But I guess that started to change. I became obsessed with finding the same tweed tree guy was wearing.

I would stare at mum's tweed coat or granddad's tweed hat and ask questions about how it was done. 'How do they get the colours in there like that?', 'What holds it all together?', 'How does the pattern come together?' I never got a satisfactory response to my child understanding. Only that it involved wool and spinning and things I couldn't comprehend. But it all sounded quite amazing.

The second time I saw, what I think was Tweed, was at another property in Box Hill. My parents were constantly splitting and getting back together back then. When they split, this time, I went with mum to the top of a terrace. It was a flat above my grandmother's florist shop.

One night, around tea time, I heard a fight in the street below. Mum wasn't bothered by the fight but I went to the window. Saw some guys going at it on the street, likely drunk. But I also saw a pink figure, like a dull neon light, peering over the fence on the corner. The shop/terrace was on a corner and there was a driveway or loading spot to the side with a fence/gate around the back. I could see where the fence/gate began. This pink thing had a long nose, like the tree guy, and was peering over the fence presumably at the brawl. The fight ended as soon as it began, just a couple of yahoos.

I told mum there was someone behind the fence but, because of the brawl, she took it the wrong way and called the police. I couldn't get her to listen. So the police came and I guess I told them there was a pink man with a long nose looking over the fence. There's this hazy memory of a rather bemused older man with a younger looking chap in tow and mum talking a lot.

Next time was at my grandmother's place. Parents were splitting again, this time for good. My grandmother's shop had moved down the road to the arcade so the terrace could be demolished to make way for a parking lot. Not even a good one, just a block of bitumen which next to no one used. It's still there today, but everyone parks on the street. Let's hear it for the 1980's Box Hill council!

So I was staying at my grandmother's house in Ferntree Gully. It was Christmas time, don't know before or after Christmas but the tree was up. Her tree was probably from the 50's or 60's. It was about 5 ft, wire frame with green tinsel for leaves. It was quite gaudy. My grandmother was a pianist.

One night I had it in mind to get up late and play piano in the dark. Like that would be so gothic and cool. (Hey, it would.) So I did, but I saw some pink outside from the window next to the piano. First I thought it was reflection from the Christmas tree but it was moving across, not dangling or static, like any tree ornaments. I kept watching, it looked like the same pink figure in the police report. This time, perhaps like the fence time, it was like an outline, aura, or neon sign or a drawing. But moving like any person. I think he looked up at me, or towards where I was, which scared me and I went back to bed.

Didn't get to fulfil my goth purpose. Just as well. The piano was outside my grandmother's bedroom. Not the best of ideas.

I would have been about six then. My grandmother's house was single story but the front was elevated. The front windows looked over the yard at about a second story height. The figure was moving between the border of the neighbour's yard. There was a short fence that ran along between the yards. But the fence had come apart and been removed along where the pink figure was moving. I don't remember which direction he was moving, towards where I was, or towards the neighbours. Only that I got jumpy when his head faced my direction. I think I was shocked to see him again.

Only while typing these occurrences up have I noticed the window theme. Well, the next time broke that trend.

Much time had passed, possibly ten years. My parents had well and truly separated. I was now a teenager and Ouija boards were of great interest to me. I managed to summon the so called 'Charlie demon'. Only I didn't know about 'Charlie' until I joined YGS and realized I'd been paranormally punked all those years ago. Long story short through the Ouija board I contacted some creep calling himself Charlie. The next few months were bothersome to put it mildly. I'm not anti Ouija boards, quite the contrary, but I am anti misusing them. I was writing the handbook on Ouija misconduct as a teenager.

That creep's reign of terror included touches, inappropriate ones at that, a general sense of foreboding, and one creepy apparition. It left me very fatigued and filled with self doubt. I'll write about that one day. I believe I let in some creep human ghost.

Some time after, when things had returned to normal, I saw Tweed again. This time I'd just gone to bed. I heard something like a quiet bump near my bedroom door. I could see a silhouette and barely make out the same tweed coat, messy hair and nose from the tree all those years ago. He was standing near my door, watching me I guess. I could see the wall behind him, so he was pretty transparent. He tilted his head slightly, like a pleasantry. Then faded away. It was nice, like the time at Hotham Street. But this had happened in a house we were renting in Ferntree Gully. Second time I'd seen him in this suburb.

The last time was a couple of years ago. This time it was very different because it was a dream. But it was the most revealing interaction I've had with this entity. I believe it was a visitation dream.

In the dream I was working in a haberdashery store in Ferntree Gully. This store existed in the 80's and 90's and was possibly there before I was born, but I never worked there.

It's daytime, a dark cloudy day. Interior lights are on, warm light, the old style globes. I'm working behind the counter. A man walks into the store and comes up to the counter. He looks familiar, hands me his coat. I can't place him. He's wearing black, no tweed. He says something to me in a different language. I don't know the language but understand the message 'You're beautiful, I see you'.

The dream changes scene. I'm now standing in a disused room in a large home, it's night time the lights are off. This room is filled with old furniture, and statues, some covered with sheets. There are a couple of pianos in this room. I can see an expansive garden outside.

I go to play one of the pianos. But tweed guy, still wearing black, and looking like a normal person stops me. I didn't realize/know he was there. He says (in his own language) 'Don't play them. We have to go.'

The scene changes. Now we're standing on a road, or driveway outside same house, it's still night. There are a lot of people, very rowdy, it's a street party. They don't see me, or Tweed guy in black. Something is coming, a bright light far down the road. Too bright, too big to be a car. It's slowly getting closer. I become aware they can't see the light. The closer it gets the more reckless the party seems. I begin to understand the light is the pandemic. I realize who the foreign language guy is. We walk through the party, which makes me nervous. I ask 'Are you sure they don't know we're here?' He nods. I understand we have to get out of the road before the light arrives. We briskly walk across a lawn toward a forest. Dream ends.

A theme in dreams for me is houses, usually big elaborate olden day ones, but from any era really. I will dream of either hidden rooms in homes I know, or homes I don't know but know in a dream sense. In these dreams I'm always alone and I always explore. They're nice dreams.

This dream is different. I can hear people in other rooms, or outside, but I can't see them. This was a first.

When he says 'you're beautiful, I see you'. I understood it to be an inner beauty, not a come on. In the dream I recognize him, his face is familiar. But I've not seen him before. I think I was recognizing his energy signature, even though it was registering as his face.

When I thought about this dream the next day I realized the coat he handed me at the beginning was the tweed one. But I don't know if I carried it from scene to scene.

At the time I dreamt this I was going through a divorce. Never thought I'd say that, but then, does anyone? Perhaps the timing was key. It's a huge adjustment. We were together for eleven years. Even though it ended, I consider it a successful marriage. We fell out of love, but we'll always care for each other.

More recently, inspired by that dream, I began researching the Box Hill area. I was born in Box Hill on the kitchen floor of a house in James Street. I wrote about that house in Green Room, well the house opposite actually. But James Street is not far from Hotham Street.

I didn't know about the Box Hill artists camp, which was a movement in the early years of Box Hill. On the city's Wikipedia page there's a painting:


'Down On His Luck' I instantly recognized this painting. It was everywhere when I was a youngen. I also recognized the style belonging to another three panel painting, same artist. This one:

Https:// (painting)

'The Pioneer' I knew the story of The Pioneer as a kid. It fascinated me. Staring at these paintings as a kid I used to imagine fairies in them. Because it looked like a fairy wonderland, the colours and the light are both dreamy and earthy. This is when I started to move away from my hot pink lycra ways and stopped judging people by their clothes.

As a kid I always thought of Tweed as some kind of nature spirit, and he could be. But I treated my research as if he was human. I looked into tweed textiles and, after all these years, matched the tweed. It's Donegal tweed, Irish.

The style of coat/jacket looks similar to this:


But he wore/wears it unbuttoned or halfway buttoned. The colour is beige or fawn, with brown buttons, like this:


His language could be Irish/Gaelic, that would match the tweed style. I don't have any Irish in my family to my knowledge. It's Scottish on my mother's side and English on my father's. But it's possible he's one of the Irish settlers. Or came in with some Irish settlers as a nature spirit, adorning their fashion, as some tend to do.

The nose thing, I looked into WW2 prosthetics, and nothing matched. The closest I can describe is resembling a Casanova mask, or plague mask. Except it doesn't seem to be a mask.

Not long after meeting my stepmum dad moved from Hotham Street. My stepmum, biggest refuter of anything supernatural, HATED the Hotham house. She said it was too dark and depressing and would change the subject. She does that whenever weird stuff is afoot. I think there was magic in that house. The house they moved to was near identical to the Hotham one. It was obviously the same plan with a few tweaks. That always amused me.

We were the last ones to live there. It was demolished in the late 80's or early 90's. Just before it was pulled down we went there. I'd been pestering to visit it for some time. Anyway we went with one of my friends, met dad there, had a bit of a picnic on the old back lawn. It was a great day. My stepmum didn't come lol. Weird everything seemed smaller because I was older. We were going to go inside but looking in the windows someone had left rusty old tools and nails strewn around. The old double doors of the lounge were gone. So were the light shades and a stained glass window taken out. Nice to think there might still be a bit of the old house in use today.

I've been looking at Irish farming pictures and depictions from the late 1800's, early 1900's. The clothing seems to match Tweed's coat. So I'm fairly confident he's either an Irish settler or an Irish wee one who hitched a ride. Whoever or whatever he is I'm glad to know him. He's instilled in me a love of tweed too, obviously.

As always I'm open to a natter, opinions, observations and accusations of insanity are all welcome.

Thanks for reading.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-26)
Thanks Biblio, a quick search online seems like it's not available in Aussie. I'll ask the vet though. I think there's an arthritis cat supplement called Paws here.

Finding McCubbin's connection to Box Hill was a real trip. I always imagined his paintings to be of the hazy start of a day. Except for the last panel of The Pioneer, which I imagined to be afternoon. No idea why!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-26)
Greetings, Tweed.

I wanted to post when I read your narrative last week, but I couldn't think of anything useful to add to the conversation. I, too, admire Frederick McCubbin's Pioneer triptych; the first time I saw it was in a documentary about Australian art. McCubbin's later art shows clear influence from his admiration of Turner.

Anyway, on to my helpful suggestion: Leo may benefit from Dasuquin for cats (available as a chew or a capsule to sprinkle into wet food). See if it is available in Australia; my oldest cat seems to have benefitted from it as she no longer makes grunting noises when she jumps down from furniture.

Good to see you back here.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-25)
Hi Lady Glow thanks, great to see you're still posting here too!

Leo's with me, I live in Australia now. He's been really good, adjusted really quickly. Which was a massive relief for me.
Have moved countries four times in my life but never with an animal. Moving with a pet was a long complicated process I never want to repeat again. Wasn't sure I was doing the right thing. Have some friends in England who were willing to take him. But they have pets and young children. That would have stressed Leo out. Most of all I didn't want him to think I'd abandoned him.
He's just started to show his age, as of this month. Arthritis and signs of kitty dementia showing. Came on pretty sudden, I think a few hot days didn't help. Vet gave him an injection to help the arthritis, he'll likely need more. I introduced some cooked salmon (a safe fish for cats) to his diet for omega 3, which has helped. Blah I love him but pet ownership is so complicated!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-25)
Hi Tweed.

It's so nice to see you around!

Fascinating experience. I agree with the idea of Tweed being a sort of guardian, or observing you for a long time. He definitely cares for you.

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. How is Leo doing?
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-21)
Hello Tweed, That was a long read and worth every word reading.
Thanks for sharing.
KenS80 (1 stories) (45 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-20)
I too was being jovial Tweed about not getting natter and accusations. [smiling]

I appreciate your feedback on the style and presentation of submitting comments.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-20)
Hi Ken, thanks for the compliments. I enjoy any kind of nostalgia. My English grandmother related stories from Birmingham in a way I could smell the city and feel the ground through tattered ill fitting shoes. She was very well spoken and believed the way you hold yourself is the way to get ahead in life. It was a working class thing. I think that's where I get it.
Now when I convey something I want people to feel like they 'know it' too. So it's cool you felt something.
My experiences aren't usually as long as this. Only the ones that span many years. I have to take breaks to from reading lengthy experiences too. It's the best way to digest the information, I think.

The way I signed off was more of a joke, I don't worry about nay sayers. Same with the reference about 'the same pink figure from the police report' (or whatever I said) In reality I don't believe the police took it seriously enough to write anything official, and I don't think anyone else will. But it made me giggle to put 'from the police report' lol.

The site guidelines aren't that ridged. They just want submissions written to the best of our ability and the comments to be understandable. No internet shorthand etc. One of the mods, Miracles, writes her experiences in a diary style, with quotes from her journal. So just be yourself. The paragraph on your original comment was fine. It's lengthy comments/submissions that are one block with zero paragraphs that are a big no no. Sometimes people comment like that and it's really hard to read.

Manafon, That's interesting about the Welsh angle, I'd never considered that. I forgot to mention his height. In the tree I assumed he was adult size, but I may have assumed wrong. In the two pink sightings, especially the one in the yard at my grandmother's, he appeared adult size. Against the wall in my bedroom I'd guess he was 5'6" maybe. But in the dream he was much taller than me, maybe 6 ft.

I'd say the coat is some kind of farming attire. The fabric is very dense, looks heavy and hangs as such. The style of the coat I linked to is similar but the one in the link looks more elaborate. I don't think his has any buckles. Regardless of skin colour a Bwca is a real possibility. I'd imagine there are a lot of variations to what's been documented over the years, given how long it takes to collect information about these things.

When I was a teenager and into my twenties I learned a bit of Welsh. Inspired by some of the music I was into. Had a Welsh dictionary so I could translate Super Furry Animals and Catatonia songs lol.
As an amusing aside about a year ago I randomly got interested in the origins of the Welsh flag. (Wouldn't read too much into that as I often get obsessed with random topics, and that was the latest.) Well I learned about the red dragon. But also, at that time, the good people of Wales had decided their dragon should have his, how shall I put it, manhood. Dragon apparently has his manhood on a few coins thus far. Only in Wales!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-19)
Hi Tweed--The description of this tweed-wearing guy reminded me of a creature described in a book I've mentioned on YGS before, A Field Guide to the Little People, which details regional stories and characteristics (such as they are) of nature spirits and the like. One that shares some similarities to your tweed dude is the Welsh Bwca, or Bwbach. To quote, "The Bwciod are about the size of Brownies (just under two feet). Often invisible, they are very good at hiding and are virtually impossible to find unless they decide to show themselves. They have dark skin and dress in coarse Welsh farmers' clothes. Most have long noses."

The long nose and clothes seem similar, as "coarse Wesh farmers clothes" could include a tweed coat. You stated what you saw has pale skin, and the Bwca have dark skin, but I imagine with most "little people" there will be a lot of variation. This creature is just something to consider. Gotta say that it's very cool this fella pops in from time to time. He seems to appreciate that you enjoy his visitations.
KenS80 (1 stories) (45 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-19)
Well Tweed, this is an exquisite entry. You have described your life's joys, woes and memorable moments in absolute detail. It allowed me to step into your experience and share your feelings somewhat. If that is even possible.

I'm still going through the links you've shared, but I thought I would comment before I get side tracked.

By the way, it literally took me hours on and off in stages to read this entry. It's very well written and expressed so thoroughly I do not believe you will get any of those accusations and natter you are expecting. (+_+)

I thought I should resend my comment with paragraphing, to keep with the style the site requirements.

My apologies webmaster. My previous comment left prematurely and with hast.
KenS80 (1 stories) (45 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-19)
Well Tweed, this is an exquisite entry. You have described your life's joys, woes and memorable moments in absolute detail. It allowed me to step into your experience and share your feelings somewhat. If that is even possible. I'm still going through the links you've shared, but I thought I would comment before I get side tracked. By the way, it literally took me hours on and off in stages to read this entry. It's very well written and expressed so thoroughly I do not believe you will get any of those accusations and natter you are expecting. (+_+)
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-19)
Hi Lost Voyage,

I've always been drawn to Anglo and Norse folklore, so I tend to view things through a fairly ancient prism. Since I sent this to YGS I've been reading up on Irish folklore, because of the tweed style. One possibility is he's a selkie, might explain the long nose and later human form. The selkies have ties to Scottish and Irish folklore. This got me thinking about the Scottish part of my family.

My grandmother, on the Scots side, had a commemorative vase, a family heirloom. It was red glass with gold trimming and a gold depiction of, what she called, 'a cargo ship'. (Her polite way of saying/evading 'pirate ship'.) It showed a ship crashing against rocks and waves. It was a depiction of Bell Rock off the coast of Scotland. There's an historical lighthouse there now. She said the 'cargo ship' was part of the reason for the lighthouse. The vase came from the 1800's, she told me who made it and who commissioned it but I'm borked if I remember that now (I was about 12 or 13). So he may have a connection in that way, trade/raids on Irish ships perhaps. Or part of the settlers and artists movement in Box Hill.

I'm beginning to notice how he's been there in key moments throughout my life. But only with hindsight lol. I agree, he's some kind of guardian.

Hi Rajine, I agree, he showed himself for a reason. Be good to go back and see what I was doing leading up to the first sighting. Might reveal something, or maybe it was just the right time to say 'hi'.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-18)
Hi Tweed

A very fascinating story, I feel that "tweed" revealed himself to you for a reason, sort of a guide or protector.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-18)
Hello Tweed, what a fascinating read about the origin of your screen name. You certainly have a curious nature and a rather deep introspection of yourself and your own nature, even your observations as a child.

I feel this entity you call Tweed is definitely familiar to you. I'm not sure of the extent of your beliefs, but I believe it goes beyond this lifetime. The Irish roots may extend into another life. The Tweed and your curiosity about it as well as other aspects to his appearance seem to be clues left behind as to his origin in your life. Whoever he is, it feels like a companion of sorts, maybe a guardian angel who's assisted you far more than you know.

The amount of research and thought you've given to these experiences is truly impressive! I also believe you are spot on with what he meant when he said 'You're beautiful, I see you'.

Most of all, from your first encounter, the way you described how it changed something in you. From the way you've written of your journey, it seems he has continued to have that affect on you through your life's journey and I suspect will continue to do so. He seems to especially be around during key moments in your life, whether you realize it or not.

Relish the connection, it has served you well, great share!

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